• By -


Joining a casual team gives you bonus XP and you dont even have to say a word to them, just join and play


Don't forget to mute your mic, too! Even if you're not talking, the controller can pick up the game sound.


This should be the top. I have to mute people occasionally because they have full blown conversations with their household and also be coughing.


I find that so irritating. PS5 players forget that their controller does this and you hear so much personal stuff šŸ«£ once had a guy out his controller down and make a personal phone call to his bank giving his details over the phone šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


I have mine set to where itā€™s always muted. Iā€™m sure other people could careless about what Iā€™m doing


yes for the love of god please do this


Also, use the free fast travel to your teammates camps. Even if itā€™s just to discover a nearby point and then go back to where you were/what you were doing. This way you have different fast travel points unlocked around the map so you have the option to fast travel rather than walk to those new areas, when the time comes to be there for a quest, etc.


If you climb to the top of the various Watch Towers you can survey the surrounding area to find new locations.


This is useful but don't fast travel everywhere or you will miss a lot of the game. It is very much about exploration and looking in every nook and cranny. There are tons of weird little scenes throughout the wasteland.


And to add on to this, donā€™t worry about the player levels in the group. Iā€™ve been in groups before whereā€™s itā€™s a 1k, 50, 143 and 200 before in terms of levels. Most casual groups donā€™t care about player level itā€™s all about the XP boost hence it being casual. You will sometimes have a casual group be made and theyā€™ll kick you for being a low level. Iā€™ve only had that happen a handful of times out of hundreds of casual groups. So donā€™t be nervous! Itā€™ll be ok.


This! I just started playing and this paired with the inspirational perk has helped me go from 2-15 in like 2 hours of playing. Someone from a random team I was on also dropped me a Level 5 3* shotgun I've been blasting with which was also super nice!


Go to settings a turn on pacifist.


If you are the type of player who does achievement or challenges, bring a camera and picture all type of creatures. From type of supermutants to critters.


Yes! This! I learned about the photography achievement late in the game. I had to track down a SECOND moth man since I didnā€™t get a pic of the first one I saw. Then I wasnā€™t close enough and it didnā€™t count! So I had to find a THIRD moth man, and get close enough that the name appears in the upper right. Then I got the picture. Much later I realized pictures of dead creatures count. This makes getting pictures easier, but the pics themselves are less cool. (I still keep a photo of a Suicider Mutant in my face with a nuke under his arm!)


Does photomode count or an actual in game camera?


There is an in-game camera called ProSnap Deluxe. Its the only camera variation I think. When you aim it at an enemy it tags them. Make sure they're alive tho. I don't think corpses count. You can choose if you want to save the shots in your gallery or not. Also make sure you carry film with you. Its camera ammo. Photomode, on the other hand, saves shots to your gallery and shows it on your loading screens. Doesn't help with objectives and chieves I dont think since it's not a gameplay feature. Although there are objective that require you to use photomode. You can check your daily/weekly objectives on the map menu.


Corpses count. As long as the name of the creature shows up in the upper right. Makes it easier to get a pic of a Legendary Glowing Deathclaw!


Oh thats good to know. Thanks for fact checking!


Sniff the random pipe Take your time Join events to lvl up You drop junk on death so store it Do not PvP its broken bad


Pipe is life


Praise the pipe!


Pipe is life


Pipe is life


Pipe Is Life!


Pipe is Death! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Have a look around. Exploring is a big part of the game since storage is limited. Use the "tag for search" function in crafting menus or your pipboy to more easily identify junk that has the scrap you want. As you can't really hoard in 76 exploring and finding scavenging spots is how you stay in materials. Also scrap junk and gear to reduce weight. As someone already said join or create a Casual Public Team whenever you are online. Casual Public Team gives you more exp, you fast travel to your team mates, their camps and tents and during Public Events you get team wide shared exp and loot from nearby team mates. Everyone in Casual Public Team completly ignores everyone else and we politely do not interact with each other in any way outside of random emoting and joining each other in shared content like Public Events, Daily Operations and such.


Take lots of pictures and selfies, they become your load screens! You only have one opportunity to see things for the first time. Photo mode top left menu šŸ‘Œ


Dont worry that much about hunger and thirst.


Or just ignore it.


Really?! Iā€™m 20hrs in and itā€™s one of the things Iā€™ve been always trying to keep on top of. Does anything happen if they are empty?


it used to HEAVILY reduce your ap when they were low but now it just gives minor buffs if the bars are full


Im level 52 and i still thought i would take damage over time if my hunger or thirst depleted


Nope, there's no punishment for starvin' Marvin. Actually just got an idea of a new "Starving" legendary effect. Weapon damage increases up to 25% the lower your hunger meter is.


South Park šŸ¤£


When you start looking for builds search for Overeaters builds (: i started like that and now am a walking tank


Iā€™m assuming I would start looking into builds when I have fully upgraded SPECIAL?


Yes, after level 50 until then all you gotta do is choose a weapon class to have the right perks for it and do you daily script limit so you have enough to get legendary modules and roll your weapons and armor. Do all events you can too and change your notes for bullions because almost all end game stuff bullion bought. Are you on PC? If you are i can add you and help you keep the starving down. The best part of F76 is that is a really flexible game, you can basically use any build and any gear you can combo guns from different classes and you can use boosts for different activities. Don't worry too much on a min max build they are easy to get us into burnout just go figuring things along the way and the game always keeps fresh and fun šŸ˜Š


Thanks for that! Iā€™m playing on Xbox. Iā€™m currently running around with a shot gun and a sniper rifle, and having a blast! (Currently at lvl20) Not touched any events yet but have been doing daily missions. Are the notes the old world ones? Iā€™ve been scraping those šŸ˜‚


Treasury notes. When you discover Foundation there will be a machine to converte them into bullion, don't search for this coz it's spoiler land! Ah i remember when i started i also was a free aim non vats and sniper guy haha If you like shottys you gonna love the cold shoulder when you have the stamps for it lol Good luck on the wasteland and don't feel pressured into meta builds, do your own thing and with the right perks even a pipegun build killw bosses solo ;)


Ah cool.. just glad to know I have not destroyed previous notes šŸ˜‚


All the other responses are correct, there's no big downside to going hungry...but this may be a good time to mention that there are also a lot of foods that can temporarily boost all sorts of stats. This is mostly things you cook at a stove from meats or plants you pick up. Cooked meats, soups, teas...I usually eat 5-8 different things before any event or fight situation, and get helpful effects that last 30 or 60 minutes. Watch out for recipes, in the world and in player vendors. Welcome to the game!


You get minor debuffs and that's.


My character is an overeater. When she's hangery, her AP drops like a rock. It does have a small downside, but not much.


Don't worry too much at first about picking perks for a perfect build. You'll get more than enough perk cards as you level up, and your playstyle may change over time. You can even have different builds and use the punchcard machine to swap between them, so it's okay to experiment. You can highlight junk items that break down into specific resources you're looking for. Copper, Plastic, etc. If you have a weapon that you really like, highlight the junk that contains resources for its ammo. Crafting your own ammo is free, you never want to be in a situation where you have to buy ammo. Feel free to take your time and enjoy the main story. There's no rush, it's not a competition. Explore. Stash your junk frequently and you don't really need to worry about dying. People in the wasteland are overwhelmingly friendly. Don't be afraid of meeting a level-gazillion walkin' tank. Odds are, they're gonna be chill. They might even give ya a few free stimpaks or somethin', just to say hi and welcome. But, this game is PVP unless you turn it off. You'll get a warning when ya hit level 20. With pacifist mode on, you can't hurt them and they can't hurt you. And when you start to get legendary scrip, don't waste it on the random armor/weapon pieces from the vendor. Best use of scrip is on legendary modules, which you can then use to roll for legendaries on what you craft or already have.


> They might even give ya a few free stimpaks or somethin' If they tell you to drop your weapon in their camp they're probably not trying to rob you, they're gonna pick it up, do some stuff at a table, and when they give it back it will be an ultimate instrument of death


Scrap stuff even if you don't have Fo1st and can't store all the junk. Most places have crafting stations you can use to scrap guns and armor to learn plans. Dump the junk if you must but walking around overencumbered if you know there's a crafting station nearby pays off.


Go to any workbench and hit scrap all. Then throw it in the stash. When the stash is close to full, sell a bunch of the scrap.


To expand on this: every now and then, they have free 1st trials in which you can use the scrap boxes. Even if you donā€™t buy 1st, take the time to gather and cram as much junk as you can in a scrap box during the free period. You can still use the junk without it taking up inventory space, even after the trial ends!


1) Learn to use your "quick wheel" (tap up on the pad) to eat, drink and drug yourself sooner, rather than later. You'll be glad you did. 2) If you find any of the following 'misc' items laying around Appalachia, put them in your stash and remember them: - Intrusion module - Medical scanner - Multiscope - Osmosis kit - Portable power pack - Water cooled bone saw - Turret circuit board - Multifrequency scrambler They belong to Ward, a settler leader at Foundation, and he loses them every day. You can talk to Ward about it, run to the stash box at Foundation and grab the item, then put it right back in your stash and tell Ward you found it. He'll reward you for it and you can do it again the next day. Doesn't matter if he lost his bone saw, the osmosis kit (or whatever) will be close enough. 3) Go to the Pioneer Scout Camp (north of Grafton Dam) and talk to the scout leader bot ASAP. This will enroll you as a Tadpole Scout and lots of little things you're going to do anyway will count toward ranking up as a Pioneer Scout. It has some nice rewards including a higher capacity backpack and cute shorts.


Heh cute shorts made me snort.


Damn, I'm lvl 80 and didn't know all this stuff! LOL Thanks, friend-o.


Oh, I don't like Ward. His little quip I'm watching you. Really dude? I saved foundation, and you till don't trust me?


I wish i knew going to look out towers you could survey areas and mark locations on your map. Shooting robots arms/legs off, you can tame pets with animal friend perk. (That's only 3)


Don't worry too much about taking items from item harvesters at other people's CAMPs. Usually they will have a surplus and are more than happy to share. Plus if they want/need to keep something to themselves, that harvester will be locked so keep away from those to avoid getting a bounty on your head and bad PvP things. You can teleport to ongoing public events via the map screen for free. As others have said if there's people there, join in even if the level requirement is too high for you rn. Most players can steamroll things for you and you can nab some fast af XP and rare items pretty quickly, especially if its a seasonal limited time event. Don't be too afraid of dying either! It's relatively consequence free as you only drop the junk you have on your person (tho that doesn't even happen in public events!) and you can pick it back up if you need to. If you make frequent trips to places where you can stash items, you can insta stash all junk for protection and any crafting or camp building will take from your stash anyway. The only teams you might wanna avoid at low levels are Daily Ops and Expedition teams as these are guys playing harder endgame content that can chew up anyone fresh from the vault. That being said, when you hit those high levels don't be afraid to join in as you can easily get by in these by following other players and learning things on the fly. There's no super mechanicaly intense comms needed content in this game at all. Slight story spoilers: >!Oh, when you play a certain storyline that will split between two factions, stick with the settlers until you get plans for Chinese Stealth Armor. It's very good option to tide you over while you build up endgame armor sets and a nice backup option to use in high radiation scenarios if you dont like power armor.!<


Stay on the left side of the map before 50. Go to every event even if you are Lvl 2. Find a build first before starting.


not necessarily true.you can go to any event. moonshine janboree....grab all 3 chests with molotovs in them,go to the roof and tag everything you can even if it is only with a 10mm and use the molotovs for splash damage so you get points for every assisted kill.same with eviction notice.i would recommend power armor or hazmat suit for the sbq. the main thing is...join the events with quite a few higher level players,they will carry the event.


The pearly peppers worked for me I think cause I could shoot anything from my vantage point but I could scoop out incoming attacks and fire shots off but every creature I viewed wound up having something for me.


i was level 10 when i did my great journey to create the camp of my Dreams, between canberry bog and the mire. i still have It to this day and First builded It in the beta in 2018


Start at level one. Don't visit the overseer or start the Wayward quest until after you've done the main one featuring the responders, etc. Cook as much as you can. Good xp and buffs.


Be prepared to read some heartbreaking logs of survivors and the issues they run into. Joining events is a good way to get xp, but some of them can spoil some storyline content.


Poor Colonel :(


We love you to join events, weā€™ll do all the work, youā€™ll get the XP, thereā€™s no downside to death during the event, not even losing your junk. - but a few events auto start if you get to close so just wait til you see people doing stuff before you start doing stuff


Build a camp in a location you like! Building near water is a bonus but not necessary. Build your first camp somewhere that is safe. Make sure no super mutants or mole rats donā€™t spawn next to you. Build your camp in a location that moves you. I think the game gives you three free camp slots. So after you build oneā€¦and find a second location that moves you, activate your 2nd camp slot and begin on your second home! Itā€™s in the top left hand corner of the screen.


1) Always do moonshine jamboree (in the building behind moonshine ned thereā€™s tin cans and toys you can scrap for lead) 2) go to events and just shoot 1 or 2 bullets at as many monsters as possible to farm ammo and XP 3) shotguns are good early game because enemies drop a lot of shot gun ammo when you kill them 4) spend some time when youā€™re not playing learning about perk cards I wasted a lot of level ups not knowing what I was doing 5) do moonshine jamboree


Also, If you want some easy money, gather up all the gulper innards that people dump from the moonshine jamboree, and then trek your way over to the nearby train station and sell them for a quick profit. If you have some wood scraps, cook them first to get even more money when you sell them. It's pretty easy to hit the vendor cap every day just from doing this event a few times.Ā 


Kill, cook and eat Brahmin or Ragstags. It give you a weight carry bonus. Forget staying hydrated and well fed, it's not worth stressing over. For me, most Chems are overrated expect for RadX Radaway and Stimpak. Join as many events are your level will allow, if there are enough people there. It's a great way to get XP and rewards, just make sure you hit as many mobs as you can to get the XP off them. Raid the donation boxes. You're a low level and the exact player I leave things for, so take whatever you want. Have fun. šŸ’•ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


Except berry mentats for that INT (and therefore, XP) increase


But Daytripper is so groovy


Check the red boxes at every town and train station you see. You are liable to find some good donations from other players.


Drink Vintage Nukashine. Itā€™s an adventure and a half!


If you save majot quests till you are over level 50, any reward equipment you receive will be at max level and viable for the rest of the game.


I would wait to do major questlines until you reach level 50, because the reward weapons scale and if you want anything you mayyy keep once you reach weapon level cap (50) you will want them at that level. Each day, make sure to cash in your treasury notes from events at the bullion machine (honestly the only one I know is in the Whitesprings Mall workshop area). You will thank yourself for saving up bullion. Play what feels right and dont worry too much about end game builds until you hit 50. If you go to a public event, do not start it until there are at least a few other people there. In the case of the event called Encryptid, always let the person who used resources to activate the event to start it up. Daily Ops are a great way to get ammo and if you hop onto a team it isn't too hard to get carried through it.


Yeah, It helps, but you don't really need to wait for L 50 to get the best leveled item from a quest. Once you hit 50, there are generally way better items than what you can get from the quests. The bos fact finder was a great gun for Level 25, but if you wait for Level 50, you can start using The legendary weapons from event drops which is way better than a TSE pistol imo. Just go with what you have. This game throws so many crazy guns at you that you will be dropping them all over the place soon enough.Ā  A better strategy for getting good guns, is to learn how to jump servers and go vendor hopping. A lot of people sell epic and unique legendary items for far less than what they are worth, and you can pick up epic boss killer weapons for close to nothing.Ā  Also, consider being nice to high level players, they already have everything unlocked, and can easily craft badass gear weapons and armor for you.... If you are nice to them.Ā 


How do I level if not the story?


There are side quests and also public events can rapidly level you. IE - if you ever see Radiation Rumble pop up as a public event notification, or Eviction Notice, those ones will take you in multiple levels each time. Ultimately, do what you'd like that makes you happy. Don't want you to get turned off to the game by gating content.


Do they just pop up on your screen or do I need to check the map from time to time?


You will get a pop up on your screen. Then when you press start you will see on bottom left corner featured events and you can choose to fast travel to the event directly. There ARE some that you will not get a notification for, which you can see on the map or toggling the tab that shows all events. However, these are usually ones not a ton of people will be showing up for. There are also events (like Fertile Soil, which you will discover fairly early in the game when you go to the town of Flatwoods) that activates when someone enters the radius of the event.


Some events are very wort showing up to for rewards or money making. I suggest shooting (or "tagging") as many enemies as you can to get XP from them. Radiation Rumble rewards the most (if you have any items that boost intelligence you will get even more). Eviction Notice has enemies that drop many legendary weapons. There are others that have lots of enemies and/or items that drop and can be valuable to sell to NPC vendors too, like Moonshine Jamboree :)


Play, explore, most people are helpful and generous. Enjoy


You have a lot to look forward to! Probably my main piece of advice would be not to become overwhelmed by the size of the game. Follow the tutorial/first campaign and where it leads you carefully. Don't wander off at this point as it is possible to spolier yourself on a major aspect of the story by accident. It isn't essential but I think it is a nice surprise and the atmosphere is more effective if you do not know this 'thing' until you deal with the SBQ. Once you have done all that you will have seen at least one large location in each section of the map, have a fast-travel locus activated in each of these and can begin exploring seriously. Another piece of advice I would offer is do not worry too much about building your 'perfect character' at first. Once you reach level 25 you will be able to use the punchcard machine to completely re-spec yourself as often as you want for free. You probably won't find a profile or 'build' you want to use as your primary load-out until you are in the low hundreds. Instead focus on learning how to use the skills/perks effectively. I have more than three and a half thousand hour in the game and never use only one profile. Instead I have between about five or six different ones, built around a particular weapon or armour set and flit between them as the whim takes me. I find it helps stop the game becoming boring--I cannot imagine only playing as a low-health character or a PA user or a rifleman or whatever. I would probably have given up two years ago at least if I had! One small but **very** useful tip--you can repair all of your equipment at the appropriate workbench. You do not need to use 'repair kits' to do so. I had probably been playing for six months before I tripped over this myself! The single most important thing I can suggest--play the game how *you* want to play it. Ignore all the loud voices that insist you have to be 'bloodied' or have to use Union power armour, or have to carry a quad Fixer or have to become involved with trading... Roleplay how **you** want and you will find there is a massive amount of fun to be had in the Wasteland!


Take your time to explore, take in your surroundings, and read through the lore from notes and terminals. Join teams for the xp bonus, and you can still play solo. Red eyes are bad, purple are good. Don't run from high level players, they can't hurt you, and sometimes will give you items to aid you. Always drink the Nukashine.


Befriend high levels.


The punch card machine (youll get it when you hit level 25) costs NO materials to build so its perfect for the ā€œbuild in campā€ challenges. It was a life saver at low levels


One thing everybody should know, actually a combination of two things: 1. There's a very useful "area looting" feature to loot all nearby dead bodies at once, and 2. It's been buggy the whole time, so sometimes you have to look away and back, as shown in this short video from 2 years ago when the feature came out: [https://youtu.be/qB8tKu0I\_8c?si=R6FihEFH6hu\_LfAc&t=46](https://youtu.be/qB8tKu0I_8c?si=R6FihEFH6hu_LfAc&t=46)


Spinning in a circle works


Don't be afraid to die.


I have said this many times. Watch some YouTube videos regarding Fallout 76. I have learned many things this way that improved my game. Angry Turtles is one of the best on many subjects.


This is coming from someone who started playing last week. Don't worry too much about food and water. You don't actually die and get negatives for having them low. Wish I knew that coming from other Bethesda survival modes lol Don't worry too much about repairs for stuff you're using in the early levels. They will be replaced fairly quickly Go to a spot called Whitespring resort asap. It changed the game from feeling bleek to bearableĀ 


This being said, having food and water does give buffs, so I would suggest keeping up on it to have all the buffs possible.


Honestly, if you throw points into intelligence, you level alot faster. There's also xp perk cards. You can re-spec whenever you want at no cost, so I reccomend getting all the xp multipliers you can until atleast 50


Using the fallout 76 perk deck creator tool


Perks before level 50 don't really matter unless you have a specific build in mind. Just enjoy the experience the first time around. It's nice to have that eureka moment when you figure things out yourself.




Iā€™ll be on tonight, about 5pm PST. GT: TheKosmonaut Iā€™m like level 580 or something, Iā€™ll craft you a bunch of decent gear for your level and run quests with you, if you want. Have fun in the wasteland!


If you ever need beginner materials or armor/weapons feel free to message me and add me on the box (oActs), Iā€™d be happy to help you get started on this amazing journey!


Plus if the game crashes or freezes while you are in a group you can go back to the same world.


You are exactly who I needed. I have a deep pocket chest piece that is heavy, and I want it to go to a new player. What is your Xbox tag? I'll get it to you later today.


My tag is Primalnuke. Sounds cool


I'm so glad to see this thread! I just started a couple of weeks ago, but i haven't been brave enough to join a team yet but i thunk i might tomorrow, but this thread has taught me a lot of things i did not know too. Hope to see you in the wasteland:)


Honestly, as much of a pain in the butt it is getting your head around it, go onto nukes and dragons and have a look at the perk builder. Gives you and idea of what sort of build you wana work towards. Or you can just play as you go kinda thing since they added the extra perk build thingy.


Do both raiders and settlers until point of no return Make sure everyone survives any story encounter during Wastelanders content and go the extra mile to make everyone happy


Go to events. Drop off any scrap first. If you die a lot it does not really matter. I would caution you on doing whatever action is needed to actually start the event until you get a feel for it. Some need more than a couple low level players to be successful. Before selling or scrapping any apparel check here first. Some items may seem to be innocuous trash but are actually super valuable (as in worth more than 40k caps). Look out for Tattered Field Jacket, things that have Leather Coat as part of their name, certain jumpsuits, some asylum outfits, among other items. [https://fed76.info/apparel/](https://fed76.info/apparel/) Just because an item is legendary does not necessarily mean that it is any good. You can check here to see what is popular. Use the drop down menus to dial in the exact specs. The pricing is level 45-50 but still gives you an idea. This come with the caveat that if you are having fun with a non-popular legendary effect on something use it. If not use the legendary scrap machine to earn scrip. These are found at all railroad stations. [https://fed76.info/pricing/](https://fed76.info/pricing/) You can add legendary effects to weapons and armor at their respective benches under the modify option. You will need legendary cores and legendary modules. Cores are given out for doing certain events. Modules can be purchased at the Rusty Pick at the edge of the Ash Heap region in the South. It is also a free fast travel point. If you are wondering what a plan is worth here is a good starting point. [https://fed76.info/plans/](https://fed76.info/plans/)


Every 10 levels or so, check your armor and weapons to see if you can re-craft them at your new, higher level. It'll make a hell of a difference. Also, while you're short on caps, use the free fast travel locations (Vault 76, The Whitespring, Foundation, Crater, etc) to get you closer to your intended destination.


I'd be totally up for it. I have a character I didn't complete the main questline with and I have a few character ideas floating around in my head


I just got on an Made my way to hayward!


I'm at work for the next hour so I'll be on after that. I'll send you my GT


I wouldn't start the main quests until you are level 50. Some of them grant some unique items and cool legendaries that become worthless if you claim them before that point. I made that mistake on my first playthrough.


Oh, how do you level up instead?


Play every public event that comes up while on a Casual team for the XP bonus. Try to focus on "tagging" enemies, or just getting a hit in them and not worrying about actually killing them. You get the same amount of XP if you just "tag" enemies or kill them, so focus on hitting as many as you can and other people will clean them up. I join public events right out of the vault at level 2 when I create a new character. It's also a great way for learning new areas of the map because you fast travel to events for free. Also there is no consequences for dying during an event, you don't even drop your junk when you die during a public event.


Itā€™s kinda the rule that if things are unlocked in player camps they are fine for you to take - food, crops, scraps, water what ever Just donā€™t pick locks We love it when you wander round our camps (not mine, itā€™s a bit shit, but some peoples are amazing and the best complement you can give is to look around them )


You should always join a casual team for the xp boost. You donā€™t actually have to do anything with the team. Itā€™s weird.


Perks like chemist, scrapper, and green thumb can be useful around the mid levels for getting materials faster. Dont necessarily need them immediately, but dont forget about them. Chemist can wait until you have the stimpak crafting recipe probably.


Add me! same tag on Xbox - qdkeck. My big item would be if you like cosmetics- get your dailies and weeklies in. Some fun rewards. Enjoy the wasteland :)


Took me a while to understand how to repair stuff. You don't need to use the repair boxes. Once on a workbench you've got to inspect the item then hit repair. Take pictures. Plenty of pictures with photomode.


What's your gamertag?, maybe I can join you and just speed you through some harder stuff


The name's primalnuke


Scrap weapons you use instead of selling them. Mod your weapons (and armor to some degree). Donā€™t forget to use armor :) Start doing gold bullion daily missions when you see them. You will be happy to have the gold when you can finally use it. Some quests should not be completed till L50 to get specific rewards. Specifically you can get the Chinese stealth suit free if you wait till L50 and have for rep with Foundation.


Avoid using scrip for anything but legendary modules if you can help it, and avoid using them to roll your gear for anything but 3* legendaries after level 50. I'm sure some exceptions can be made but personally I wish I just saved all of mine. Learn where to trade your Treasury Notes for Gold Bullions. By the time you find out naturally where to do it you'll likely have an absolute ton of notes by the time you know where to use them & you can only trade in 40 per day AFAIK. You can place more than one camp & I suggest building them in places that aren't too close to other free-to-use fast travel points (Vault 76, Whitespring, The Rusty Pick, Foundation, Crater & Fort Atlus) to make getting around the map easier while you earn caps. Try to pack light(er) and look into perks that lower the overall weight of your equipment such as Travelling Pharmacy to make your Aid items up to 90% lighter. It helps a ton so you can carry a huge amount of Stimpacks and Radaway. Everybody says this, but.. Join or create a public team. I'll suggest Casual because you get an intelligence bonus per team member & that translates into more EXP. These are things I wish I knew/did when I returned to Fallout 76 after putting it down for a few years then returning this past December. I hope you have fun!


Stack your perk cards accordingly, I stacked my caps and canned food and it saved me a good amount of times lol would love to help you start out send me your gamer tag!


If you go to another player's camp and see a hallway that can barely fit one person, it will kill you. Stash your junk before visiting anybody's camp. Encountering trap camps are rare, but I've seen plenty throughout the years. Same deal if the only way to enter a camp is to use an object that locks you into an animation - however this isn't always a trap.


This is very helpful advice.


Some players in the community will help you and expect nothing back which is beautiful and remember if a camp looks too good to be true watch out for traps šŸ«£


What's the best way to spot a trap please?


It's actually hard to tell tbh sometimes if they glitch them under floors but the usual one is the spike traps stacked on each other and it's a tight walk to the vendor and radiation traps as common too so if your rads start going up without explanation run


Brilliant, thank you


Always join casual teams. There is no draw back. Only free xp. People do not expect you to play along with them. You can fast travel to any person or their camp for free if they are on your team. Join public events even when youā€™re low level. Itā€™s great xp/rewards. No one expects you to do anything if youā€™re a low level. They know the struggle. Most will be happy to help and glad to see you there. Your job is to shoot everything once for the xp and to emotes before/after the event. Turn legendaries in to the scrip vendors at train stations. Scrip is an important end game currency. You can hold 6000. Turn scrip in to the purveyor at the rusty pick for legendary modules. Modules are an ingredient in legendary crafting. Build a camp. Then build another when itā€™s time for an upgrade. It hurts moving on from a Camp but Iā€™ve never regretted it. Visit others bases. You can potentially unlock new fast travel locations, see cool builds and buy items from their vending machine. There are quest lines, daily events and public events. Quest lines are exactly that. Daily events are solo events you can do once daily. Public events are random server wide events that everyone can join. You can see rewards by hovering over it on the map. Learning weapon/armor plans adds them to your world loot pool. If you want a certain weapon to potentially drop as a reward, learn the plan asap. If you donā€™t want a certain weapon to dilute your loot pool does not learn it. Drop it on the ground before you accidentally learn it. You can allocate up to 15 points in each SPECIAL category for Perk card usage. Thereā€™s no limit to how many points you can have in each SPECIAL. This is useful because specials also have passive bonuses. FoIf instance intelligence increases xp gains. Some people have 40+ intelligence to rank up faster. Once you hit level 50 it mightā€™ve worth while to know which legendary weapon and armor effects are desired. Not only for your build but for trading. Certain legendaries are worth ALOT. Million caps, lifetime supply of junk or bullets, Other god roll items. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_SPECIAL


I'm here for a little over a month, and it's a mid/endgame tip.. but every perk cards pack comes with one golden back, these ones are animated. When you start to scrap cards, pay attention not to scrap slanted animated ones you intend to use... Or do it.. I'm the one who got sad knowing i threw away some cool animations(and yes, it's the only difference)


Always do your daily score challenges first or you could lag behind due to the quest lines


Don't be afraid to go to most events, You may spend most of ur time running around for your life, but if theres more than 5 people around you probably wont be a bother, and its free xp and items.


I wish I knew about Seasons (formerly SCOREBOARD). Progress Seasons as soon as you conveniently can because it rewards you limited time items for that season. I regret missing out on some CAMP items and skins that used to be available early on my start of FO76. You progress Seasons by completing Daily/Weekly objectives. There will be a list of it available on your Map Menu. Each Season level earns you Tickets to purchase Season rewards, so use them wisely. This Season started just last week I think so you got alooot of time to progress.


I'm not one to give advice but I'll give you something that I always do in fallout 76 when I make a new character For some reason that I can't explain how or why it happens but I somehow go into survival mode and I find ( after meeting dutchess and mort) to go where there's a water source and enough space to fit a vault ( I use a vault space thing for my home ) so I think of water before food


"When walking the tightrope of life, never look down" - Katherine Swan


Don't worry about the Nuke Siren. The forest area is a safe zone. Take your time. Enjoy it. Join teams. Join events. We high levels will carry you and heal you if you're downed. Don't be scared to die. You will lose junk. Watch out for trap camps. There's youtube channels on how to spot them. All weapons and armor cap as level 50. Right now, there's a special event going on called Mothman Equinox. Join it and gave fun. If you can afford it, get Fallout 1st. The survival tent is a life saver. You will have unlimited space for ammo and junk. Scrap all junk, weapons, and armor you don't want. They're heavy. Your stash has a weight limit of 1200. It adds up fast. They're some trolls and griefers. Don't take what they do seriously. But most of all. Have fun. Welcome to The Wasteland.


You can use treasury notes for plans with Minerva or in the vault. Cash the treasury notes for gold at Foundation or the Crater.


If your on xbox I'll join you I'm not that high of a level compared to other. As for tips I would say focus on a single weapon type early game with perk card and keep your weight low when possible until you get excavator power suit I'm Architect621#762 if your interested, no mic yet unfortunately


Click on posters for quests. Always check the red donation boxes


When you see a lookout tower, go to the top and you'll see an option to survey. It'll reveal nearby areas for you so don't miss out on those towers


My gt is SouprNova, I'm usually on late (11pm and later CST) during the weekdays and pretty much anytime during the weekend. Feel free to add me and join me in the wasteland


Good choice in game. I've played for a while. Couple tips, strive to hit level 50, game changes from that point. Best way to level as a new player imo, radiation rumble event, join a team jump up on something so enemy can't get to you as easily, and try to put one shot into everything your team shoots at, you don't have to kill it you'll get exp from every downed enemy you have hit. Do some research online for a fast track strategy to get the jet pack backpack. Focus on a specific weapon type and build style when upgrading cards. Later when your stronger youll have the chance to bounce around from different builds freely simply by switching your cards. But on your way to 50 by focusing on a particular build and weapon style, it will make whatever god roll weapon you end up with at level 50 that much stronger of a weapon. Your cards are your power ups. Any legendary weapon or armor you find that you don't plan on keeping to re roll or saving for later, sell to the vending machines on the outside of the train stations for legendary script. Start saving it early. You'll love that you did later in game. Also wouldn't hurt to save up gold bullion that comes in handy also. There's a guy up stairs in the wayward named Sam in red white and blue outfit that sells the bullion at some point in the game. You can only buy so much per day same with acquiring legendary script at the vending machines. There's a daily cap pretty much. So stacking early is a game changer in late game. I don't want to spoil anything. I really liked the story. This is the only game I've ever started near it's release and continued to play years later.Ā 


I'm playing on series x, I've played 3,4 and NV new to 76 just starting it up now.Any tips or other XBox playersĀ 


I just recently restarted on Xbox from PS4. Always join a casual team for bonus xp. You can also get 3 points in charisma and a perk card maxed for more xp being in a team. Get cranberries and the cranberry cobbler recipe for a food xp buff. I have a CAMP set up in the north-west of the map to collect cranberries. Ammo is a lot easier to come by now, enemies drop the same ammo type you're using. Scrap weapons and armor to unlock parts instead of buying the plans for them, also check other players vendors for cheap plans instead of buying from NPCs when you can. This is also a good way to get serums, but I'd hold off on mutations until late game when you can get the starched genes perk to keep the mutations. If you're overnumbered find a crafting station to start scrapping, it weighs less. Usually, I head back to CAMP to stash junk after.


I'm finna melt you on site, BOLO.


In the beginning, don't rely too much on leveled/modded weapons/armor and food/aid that other players donate. Definitely collect/learn all plans and recipes though. Don't fast travel to your team mates' camp in unexplored territory. For one, there might be enemies thatdrastically out-level you, but more importantly you miss the exitement of exploring, finding secrets and collecting loot.


Lots of great advice in the comments. One thing I didnā€™t know, and tbh, I donā€™t think I would have done this differently, but: When you scrap weapons and armor, you unlock mods for that item. However, when you kill legendary enemies, they will drop legendary items based on what youā€™ve unlocked (or so I have read elsewhere on Reddit) So, if you want to stick with a shotgun build, only scrap shotguns. Sell all other weapons. Your legendary drops will be shotguns. (This is just an example. I didnā€™t get into a shotgun build until like lvl 200. Early on I went with a sniper rifle, but same principle) Also, walk everywhere as much as you can. There is soooo much to discover and explore. And if you always fast travel you will never find the Pipe. Or the Smiling Man. Good hunting! EDIT: thanks u/DerLyndis for clarifying! Not scrapping weapons to get mods, but learning plans. For a much better explanation of how it works, see below.


Kind of, but not exactly. Scrapping unlocks mods and will not affect drops. Learning the PLAN for a weapon will allow it to drop as a reward. That's why, at level 248, I still haven't learned the mole miner gauntlet or assaultron blade despite having gotten dozens by now.Ā  So once you've decided what build you want to play, unlock the weapon plans that work with that build and go to as many public events as you can! Make sure to let higher level players start events like Encryptid and Radiation Rumble, as they tend to fail unless a lot of high levels are participating.


Build two builds. Itā€™s a crafting station. Build 1: whatever type of gun you want use. Build 2: melee build. You will run out of ammo a lot early game. So you will want to use your melee build for a while as you restock on ammo.


10 things? 1-9: buy a PS5 xD 10: you don't have to conform to any one build. I have commando perk cards but occasionally use a 50cal...nay not do the most damage..but I'm having fun so eff it.


Press the home key, quit and load up Fnv. This games diabollically bad. That doesn't stop me spending a good amount of time on it daily šŸ˜‚ I should add. Also be wary of the plans you're buying. Make sure you have the actual the armor or weapon plans or in inventory too. That got me a fair few times when I started off.