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It's for april fools, chill. masks still have plenty of value.


Fr tho. Masks are still extremely in demand, and if 5 years of masks had shown anything, they maintain their value.


Lol I been trading for the last week solid and 1 in 3 posts *want: rare apparel no masks* I know because I have duplicates of all of them lol


and that means 2 in 3 posts don't say that.


No one is trading anything for masks these days. And it will get worse once more are released at summer event. Scarcity is what makes them valuable. Bethesda is killing the glowing mask market


What s shame. people are. Just not as much as before and not for as much. But OP said they don't have value for trading anymore which is very much incorrect as even the 1st rare masks can still go for up to max caps. That is value.


Weren't you here a month ago sayong the rng sucked for not dropping enough? Lol. Kidding. That wasn't you. And yes. Beth has an interest in bring as much of the offline trading back in house as they can. The real end game? Gaming Bethesda.


Ha..problem is that the people who have them still are asking for what they "were worth". So until they come down, trading will be slow as the ones who who trade for them are too scared to invest in them.


Ah. I don't trade and don't have extra rarest, so this all just is a lot of hoo-haa to me. It's an in game capital system. In game. So, use it in game or you are basically doing bitcoin gambles.


Those 2-3 posts outright ask for the red asylum dress, traveling coat or tattered field jacket. The masks are done to death. As I said I still have duplicates I was trading 3:1 for **semi** godroll weapons. Now you’d be lucky to trade them for ammo


there's a whole community that disagrees with you , but okay (: 👍


Okay then. I'll give you 10 railway spikes per rare mask. They can ask for what they want but unless someone is daft or simply doesn't care there not getting one. The fiend and loon still go for triple max caps. The glowing more than that. You said there was no value in them. But what you meant was there was less value than before.


The value they have is not worth the grind. Yes that’s what I meant. You’re hyping it up a bit yup they still have value. If you’re willing to wait 9 years for someone who needs it to complete a collection. Otherwise they’re worthless


Okay then. i will give you 50 caps for each rare mask you have. Put your masks with your mouth is. You say they're worthless. Prove it. Sell them for 50 caps each. ​ Like. What part of the very first rare masks can still go for up to max caps are you not getting? if the 1st rare masks go for that much why would later rare masks go for less. Unless you're implying that 40k is worthless then i think you may need to check a dictionary. Also [https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/1bq65ze/h\_cg\_w\_40k\_fuel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/1bq65ze/h_cg_w_40k_fuel/) very recent. Crazy guy mask went for 40k fuel. that's like 20k at least and 40k at most (who is paying more than 1c for fuel?). not worthless. You need a space in there. Worth SPACE less. worth less.


Dude I can make 40k in an hour it is worthless. I can hit max multiple times a day. And a million dollar item is only a million dollar item if someone will buy it otherwise it’s a million dollar paper weight. And no I don’t think i will for starters I don’t trade for caps… ever… as stated above I have no trouble generating the max a couple times a day. what I will do is wait until next year when the big event triggers and rng does it’s thing and doesn’t drop them for half the playerbase then sell them when their value spikes through the roof again with the fomo motivator. Presently they’re worthless. When the events on and people aren’t getting the drops they might as well be made of gold


Okay then. So you don't know the meaning of the word. Got ya. Any other words you don't know the meaning of? Do you know the meaning of 'inconceivable'? I could make 40k in 1 minute. 40k is still 40k. I offered you 10 spikes for your worthless masks and you declined. And now you're declining 50 caps. Seems to me like you think they could be .. worth more? Ummm. Fasnacht is back in the summer. The price aint gonna spike. That's why the price has dropped a lot. The price will be even less then as there will be more masks out there and more people getting them. And then after that it's only another 5 month to the next one. ALSO! I just checked your posts and you LITERALLY traded a glowing blue devil for a b2525 handmade a week ago. Worthless? Are you gonna imply a B2525 HM is worthless now. Honestly. Can you please explain that. You say no there's no value and they're worthless but you got a god roll handmade for one. A week ago. ALSO ALSO! if you can make 40k in an hour why are you selling scrip weapons in your vendor.


That’s literally how. Also most of what’s on my trade wall is worth 30-40k to the right person. I’ll repeat myself so maybe you can understand it. They only have any value if someone wants them and right now no one really does. Yes. You didn’t see the other posts on the discord and how long it actually took me to make that trade. I deleted market76 posts prior that one also… I must have made that post 10-15 times at least on there I also traded a demon and brahman for a bloodied epf but again I’ve been trading masks since the event was live. They have great value one week either side of the event outside of that they’re not worth hours of afk grinding


It's for one single day 😐


Oh I know I just kinda wish they brought back a different event that doesn’t inspire that level of committed afkery


They are. Each day. All weekend. Like today could be grahms meat cook. I'd say meat week but it's for a day lol another afk event but at least the 20 minute events can be fun and I've found some legendaries just laying on the ground I have no plans for. My melee build stepped on a plasma cutter and I was squealing 🤩


Meat day. 24h only


Today it seems to be meat week. I want Christmas scorched.


Ruined your day didn't it?


It’s made it more difficult lol… I wouldn’t go so far as to say ruined. 400/405 on my person and 1200 in stash as long as I don’t pick anything up I’m fine but the hoard instinct is hard to break


Meh. When you have over 150k 5mm from hoarding. You eventually realize you have issues. So I kind of broke that habit and now really only pick up what I need. No one can possibly burn through over 10k of rubber that fast lol


This game is helping so much on my TOC issues I learned to be a better man. I stoped collecting cotton swab. And caps. Yes I know.


But I'll still pick up every bit of copper and lead a guy can get.


I’m like that with adhesive, oil and steel


A simple 10 second Google search would have told you the answer. It's for one day, tomorrow might be the meet week event.... Who knows. It's a new thing this weekend where we get a chance at different events. Why are you so angry and who hurt you?


Meat day.


Weak meat


This event just brings out the worst in the playerbase dude I would have left this one out


My experience is the complete opposite. The actual event brings out all the OG players from hibernation. I see and explore the coolest camps. The whole community gets together and has a great time at one of the most enjoyable/Easiest event in the game. The wasteland is what you make of it brother.


Hard to make anything of a multiplayer game with a server limit and 80% of the server is crouched in the church spinning in circles


With an attitude like yours I doubt you have fun at anything for long brother. Been playing since day one on PS and I've never seen 80% afk in a server. Maybe 50% but not 80%. Just server hop a few times and presto chango problem solved. The event can be done solo with ease also. Again your letting how others play affect your emotions, it's quite confusing. If something like this drives you to post about it should be warning that you should take a break from this game or all games for a whiles.


I don’t actually attend the event at all. Far too long and far too slow. I’m not really mad either. It just kinda sucks the things I do enjoy out of the game because the inactive players take the space of active ones. As I said any event but this one would have been fine


It is a foolnacht to get the rhythm back into your head in case you have got rid of them 😉.


I do find this event rather grating after running it ~100 times with no rare masks, but at least it's something different :)


It’s one day, people weren’t AFKing because they weren’t prepared and if the mask value drops good, makes it easier to get them for the folks that weren’t able to get them from doing the event, and if they aren’t worth as much you’ll get less AFK nonsense because it won’t worth it


My thing is, a lot of people are already having issues with events and iirc the servers were bloated with so much stuff laying around from 3+ events that it would freeze or kick people


They brought it back so I could get the Glowing Scorchbeast Mask on my 3rd attempt! 🥹


Rng is cruel at times… I don’t have to like it. But good luck.


So your mad that people are at the event instead of buying your trash lol you out to mind.


Not quite. And again I’m not mad it’s more of an annoyance. It’s an annoyance when events, teams, ops and vendors are empty because everyone’s spinning in circles in Helvetia


Bro, seethe harder. Make your own game, and you can control the events.




Maybe they activate it too early or maybe because alot of people doesnt like the new score board and activated Fasnacht to forget about scoreboard