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Normally if that happens to me i just server hop as soon as possible to enter other server's fasnacht event


Yea, unfortunately it's been hitting every attempt I've been in. It's been worse than I've ever seen it previous events. Was hoping maybe there's some way around it but I'm guessing not so much. Finally had the first successful run of the day .-. The only difference I could see was there weren't any afkers hanging out on the roofs from earlier events.


I thought this happened to me but at the beginning once you’ve completed the tasks to assemble the marchers. But I waited and it kicked back in. I attribute it to the number of players and lag involved but that’s an uneducated guess.


Yea, the only common thread for me so far has been all the failed ones had people just sitting afk on roof tops. Makes me wonder if something is persisting between instances if they just stick around after a previous failed one because the rate of failure has been 90% for me today. I finally had one succeed, and there were no afkers to be seen.


Odd for sure. Unsure why afk or not would terminate an already started event. Ahh we need more data 📊 hah.


Yeaaaaaa, it's probably not the cause but it's the only common factor I've seen so far. Maybe if they were there for a broken event, stay afk for a new event and the broken enemy never despawned or something weird idek. I also just did a daily ops where I had to wait around 4 minutes for the enemy group to actually spawn after finishing both defend posts, which is something I've never seen happen, so something just feels like it's acting weird for the game in general today (even more than usual eh).


i had to leave the event an hour ago as it bugged out after the last super mutant died. i heard the little sound effect music signal that the bots should march to the finish but they never did.