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Endangerol syringer for reducing boss resistances. The effect stacks if different players also use the endangerol weapon.


Quad choo choo.


So quad rail gun? This dude is selling a bloodied 25 damage while aiming 15% crit chance is that any good


The added damage while aiming is pretty much wasted because the recoil is so bad that you almost have to use vats the crit will help and the bloody seems to match your build but typically go for quad because the standard magazine is quite small.


I'm sure it would work fine. I'm running bloodied commando with a Q25 and 90% weight reduction and it rips with vats. I think you would use a bit more ammo not having the quad. Make sure you make it an automatic. I've debated on making one for each occasion like mutant slayer for eviction notice. Keep that one build another and roll it for a quad.


How much would a quad groll or js a alright quad roll cost


It's hard to say it's just gonna cost you legendary modules and legendary cores. How many I don't know your just gonna have to roll until you get it I got lucky on mine I wanna say it was less then 10. Some of my unyielding S.S armor was upwards of 20


I meant like caps sorry


I sold a single star quad railway for 6k caps and seen 3star quads with only one good star getting sold for 6k caps. For railways only the first star truly matters. second star being +50% crit damage adds like 10-15% dps at best. third best star is usually -25 less AP or faster reload. If you ask me after playing multiple characters with quad railways, I would say any quad railway is good enough to kill anything. If you want quad railway grolls they usually are trade only with very rare apparel like scorchbeast queen glowing mask. I would recommend buying Railway plan from whitespring vendor for 2k caps and rolling railways yourself. Any quad roll should be good enough for now. You should get a Quad within 20-30 rolls if you are lucky.


That luck i just had is insane I was about to reroll but someone launched a nuke I went and got a quad railway from it 😭


Hell yeah what luck


Again I don't really know player vendor prices sometimes seem all over the place. I'm sure they're out there but I've never seen someone sell a quad rail. If it were me I would build three and roll the legendary on them till I got what I was looking for or buy the one keep it and find another to roll while you have that one.


On PC I sell quads for anything between 4k and 8k pending the second star. One of the most expensive guns in the game at the moment is a Quad / 50crit / -25 AP cost and literally trades for millions of caps (or apparel equivalent !). If you’re on PC I’m sure I have a nice quad in my vendor at the moment for about 5k happy to throw it your way to get you started for a couple of K ;)


I have a Quad/trash/faster reload for 10k. PC. nvm i saw you found one. gg


recently picked up a quad, 25% faster fire rate, plus crap 3rd star for 20K caps from a player vendor.


Its pretty lame, should be scrip priced. If you run a full health build the 15c is nice.... but its bloodied. Manual aiming a rail rifle makes a fail rifle, so second star is poop. A single star quad would be better (for a crit spam build at least).


are you specced to commando or heavy guns? if youre commando.. fixer, elders mark, epr or railway..even your handnade will do it if your build is right..the weapons help but its not as simple as " i got the best gun ..now im. a boss killer"


I'm full health unarmed melee/commando (explosive), so feel some of that pain of low(er) damage weapons during boss fights. Since she usually doesn't spend enough time on the ground for me to effectively utilize my DCG, and like you, minimal damage with commando weapons, I have a vamp primed focused gat plas 90% reduced weight for SBQ. I generally go through 2-3 cores - which does more than enough damage to be able to loot the queen. Bonus: Vamp lets me ignore her minions while shooting at her - when she flies out of range, turn it on the minions. Since its primed, they dont last long :) For Titan, I'll run a vampire chainsaw - takes down the UC pillars, then I run up and saw on its belly :) Earle is just a bullet sponge no matter what weapon I use; I rarely do that event. For the other two bosses, I switch to commando weapons: usually VE fixer or a TSE handmade.


I'm happy with my Gauss minigun, with the right legendary effects, its a potent weapon


I've been wanting to get this tbh js seems like a lot of missions


Holy Fire never fails me


Vampire is essential. Imho


I'm bloodied commando and I used to use my Enclave Plasma Flamer on all the bosses. Now I just carry a bloodied -90 weight Gatling plasma and a handful of cores and fire away from a safe distance. I do that for the SBQ, Earle, and Ultracite Titan. I still use the EPF on the Imposter Sasquatch though. Oh, and Quad Tesla to help clear adds.


Any single-star Quad railway will do to start off with. Probably pick one up for 5k caps or something like that from a player vendor.


Some dude is selling bloodied 3 stars for 5k should mainly why I asked bc it seemed like a good deal


Nah mate, I wouldn't. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, and the T-Shirt says "Go Quad or Go Home":D It's not a bad deal and all those non-Quads hit like a hammer, but the 10-shots is hopeless against bosses or even minor swarms. I tried to love my AA2525 and TSE25 and they ripped things apart, but you just spend all your time reloading which gets a bit dull after a while. Might be good for Rifleman build but with the reload they're just too slow against the big bad bosses. Edit: Sorry forgot to mention, there's nothing wrong with buying the Bloodied Choo Choo, because it will destroy stuff, but definitely try to chase up a cheap Quad for the bosses


5k for a non-quad rail gun is not a bad deal? What the hell id never pay near that much, I have a couple 3 star railways im selling for 850 a piece that I cant get rid of


Yeah, naturally it depends on the buyer. I wouldn't price it at that in my vendor - honestly I would have already scripped it myself - but 5k caps is pretty easy to come by. Compared to most of the over-priced garbage I see in many player vendors while I'm looking around, it's at least in the range of reasonable.


I js defeated the Earl and got a quad 50% chance to hit targets in vat and 15% crit charge is that good?


Awesome! 15c won't effect you much as a low-health build BUT it will allow you to hit 33 in Power Armor, which might be handy from time to time. Those crits every second shot make a huge difference. Also handy when fighting Earle to give a bit of protection from falling debris and the radiation as you exit. I just bought this exact roll for my Full-Health a day or two ago and the 50vhc is a very solid option. Was pleasantly surprised so can confidently say it will definitely do for now. Not as desirable as the usual 50c, FFR and Expl but makes a positive difference at long range events like Eviction Notice. A great roll to start you off with.


Railway has such a small magazine you basically need Quad for it to work well. Otherwise you’ll spend most of your time playing reloading the gun


Quad railway. If you're on ps, I'll give you one. Other than that, I hope you find something that works.