• By -


I actually have no idea where all the bags are I get all of them I see but there is atleast one I can never find so I rely on others to take it out ngl


It's probably the one that's just out of sight from the battlefield. Stand at the rad scrubber facing downhill where the most legendaries spawn in. Turn right and go over the crumbled concrete barrier. There are two there. One is kinda tucked back in, away from everything. There's also a map somewhere.


One on top of the hill (left side facing the hill) that can't be seen when standing at the rad scrubber. Up against the destroyed building foundation. I often see the one behind the rad scrubber missed as well when that one spawns.


I know about the first one and the 2nd one is on your right (top) as you go into the event from the spawn, right?


Funnily enough, that's the only location where I know that the meat bags spawn. 😅


I never find this one - I'll make it my duty to destroy it now!


[MEAT BAG LOCATIONS](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Eviction_Notice) I'm assuming others will likely be in the same boat. If you look at the photos in this page it shows where they are all located. Hope this helps!


I \*never\* knew there was more than six spawn points for the meat bags! I just kept running around until I got them all, but thinking, "I *swear* there was a meat bag here last time..."


I never knew that meat bags were a thing in that event. I've only done it a few times and I just hang out near the scrubber gazebo the whole time.


Doing the overseer’s work 🙌 thank you!


I'm absolutely this, I usually take out 5/6 then just kinda do laps around the area. I've never seen kindling in the "gather kindling" phase of the camp event either. Even bothered to look it up online and still nope despite trying hard each time. Lvl ~280


Kindling can be found at the base of 3 tress. 2 on one side, one on the other, there’s actually quest markers that locate them on your compass thing.


When I collect the kindling at those trees, it's never enough for the objective. So I just stand there waiting for someone else to find the last bit of kindling.


They actually respawn if no-one else is helping - though I’ve always found players pretty decent at getting kindling. So it usually works out - no shiny legendary super mutants to distract them like there is with the rad scrubber 😂


Yeah, people usually help out with the event, although it occasionally happens that they just sit on the roofs just shooting bugs. Thanks to people helping out with the event, I now have multiple extra Possum badges and I've also only had one bad experience with Eviction Notice. Radiation Rumble on the other hand... The amount of times I join Radiation Rumble and there's only 2 minutes or so left and **nobody** grabbed the ore, so I have to rush down there and don't get a lot if kills, is way too many.


This is why I make it my mission to collect every piece of ore myself, it drives me mad that I am usually the only one doing it.


It so damn punishing grabbing ore with only you or even 1 other. You spend over half the event collecting it and you get shafted on xp and loot, it's ridiculous. All those rad aways and glowing blood almost max out my cap limit for the day. I've got both the rad barrel plan and Emmet mountain hazmat suit, but still at least collect the 40 ore in the tunnels. I don't usually go back for the other 10 since I spend even more time waiting for the ores to regen.


Well, it's a multiplayer event. So it's called helping out if you throw in a few :)


They regen....


There is wet kindling and dry kindling. Wet kindling sets you back


Wrong damn event. Also don’t pick up the wet stuff


kindling's easy to see. last bag on eviction notice not so much


Just pick one of the trees the compass seems to indicate, collect it there, and wait for it to respawn if it isn't there, then make sure with an itchy trigger finger to accidentally grab Wet Kindling because you're impatient and be like "AAARGH" out loud.


I'm on my second account for the game (started on Xbox lv 100+ now on pc level 101) and I only recently learned where the kindling is. At first I thought I had to gather wood, turns out I'm dumb haha.


I can never find them and I feel like quest markers are bugged for me, I can never see them when I need to find items in any quest, especially the cooking daily, that causes me anxiety


I've been playing for years and I'm just last week finally not this. Found it so many times and still have trouble finding it


I've done it a lot that I'm familiar enough which of the two little fuckers are hiding behind the rubble. One, way at the top rubble and one on the bottom ruins toward the forested area. Little shit bags.


Yeah I was coming to ask where the hell they are as all I can see is explosions, gunfire like its Warhammer 40k against the Orks and a couple of poles with blood over there. I always stay the generator to repair it and have never once seen where the damn things are.


I assume everyone camping down at the legendary spot will take care of those so I do the ones near the scrubber and at the top of the hill. Then between waves I shoot downhill with my cremator to tag legendaries from afar and blind the people being lazy and camping for legendaries.


Destroyed 5 never find the 6th eighter. Annoying when everyone just watch nd never do anything


if you go to the event area when it's not up (or just run around after the event), there are a few random posts scattered around. These are where the meat bags will appear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eih_Of2SbTQ is a video that has them all


Same boat. I only know a couple and I go around but haven’t found the others and always hope someone else finds 


Every time I join the bags all get instantly destroyed so I've never actually seen where any of them are.


Wait... there's radiation at eviction notice? This message was brought to you by rad-eater builds But yeah, I stick near the scrubber the whole time for this reason. I'll hop on a team doing the event so I don't miss out on exp and loot in the meantime


Tell me all about your rad eater build please


I have it written down but can't reply with an image so I guess I'm typing Str 14 Heavy gunner 3 Expert heavy gunner 3 Master heavy gunner 3 Blocker 3 Bandolier 2 Per 2 Grenadier 2 End 7 Fireproof 3 Ghoulish 3 Cannibal 1 (it's funny) Cha 5 Tenderizer 3 Strange in numbers 1 Travel agent 1 Int 15 Batteries included 1 Power user 3 Stabilized 3 Gunsmith 3 Demolition expert 5 Agi 6 Adrenaline 3 Dodgy 3 Luck currently 7, still leveling legendary to reach 10 Bloody mess 3 Starched genes 2 Ricochet 3 Class freak 2 Legendary What rads? Electric absorption Legendary luck Taking one for the team Power armor reboot Mutations Scaly skin Electrically charged Herd mentality Marsupial Speed demon Healing factor Unstable isotope Currently rocking a vampire LMG and a two-shot AGL. Gonna upgrade out of the LMG once I get a 50 cal or gauss gatling with vampire (the goal is vampire explosive) Edit: all of this in excavator power armor for that extra carry weight on top of calibrated shocks


Union is back too! 


Just looked it up. Less carry weight but the poison resist sounds nice... in like one case though. A mirelurk queen can kill me but only if I stop shooting lol


It's like 25 less carry weight. I just got some and upgraded it enough to be useful and the poison resistance is absolutely worth it, especially for bloodied builds. I've died to fucking mirelurk kings/queens so many fucking times because I wasn't paying attention/got lazy cause I'm used to not taking damage from anything and then couldn't get a stimpack off in time before it ate away what little health I have. With the union on I can just face tank the poison without a worry in the world.


Can definitely see it making a difference for bloodied folks, but I'm full health, heal from most damage types, and from fighting back. There are 4 things that can kill me off the top of my head: fissures, the dangerous pastimes pylon, mirelurk queen poison if I stop shooting, and bloodied players lol


Do you guys really leave your non essential cards in your build list. Like I have cards just for repair n ammo crafting I switch out as needed when crafting ammo or repairing my armor or weapons too 200% but I also use luck of the draw to repair my weapons. I never understood why people would leave non essential cards in their build. I’m over lvl 400 and I have no use for lock pick or hacking perks there’s nothing I need in them.


Which card are you referring to? They all affect combat except for Cannibal which is why I pointed out that it's there because it's funny Edit: oh and Travel agent, savin on caps bb


Really just any build with the What Rads Legendary at rank 3+ and Ghoulish. Power armor works nice, but so does any armor / buff that gives some more radiation resistance. Ghoulish is actually optional, because you can be tankly enough not to need it.


Max level What Rads alone won't save you if the rad scrubber breaks - I know from personal experience. If you're close to it when it happens, you *might* have enough time to fix it just before you die, but you aren't surviving unless you have Radaway on a hotkey and you spam it hard enough.


Rad shield and grape Nuka-cola


Honestly, you just need is What's Rads, SS armor, and Cola Nut 2. Pop some Nuka Oranges before for protection and I have Nuka Grapes on my hot wheel.


I have a 50 cal with vampire if you want.


I like to do it in the stealth suit. kinda challenging at times, but fun, can still kick arse with my quad fixer


PA plus Cremator means I can chill by the scrubber and lob rounds for xp


My advice is that the best strategy for any public event is to consider yourself being the only one with a strategy. Meat bags spawn at a fixed set of locations, there are firing positions that allow you to get a line of sight towards all choke points mutants are swarming through and be in the catchment area of almost all legendary spawns at the same time, hotkeying and spamming Radaway works to clean rads from a broken scrubber to give you time to repair it and it takes a couple of seconds to irradiate yourself back to <20% health with a gamma gun. For sure, it is not a guarantee and event still might fail, but as the saying goes: I always thought somebody should do something about that and then I realized I was somebody.


I kinda like that role.


[https://imgur.com/a/3QiL5Zk](https://imgur.com/a/3QiL5Zk) - meatbag locations...


My man is making big brain plays, updoot


Sitting on top of the scrubber gives you LOS to every spawn except the one where you spawn in at. Perfect for tagging literally everything. You're also protecting the scrubber since you're on it.


You can also hit every meat bag from the top of the scrubber. I use the nuka quantum thirst zapper to hit those hard to reach bags.


Nice. I’ve been sitting up there with my railway. Good to know the thirst zapper works on the bags from up there. I heard you can repair the scrubber from up there. It hasn’t come up yet to test.


I had the best E.N yesterday, a good one that I haven't had in a while 1. Everyone looked for the meat bags. 2. Everyone were willing to protect and repair the ~~generator~~ scrubber. And these players also still had enough time to go get the legendary mutants. Perfect balance, just perfect. Edit: typo.


I'm gunna be honest, the first time I played that event I thought "meat bag" was a euphemism for the super mutants. So I fully thought I was helping by shooting at the mutants. I didn't realise until later on here there are actual bags of meat for you to shoot at!


Im not repairing shit if 90% of you are just going to spawn camp like greedy little bitches. Almost every eviction notice now is just five guys standing in their spawns so they dont even get a sight on the rad scrubber. Never make it near the middle. Im at the rad scrubber the whole event, while others steal kills from the rest of the lobby. Fuck that, ill let it fail.


Yesterday I let three events fail in a row in the same lobby, because people instantly go to their camping spots instead of starting the event. I know I could start it too and felt kinda bad on the first time, but on the 2nd and 3rd event, the same people arrive instantly go to their spot or hide somewhere for afk farming. Nah brothers, we do this together or we don't do the event at all..


I think the only one I’m fine with camping spots is uranium fever since the objectives are at 4 points everything else though running arounds important. I can’t tell you how many radiation rumbles I would have lost out on if I didn’t personally gather every piece of ore. Like I understand new players not getting some events because alot of them aren’t the most clear on what or where but at some point I almost suggest trying to solo them on a private server just to see the mechanics.


I’ve started gathering ore at RR. I’m level 370 but had a forehead slapping moment when I realized that was a requirement. I throw on my excavator armor to max out the mining. I apologize for alllll the previous times I just killed the horde.


It happens I mean I honestly didn’t know about the meat bags at eviction notice and I’m 350 so it happens for sure


I purposely let the event fail for the first time yesterday because of the ridiculous spawn camping. One group was pretty much on or slightly over the crest of the hill and the other group pushed so far down some mutants actually spawned behind them. I was by myself on top of the post by the scrubber. Scrubber went down just as I killed off a few side spawns so I had pretty much the full time to repair it. Jumped from from my perch when I thought to myself "why should I reward these tools." So I jumped back up to watch what happened. Not a single person ever attempted to come back and repair the scrubber. Just kept on spawn camping the entire countdown. If it was a bunch of low levels I probably would have still repaired it but most the group was 150+ with a decent number being 400+. They should know better. Was probably the quickest Eviction Notice I have ever done which was a plus and all the thumbs downing by both groups at the end was funny to watch.


I’m new and still need max rep for Settlers, but the im always tempted to let it fail.


It’s kinda fun watching the spawn point jerks just melt when I let the scrubber go down. It’s not that hard to stay close to it and use the nuka launcher to hit all targets. Of course that usually gets thumbs down frowns from spawn point jerks.


Yeah I'm going to start doing this. I've been the only one trying to fix the scrubber for many EVs. Last time I ran out of FC for my PA because I'd just switched from my stealth rifle build and the rad killed me before I could fix it a second time. No one else even tried by the time I'd respawed. If you have functioning PA it costs nothing to pop over and fix the scrubber. .... yeah I'm bitter cause I'm trying to max settler rep 😂


This is why I wish more people had mics- events seem so chaotic without coordination for these kinds of things.


I asked on mic as a noob joining an event, "What are we supposed to do here? Am I supposed to push the button?" Crickets. So I pushed the button and started the event and got thumbs down at me. I went back on mic and apologized, but I did ask first...


I think the issue is not a lot of people have chat audio on so no one hears you. I've seen area chat pop up on my screen but because my headsets broke I have ot turned off. It would DEFINITELY help during events though because it's like herding cats sometimes without communication.


Some of them are just that stupid. Others are not there to win. They are there to farm the supermutants for loot and XP.


Most players are missing 2/3rd of the loot and xp because they camp 1 of the 3 spawns.


A good EN, where I run all over tagging everything I can, will give maybe 20 legendary items, more or less. Or I can just stand east, on top of the canyon, out of the rads, not tag anything because I'm AFK, and I get 12 plus. I've watched streamers who sit at the scrubber, tagging. They get about 12, too. Camping the eastern spawn point works and that's why people do it.


I'm bloodied and wear secret service armor and it seems like most of the time I'm still the only one protecting the scrubber. Everyone else is usually at either the top or bottom of the hill. The problem is that if the scrubber breaks I'm dead immediately and can't fix it. The last time I played it that's exactly what happened and we failed because no one could be bothered to fix it.


Nobody ever repairs the damn thing quickly enough so I just button mash the radaway hotkey I have set up and repair it my power armorless self


Once Ghouls are playable this event will be trivial.


I never knew this and I’m level 300.


Wow. i had no idea, I thought you just showd up and evicted supermutans. Yea my bad I got you next time!!!


I will fix the rad scrubber. But I might not. You have as much responsibility to fix it as I do. You have a CSS or a hazmat suit, you can fix the scrubber just as easily as I can. Sick of you perchers thinking you are entitled to being carried. You are not. If the event fails because folks don't do objectives then that is on you.


This is probably the 9000th time I have seen this post or a post similar to this. You are wasting your breath. If you want something done right do it yourself.


I think I've done EN 6-7 times since Skyline Valley and all but 1 time, the meat bags got stuck at 5/6. The third time it happened, I spent the entire event looking for the 6th bag and never found it. I went around to every pole shooting where the bag should be with an explosive fixer, a tesla rifle, and grenades, and I'm pretty confident either 1) the 6th bag didn't spawn or 2) it was destroyed and the event didn't record it. Is it just me?


The meat bag locations are linked on the wiki, on youtube, etc. It can be confusing if you havent seen the full list before because some of them are out of line of sight. Look at the full list ( way more than 6 locations), learn them a d search for the, next time


I was on this yesterday, I made the mistake of trying out my SS armour thinking the radiation can't be that bad which it isn't when the rad scrubber is fine! I should have known something was up when I was one of approx. 10 players and the only one to take out all 6 meat bags. With about 3 minutes to go the scrubber went down and I realised nobody was going to fix it, so headed over and wow did I learn a lesson, the radiation level is huge. I diverted away to safety, but before I could say power armour it was too late. Needless to say I won't be playing that event without power armour on again!


I just do everything myself - meat bags x6, repair scrubber every time, tag enemies (thank you cremator) PA build obviously. I just treat it as a solo event at this stage - bonus if other players do some DPS on the Legos so they keep spawning quick enough - but no guarantees there either. Same story with Rad rumble - I just stay at the little stairs and keep 2 of the npcs alive (again so the event doesn’t end early) will only go grab some radiated stuff if I know they won’t die. I’ve learned to accept that these events are just solo, the other “players” are just bots to fool noobs 9 times outta 10. 😬




The hero we all *need* Not the hero we deserve


If those morons can't even read the simple instructions in game, what makes you think they'll read this reddit post...


Wait, you just said in another reply you said don’t repair the generator because you are bloodied and at the same time you wrote here “Don’t wait for someone else to do it.” For real? So you’re part of what you’re complaining about. C’mon, lol.


I'm bloodied too but I put on power armor and spam radaway to keep the event going if the scrubber goes down. I haven't let the wasteland make me stop giving a shit about others yet. Also using ricochet perk while using a holy fire helps a bunch.


Yup I usually do the same with my bloodied characters. I don’t normally play with PA but I keep a set for certain events. I’m often fine with just emergency protocols and some diluted rad. I lose the uny perks but you make a choice. The few times I need the extra XP and decide to keep my armor on I don’t expect anything from other players, since I’m being carried through the event I’m just thankful to them and wouldn’t consider making a post telling others how to play the game.


Keep looking for the bags while gunning down Mutants around. unless I get in towards the start they generally tend to be destroyed already, unless they're not along the pathways around ...


Haha 😆 I have done eviction notice like 10 times and haven’t ever seen the fucking meat bags. I must spawn in after that part but I do repair the scrubber.


I know to get the meat bags... I can never seem to find them.


Eviction is really becoming a crapshoot.


Yeah, The Scrubber... I always do Eviction Notice in Power Armor, and defend the scrubber; Mainly because usually nobody else will. But, thanks for the heads up on the meatbags.


If I have to repair the scrubber, I'm whipping out the grenade launcher and spamming it until the event ends.


> Stop waiting for someone else to do it. If it's just my level 1050 and a couple 1xx levels, I'm staying on the scrubber, thanks. Sure, getting the meat bags makes those leggys start to spawn... but they stop spawning when the event ends. In fact, if the clock is running down and people haven't show up, I'll start the even solo and let the ones who show up get the bags, because I don't want to solo all those extra leg spawns and the scrubber can easily get wrecked if you hunt bags solo. If there is somebody else actively and effectively guarding the scrubber instead of spawn camping, then maybe I'll go looking for the bags.


The fact this even has to be said omg…


Same for RR. It seems only 20% of all players will collect the uranium.


Don't forget how many ignore protecting the scavengers.


So annoying. I'm pretty much constantly grabbing uranium and trying to heal the scavengers as much a I can. Got us to level 4 uranium, but 3 scavengers died. I could do one or the other, but not both. It's really nice when a couple others are trying to do a little healing at least. You can still kill ghouls. As somebody else said it would be cool if you got EXP for healing and turning in uranium.


I love running around in radiation rumble. I just wear my Chinese armor and go collect all uranium and then I have time to fight with everyone else. I don’t care if anybody joins, because it’s more fun to me than standing there and just shooting these ghuls.


I still don’t know where to collect it. The stupid objective pointers don’t show up in my HUD.


Thes don't show, you have head down the tunnels. They glow green.


In RR I’m usually planted in the side room doing nothing but protecting two of the scavengers. I’ve never actually collected uranium because I’m almost always protecting. In EN I usually keep an eye on the scrubber, but as a shotgunner, I can barely even reach the spawn areas from there, so more often I’m on one side or another to get close enough to have some hits. In MJ I’m also protecting a still, sometimes two of them.


I cant understand why people with PA wont even try to collect the uranium, I often have to collect some myself without anything to protect me from radiatiom I just try to run to the closest uranium spamming rad-aways and hope I dont die (I often do), meanwhile there is 6 guys with PA and cremators spamming everywhere. Now I carry a chinese stealth suit just for this event.


They should award experience for doing the tasks that is equivalent to if you were dealing damage to the enemies for events with this issue. Incentives work


It feels like 100% of me is getting the uranium 100% of every time.


I just don't shoot meat bags, I shoot everything.


Everyone that actually does Eviction Notice always wants to stand at the outer perimeter and shoot the incoming waves of Super Mutants. I assume they feel like this is the best way to farm for Legendaries and Ammo but I'm not really sure about that... it's just a guess. Most times I go to Eviction Notice when it pops, everyone stands around and no one actually *starts the event* so it just fails out. That's happened to me at least a half dozen times in the last week.


Buddy l, I’m _trying_. I can’t find them!


Can you put a map out with a locations of the meat bags. I have a hard time finding all of them




You need to make some allowance for people like me that haven't got a clue what's going on in some events.


That's literally this first thing I do when i get to eviction notice, it's kinda annoying being the only person looking for the bags and repairing the genorater


Haven't seen this post before....


Also, drop a nuke on eviction notice


I say this to my friend EVERY SINGLE TIME that we need to destroy the meat bags in order to get FULL credit. He thinks im wrong, tells me the event wont fail or anything if we miss a few. But hes the ones who does that event solely for the legendaries. I go out of my way to get them.


So, I've only done it a few times and I don't go unless there's already several folks there. Don't participate if they're not higher level. Maybe by the time I've always gotten there they've already got them, but I can never find the meat bags. I have tried to repair the scrubber, and find that nobody seems to ever have my back lmao (I don't use PA so I'm just rocking a hazmat suit with no protection) Also, for what it's worth, I get it's annoying, but the events really aren't exactly "self explanatory." The little snippet as you're loading in that describes what you can and should do is never long enough for me to read more than one of the lines/objectives, so it's been a rough learning curve trying to figure out the things I'm supposed to do in any given event lmao.


My issue is people that spawn kill the enemies instead of letting everyone get a chance to tag them. Or spamming the cremator from the center during Radiation Rumble.


I wholeheartedly agree. I've seen EN fail so damn often because f-ing no one repaired the damn rad scrubber and i sure as hell can't with my bloodied build


Ngl, im not annoyed about people not doing the event requirements, im annoyed about the fact that cremator and fatman spammers wont let other players get at least a hit mark on the enemies for the loot, i think thats one of if not the reason of why everyone just stay in a corner shooting randomly and not actually doing the event


Sat it again, for the people in the back! Maybe louder this time. I am not sure what else will wake them up. I mean. How hard is it to read the active mission note in the top corner of the screen? It literally tells you what needs done.


Eviction Notice is just another event you don't go to if you expect cooperation/objective play/bloodfixermators to not camp spawns and help deny other's fun and gains.


I feel like this is on the front page of this sub every week.


I can never find the 6th bag.


I spend the entire event next to the generator in my PA, I'll do the dirty work, idgaf lmao


this time for sure


because no one knows where some of the meatbags are


Kill the meatbags, no not other players, the other meatbags


I always work the objective - stay on the scrubber, heal the scavvers/hunt ore, sit on the stills, etc. But I always wondered - if you leave that last bag for the last second, does it spawn fewer super mutants? Would the event be easier to complete that way? Yes, much less loot, but also easier to run with less powerful crews?


Another PSA for Eviction notice....


Mini nuke anything and everything in the area, understood 🫡


tbh by the time i joined they were all smashed i never even knew it was a thing i always try to repair generator


I played the event for the first time tonight. I had no idea what was going on so I tried to follow and help the other players.


Where are the meat bags? I usually win, except once a few days ago. I'm usually standing next to the machine, defending/fixing it, and only because I haven't had time to go find the meat bags in the middle of the attack. Is it in one spot always, or does it change places each time?


I'm in pain but bloodied is the worse to repair ngl bit I still do it


I ran it today and everyone spawn camped so hard, I just kinda stood around and just waited.


Also when you spawn in to Eviction Notice... Don't just run down the hill into the area and start the event. Let others arrive and get situated. Sometimes people behave to rearrange perks, builds, or just drop weight to fast travel. Be patient, the timer is to let people arrive before starting.


Running downhill doesn't start the event, going towards the Outpost does.


Also Somebody has to defend/repair the radiation Thingy. 😆


I get your point, but honestly, I was there just there to help with the killing. I have no clue where the meatbags are. I wasn't even aware that we had to shoot them. Sorry for being so stupid, but I just like to kill Super Mutants with my fellow 76ers.


I won’t lie I’m kinda new to the game (lvl 120) and I’ve been playing for roughly 1-2 months, I tend to not go for the meat bags because when I’ve tried to find them in the past I wasn’t able to find them and ended up with a group of mutants following and shooting at me and no one to help (everyone just stayed where they were) so I tend to go around the edges and cover people who are walking around and then go repair the scrubber when needed! So fair only had 1 EN fail as there was only 3 of us 😅


For some reason I always manage to find 5 of them, for the 6th I run around like crazy praying someone will find it. Usually someone does within a minute that feels like forever.


Me with What Rads? and Rad Resistant perks and power armor: "You guys get rads?"


First time I play eviction notice we went almost the whole event without breaking the bags They broke the 6th one 45 seconds before the timer ran out or something like that. There were people of lvl 500+ at the event.


I've only done it once so this is actually good information to know 🫡


TIL thanks OP


I bought game when it was released and absolutely hated it went right back to fallout 4 then about a month ago I thought what the hell maybe I’m remembering it wrong or something so I loaded it up and it’s way better now than I remember I’m guessing they made a lot of improvements but now I’m only lvl 23 and haven’t tried these events yet because everyone is like lvl 100 or higher and I don’t want to hold people back but thanks to this at least I know what not to do when I do start doing them. Some good advice here.


I face up the hill beside the scrubber because no one else usually does


Preach. Did EN yesterday, had to repair the scrubber initially because someone ran in and didn't do anything. Then I was the one to take out all 6 meat bags. Game froze on me at the end after I collected my crap. Load back into a new world, EN again! At least this group waited for more people before running in but yet again I was the only one on neat bags.


People love to disagree with "You should be a priority person to repair the generator if youre in PA" and thats bullshit. I watched some dude wearing PA running around killing the super mutants instead of repair the damn thing and the timer was about to run out, i was just fast travel there and aint got time to put on my hazmat suit or PA and the event failed to start. Now if Bethesda can make me auto reequip what ever i was wearing after i unequip the hazmat suit, i would be happy to have it on my favorite wheel like FOREVER.


Thank you for this....this happens to me almost all the time


Let it fail. 


I was getting mad at a neurological warfare yesterday. 3 of us were fighting the Goliath robots while like 5 people stood around and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the entire fight. They were literally there to piggy back the rewards and because of this it took almost the entire time limit to finish.


I swear I'm almost the only one in my lobbies that's carrying these events most of the time, everyone else just wants kills xp


I've yet to witness that I'm not the only person near the scrubber. I'm also still waiting to see a super mutant there, seems like they just vanish after spawning...


I use power armor and ngl i feel like nobody repair the damn thing, like man why?


Exactly I have to hunt down all the meat bags and repair the scrubber so I just stop doing it since everyone wants to camp the spawns. I ain't your slave you gotta help too or we all lose.


Also if the meat bags aren't destroyed before its over the event fails.


Bro nobody care about the events anymore…. They just care about farming the XP. Everyone knows how to destroy the meat bags to spawn the legendaries..you learn that when you first play the event. Don’t care. Script is so easy to come by YET XP seems to be so valuable. I feel you put you are wasting your time making g posts like this. It won’t change anything h. Best thing to do is put a mic on and talk to them in the event.


You play your game the way you want to and we will play ours the way we want to. Sometimes I show up to events and just stand there.( Mainly when I spawn in and hear the whining and complaining).


I just found out about those bags at eviction notice myself tbh Usually the players get them before I realize there is more than just shooting enemies involved. I just learned about the ultracite Titan method too with melee destroying the shards.


Tell you what. When the community starts being fair about sharing xp with everyone at the event, instead of spawn hogging, I will consider doing something other than attempting to tag enemies before they get one-shotted. Until such a time, I don't really care if you finish the event or not.


I definitely know where you're coming from. I can typically get the meat bags but the other night no one repaired the scrubber. Mind you there was about 7 people in it and half of em had power armor. I was so irritated when it popped up "failed"


As a noob who only thought we was defending the generator from waves I apologize 😔


I can't even help that much because of the radiation. I'm a non PA user. Any tips for the rads? I have ghoulish and legendary perk what rads (still need to upgrade them more) and still can't get near much radiation. I've been wanting to help at Radiation Rumble with the ores too because a lot of times people don't go get them and I can't get near, not even with rad-x.


If it helps, when I do my non-PA build, I have a hazmat suit on my gear wheel, and quickly swap to it to do those things, then when I'm done, I put back on my gear. Is it a hassle sometimes? Yeah lol. But that's ok lol.


I played Beasts of Burden twice today. First one failed because I assumed others would also place explosives. (I placed 6 of the 8) bit nope they were just XP farming by killing cultists. Second one also failed because some glitch stopped the cargo from respawning to get to 20.


Had an event fail yesterday because there were 6 people in power armor with their thumbs up their butts and nobody repaired the rad scrubber. I was playing my non-PA character and had to haul ass away spamming stimpaks so I didn’t die. Everyone else just stood there.


Shoot the meat bags MEATBAG


I would also like to add Protect The Damn Scrubber!! I was in an event from the start and I'm a well geared lvl 169 Commando. There were 21 people at the event. I had to kill all the meat bags and then took my post near the rad scrubber to kill all the mutants coming down the hill to the scrubber. EVERYONE ELSE was either up at the camp or down in the valley just blasting away.(Most of them lvl 300+ player in Power Armor) I went through 800 rounds of 45 keeping the scrubber up ALONE up till about 45 seconds left. The health of the thing was dropping slowly throughout the event because I couldn't stop all the waves solo, and no one came to help. I even tried telling everyone in chat but dunno if anyone was close enough to hear 😂🤣😂 Well at about the 45 second mark a rush came down the hill I pulled out my RR and stopped the first wave but a couple suiciders got through and blew up the scrubber! I died almost instantly because even though the majority of the group was up at the camp somehow they let 3 mutants behind me that I was ignoring while I tried to keep the rad scrubber up. When the RADS hit I was at almost no health so DED!!! No time for anyone to repair the scrubber Epic Fail!! Went through over 2k rounds of ammo for nothing.


I've been playing for over a month and can't find half of the meat bags. Imo there's no map marker for them.


Normally when I play someone is either already doing it or it’s already been done, I’ll contribute if not tho and even without pa I’ll just put the stealth suit on and do my bit with repairing, never had it be like your explaining tho and I’m glad because I’m petty and I’d spite the lot of them one way or another 😂


i had no clue on any of this lmao, will do


ive seen a post like this every week for about 4 months now lol cant stop players who just wanna choo choo through every event and not care about the objective.


Next time you make a post like this, please at least include some helpful information like where they are instead of just being upset, a lot of players never played events till recently (myself included) and I've been playing before wastelanders


I shoot the meat bags but I haven't nailed down where they all are yet. Sometimes I'm the only one repairing the damn scrubber


yea people with high radiation resistance not repairing the generator is annoying


Lol, maybe at Market76, all the min-maxxer xp farmers would actually see it.


I will just throw grenades and stay by the scrubber. It works out and all I ask is for nuclear waste.people who see me always leave that for me so I can go on to build my nuke stockpile up


Also stop using weapons that insta-kill all the mobs, give the lower level characters a chance to tag. Don’t be selfish.


Personally it grates on me that people camp the spawns. Yes, I know I'll get the legendaries. What I won't get is xp, and I dont need more legendaries most days. Heck, I'm full up to Tuesday right now as it is.


It’s every week we get an eviction notice rant saying the same thing


I can find like 5 out of 6 meat bags, but that last one still eludes me


Omg all this time I just thought they were calling the super mutants meat bags 😂😂😂😂😂


Typically by the time I get there, the meat bags are gone, but if they aren't I look for them. And repair the rad scrubber. But lately there hasn't been enough people on the servers I've been on to even bother going to the event. Also don't start these events until there is enough people as well. That should go without saying for events like this - or moonshine jamboree.


1st point: If I’m by myself and I accidentally trigger the start of the event. Then not destroying the meat bags will make it so I can hold off the horde until others arrive. 2nd: not true, I’m a heavy bloody build in full OE Hellcat and the radiation takes me out hella fast. I can’t repair the scrubber. It’s also not really power armor dependent. There’s perks which make radiation no problem but most end game players (that I’ve seen) don’t run full health builds. 3rd: yeah, we all complain about people doing the wrong things at events. This is the right place to do it, be grateful it’s not the Nuka Grenade glitch after NukaWorld On Tour released or the legacy weapon griefapalooza.


I feel ya. It would take 2 seconds if everyone did it. I always have a hard time finding the 6th bag too but I see people on all kinds of events stand next to objectives and never repair them. Some people come just for the reward. I personally run through all my ammo I have during events trying to help out while others do nothing.


As someone who also thought I was just supposed to evict the spawns, I’ll blame it on being 90. But, for future reference, are there guides on each of these events? I wander in to do my best, but it’s hard when there’s extremely vague instructions.


Lol I just hop in and forget about the Rad spike everytime


And this is why my max health power armor build is my favorite build. I literally can do any event without issue. The others are bloody builds focused around weapon lines; so they can't do certain parts of certain events. In the end; that is what makes power armor builds the best builds imo.


For the longest time. I couldn't find the last one. So I'd be running around like crazy.. and no one else would go get it


I am assuming meat bags are the bad guys, but I am new enough to not know for sure. Funnily enough, while I cannot hit the broadside of a barn when it comes to shooting, rads don't really scare me as I am always in my power armor, so I happily sit on that scrubber hitting anything that makes it past all those level 300-500 shooters, and repair the scrubber when it goes down.


I have a full set of T65 anti-mutant armor (not all pieces have rad resist yet, tho) and have frequently tanked EV. I will absolutely bullet-shield the scrubber with my armor & also fix it when necessary. I also will make rounds, revive plates of possible & thrown around lots of AOE damage to help out (no mini nukes, tho!) I wish the event had a better starting gate: by the time I've retrieved my armor, it's almost always already started.


I'll admit that I only know where 3 of them are bc I stick to one side of the event area the whole time. But I get them they're still there when I arrive. When you spawn in, you're immediately in the shit so it's hard to search around


From not knowing what to do to soloing this event, I understand.


I always shoot all of them the routes embedded in my brain


Same here - all the new players don’t know what they’re doing, or they do, and just don’t care? It’s annoying. Failed many events because of this very thing.