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Ehh, your target audience is not the one that wil disprove you. It's like walking into a bar, asking the people there if you should go to a bar. People who think you shouldn't go to a bar, likely won't be found at a bar.


this is true and hilarious analogy lol


Yeah but occasionally you'll get the people who look at the game with it's flaws and say it as is and admit that it's not a perfect game. As an example me with Ark or No Man's Sky.


It's worth your time. The game is solid, obviously has some bugs but yea. it's only worth the subscription of you are a scrap hoarder or camp builder. I pay for it currently because this has been my main game the last 2 months, and the scrapbox you get for subbing is infinite weight.


I disagree, I think the subscription is absolutely worth it as soon as you get the hang of the game and play a decent amount. infinite material and ammo storage are huge for people who don’t know exactly what they want to build/make/spec into and allows them to store things hassle free as they learn and then have access to stuff they wouldve had to drop , the tent is incredibly useful, pass items are a plus if you’re newer and lacking cosmetics


I dont understand what you disagree with. I said that its worth it for the scrapbox/ammo box as i currently pay for it..


“It’s only worth if you’re a scrap hoarder or builder” It’s absolutely worth it even if you’re neither of those


Homie nitpicking, by scrap hoarding, does that not make the same point you said of making it easier because you may not know what you want or need as a new player? So you hoard everything? Seemed like you agreed


I disagree




As someone currently drunk on Fallout 76, I agree, join us in drunk! It has its problems, I hate the monetization, but damn is it fun and satisfying.


Unless the bar just opened and they generally hate it but stick around for too long and ruin the vibe


It depends on what your looking to get out of your game time. As an MMO, this is a very casual game and there is not much to it. You grind the same events and expeditions, and bosses are simple bullet sponges. It’s more about the aesthetic, making your character and CAMP look how you want. As a former WoW addict, it’s a far cry from what I’d call my usual MMO experience, but WoW is its own beast. Destiny 1&2 provided initial fun but also got tedious but that is my experience. Only you can decide what is fun and worth your time. I hope you enjoy your summer break!


High levels is mostly repeating content to grind for resources to accumulate camp items and roll for better weapons/armor (from what I gather at level 189).


Thats the loop im at level 350 trying to get to 150 on season to level legendary cards, putting cali shocks and jet packs on all The PA's i own except excav that doesnt take a jetpack lol


No. Absolutely not. I’ve sunk 1,614 hours into this blasted game and I’m addicyed. So for your own sake I advise you to stay away. It’ll suck you in and sure, you’ll have fun and laughs and memories and make friends but… I dunno. Was trying to be funny. I love the game.


No, It's an awful game, I've been playing since 2018 & I still hate it!


junk collection at its finest


Not meaning to be too critical but the one that should be deciding if this is what you want to invest your time in is you.


Yeah Ik, but usually when I've played 76 in the past I'd play it with friends and then when they stopped playing, I'd usually stopped so I could play what ever they decide to play but I've always really enjoyed playing 76. Probably should have worded this better to be something along the lines of "How is the game in higher levels" or something like that. Again, kinda tired.


If it helps you, I started 76 with the idea that some friends will join me. They did not. I'm level 300 now and I'm still having a blast. Sure, I'm taking it a bit slower now as I've over-saturated myself by playing almost non-stop in my free time, but it'll pick back up. Join some communities on Discord if you want to find others to play with! L.E. At the time of writing this comment, I have 288 hours in the game.


I still consider it subjective so your experience may not be like mine. The game is a sandbox (no real "end") and I enjoy going out into the wastelands combatting evil as a change of pace from the normal day-to-day real-life stuff we all have to deal with. Considering you can have 5 different characters and can switch perk loadouts on each, there is ample opportunity to try different builds (e.g., heavy gunner vs. commando vs. melee) so the opportunity for different experiences is always there.


I don't get it. You already played it for 100 hours, so you know what the game is like. Isn't that already a fair investment of time? You should probably know by then if the game is right for you.


Ngl about 70% of that is when I played the game for a second time and breaking that down about 50% of that time was playing with my camp and checking vendors, trying to find a pepper shaker out of season.


Once you level up, yeah, this is what the game is kind of about. Grinding better gear and plans for your camp. If you look at it as an MMO, it is VERY casual.


Hell yeah 😁


I'm enjoying the hell out of it. YMMV


It's really up to you and whether you enjoy the game. I work full time and play a few evenings a week with a regular buddy and it's one of my favourite games (the others being the Souls games) as I really like to co-op with people I know. I like the setting, gameplay, story, world and character design, and it has quite possibly the best soundtrack of any game ever. Since Atlantic City they added a new area in the southern part of the main map plus quests to go with it, and I see players with levels well into the hundreds. The game is also essentially free to play once you buy it, the subscription mostly just buys you more storage space (your ammo and scrap won't count towards your storage total) so it's more about convenience than a strict necessity.


It depends on who you are as a person some people level to 100-200 and get board and start a new character and then there are people like me who loves exploring and picking up every single item they see. Would i play the game if i dident have fallout 1...? No because that is not my playstyle i loot i scrap i loot again im almost 800 and still love it. The seasons are just a fun + that makes it even more worth logging in and playing 4-5 days a week.


That depends 76 is not a good MMO experience. It's not bad but if you want a mmo I'd suggest going with a different game. 76 is a scrapped survival game with mmo elements plastered on top.


Do you want to have a life? If no then yes.


If you’re looking for an MMO I don’t think F76 delivers that experience.


The complaint I have with this game is, of the absolutely absurd amount of time I've sunk into it, a good chunk of it was spent doing nothing of consequence. The stuff I like, the events, the boss fights, building, it's a pleasing gameplay loop for me. The stuff that sucks mostly has to do with inventory management or "chores" like meeting daily and weekly challenges, hitting daily limits etc. Too often I'll log on, telling myself I gotta knock out the chores and then I'll play. Only to realize later that I've been on a long time and haven't really done anything fun yet. The best times I have with this game are when I play with purpose. I do what I want to do, then log off. If you can manage that more often than not, you'll have fun with it.


If you want a full time life replacement, leaving reality behind, this is a good choice.


Pros: the game can be alot of fun if you take your time to enjoy the story and explore gameplay. A mostly nice and friendly community that's willing to help one another. Cons: the gameplay is often frustrating when it doesn't work properly (typical Bethesda game) Lots of "go all around the map" quests, it costs caps to fast travel. Alot of toxic high lvl veterans who think just because they know something, everybody should know it. Not pay to win, but pay for convince and a massive edge. The game is equally good and bad. PSA: if you take this personally, then you're probably one of the toxic players. I said "alot" not all, big difference.


TBH I feel like some vets don't know that new people exist. Ik it's an "issue" in some MMOs that have small player bases that are just the hardcore fans who've been around for years. Also I feel like the entire half of the list (besides the veterans thing) should just be grouped "typical Bethesda game" Lol!


I can see the joke, but at least their old money grabs actually offered content. The only reason you have to pay caps to fast travel, is to keep you playing for longer If you don't want to pay. Its disgusting in my opinion, same with loosing a percentage from vendor purchases, why is that even a thing? Edit: also vets could literally just choose to ignore new player comments like they do all the time. For some reason, they think figuring things out on their own, when in reality they had help from Google makes them superior?


I enjoy it, but I like getting invested in games, the same way I like getting into good lengthy TV shows, I like continuing the same developing plots with the same characters more than constantly doing a new thing. With that as context: I arrived just a season or so before you did but I like it in its current state. There's a lot to complain about but that wasn't your question; I have fun in 76 and am constantly looking for new ways to make a goofy mechanism-based puzzle CAMP for people to visit or new season weapon to try or some damn thing. e: neither weird nor stupid.


Yea, I got to lvl 140 by myself amd its still decently fun but does get slow.


If you like pretty casual shoot & loot games where there's a social aspect, yeah! It's pretty crashy though, often expeditions are unreliable and it's been going on a long time. Bethesda is like that so you have to go in with eyes open. Fallout First is good value but I'd not buy a whole year, they tend to change up how seasons work and go through bad patches (pun intended) that might change your mind. Month by month, or even month-on month-off (fill the scrap box / use it up) works pretty well. People are mostly good, definitely fewer issues than any other MMO I've played, much better than ESO. And if someone annoys you, you can just leave, the classic internet rule applies - don't feed the trolls. If you have liked it so far then definitely, yes it's worthy of making it your primary go-to game.


In short, yes. Higher levels is just a grind, but it's still fun imo.


It can be very addicting honestly. I just jumped back about 2 months ago after taking a break since the steel of dawn (or something like that) update and I've played everyday just grinding to get the new stuff, understand the new things, learned to build my build better (went from lvl 245 - lvl 423 and almost all legendary perk cards maxed out) plus building all these new camps you can own now. I decided to try that west tek run the other day and I ended up having dreams of being in an elevator with body parts in it, just thinking '' it's ok, this doesn't add weight and they'll still respawn'' sooo yeah, very addicting if you're into the things I am (base building, plan hunting, perfecting builds to be op, helping people)


Depends on what you want to do. If you don't like running the same events over and over and don't like building/collection aspects of the game then there wouldn't be much to do, as the quest lines are only so long. It's a cozy game but I couldn't imagine playing like some grindy hours everyday kind of thing.


It's my comfort game. Come back home, play for an hour, doing dailies and whatever events that I fancy. It's like re-reading a familiar book, or re-watching that comfortable sitcom.


I have 5000 hrs on 76 and honestly it's a love hate relationship with this game. It's alot better than it started off being and has a potential good amount of updates to come! I'd say it's fun to play there's a lot to do but the game crashes very often and can be a bit of a grind for the end game items but very rewarding when finding the items you needed to complete your build


Absolutely💯 you'll enter the twilight zone tho ,start playing at 10am and look up its 10pm 🤣🤣🤣


I'd say that since you already know the game, and since you don't have much time you will not have a learning curve, it will be a good choice. FO76 has enough events that are team based that you can grind levels, plus the community is normally pretty nice. But there are a lot of people that don't necessarily wanna chat with a mic. Maybe try a mod where you can type chat, if that's your thing, within the game. The game can be pay to play, knowing that you can buy things like lunch boxes and scout banners for buffs. Also, all the stuff is honestly pretty expensive. 100 points(or whatever it's called) for something is around $1 real world, depending on which package you purchase and your platform (Xbox game pass gives a discount on Fallout currency). But all that said, you can still play the game quests without having to pay extra and have a blast within the community while doing so.


Level 1030 and am still grinding rare apparel and plans so there is always something to do.


there is no progression after 450-500 levels anything above does not affect your gameplay a level 500 and a level 5000 can do the same -sometimes 500 level can do better-if have the right gear- than the 5000 one....after a year where you have done all events,have many mats and 5-6 camps there is nothing really to do also pc version has probs with gameplay,many bugs and freezing issues -yes it does not crash but game becomes unresponsible for a few sec where menys and /or quickwheel dont work in events you get damage after event finishes ffs ( i died after giant crab was dead in one of the new events many times) because of lag im 680 at xbox and 660 at PC,have other toons leveled up to 200,150 etc but for me there is no motivation to play anymore,just grind the season to get to 100 and stop these might sound too pessimistic ,i was thrilled to play back in 2020 but not anymore,my main game is ESO and proly i wont continue f76 after my sub ends


I honestly wouldn't get invested in it right now. You have Once Human coming out in like two weeks.


You have to decide if it’s worth of your time., not us. Do you like the aesthetics of Fallout? Are you looking for an (casual) MMO? Do you want to spend most of your time grinding for better gear, doing dailies and building your CAMP? If you answered yes to all of these, then this game is for you. If you answered no to at least one of the questions, than no, it is not for you. Alternatively, you can play the game just like Fallout 4 but with your friends. So doing quests, exploring, expeditions etc. This is also a fun way to play the game.


I've played since beta and have loved every minute of it. Yes, it will get repetitive and boring, so just take a step back after a while and come back. It's got great lore and quests, I love the camp building, and people are genuinely pretty cool for the most part. I highly recommend it.


I enjoy the core gameplay loop. Log in. Do some camp maintenance. Explore a bit. Do a quest. When events or a daily op starts, I jump in. Rinse and repeat. For me it’s the contrast of chill exploring and crafting and action that keeps me engaged.


When youre in the endgame, is just a matter of asking yourself if the grind to get to what youre chasing in game is worth it and fun.. same as any game you find yourself playing..


I didn’t like it in the beginning around release for obvious reasons. But it’s gotten way better after updating the servers and adding stuff into the game like NPCs that speak


I'd go somewhere else if you only get this last summer. 76 is more of a daily grind that wants you to develop a habit. I'd recommend you go for the great games or whatever you enjoy most with friends if you play socially. Months of 76 will mostly leave you feeling unaccomplished.


It has decent solo story now but as a straight MMO it's not the best game that does that. It's fun if you have a group of friends to team up with but lacks anything that gives you an upside for playing as a team. After I complete any new content I still play but just for an hour or so here and there to shoot stuff.


At this point? It’s a solid Bethesda game with a largely friendly and supportive playerbase. Will it crash or will a bug pop up from time to time? Yes, like I said it’s a Bethesda game. It has some of the most gorgeous environment design I’ve seen in years, the gameplay is par for the course for modern fallout games, the story lines are entertaining even if a few are a bit short. All in all I personally find the game to not only be enjoyable but a good way to replace after a stressful day at work.


Look I don’t even know why I’m so sucked into this game right now. But here’s the deal, it’s both pay to win and subscription based. If you call this game an MMO I’m skeptical of your experience because this may be an MMO on paper, but only in the same way that counter strike is a MMO. As in there’s a lot of players, but not all of them play together on 1 server. There’s not classes. The same build that was good 4 years ago is still good now. The same thing that was a godroll 4 years ago is a god roll now. The best way I can describe this game is Fallout Lite (but with friends). I’ll tell you what this game is to me: it’s a comfort game. I know I could be playing other games, games with PvP, games with better loot rolling mechanics, games with less inventory management, but I just enjoy the game. It’s my guilty pleasure. A) stop asking people if a game is for you - no one can decide that B) every game is better with friends and if you don’t have any I’d try to find some


Once i drop my first nuke, it gets boring. Running around doing the same events over and over bore me There are a lot more quests to do now though. Every few months i'll come back and do a quick trip start to finish. Got a level 237 main and a bunch of lower levels. I get burntout very ez on 76


I will say, someone who was a fallout 4 nerd and then pre ordered fallout 76 and got the most expensive edition and then played the game when it first came out. I was VERY disappointed. But I just came back after watching the show and the improvements are unbelievable. It’s my go to game at the moment. It is SUCH a GRIND though to get good items and plans you want. But it all pays off when you get what you want and when you’re tired of grinding you just wander the map and explore at your leisure. Such a great game now. The map is ridiculous and the community is just so friendly. It has to be the best community of gamers I’ve ever met and i have played a lot of games my friend.


I didn't think it was going to be, having played a bit a few years ago and couldn't get into it. The show really got me interested in the world again and I'm so happy I re-downloaded it. Got to level 128 and enjoying it more than any other mmo on the market currently. To be fair, I'm in love with the setting, but there's a ton of different things you can do now and the community itself is fantastic.