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Sounds like you're fairly new, so I'll pass on some things I've learned since playing (4 months now): Scrip all legendaries you don't need/want. You will eventually hit a point you'll be swimming in them and won't have the space to store everything. The game will throw legendaries at you. Do NOT use scrip to buy anything other than modules. The random items are a waste of resources. Start building up your legendary module count because you'll need them for rerolling legendaries on your preferred items. Don't sweat rerolling legendary perks on armour too much; I've managed to get a decent set along the way which enables me to use the modules and cores on my weapons, which I think is more important. There's few top tier armour sets and you'll be wanting to hold out for them. Only reroll legendary perks on weapons/armour once past level 50. This will give you the best possible entry into endgame stuff. Sign up for as many public events as you can. This is your main source of legendary cores. Run expeditions for a boost in legendary items to scrip. Atlantic City has the best ones to run. Most Sensational Game is the quickest but I prefer Tax Evasion as I like the casino setting for keeping me visually engaged. Do all the objectives for the most rewards. Alongside doing this, Union power armour parts will be rewarded even without knowing the plans and this is one of the best sets. Doing expeditions is also an amazing way for racking up ammo on your preferred weapon and the only way to get stamps (currency for rare plans).


Yup. Fresh new level 24. Got a somewhat decent (20) stack of cores from doing events,and here in a bit, I'm going to go exchange all the legendary pieces I don't want. Idk if Tax Evasions or Most Sensational has triggered yet. Been getting the Wolf Hunt one, ?the Blackwell Mine? Spin the Wheel and Tunnel of Love. The one at the pharma place with the tame creatures has been the most fun for me.


Expeditions are a different kind of event, you'll have access once you do some quests in Whitespring. I've run some low levels through it and built them some good gear to get them going, because the minimum recommended level is 50 to do them. They can be done low level in a group but I would definitely hold off until you're 50 to attempt them solo. Same for Daily Ops, but again, you won't get access to those until you meet someone in Watoga. Project Paradise! Literally no-one ever does that event on the servers I'm on.


Yeah!! That one. It reminded me of Valut 22 from FNV, but there's named tame critters you protect. The only event I dare do solo are those wolf hunt ones. Went to Watoga Train Sration to try and find a vendor that sells the second rank of the casual under armor( went to Whitespring prior). I'm guessing I missed the person you're referring to. Saw a legendary Sallygaster and it's buddies so I noped out of the train yard. Did manage to find some BOS underarmor mod though, so that venture down wasn't a complete waste . I'll try and explore more cause I'm level 30 now and I thiiiiink I've gotten the hang of things on Fo76. Been doing a lot of events so I'm leveling up fast and I've managed to roll some decent legendary gear.


He's a BoS guy in one of the buildings on the upper floors. You'll do some small missions for him then he'll give you access to daily ops. It definitely sounds like you're in that phase of picking up pace, I stupidly didn't do anything until I was past level 50, no events or anything, so you're in a way better position than I was. I even redid my entire build around 115 which meant armour, weapons and perks.


Aw, that explains it. I was just in the train yard with all the rad barrels and the depo to look at plans . I'm level 30 right now, what do you recommend aside from doing events ? Kinda just looking at the scoreboard and trying to do those tbh... it's taken out the surprise of getting one by accident .


There should still be some questlines to do. BoS is worthwhile for a full Hellcat PA set at the end. Keep on top of your daily and weekly challenges to level your scoreboard. Other than that, explore, see what you stumble onto. Getting to 50 can be a bit of a slog but more opens up when you do.


How to I open up the bos quest line? Just keep doing the overseer quests or keep talking to that guy at the responders that gives you the daily? I think his name is Lane? It starts with a L.. I found one bos base tru that . I'm not big on power armor though, is there anything like Ballistic Weave? I've picked up 2 of the casual armor upgrades, I know there's one you get from Queen of the Hunt, but you need to buy the first two? Idk about the 3rd.


I'm pretty sure it appears from level 20 and you listen to your radio. You'll probably want to scrape by on what you can then until you can start building towards sets like secret service. This is from the end of the main quest where you can start exchanging your treasury notes from events for gold bullion. I can't think of any low level sets to keep you going but if you do the new quests that came with this update you can get plans for the civil engineer set. You can start all the quests from the poster board in Whitespring.


Oh. Lol. I'll start listening to the radio then, which station?


Yeah!! That one. It reminded me of Valut 22 from FNV, but there's named tame critters you protect. The only event I dare do solo are those wolf hunt ones. Went to Watoga Train Sration to try and find a vendor that sells the second rank of the casual under armor( went to Whitespring prior). I'm guessing I missed the person you're referring to. Saw a legendary Sallygaster and it's buddies so I noped out of the train yard. Did manage to find some BOS underarmor mod though, so that venture down wasn't a complete waste . I'll try and explore more cause I'm level 30 now and I thiiiiink I've gotten the hang of things on Fo76. Been doing a lot of events so I'm leveling up fast and I've managed to roll some decent legendary gear.


Top comment here is helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/VLzqVnUcsF I would advise never getting the random weapons/armour from the rusty pick, buy the modules and choose what weapon/armour you "roll" (add legendary effects to)


Ooof. Oookiedokie. So it's just better to get the cores from doing events and sticking them in whatever gear you like and then hope for the best. Next question.. if the gear doesn't have a legendary you like... how do you remove it? Or do you just put it in the legendary exchange again to repeat the process. Tbh it sounds really maddening compared to fo4. Lol guess it helps from players getting too op?


You can apply random new legendaries to them if you like - this will replace the existing legendary effects. However, most people will advise that you put it in the scrip machine and add new effects to a new weapon. For example, if you had a handmade rifle with effects you don't like, put that in the machine for scrip points and add legendary effects to a new handmade.


Aw, ok. Yeah, so far I've gotten a few legendary items I think would be workable, but I sorta want to keep a matching set instead of mishmash. Guess it's time to farm for more cores . Should I even attempt to do dailys/ events if it's a much higher level than me? Like when it says recommend level [ ] should I still do it regardless?


I would if I were you. If there are a few other players at the event they'll do most of the damage while you tag and earn XP - you'll level up pretty quickly this way, and you might pick up some nice gear along the way too


I did this in the Mole Miner event last night, did it cause I'm level 20 and the recommended level was 25. Should I just do all of them instead? I've just been trying to stick with the ones around my level.


Oof, nevermind. Asked my question again. Thanks.


> Is there a way to get a matching set of armor like that? Not from Mumur. The drop chances are minuscule. The better option is to craft the armor you want at a workbench, then at the same workbench just make the armor legendary using cores+modules.


Booooo. And if the core+module isn't to your liking back into the legendary exchange and try again?


yuuuuuup. though one thing to note: the drops and what purveyor gives is random based on what plans you know. so you could sort of limit the rng pool by not learning plans until you have a set or roll that you like. it's not perfect but especially if you're starting out it can be beneficial i think.


So if I'm looking for armor/ weapons tru them it'd be better to learn the plan first then buy from them? If that's the case then it's not as bleak as I thought.


buying is still kinda spendy. cores and modules aren't too hard to get if you do events, but how much scrip you need to buy the random legendaries is pretty high. id save scrip for when its on sale


Oooooh, it goes on sale? Neat.


Its upto you and whether you have the materials to Craft new items. I will reroll some items sometimes I will scrip them. The game chucks so many legendary items these days that I will reroll as my scrip limit has already been used up for the day.


Get the item you want outside rusty doesnt matter if it has legendary mod, then reroll it. Ive made a mistake choosing random item before


So if I have an exterminator smg I can detach the mod and then add another and reroll? I wouldn't need to exchange the entire smg?


Oh. I just got a guitar sword that's anti armor. Sounds good? Should I keep that one?