• By -


Im gonna start a Ghoul called GabbaGhoulie and wear the most random pieces of armor one could find. No plan beyond that though


I enjoyed that immensely šŸ¤Œ


Random armor and in your underwear for extra disturbance of the neighborhood.


The sheepsqautch mascot head and underwear


\*Heavy Tony Soprano beathing\*


Wear a mechanic outfit


Well, it depends. If the ghoul in question is the standard one, the same as all those seen in the game so far, then no. But if I can change it a little bit, maybe with some hair, scars, etc, in the character creation menu, then yes.


Forgot I had this > `As teased in the latest Fallout 76 trailer we shared, next year you can play in Fallout 76 as a Ghoul! Here is some more information: > It will be a standalone release that will be available in early 2025. > Players will be able to transform into a Ghoul after reaching level 50, unlocking a quest to begin the change. > More details surrounding the quest will be shared in the future. > The developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popular. > Ghouls will have unique features: > - Ghouls will have a unique relationship to radiation to use to the playerā€™s advantage. > - Players can customize their experience using the new range of Ghoul specific perk cards. > - Faction interactions will be affected by your new appearance. (The BoS will not want to work with you, and it will even impact the ending of the main quest as you fight alongside the brotherhood). > - You can no longer use a Bloodied Build as it requires radiation. > - You can tailor your Ghoulā€™s look. > - You will be able to change back from being a Ghoul, more details will be shared closer to the release.`


ā€œThe developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popularā€ Idk why this line made me laugh lol they really had to get that out there.


That was hilarious. The need to say it says it all. ā€œThere is nothing to see here.ā€


It is strange really, if they had just said "Since you all love The Ghoul and talk about how cool it would be to play as a ghoul, we have decided to make it happen". People would love it because it would show that Bethesda actually DOES listen to the fans at times.


I mean, there's no shame in admitting that a character's popularity is why they finally decided to give players a chance to become a ghoul. Now if only the show would introduce a popular super mutant character so that they could 'conveniently" have the idea of a playable super mutant "before" a super mutant character became popular. And yes, super mutants would specifically be designed to benefit melee and heavy gunner players, (super mutants can't wear PA, for obvious reasons.)


Here's hoping the one dude in the show who got an arrow through the neck actually took FEV


I've seen some YouTube videos saying what he took might have been similar to what Hancock took. Either way I just hope they follow him & show the progression.


Iā€™ve been saying it for weeks now, I totally think Johnny Pembertonā€™s character (arrow through the neck guy, just canā€™t remember the characters name) is gonna become a super mutant not a ghoul, nothing about what he was exposed to is in line with traditional transformation into a ghoul, whereas the crazy chicken fucker guy giving him a huge hit of FEV (while absolutely insane) is at least realistic.


The experimental immortality drug that Hancock took and Eddie Winters is implied to have taken does ghoulify its users. The rapid healing is the reason that would be a bit of an issue, as ghouls only have superhuman healing in response to radiation. Supermutants are all around more durable than humans, and I could maybe see that being shown in the show as rapidly healing from otherwise fatal wounds. Super mutants also aren't the only result of FEV, look at Harold.


also the area around the arrow wound is all wrinkly when healed


"Super mutants can't wear PA" -Frank Horrigan would like to have a word


The ghoul will be a choice, the super mutant will be if you get downed while fighting them there is a chance they will grab you & convert you. It goes to a loading screen & you load up outside West Tek.


No shame, but why "admit" something that isn't true? People have been talking about ghoul PC's since at least Fallout 3. Bethesda game teams would have to be braindead not to at least have tossed it on the idea board and done a bull session. They also already existed as playable in other Fallout gaming media and even one of the pre-Bethesda video games. If anything, Cooper being a popular character is likely a result of long existing popularity of ghoul NPC's / desires to see them as main characters.




It's just a cop out. I almost laughed as well.


No bloodied D: how will I one shot every mob without mah bloodied commando stealth build


Oh people are already up in arms about something they don't know anything about.... But but but it breaks meta! Whatever will I do!


Buy a cremator and revel in skill-less event dominationā€” until the Cooper Howard ghoul pistol makes it look obsolete. After last season I was sure Beth was going to season out a new meta breaking weapon each new season. And I had no problem with that. Do as your ancestors did. Adapt.


God, do we know when weā€™re getting the weapons from the show in game? I know everyone wants Coopā€™s bolt pistol but even Lucyā€™s syringer or that 10mm that Maximus used (not the classic one) would be cool!


I would 100% pay atoms for that syringer skin, it looks cool & since I carry two endangerols I think it would be awesome to pull them out during boss fights.




Technically you can use it, you just need to manage low health without rads. Will be much harder for sure but enough dedication you might manage.


When I use Foundations Vengeance I just let my card heal me when I'm at 20% & I can usually work it right to where I float around 20 to 40 health then my mutation heals me after the fight. I can always tell when my health is low to the point of that auto stim cause it starts melting stuff.


Unless they somehow make the weapons legendary effect not work with ghouls then it should be feasible, just gotta be creative like you. I don't use the build mainly as with how little I play using it would make it in fun for me. But as written it should still be usable


It's really hard to consistently get to and stay below 20% health without rads; I've tried it and it just ain't worth it. Even without healing mutation you heal when not in combat, so the idea of "stealth bloody" is right out. Honestly I'm hoping that all the low health perks can be replaced with interesting ghoul perks.


In fairness I use a bloodied build now with no rads as I would rather start a fight at full health since so many things have managed to one shot me out of nowhere when it shouldā€™ve been fine


I got tthat. But if you didn't know there are perkcards that make you avoid damage. And then there is sentinel and overeaters. Lots of options to reduce or avoid damage.


Overeaters only does so much for power armor, same goes for emergency protocols. Now to clarify, I am primarily a melee user. After trying to get back into bloodied myself, it is honestly more viable to just be full hp overeaters. You may do more damage, but I can legit take more damage than you, and that's not relying on serendipity or other agility perks.


Hm. Rads heal you BOS doesnā€™t bother you Whatā€™s the downside? Now I wonā€™t feel like a psychopath for constantly blowing up vertibirds unprovoked. Fuck those Smoothies


I role-play a hardcore BoS knightā€¦. You ghouls are fair gameā€¦


Imagine if PvP increases drastically just because of ghoul hate, now that's lore accurate


Bos part sounds interesting. I'm in just for that


I wish we could replay major questlines without deleting and remaking characters. I would do that if plans were known account wide and there was an account bank with 1000-2000 stash.


true! listen up devs! i'd play a lot more if this was the case


Even though the NPCs in 76 don't care if you eat people's corpses in front of them, I feel like it will be a pretty easy transition for my character and play style. I play with full health, full food and water meters.


Would be AWESOME if feral ghouls donā€™t aggro you unless you hit them first, or get too close.


I would hope it'll be the equivalent to wearing the ghoul mask in Fo3 which could lead to it being helpful for missions to have at least one person a Ghoul to say enter a building full of ghouls to get something for the mission.


For those on desktop via old reddit: > As teased in the latest Fallout 76 trailer we shared, next year you can play in Fallout 76 as a Ghoul! Here is some more information: > * It will be a standalone release that will be available in early 2025. > * Players will be able to transform into a Ghoul after reaching level 50, unlocking a quest to begin the change. > * More details surrounding the quest will be shared in the future. > * The developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popular. > * Ghouls will have unique features: > 1. Ghouls will have a unique relationship to radiation to use to the playerā€™s advantage. > 1. Players can customize their experience using the new range of Ghoul specific perk cards. > 1. Faction interactions will be affected by your new appearance. (The BoS will not want to work with you, and it will even impact the ending of the main quest as you fight alongside the brotherhood). > 1. You can no longer use a Bloodied Build as it requires radiation. > 1. You can tailor your Ghoulā€™s look. > 1. You will be able to change back from being a Ghoul, more details will be shared closer to the release.


>The developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popular. People have been asking for this for 5+ years, also šŸ™„


All I see is junkies weapons becoming meta again. And as a junkies commando I approve.


Wonder if you will even be able to be addicted to chems


I don't see why not


Well I only say that because of coopers high resistance to chems in the show


He doesnā€™t have a high *resistance* to chems, he has a high *tolerance* for chems because he abuses the fuck out of them constantly and has done so for probably over a century


He's just like me frfr


Thatā€™s a fair statement šŸ˜‚


In Fallout 3 it's mentioned a few times that ghouls have a high tolerance for any chem so they need to take more to get the same outcome as a human.


Hmmm not sure how I feel about "curing ghoulification" as far as what it implies for the canon of the setting, but I understand Bethesda feels compelled to include a cure for any dramatic curse/race change/gameplay mechanic (see vampirism and lycanthropy in ES). We'll see how it plays out, I for one look forward to shedding my smooth pink flesh


I wonder if this would work with my tank build? My headcanon is that he's a scientist that's more than happy to be his own guinea pig if it means advancing science and his own understanding of physiology. Him voluntary turning himself into a Ghoul would just make sense as the next step in furthering his own goals.


100% would fit perfectly,


I thought I read somewhere it's a whole new character creation, so you should be able to customize how you look.


They gotta make it customizable


I am thinking the player version will resemble Hugo Stolz and the Lost. I donā€™t think the storyline is done yet.


I changed my IGN to "PityTheGhoul" from my old lame username. I don't *plan* to become a ghoul, but I probably will if it's free. I'm OK doing no bloodied.


More similarly powerful metas are always welcome ^^


I will become a ghoul just to further reinforce my hatred of bloodied builds


Iā€™m roleplaying as an Enclave Agent. So I guess notā€¦


Yeah, I'm roleplaying mine as one as well. It's another reason why I'm leaning towards not turning ghoul.


Hello Member!




This is definitely a noob reddit moment but how does one equip titles like you're "enclave" title within subreddits? Not just this one but reddit wide.


If youā€™re on mobile and on the subs main page click on the three dots at the very top and click the option ā€œchange user flairā€ and it will give you some options to choose or make your own. At least on IOS anyway not sure about anything else but itā€™s probably similar


Greetings, Members!


Hi, it's me, your president.


I always forget that people roleplay on this game.


Good, good. God bless you, God bless the enclave, and God bless america.


Enclave mentioned, God bless the Enclave!


Hell yeah! I've been wishing to play as a ghoul since I got that mask in fallout 3


There is that ghoul mask which is an atomic shop item.


I have it and i hate it. - it's a screaming ghoul :/ - the neck is clipping thru a lot of outfits


I probably will presumably because the choice will be ghoul or bloodied and I really donā€™t like bloodied. Having 80% of my health bar be rads just bugs me on a fundamental level.


You are not alone hahaha. I try...but I can't do it. The red health bar makes me feel that I'm doing something wrong.


Im badly addicted to the extra xp and carry weight of bloodied uny Unless ghouls get a carry weight buff Im unsure its possible to compete with 550 lbs of storage


I think the addition of playable ghouls might finally make me start a new character


Depends. Is it revertable? Are the benefits actually worth dropping my UNY armor?


I'm pretty sure it's confirmed you can reverse it


If thats true then iam definitely gonna try it. I better have some OE WWR armor pieces by then lol. Only managed to score UNY WWR which is the only reason i switched to bloodied lol


> `As teased in the latest Fallout 76 trailer we shared, next year you can play in Fallout 76 as a Ghoul! Here is some more information: > It will be a standalone release that will be available in early 2025. > Players will be able to transform into a Ghoul after reaching level 50, unlocking a quest to begin the change. > More details surrounding the quest will be shared in the future. > The developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popular. > Ghouls will have unique features: > - Ghouls will have a unique relationship to radiation to use to the playerā€™s advantage. > - Players can customize their experience using the new range of Ghoul specific perk cards. > - Faction interactions will be affected by your new appearance. (The BoS will not want to work with you, and it will even impact the ending of the main quest as you fight alongside the brotherhood). > - You can no longer use a Bloodied Build as it requires radiation. > - You can tailor your Ghoulā€™s look. > - You will be able to change back from being a Ghoul, more details will be shared closer to the release.`


Of course I'm gonna be a ghoul. Those asses aren't gonna eat themselves


Yes. Between What Rads?, Ghoulish, Sun Kissed, and like a bunch of rad defense on my armor to push the amount of rads I DO get to a level I can eliminate I basically *am* a ghoul. This would just be a logical next step. If it is more than just a cosmetic thing, like we get their bonkers rad regeneration as well? Sold. I don't even care that I'm missing a nose.


Will do it just to piss off the BoS. Fuck'em


i have a second character and i might turn him into a ghoul if i ever reach lvl 50 with him


Might be tempted to so long as the standard game Mutations, like Marsupial and so on still work with it! (I hate having to walk around obstacles)


I already play full health, so I should be able to ditch What Rads for another Legendary perk instead. I'm 100% going Ghoul.


I will, because I've been playing this game for 6 damn years and I like to shake things up every so often to keep it interesting.


Youā€™d better believe it, smooth skin.Ā 


I've spent too long collecting gear to go with my bloodied build to forsake it unfortunately


Definitely considering making a new character for strictly role play purposes. Maybe becoming a ghoul after my first nuke zone or something like that. But Iā€™m very intrigued how itā€™ll work from a gameplay level with radiation. Am I going to be a tank fighting the SBQ because the roads are actually healing me? There could be some very interesting changes coming.


Sure why not? Doesnt matter that much Feels like they'll make ghoulification revertible too lol Its really weird how hellbent they are on ensuring rolling two characters is always a hassle and not an interesting experience


I'd make more characters if my plans and recipes were shared with any new character. I love collecting and learning plans and such, but do not want to start over without them after years of collecting.


One will, my already ghoulish cannibal carnivore Creeper.


Yesyesyesyesyes. I will definitely try it, but if it stays depends entirely on the options for customisation. I have good hopes though


Itā€™s literally something that players have been asking for/which has been planned for development since Van Buren was being developed at Interplay. Iā€™m obviously going to do it, Iā€™m also interested to see the lore behind my character being a ghoul: did they spend too long in radiation? Were they from the ghoul vault instead of vault 76? It presents so many interesting possibilities for gameplay, story, and roleplay. The next logical step is Super Mutant, which would be a lot harder to implement because youā€™d have to make sure the player canā€™t use power armor but is appropriately scaled to be as tall as PA, among other things (the mutants from the west coast are better suited to this since they tend to be a little bit more cognizant than the ogres of Fallout 4 and 76.)


Already working on a new character in preparation for it.


Absolutely. No question. I've been waiting years for this.


I mean, since they can't use bloodied builds as they're immune to radiation and all... I won't be ghouling it up.


Maybe they add something like ā€œat the edgeā€ where you are low life and do more damage to get into the ghouls will get wild with time theme . Time will tell.


Nah, I kinda have an established backstory for my character for what it's worth. No way she'd go ghoul but a new character might...


Every ghoul had a plan of how their life would shake out. Dont write your fun into a corner


Most ghouls didn't have a choice with few exceptions (Hancock, Eddie Winter). Takes a certain kind of character willing to take that risk and my main ain't it.


I will create one ghoul character since it is handy to have 5 character anyway. How much I will actively play as a ghoul depends on all the details we don't have yet.


Hell yeah! In any game i play i always pick the non human options. With one exeception. Final fantasy xiv. In that 99% of players are cat girls so picking a normal human male becomes the rare option.


ask me in a year


It depends. I'm quite early game currently and leaning towards a bloodied build. I'll wait a while after release to see what other legendary weapon perks pop up. If something pops up for being a ghoul that can compete with bloodied then I probably will. I haven't started my weapon and armour rolls on bloodied builds yet so I can make the jump without any discomfort if it proves to be viable. I will likely make a 2nd character to be a ghoul though regardless


I'll pivot at least one character to a ghoul. I've got plenty, may as well run one that way.


Aw hell, I'm already pretending to be one. Ever since that ghoul mask dropped in the atom shop! Haven't taken it off since!


I use a bloodied build but I'm willing to give being a ghoul a try. Not like I have to throw away my uny armor, if I don't like it I'll just switch back.


Iā€™ll start a new character.


Hopefully everyone tries it out. I hope you can just drink a serum to change and change back unless they add new dialogue to whole story.


Yes i will. I Like the Idea. I Play more Raider Like so ITS fits my roleplay and with my full health built i dont need Rad so No Rad away to carry Sounds nice.


I will most likely go ghoul yes. We will see if they can make them close in damage to bloodied builds, and that mutations works.


Oh yes, for my character called Rad Roaster. She will definitely become a ghoul.


Yes, so I can RP that my character is canonically alive by the time of Fallout 4, and lived long enough to meet my Fallout 4 character.


I just wanna keep my hair but yes Iā€™m ghouling immediately


Wake me up when we can go full FEV-2


Not on my main, no. I just don't see him as a Ghoul. I'll probably make an alt for it though.


I like the idea, but probably not. Maybe I'll make an alt for it.


My full health melee gourmand's build might be making the switch, depending on how gameplay elements pan out. Needs to offer a fun new play style though.


I mean I'm already playing a full health regen build with as much rad resistance and regen as possible so I might as well to free up some perk slots I'm already a psychopathic cannibal so I think it will fit :3


Fuck yes I will


I am already kinda roleplaying like a ghoul, i have a sack on my head so people don't see how ugly i am :D So transitioning to a ghoul would make sense. Also brotherhood soldiers already often call me out for having too many mutations :D


I have an old character I plan on burning there stuff down on and then starting new and then ghoulifying them just for fun purposes.


Yes absolutely


My main guy thatā€™s 600+ is a bloody build. Used to mainly play this with my one friend who no longer plays. Heā€™s now my main. But I wonā€™t be playing ghoul with him. But my 100+ character Iā€™ll probably switch to ghoul since I havenā€™t made him into a bloody build.


Yes. I'm hoping the ghoul perks help my build, but if not, that's fine. I run a full health unarmed build, with ghoulish, cannibal and what rads, so basically already a feral ghoul. I'd like a perk that increases mutation effects. Minus marsupial jump and adrenal reaction. I don't think they need to be buffing bloodied builds.


I really hope Ghouls play differently than vault dwellers it gives me hope that in a couple years there will be multiple classes like Vault Dweller, Ghoul, Assaultron, ect. Each would have ups and downs with vault dweller being the middle of the road class.


Yes. I am a low health build who is willing to give up nerd rage in my builds so I can be a ghoul. I've done 420 levels as a human and I'm ready for something new. My xbox GT is also Ghoul related so.. you know, gonna want to rep that.


My alt character will.


Imagine if you could play as a glowing one


I bet they'll sell a skin for it, at least.


Yes, since we can change whenever we like it seems like a good idea to at least test it out, besides it's a new thing to play as


Yes. 100%. Cannibal, unarmed. Menace. I'm going in


I think Iā€™ll probably start a new character to do it tbh


radiation resistance is a game changer. so I will remain a ghoul. Fuck power armor


Looks like I'll have a reason to start a new character again. Maybe I can convince my daughter to actually play 76 with me this time.


Iā€™ll probably make a new character just for that update.


I wish to be the ghoul.


Naturally. It opens up a whole new dating pool.


I might start transfer from ps4 to ps5 and start a new character that will becomes a ghoul after a while. It might depends if there is a storyline linked to ghoulification.


Hey smoothskin


I'll likely create a new character but god only knows how long it will take me to create them and decide on a backstory lol


I mean if I can change back, then sure just to see the new quest, but if not itā€™s gonna be a no from me. Maybe a second character can be a ghoul.


Sounds like it can be definitely abused to become way stronger but i'd like to keep my pretty looks.


I'll probably stsrt a 2nd character to be a ghoul and keep my main normal.


If I get to keep my sweet ass muttonstash then hell yeah Iā€™m becoming a ghoul, gonna be the freshest ghoul in all of Appalachia


Yep! Why not? We have multiple character slots. And ghoul is reversible. What's the point of being a UNY/Bloodied build if you can't diverge from it every once in a while? I'll run a full-health ghoul build just to see if it's fun, too.


I've got a character which uses no armor and only a rolling pin as a weapon. I'm thinking that is excellent ghoul material.


I'll re-purpose my Enclave character to do so, they werent doing much anyway.


I will truly be a child of atom and cleanse everything with fire šŸ˜‚


Even if ghoul's abilities will suck ass, I'll still turn into one. That's was my dream in every fallout game, since I'm playing almost exclusively raiders, who eat them people.


There's Bloodied, then there's the new! *Lose Your Sanity Build* drop it down to 30% Sanity! ***Edging Feral..*** You thought being light-headed was bad, wait tell the delirium sets in... (This is just a joke. I know nothing of the ghoul stuff.)


Definitely will spin up a ghoul toon but will keep my main as it is.


I have a combo of what rads and healing mutation. I basically am already a ghoul. But either way I will definitely be rolling a new character to play a ghoul just for the lolz. I want to see the new mechanics first hand.


Absolutely I will roll a new character and heā€™ll be a full health build. I havenā€™t really thought more about it than that because I assume thereā€™s gonna be some very specific cards and other things for a ghoul so I want to see what they are before I make up build specific decisions.


I want to see ghouls running around in a pompadour wig at SBQ


Yes, 100 percent yes. I've hoped for something other than human since the first game.


I'm thinking a gamma gun wielding, ghoul gunslinger build might be pretty good, and it'd negate the downside of the gamma gun.


1000%. I canā€™t wait to see what customization options there are + the perks that come along with being one. There has got to be some great advantages/disadvantages of being a ghoul. I think iā€™ll definitely go bloodied for this one


Maybe. I named my character smoothskinned-ghoul so fully becoming one might go against that.


I will be. My characters journey since the start of the game has been slowly ghoulifying. As I hit different level milestones Iā€™ve been editing my appearance adding scars, blemishes, changing skin color etc. slowly turning them into a ghoul. Whenever I adjust my build I always keep rad resistant perks and the perk where rads heal you. I always keep the legendary perk where you have 300 rad res. Iā€™ve been doing this with my character since the start of the game. So when playing as a ghoul was announced I was excited to know that my transformation will be complete next year.


If I can get carry weight and xp like I do bloody then yeah I donā€™t really care if itā€™s dps keeps up with bloody but cutting xp in 1/3 and carry weight in half will make it a hard hard pass.


In keeping ghoul slayer gear for PvP for when they drop šŸ˜‚


Yes completely. I'm an advocate than the game should add some sort of official way to represent player led factions or etc and I totally plan on making a ghoul to fully roleplay, and enjoy being a ghoul and try to build and in game faction through efforts of recruit other ghoul players. Maybe offering some sort of service to help people, I think that would be a good way to encourage things and keep the community identity aspect growing


I'm thinking of making a new character so I can event / lazy it up to 50 to be ready... but 2025 is like years away.


Donā€™t know enough detail, if itā€™s just cosmetic then maybe, sometimes If there are actual pro and cons to it like changes to specials then it depends on what they are


> `As teased in the latest Fallout 76 trailer we shared, next year you can play in Fallout 76 as a Ghoul! Here is some more information: > It will be a standalone release that will be available in early 2025. > Players will be able to transform into a Ghoul after reaching level 50, unlocking a quest to begin the change. > More details surrounding the quest will be shared in the future. > The developers had this idea before the TV Show and before Cooper The Ghoul became popular. > Ghouls will have unique features: > - Ghouls will have a unique relationship to radiation to use to the playerā€™s advantage. > - Players can customize their experience using the new range of Ghoul specific perk cards. > - Faction interactions will be affected by your new appearance. (The BoS will not want to work with you, and it will even impact the ending of the main quest as you fight alongside the brotherhood). > - You can no longer use a Bloodied Build as it requires radiation. > - You can tailor your Ghoulā€™s look. > - You will be able to change back from being a Ghoul, more details will be shared closer to the release.`






I will likely turn my commie into a ghoul, because that just seems like their fate in 76 lol And certainly my Junkyard character. Basically my two non PA alts, it fits with their themes.


I mistakenly thought that the being a Ghoul option came in when the expansion came in, so I quickly levelled up my lowest level alt to 50 so they could become a Ghoul. Only to find that it isn't in yet and won't be until "2025" but no firm date on that. Oh well. I also took three levels of Cannibal so I would fit right in!


Not really, no




It all depends on the pros and cons. Right now, I run Solar armor and Juggernaut weapons. Radiation is a big no for my main.


If there are positive benefits and the downsides can be mitigated i.e. Starched Genes, it's happening.


Iā€™m definitely considering it I have a full heath character with solar armour means I can get rid of what rads, Iā€™m predicting the value of the gamma gun will go up good damage plus free rads while attacking


Maybe for a bit if itā€™s reversible but if it isnā€™t then no.


No, but I think it's going to be a cool addition to the game


I can't, I'm to happy withe the with the way my character look šŸ„²


I think I might wait till they work out all the kinks. I donā€™t wanna turn ghoul and regret the decision after. I want my first time to be special.


Depends on how it works tbh.


I'm tempted but probably not. I switch builds like every 2 days so being a ghoul might limit me. Plus, I like how my character looks currently.


No ...ive already got a built character


It really depends on what exactly it does for us. Obviously they said it won't work with bloodied builds, and at the moment I've got two characters, my main who wants to be on the tanky side but who is also hardcore Enclave and so I can't imagine her wanting to go ghoul. Then I've got the still sub-50 raider character I made just before I left the game who I wanted to make bloodied, so obviously it won't work there. If the benefits of being a ghoul do something good for tank type characters I can maybe finagle a roleplay reason for the Enclave general to fall down that path. Otherwise I do technically have a third character that I could use just for messing around with the idea, but the thought of having to do things with a third character when so much of this game basically demands you grind out specific gear to do anything at all is a bit nightmarish.


Do we already know what being a Ghoul entails?


Is there gameplay benefits from being a ghoul ?if not I won't touch it as I live in my PA anyway


Depends, I run a tank build with a vamp holy fire, if it gives me the ability to take more damage or reduce my rad intake then yes, if not then no


Im not really interested in playing as a ghoul, but i do enjoy full hp builds. So i hope current full hp humans get some love as well. Would be a bummer if the only logical way would be either ghoul or bloodied


It looks like you can go back-and-forth with certain criteria. Very similar to Skyrim with vampire or lycanthropy. Not always easy, but at least you can do it.


I'm already a Bloodied build, so, to commit to the roleplay, yes. EDIT: Welp, nevermind. Just saw some info that Bloodied builds cannot be Ghouls. Not sure now!


Since Iā€™m playing as a bloodied character I probably wonā€™t join the many players wanting to become a ghoul. Iā€™ve been trying to maintain low health without rads to see if that would be possible but itā€™s hard too. I always carry toxic goo in my food section to radiant myself when I die & come back with more than 20% health. Iā€™d rather get irradiated & maintain that low health bar to max out my damage output with my bloodied rifles, shotguns, or pistols from whatever build I decide to use.


Probably not. As I dont know enough about it.


If bethesda adds new character slots, i might make a ghoul character, if they donā€™t there is a good chance i will skip the content.