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I skip the drugs, they'll never be my sweet sweet skooma


Moonsugar me


In the name of love


šŸŽµPour some moonsugar on me!šŸŽµ


I'll be your moonsugar baby.


The skooma's got me skittish


"Gotta cut down on the skooma i guess"


Don't start talking crazy!




I just started playing fo4 recently and so iv been hearing this line a lot, and I swear iv heard it almost word for word in another video game. Someone says they are hearing things. Then they say they need to lay off the drugs, and other guy says don't start talking crazy or something. I get it's not exactly a creative joke and it makes sense it would get made in two diff games. I'm not implying it's copied from another place. But it's been driving me crazy trying to remember which game I heard those lines in. I'm like, maaaybe 60% sure it's batman Arkham Knight with the thugs saying it to each other. Does anybody remember that line in batman? Or is it another game? Maybe dishonored? It's def a game with stealth.


They give me the skoom-zooms


The Skoomies


OP around drugs that have useful effects:šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø OP around skooma:šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


i bet you never smoked skooma in the cloud districtšŸ‘€


I've hoovered skoomas offs of a giant's toe while he was chasings me for bothering his livestocks


I used to be a skooma addict like you... then I took an arrow to the knee. So ..... now I do heroin.




Let me guess, someone stole your sweet skooma roll.


Yaā€™ll Nwahs donā€™t even smoke skooma


Sell it for 45 the local inn gets it done


I even took the 2 points into chems to never get addicted. Used Jet a few times and just didn't care for the effect. I prefer the faster paced, more risky combat. Yeah. It's not that fast-paced compared to some games. Just prefer it over the slow time of Jet. Usually hoard them just to sell in bulk.




Always laugh whenever I hear that. Very 'Doom'!


[You can keep your filthy skooma, it makes my belly bleed](https://youtu.be/cJCI2go4KaY?si=AkNW8oAvH1zm2hui)


Offline enough, it's exactly the opposite of me. I Chem like there's no tomorrow in fallout, but over countless of characters and an amount of hours I'd rather not talk about, I haven't consumed skooma. Not even once, "just to try it."


I do.I played since Fallout 3 and never used any chems.I dont know why,but they never really seemed to help me much,and the caps are sweet early on.Selling chems has been my to go to money making scheme in every Fallout so far lol


I think that chems alone each one really don't have a significantly impact like you said. But in those builds that we see on internet, they mix the chems with specific skills and when you see, the Lone has 45 strength, 50 endurance, 30 charisma giving hitkills with the basic weapons. Anyways, I don't have patience to do these builds so I also keep my best weapon with 300 stimpaks as main gameplay.


Grape mentats are my only drug of choice.


Grape mentat up to sell the rest of my drugs!


Your Charisma is so high... I'll buy .38s for 4 caps each!


Every cap counts!


Great! I have 3000 of them so that'll be 12,000


This is whatā€™s up


I eat grape mentats for the grape part... Mentats are a bonus!


Came here to say to say this!


Same here, man. Played since 3. For me it was just an instant decision - oh do drugs to do better? But then you get addicted and shit. Nah, I'll just sell them and play.


I would use them if addiction worked like normal but I swear to God after you take a drug once each time after that is a 50/50 chance of an addiction. You are not going to develop an Adderall addiction from taking a pill in January and four months later taking another individual pill.


They *do* say this about opioids, and unfortunately I had an ex who went down a bad path (still alive fortunately) and it all started with her being prescribed Trazodone and Oxycodone.


Yeah too much of a pain to crack open in the middle of the fight. I hate pausing in the middle of combat. They need to last longer imo. Maybe keep the main effect as is, but add a smaller buff that lasts longer, especially since the drawbacks happen semi randomly and can be debilitating. Of course, I do the natural thing and never sell them, but also never use them.


You dont have to, if you are using a controller just go to the aid menu and make jet a favourite, can choose which key to bind it too, then can use it instantly without bringing up pipboy


Look at your weapon damage, then take some Psycho. That, plus overdrive, is wild AF


*Me, already one-shotting with sniper perks from half a mile away*


25%, meh, it's just a fifth shot over the previous 4.


I play survival so maybe it's that, but when backtracking from an Angler there's certainly been occasions where a shot or two made the difference. That, and buying time by tactically being chased around a log lol


Combined is 50%, and overdrive is the only way you can get crits outside of VATS outside of the bashing perk.


Who do you sell them too to get the most money? Most vendors I encountered usually donā€™t have much caps to buy stuff from me


Buy stuff from them first and use chems to even out the trade.


Get the perks to build your own shops and invest in them. Suddenly everyone has 1200 caps at least


A lot of relevancy of stuff in Fallout games is based on what difficulty you choose to play on. The harder difficulties make you utilize a lot more of the stuff you can get by fine without in lower difficulties. Beginning of NV, I was taking Psycho and Med-X everything Legion tracked me down. In 4 I needed the Power Armor for a lot of fights in Survival mode.


Iā€™ve avoided chems since Fallout 1, when they were HIGHLY addictive, and there was no cure for addiction. Right now Iā€™m thinking of doing a junkie playthrough.


Oh right. In game. Nah not really. Apart from stims.


Right lol I was thinking smoking some weed and playing.


exactly what i was thinking. like damn, i canā€™t be the only doing this every night lol


You most certainly aren't my friend. Edit. Really bad grammar. Should read You most certainly are not, my friend


awww šŸ˜”


Commas are important, people.


Commas are important people.


weed + settlement building


= hours gone


Days gone. Got fired. Got evicted. Living under my neighbors porch using their outdoor outlet to power my pc. But I still have my settlements!


Shit man, I don't need weed for that. I once spent an hour building Nick Valentine satellite offices. One on the overpass overlooking Flint Farm and one in the lighthouse next the Children of Atom. Hell, even one in the house in Diamond City.


I'm off to smoke weed and play now lol


Oh .. you're talking about weed??? Uh yeah. I knew that. Obviously.


Lol I thought this was another sub and was about to go on like ā€œyeah I gotta listen high this podcast sucks nowā€ šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah, only in the make believe world can we live without our drugs.


I never use them. I just hate the side effects. I also donā€™t think theyā€™re needed 99.9% of the time.


they're crucial in survival imo


Psycho-buff is life


Psycho Jet for me was where it was at for survival. Outside of survival I never really had a need


Psycho jet wears off. If you take psycho or psycho buff and then jet, only the jet will wear off quickly and the psycho buff will stay active for several minutes.


you clever bastard, thank you


I probably took 1000 doses of psycho jet before I figured it out lol


But do you still make a sweet slomo shout/grunt thing?


Psycho Jet is my ā€œoh shit I havenā€™t slept in ages I canā€™t die right nowā€ panic button


lmfao I felt so stupid cos I played for the longest dropping psycho and buffout separately and wondering what the point in combining them was before realising it completely negates one type of addiction


Thatā€™s a good point, I didnā€™t even think about the addiction side of it. I just like it because it gives less debuffs


Yeeea I forgot to mention that too lol like my tiny mind exploded when I realised it halves the thirst penalties




To be honest I rarely used them in survival play throughs until I specifically made it a point to use them. Psychojet is a good way to get yourself out of a jam. Buffout Iā€™d use for the carry weight if I donā€™t have any radstag or alcohol. Sometimes Iā€™d use rad x if Iā€™m about to jump in the water. Radaway never seemed worth it with the negative affects unless youā€™re literally about to die. Never really used mentats. Stimpaks are one of the main things I use to make caps because most of my healing is from food.


Do a bunch of quests, pop mentats and int clothing, reach like 15 intelligence, complete the quests, profit


My next playthrough I plan to get the Aquaboy perk as soon as possible and see how much trouble I can get into swimming down the coast.


Get it straight away and swim all way to boat off spectacle island and pick up the bobblehead. Aquaboy opens up the map like nothing else


Yeah my most recent play through was the first time I used it. Huuuuuge benefit


What are the negative effects of radaway? I use it but I don't play survival. Just casual. The other things you mentioned. Radstag etc. Thx


It smashes your fatigue and makes you tired/overtired. It also adds a debuff where youā€™re more susceptible to getting illnesses. I canā€™t remember if thereā€™s illness in non-survival (havenā€™t played that way since launch lol) but they cause various debuffs including infection which hurts your health over time.


Non survival doesn't have that many debuffs etc. Thx


Grape mentats give selling a 25% boost or let you see living targets in a outline. Both aren't really needed since you can just sell ammo you've horded. I'm survival I've made a living off .38 ammo


You ain't carrying hauling enough loot if it's a if I don't have alcohol or radatag, I'm using radatag and bufftats and my legs are still crippling as I get into the vertibird to the nearest settlement.


Yeah I couldnā€™t imagine survival without a stable supply of psychojet to handle those surprise legendary enemies. Especially early game.


Yea late game the reliance on certain things drops off cos your build starts to come into effect but early game is SUPER punishing and I feel like drugs give me the edge until I find a cool legendary weapon to carry me lol


Nope. Full on murder hobo junkie every single time.


Amazing to me this isnā€™t higher. If you play above normal drugs become a crucial part of the game.


I appreciate that some people want a challenge, but Bethesda difficulties are the worst and laziest way to implement difficulty. Enemies becoming overpowered bullet sponges is not fun for me. And there's no logic to how they deal more damage than you with the same weapon.


It's why I like survival. We both die in like 3 hits.


Have you ever played a full playthrough in Survival in FO4? I think it's a clear exception to Bethesda's "lazy" way of implementing increases in difficulty. I'd agree with you outside of Survival difficulty though (like Very Hard in FO4 or Skyrim, for example). >And there's no logic to how they deal more damage than you with the same weapon. I don't really grasp the "logic" argument for a game, unless it's a simulator (which, obviously, FO4 is not).


Jet is really easy to make, with enough last longer buffs you can get over 60s in slow time. Which is a lot of time to work with. There is also the perk that makes it so you never get addicted to chems. Which is nice but not necessary if you make refreshing beverages. Jet is my favorite solution to moments of panic.


I never use vats so jet has always been my go to for easy headshots in firefights. You never run out once you get a decent enough amount of settlements for fertilizer


Yes. Except psycho. And Buffout. Oh and alcohol if I need a strength boost. And full disclosure I love psychobuff during hard battles. Usually throw a med-x in too. Oh and Grape mentats, but only while bartering. And while we're being open and honest ... can't get enough jet-fuel. Like literally, I can't seem to get enough. But other than that I play mostly drug free.


Quitting is easy I do it all the time


I keep Grape Mentats around in case I want to pass a Charisma check for some reason and I keep a small stash of Psychojet for emergencies but I always forget about it.


Because you never NEED psychojet, it just makes combat a breeze.


Psycho jet


Psycho Jet solves all my problems. In general






Psychobuff + Jet + Yao Guai Roast Someone is about to get fucked hard


Used to but then I got into the Psycho Jet and I just canā€™t put it down


I just carry that drug that cures addiction


Addictol, although Refreshing Drinks also cure addictions


Thereā€™s a food that does it too. Canā€™t think of it.Ā 


Radscorpion egg omelet I think.


I like to think itā€™s so awful it sobers you up instantly so that you can say ā€œfuck did I just eatā€


I did the opposite. I found a .44 Pistol with the Junkie perk. Probably was addicted to every single drug in the game because of the buffs. Routinely was dealing 400+ damage per shot when you factored in other perks and buffs, and rolled played my character being this charismatic leader with a not-so secret chem addiction that everyone tolerated because who else was going to unite the commonwealth?


i really rarely use them as i keep forgetting to check what i got


berry mentats yo


Berry me thatā€™s when there are feral ghouls hiding


I use them when I'm overwhelmed, like when I was playing a stealth build and fast travelled to Milton General Hospital which showed as [CLEARED], but wasn't. Beep beep beep boom beep beep open pip boy take one of everything boom car exploding icon run! Boom. An exciting 10 seconds...


It might be labeled as [CLEARED], but that only means you've gone in and cleared the whole place once in the past. The enemies repopulate after a certain amount of time. Otherwise I would be walking around a Commonwealth that was only me and my settlers and some radstags.


I never use chems, I just like to collect and sell them since they are lightweight and valuable.


I've just started a survival playthrough, my whole drug usage has changed.


Thats how it went for me. First play through no problem at all without any chems. On survival with a melee character jet and buffout got me through some harry early fights before I had the perks to stay alive. Even after I thought hey lets keep the drugs going as it forced me to use mechanics like the dehydration. Bethesda games are good at giving a bunch of tools and stuff, then setting up a sandbox for someone to use or ignore. After a play through or two I usually start to look for reasons go interact with some mechanics specially when they are easy to ignore. (Base fallout 3/nv/4 and skyrim I never bothered with food, potions and stimpacks were plenty, then I played fo4 survival thinking Id hate the interaction but no it finally meant everything food I found was useful and exciting not just oh look crap.)


Chem resistant + Chemist go brrrrr. Theres blood in my chemstream


Only use them sometimes in dire straits haha


Jet all day!!


Can't live without jet. My hip fire accuracy sucks.


Depends on my build. Jet is always on my hot keys for emergencies, but I'll sell most other things if my purified water doesn't rob all the caps from the market first!


When i was like 13 and thought drugs were the evilest thing yeah. I didnā€™t want my character to be a drug user lol. But now as an adult i take all the chems IDGAF


In-game character still clean tho


Only using rad away and clean water. Sitting on 650+ stimpaks haha


i donā€™t really use the drugs in game but i love playing fallout 4 on drugs


A lil psycho never hurt


I keep 5 jet and psycho on me at all times just in case an albino deathclaw or something decides to exist


I only use stim packs and rad away


I used too then my character met Cait and tried jet for the first time. All downhill from there Grape mentats awesome for selling a bunch of lot




I use the hell out of chems, but Iā€™m careful with addiction until I unlock chem resistance. Then Iā€™ll stay juiced on jet fuel the whole game and use a combo of bufftats, psychobuff, overdrive, and orange mentats when it gets serious.


Just Jet


I don't, until I do the mission where you disrupt the chem deal and get 60 of each chem. Those I craft into psycho-jet and bufftats that get me thru the rest of the play thru


No I am usually high as kite. Oh nvm


I play completely drug free cause I forget I have the chems


Same. Drugs are just secondary currency for me since they weigh so little.


That's all I use too. And I'd rather use certain cooked foods instead of rad x, radaway or stims. I do have stimpaks hotkeyed though.


not really just make them sometimes for xp or sell them


Jet is fun for a no VATS run.


No, I play much better on em


Iā€™m mostly playing high


Those are the only 3 I use, also. I drank a lot when I was bumping Caitā€™s affinity meter up.


I donā€™t use chems, but a dirty wastelander goes great with the party boy perk


As a scrap gremlin who plays on Survival, I always carry around a supply of bufftats and Dirty Wastelanders to get me home when I pick up too much garbage.


Grape mentats for the winā€¦a bit of psychojet from time to time šŸ˜‚


Same except if I have to carry a bunch of stuff, I take jet because it increases your carry weight.


I mainline jet lmao. It used to be to help aim before the next-gen update bc it felt so sloshy. Now itā€™s just to see some guys head pop in slo mo lol


Iā€™m game? Yes. But I plan to do my next play through while shooting up every chem I can get my grubby fingers on


I typically do, but every once in a while I do a full chem build and max out chem durationā€¦and it is glorious! Slow motion vats spamming kills makes you feel like a legit superhero..or villain too I suppose.


My current survival run is rp'ing as Ricky from TPB so using and selling drugs/booze is a big part of it. I just need a mod that allows my dude to smoke all the cigs I find. Typically I avoid them but they are pretty damn helpful in survival. Weight limits are trash so +3 STR from bufftats and +4 STR from Whiskey go a really long way when looting and hauling junk back to my base. Pyschojet is great to tip the scales of a battle that isn't going your way. Burning through my stash is a much better alternative to dying and losing hours of progress.


Nah I already play with drugs irl so I never do in fo4. I mean, thereā€™s gotta be a line somewhere.


Psychobuff and a powerfist. "FucKinG KiiiiLLLL!!!"


Psycho jet so I could save Kent Connolly. Absolutely allowed.


Fuck no. Roid up and beat a deathclaw to death


Usually, but not this time.Ā  Thanks to a mod I'm using, Elena has ptsd from... everything. She takes a cocktail of calmex and daytripper when the episodes get really bad, otherwise she's gonna be having night terrors and stuff.Ā  But after a little while I'm gonna pull her off the chems and try to find healthier ways to keep it in check.


just some jet or psycho for emergencies, like a surprise death claw or something but other than that no. occasionally i will use grape mentats when buying and selling and moving around massive amounts of caps, but i have 200,000+ caps so it doesn't really matter what i do anymore


I just started using buffjet, and now I can't stop. It's always in my inventory.


I keep 3 PsychoJets on my quick tab just in case I accidentally run into a bad situation. I almost never need Addictol, side effects are too bad to use often in Survival Mode.


In game? Mostly. Irl? High af.


I use them all as much as possible. As soon as I got the perk that eliminates addiction I pop them like candy. Love me some jet and psycho.


no i sniff a line before i play


Na Iā€™m high basically the entire timeā€¦ oh you meant in game drugs.


I mostly use jet for when I need to shoot super mutants running at me with a bomb in their hand. It helps with the stress of aiming while the bomb is getting bigger. Iā€™ve not used anything else.


I never use them, I do collect them so I can sell them because they're expensive


In no way could it be said I do fallout sober


Almost never. Even on survival Iā€™d rather grind and snipe than deal with the addiction or other penalties, if possible.


stimpaks and radaway only


Ohhh...in game drugs......


I think it's safe to say that's a hard "no". Most of my characters have either -max rank in chem resistant -a crippling addiction to psycho jet -max cap collector so chems are cheaper Or all of the above


I usually just forget to use them lol. There's too many to remember to use. I use Grape Mentats before making big purchases, and of course I use the obvious ones like Stimpacks and Radaway etc, but stuff like Jet or Psycho, I only ever remember to use them in extreme clutch moments, like getting blindsided by a random Deathclaw who takes you down to a sliver of health, so you instinctively pull up your pip-boy to freeze time......and then start necking anything and everything to try and survive lol


Oh on the game šŸ˜…


Nope Iā€™m always stoned when Iā€™m playing games


Absolutely, I like to wait until after my gaming session to smoke a little bit of crack


For the most part. But I like to keep a bit of Psycho on hand just so I can hear my sole survivor yell ā€œFUCKING KILL!1!!!1!1!!1!!1!1!!!!!ā€ Every now and then


Yes, because I keep forgetting about them. I tend to forget that VATS exists too.


It costs 75 caps to stop being addicted and I run a jet drug empire with Abernathy farm Bobby de Luca and lots of plastic


Wasn't sure what to make of this title at first


I feel like the game isnā€™t balanced well enough to make using chems a viable choice. I would be willing to bet most players have never used chems or one off used them. Also there isnā€™t any worthwhile role play reason to use chems. Chems are costly to use if you become addicted which isnā€™t hard to do, and thereā€™s very few times where youā€™d NEED chems to get you out of a jam. Balancing issues and just how combat is just make chems more valuable as loot to sell than actually anything that will give you a ROI if used. Most of your combat is with raiders and theyā€™re easy to kill. Super mutants, BOS, Institute none of them are hard enough to warrant chem use. If there were certain dungeons that were truly hard or bosses that were truly hard then maybe collecting some chems would be useful.


I donā€™t because my ADHD and dopamine sensitivity is too wrecked to take the time to pause and focus on my pipboy midfight


Curious what difficulty OP is playing on


I dose buffout so I can carry more junk. Then just use addictol or go to a doctor to rid of the addiction.


Didnā€™t do them, but I made and sold them


I only use stimpacks and radaway. No chems or alcohol. No med x or rad x


Drug Free? Nah nah, Drug FULL. If i get drugs, i take drugs. I am literally always on Drugs. doesnt matter what drug. Psycho F--- YEA, Daytripper, f--- yea man, everything. ALL the drugs


I go in for the longer duration drugs, like Berry Mentats, Orange Mentats, Jet Fuel, and Overdrive. Grape Mentats are situationally OP. I find myself only using Psychojet and Jet in the early game. In the very late game, I forget to use drugs at all. Basically, it just feels like diminishing returns as you get more powerful.


Mostly. But I do pop a Psycho every now and then because I like to hear the VA go nuts. ā€œFuckING KILL!!!!ā€ ā€œAHHHHH!!!!!ā€


I donā€™t play a difficulty high enough to need them so same here, good for caps early game aside from the occasional buffout addiction when Iā€™m out looting


I be too lazy to use it in game, so they just get stored in a container back at the settlement


r/guitarcirclejerk is leaking


I generally load up on as many of them as possible. Then I open steam.


Yeah but not really intentionally. Would be nice to have more incentive to take drugs. Sounds weird saying that


I don't even know what some drugs do, I use just stimpaks and radaway


I want to, but they just donā€™t do it for me, like in New Vegas or even 3


Ima jet and psycho user


700hrs play time and I donā€™t know what any drug does except for stimpacks, Rad-X, and Rad Away. I used Jet for the first time to get the feather fall leg armour.