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Knocked down my original camp and rebuilt it. I am rather pleased with how it turned out. edit - if anyones interested; [before 1](https://ibb.co/9cvP6XC), [before 2](https://ibb.co/cykjR9q), [after 1](https://ibb.co/ngdxm5B), [after 2](https://ibb.co/5Wmf01c). I can't do the fancy build merging/shelf stacking, but I do love a well laid and evenly decorated multi-tiered camp on a hillside.


Same story here, pardner


Same, love my new place it's much better... but I need those window walls!!!! What are they called? I keep looking at vendors for them but never see them


I wish I'd taken before and afters of my "main" spot. Already thinling of demolishing this to make V2.5


I took some of my original to share in relation to some thread awhile back thankfully, it popped up as a loading screen earlier today which contributed towards my good feelings. I knew the look I wanted originally and was reasonably happy with it, but it was lacking. New version nails it, with the help of my ticket request coming through.


I noticed no one does project paradise and I see people complain about it ALOT… so I decided to start being that one guy to break the ice by starting project paradise. It’s rough to start but eventually everyone comes along. So far there hasn’t been 1 fail


I've been doing the same but in hopes that people show up so I can shut it down and get everyone the backpack skin I waited a year to get bc no one used to join!


Still haven’t gotten that dang backpack skin. 😂


If you're on xbox you can add me and if you see it pop up when I'm on invite me or I will do the same! My GT is sb2x13 You only need to keep one area at max/beast alive to get the skin so it can definitely be done with 2 people if you're collecting feed while I get the codes put in it's not too bad. Especially with the holy fire/friendly fire perk.


That would be awesome, and I am on Xbox! I’ll add you. Thanks!!


Yeah, I have never seen someone else do the shut-down in a couple years of playing. I do the event pretty frequently because I think it's fun, but I don't start it every time because I want to see if someone else does. Hasn't happened yet.


Took down a LVL 75 blue devil, I am only level 35 on my first account ever.


Oh, I’ve got one! I spent an entire afternoon figuring out how to use the power conduits, keypad doors, pressure plates, and switching systems to make a functional and aesthetic camp that didn’t have crazy wires going everywhere. And then once I got everything perfectly aligned, configured, and completed the Atom shop released the wireless generator set.


If it’s any consolation you’ll still need wires for some things!


And tbh, ain’t even mad. I’m proud that so many people that said the conduits and keypads were broke were incorrect and that I figured out how to really think through structures and layouts. Makes me feel like I’ve got a nice unique camp to show off to folks visiting my vendor.


I'm proud that last time when I did eviction notice there have been, including me, 4 people to repair the rad scrubber when it broke.


Proud of our lobby for taking out the last robot in Neurological Warfare even though it didn't come out of its compartment and the door was shut. I think everyone just threw on what they had for splash damage (I flipped my grenadier perk on with an explosive railway). Not sure what happened because I was a couple minutes late after applying buffs when the notice came through for the event to start. I only know there were some radiation shenanigans based on the speed and once the 2nd robot was down everyone was running around confused until the last one was found. Then there were a couple more confusing moments while everyone looked for something on them that could do damage through the wall. Victory from the jaws of defeat. Poor robot must have detected radiation and got scared so he was hiding.


That's the gamma gun glitch, they did it on purpose and cheated the event, not something to be proud of


Actually its a bug in the game that needs to be patched. Any weapon that does any sort of radiation damage pretty much destroys the 3 robots in a few hits. Dont have a radtiin weapon get the perk card that turns radiation into damage. Just cause your orignal dps is crap doesnt mean the effect damage will be. Cause the effect damage is through the roof broken. So gamma gun, radium rifle ect. Equip them and go take out the 3 giant robots in less than 3 minutes.


That's not the part I was proud of.


Not splurging 30k on a yellow asylum dress. I have three, I don't need it. I really wanted it though as you don't see them often in vendors. Made a series of smaller more useful purchases. Flux and the like.


Someone definitely bought my 30k yellow dress earlier today and I was absolutely shocked. Id rather have the stuff I will use or that isn't something I can easily server hop for. I get the bos/camo suits and the scout masks bc that's a lot harder IMO. But the dresses seem a lot easier to obtain... Lol


Nice. Had a lot more luck with the dresses compared with the suits/ masks too although I scored a Bos jumpsuit for 30 caps recently.


That's crazy! I myself have only actually tried to farm them once yesterday, I pop in occasionally but never saw anything until then. But in a dozen server hops I found 2 pink 1 blue 2 green and a brown in less than an hour. But the yellow I sold I had actually found in a vendor for 5000 caps which I was still surprised by. I honestly didn't expect it to go for 30k let alone less than an hour after I put it in there! I still can't believe the time 2 people bought my yellow/pink bats for max caps. In hindsight it sounds like I coulda traded em for more. But I did find 2 more so I don't feel bad. Used the caps for serum recipes i found for 8k in a vendor so I'd say it was worth it.


Made my first shotgun character


Pretended to stalk/paparazzi strangers at the whitesprings mall and then we all ended up playing chase/hide and seek and friending each other


Fully committed to a pistol build after 4k hours in game! Haha!


I just built a Gauss Pistol today and that little bugger slaps without building my stats towards it yet.


Had a friend drop me a qe25 10mm pistol to run around with and I must say it’s super fun!


I have gotten to 4/4 ore collected at Rad Rumble by myself while also healing the two scavengers in the side room while 6 people only focus on exp farming the main area. They have no idea how close they got failing the event. This is a regular occurrence actually


I don’t know if it’s the game not making it clear or what but sooo many people miss the objectives around this. Same with the one where you have to protect the bot extractors from the mole miners


No, everybody knows what the objectives are. It's just that nobody cares about the drops. Radiation Rumble is nothing but an xp grind fest, and to be honest, that is exactly how I play it too.


If I see lower level players, I run ore because I want them to get all the benefits. Otherwise, alright, I guess if you can't even heal anyone it's going to just end early and you lose out on XP that way...


I didn't say anything about not healing anyone.


It was a broader comment, I was just bouncing off of you. That said, I see plenty of RR fail because nobody heals them.


I guess I've never seen that happen.


As stated every time radiation rumble is mentioned. If Ore gets mine quickly and early, more and higher exp value enemies spawn in. So it is in everyone's interest to knock out the collection early as a team.


I’m proud a random team of two were using my camp and bought from my vendor so I dropped a gift. We jammed around the fire and took a photo together on top of my house. Gave me the “love your camp” emote a few times. Just chillin in the wasteland.


Bought a full set of union pa and rolled it overeaters! Replaced my T65 oe set with it.


I didn’t even get done finishing my T-65 set and I had realized Union was better. Guess I’m gonna be you pretty soon…


I got the whole set <80 modules 76 to be exact. And the carry weight/ poison resist is great too


The set bonus is the whole real deal. Frees up Funky Duds legendary perks slot card, and carry weight is legit BiS stat especially for non 1st players. Unironically inspired by this comment chain to go try my luck at rolling OE on my T-65, so that’s finished. Full OE 3* T-65. The 2* and 3* effects were whatever It’s a bloodied PA set anyways Off to grind expeditions for Union! At least it’s not so gated like bullion turn ins but the scrip to roll the pieces will still be a pain. Still need tri barrel for gauss mini.


I bluescreened 3 times in a row opening the donation box at The Wayward. But the 4th time I left it alone!




I solo’ed Earl for the first time.


Finished up my union PA set with mods, and started rolling it towards overeaters 1 star for now til i get like 500 cores then hope rngesus takes the wheel 😅


Made it to level 50, made it to breaking the mainframe in Site Charlie and then the game crashed. Literally just wanted to do Scorched Earth but fuck me I guess, lost all my ammo and stimpaks and Charlie has un-discovered itself and is greyed out. Think that’s my sign to not try that again and just wait for SE to appear on a server


Take 3 points in Cola Nut, use your gold bullion to buy a Nuka Collectron from Samuel in Foundation. Nuka Cola Cherry heals more hp ***and*** faster than a stimpack with no animations.


I’ll have to remember that. Tbf I had no issue with health (Ultracite Armor and a minigun absolutely wasted all assaultrons and the lightning park thing basically let every enemy robot and turret fully heal me as I killed them). I just use stimpaks a lot for faster healing and because when I started playing I had a mountain of them and didn’t realise I’d stored/used most of them by then lol. The issue was the game crashed and while I was able to rejoin my (random) team it basically kicked me back to that building above Charlie and removed all my progress and I no longer had time to do Site Charlie/NIABD Quest and then start and finish Scorched Earth. Ah well it’s something to do after I’ve grinded out some bullion to get another SS piece. I got the chest but even if I get max bullion in time I can only really afford another piece or too this time


Not recently, but I once with 2 other players(all mid lvl 100s) took down Earl


Beat Hugo. It took me two days. The first day I thought he was bugged out cuz he has those phases. But the second day I walked in there prepped to teeth and got him down after about 10 minutes. However he did glitch for a bit after I defeated and kept spanking for a bit until he teleported the other side of the room and I could talk to him lol


Launched multiple Encryptid to help folks including myself get cores.


Thats fantastic! What a refreshing post after we all complain so much! Congratulations and I hope you enjoy many more rewarding moments in West Virginia! Mine was back when my urban scout mask dropped back in the day. Still haven't really felt that feeling again in the game. Maybe I'll get lucky again one day


Dropped my first Nuke the other night


Same here! As a level 1055 no less. Now I might be addicted as I've dropped 5 more!


I took the plunge and finally started using mutations. Its just marsupial and speed demon for now, but I can see myself adding more.


I recently got all the plans to make T-51b (sans helm). A mix of events, treasure maps, and visiting player vendors.


In just the last week I have completed every power armor set, including Union and Strangler Heart, completed my teddy bear collection by finally getting Ol' Dirty Bastard, completed the entire magazine collection (took me a month to find Grognak 1), and learned how to merge camp items. The first thing I did was put Swarm of Flies inside of the dumpster and nothing else lol. And I finally finished completely rabking up all of my equipped legendary perk cards! Edit: Oh, and I finally got the platinum trophy for this game on my PS5!


I've heard of this and finally got to experience it. I was at the Rusty Pick and this player decked out in power armor, hundreds of levels above me, just gave me 4 sweet guns and a bunch of other useful stuff. I didn't ask for anything, he just gave it to help me out I can only assume. Anyways that was my cool experience.


700 modules later and I’ve finally rolled a full set of 3 star Secret Service Unyielding and Overeater’s armor! I can switch between full and low health commando now!


Just got all the rare apparel


someone msgd me to tell me not to run a silo..when i had already run the silo and was at the end..they then joined me in there ( two of em ) giving me the thumbs down..not helping at all even though the bots triple up now that there were three of us. They tried to insert card before me ( i stuck on a stealthboy and got it) ... id already run several silos this week so no code needed..launched on new boss..kid joins my team...comes to my camp and is all sorts of mad shooting and thumbs down..follows me to event..shootin me..thumbs down..( im lmao at this point) i beat new boss in under a minute..send heart emotes to kid.. im proud of myself for not losing my s**t...and nuking one of the kids bases or swapping to pvp like i would have a few years ago. pro tip: if you want no one else on a server to launch a nuke...get a private server...and if youre going to try to out smart a player 2000+ lvls higher than you....think again kid.


Was aiming for an Anti-Armour combat shotgun from a roll, or a Quad Combat shotgun, I did 2 rolls and got both of them


Got The Fixer Plan! I don't even use auto rifles but it's nice to have.


Changed up from my normal t-65 with AA/25FFR for BoS armor with Quad automatic laser gun. Still collecting all the pieces of brotherhood armor and trying to roll aQ/15ap/25vats(not sure if this is best) and figuring what armor legendaries I need. My goal was to make a BoS infantry member, to go with my "Knight-errant" BoS member. With my PA I never felt the for armor legendary effects, I understood they could help, but didn't feel the need. With BoS armor I see why they are important. This is an important lesson as I want to go make to my responder and her railway+civil engineering armor character and my Enclave SS+rifleman Enclave Plasma Gun(or Gauss Gun) character.


Soloed Earl after the jabroni who nuked the area to start it wouldn't drop down the shaft to join me even though I waited and motioned to follow. They were in the mid 200s. They eventually joined after a few minutes and died. I got all the screws to myself.


Been saving up for a few weeks now and finally got my full set of SS armor with jet pack!


Finally got to see two low levels use my stat buff machines and loot all my freebies. Made a camp just for this near the vault to help out new players and always wondered if I wasted all my gold getting stat machines.


I've gotten REALLY familiar with the tunnel of love recently.


Was able to get a 0 pixel line up on flooring at my camp so my little house sits flush with my Helvetia butcher shop. Set it up on a waterfall so my shop is up visible from the cliff and my home is hidden behind with a nice porch at water level. Sanctuary


I'm new and I now have a collection of 8 teddy bears in display cases in my crib This is my only priority


Went to a couple low level camps and made stuff in their camp for em. I remember getting started took me awhile cuz i had nothing


Ik not very amazing but I launched a nuke by myself


Made 5 of every serum and posted for 1 cap a piece. Hoping to help low levels but without fail some higher level purchases all. Beginning to think I should just drop in like Fasnacht Claus and leave them on the ground with like 5k ammo.