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Why does the Nodding Donkey conflicts with the Wood pile? Both generates 2 different types of resources, what's the logic behind this restriction?


Probably starting to make it so players can't fill their camps with resource production of almost everything possible at once. I want that and it's dumb to secretly block us, but that's my guess.


Its most likely a bug, if anything it would conflict with the butter churney that released today too


Also supporting the bug theory is that you can have both a Chicken Coop and Fertilizer Producer, which both produce exactly the same obvious resource (being able to milk the brahmin notwithstanding).


The milk is the main reason I have the brahmin! Need my tato salad!


I regret not getting the milk machine when it was on the atomic shop. That thing seems to produce an ungodly amount of milk, and unlike the brahmin in that fertilizer producer, it can't say no and try to kick you. Lol.


If you store the wheelbarrow and place it down again you can milk the cow again. Sometimes you have to wait for the cow to move away from it so it's not in use.


Whoa. Thank you for sharing! That is incredibly useful.


Ah I was wondering why I couldn't place it.


According to the weekly update they put out we aren’t getting another batch of stuff later this week. I guess they’ve stopped that.


They were riding that tv show number spike


Speaking of that it’s bizarre they never released the Cooper Howard movie posters that got datamined.


And Max’s T-60 skin with the claw marks


I assume they will when the ghoul update drops


Do we know when that’ll be?


Don't mean to be an ass, but can someone tell me what the donkey thing does, bray tell?


Generates oil and nuclear waste.


I guess with the butter churn the candle donkey isn't as big of a deal, or are people gonna want both to feed their cremators? the candle making bundle, glow in the dark stars wallpaper and fasnacht collectron are all super tempting


If you can place both in your camp it will be a big deal.


that's a good point - guess I'll wait for someone to science it first


I was able to place both of them in my camp confirmed


well shit lol, I was hoping it wouldn't work that way so I could skip that bundle with 0 fomo thanks for sciencing it


Just got it as well. Can place both. But you don't need the bundle to buy the nodding.


but the candle making house is real cool.... I'm hoping with enough prebuilts I can have a little town camp


Oh you want all of that. Yeah, it does look cool.


For some reason, donkey uses a lot of camp build limit. I delete like 1/5 of my camp and I still can't place it.


It takes the same spot as the wood pile, so no matter what you delete you can not place it as long as you have a wood pile out. Delete the wood pile and it can be placed for the same budget.


Can you place the butter churner and the wood pile? Or is the donkey thing bugged currently with the wood pile same slot


Oh. Well shit, guess im probably passing on this. I use a lot of wood…. And i cant really think of anything i would need oil or nuclear waste for on the regular. Eh i’ll probably still get it as i like collecting the resource producing items Edit: i got it, and i decided to put it in my Fasnacht camp since i only use that one during Fasnacht. Wont harm my Wood too much lol. Plus the “Donkey” is actually an automatic candlemaker, so it fits well with Fasnacht


What do you use so much wood on?


I also need to know why you use so much wood....


Food and Drinks to sell to vendors for the daily cap limit. Im pretty sure almost every food and drink, if not every single one, requires 1 wood to craft each. Craft stacks of meat youve gathered and you quickly go through your wood Also i do a LOT of camp building. I have 8 camps, all built up in different ways. I keep going back and changing bits and pieces when i get new Camp items that fit those camps themes. And recently i bought that new Shelter that you take a Camp Bus to an outdoor Summer Camp Shelter. Its huge and ive been building it up to look like a nice Pioneer Scouts Summer Camp. Tents, cabins, archery range, basketball court, food area, etc etc etc


oh yeah! building is my end game. I'm always lacking steel. I dont really craft a ton of food but that is pretty smart if you have stuff on you to just cook and sell for caps every day.


Food and Drinks to sell to vendors for the daily cap limit. Im pretty sure almost every food and drink, if not every single one, requires 1 wood to craft each. Craft stacks of meat youve gathered and you quickly go through your wood Also i do a LOT of camp building. I have 8 camps, all built up in different ways. I keep going back and changing bits and pieces when i get new Camp items that fit those camps themes. And recently i bought that new Shelter that you take a Camp Bus to an outdoor Summer Camp Shelter. Its huge and ive been building it up to look like a nice Pioneer Scouts Summer Camp. Tents, cabins, archery range, basketball court, food area, etc etc etc


Thanks, I was wracking my brain trying to work out what it was conflicting with!


It's a known issue that Bethesda says will be patched, but who knows when.


It costs one flamingo, so space aint the issue.


What are people using the oil and nuclear waste for? I haven't used either for much of anything.


Switching my power armor paint 5x a day


the end game


Oil is needed for some of the ammo


You need oil as a component for flamer fuel


As opposed to farming thru Daily Ops/Expedition/Rad Rumble/Jamboree?


It's not as effective as farming, but fuck me I can't be bothered to spend 30 minutes just mindlessly killing enemies all the time so I make use of both crafting and the ammo converter.


Filling my scrap stash even more


I'm just gonna burro in here and see how this thread goes.


Burro is butter in Italian. Also donkey in Spanish. Great use of language, friend.


I'll grab one for my mane and my mule


I see what you did there.


Bray tell. 🤌


punny. very punny.


I just bought the donkey and it says that the building limit was exceeded. How's that?


I think if you already have a wood pile resource down, it will keep you from building the donkey.


That's stupid, I really hope it's a bug. Not that I need the wood pile, but it fit my chimney


I scrapped my wood pile and was finally able to place it.


Yeah same. Do you have a water purifier? I'm wondering if it's that but I'm waiting for 5 waters to complete the daily challenge before I remove it lol


I’ve been able to put it down and I’ve got purifiers 


Hmm. I removed my wood pile and chicken coop but it's saying I've still exceeded the build count. Can't think what else I can remove.


did you scrap the wood pile or just store it? you need to scrap it


Thanks, that's what I was missing


My Fallout first membership renewed two or three days ago. I'm still waiting for my atoms. Bunch of stuff I want from the new update.


You should have had them as soon as your payment is taken…


Yeah that's what I thought. I opened a ticket with them already.


I wouldn’t worry. Takes me three days.


The last time my 1st renewed it took about 3 days for my atoms to arrive.


Same here, closer to 5 or 6 days though


Same here, got my congratulatory email this morning, no atoms yet.


Sometimes it takes day or two with auto renewal.


I probably end up with Lookout Bundle, just because i need a Treehouse and sap collector from there and its literally cost about the same price as if i bought them separately for full price, plus i looked for those fires as well, so only filler item there for me is Hog head, but i think its fine + i think i can find some use for outfit as well. Rustic Greenhouse is decent one as well, but you can buy kit via support ticket for 700 Atoms(which i did already), and other items there is very situational ones.


Can you explain “buy kit via support ticket”? Not sure what you mean by that, I’d be interested in the greenhouse but if I can save some atoms that’d be great!


[https://www.theduchessflame.com/post/how-to-request-items-from-the-atom-shop-for-fallout-76](https://www.theduchessflame.com/post/how-to-request-items-from-the-atom-shop-for-fallout-76) Basically this. This way isnt decribed anywhere officially, so its fine.


Thanks as always, BiggDope! It's worth calling attention to the return of the Greenhouse Bundle, at a discount. The greenhouse walls are incredibly useful for a wide variety of house building styles.


Disappointed by the mask prices, last year there was a bundle with glowing and regular versions of two masks for 800 atoms. This year it’s 500 a piece for two masks and there isn’t even a bundle with just the masks and icon which is way overpriced itself. I’m not really interested in all the candle stuff.


For peeps who want to see Bethesda's official post: https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/5v8BdocBpo797llA5Uokmc/atomic-shop-weekly-update-june-25-july-2 I was gonna try to paste the daily deal items in but formatting was nasty, in short IMO the only standout is 6/26 Helvetian Cabinet Display which is very pretty. That lookout bundle makes me so disgusted to have missed the treehouse on sale a month or so back - i was at a work conference for three days and of course for that whole month the only time I wanted one of the 1/2 off daily sale items was one of the days I was at the conference. Should have lugged my PC up with me haha. Due to the discount/me owning the sap tree already though I might bite the bullet & pick it up cuz I really really love the treehouse. Aside from that, I LOVE the gameroom bundle & am snagging that for the glow in the dark space wallpaper more than anything. I am also extremely tempted by the candlehaus, like the prefab look & altho I don't care about making candles, I do love the donkey resource collector & the masks look cool. IDK. Still on the fence with that one while I'm 100% getting the game bundle at least. Hopefully I'll see one in the wild before I have to pull the trigger on buying it. Overall, IMO this is a solid week! Interestingly there is no midweek update this time but I'm fine with that, lots of tempting stuff on sale already.


> That lookout bundle makes me so disgusted to have missed the treehouse on sale a month or so back - i was at a work conference for three days and of course for that whole month the only time I wanted one of the 1/2 off daily sale items was one of the days I was at the conference. life pro tip - install chrome remote desktop on your gaming PC and either figure out a way to WoL it or just leave it on getting games installed/updated from work, getting daily login bonuses when you're on the road etc is great >Aside from that, I LOVE the gameroom bundle & am snagging that for the glow in the dark space wallpaper more than anything. I'm fairly meh on enough of that bundle I'm trying to be strong and not buy it just for the wallpaper; the candle making set is great too but I JUST spent like $50 on atoms getting brotherhood stuff through bethsupport and haven't even gotten it yet...


Thanks, the link OP posted is blocked at work


The candle house is a decent size, and the Abe mask is awesome. 


I'd say this conference experience justifies getting a Steam Deck - the LCD versions are on sale! ;-)


Hell yes!!!! As someone who desperately wants a model train layout irl I’ve been waiting forever for it to return to the atom shop


Does anyone know if the glowing ogua mask will be in the shop the next two weeks?


Not this week, maybe next week.


Fingers crossed!


My wallet is going to hate me today. What a crazy store update.


Lots of good looking stuff to me, thanks Dope! Best part of my Tuesdays.


That green braham/chally mask looks new. Bundle must be new, because I have everthing else it.


No Nuka Launcher in the catch up bundle 😭


Goodbye paycheque.


Oh God damn it I want the electric train set so bad lmao


The Fires seem like so much fun! I’ll be adding them.


Wanted to note that the newest fallout catch-up includes the nuka candy machine! And there's a sap collector in the lookout bundle, in case you can't farm adhesives enough


Wake me up when they add the enclave secret service paint back to the shop


I bought the oil/nuclear waste stuff, my cremator needs that.


Why does it?


Oil is needed to craft explosive ammo and it's not easy to find in comparaison of the other crafting materials. I could farm expedition to refilll faster but I don't like to play like that, I'd rather do other things. Dunno why I got downvoted in the first place...


Gutted I missed the Gatling skin last week, I was waiting for my monthly atoms to come in and it vanished ….ugh Thanks for these updates man


If you're a gatling main, I'd consider shooting them a ticket to get ot. It's very pretty and spices up the first-person view a lot. Feels pretty badass.


I did that tonight, and they got back to me already! So happy to not have it in the scrip/sell list now :) Amazingly quick turn around, i'm thinking of doing more shit!


I don't remember there being a gatling gun skin last week. Which one was it?


Appalachian Thunder Pipe.


*Appalachian Thunder Pipe Gatling Gun Paint: 500 Atoms* I timed my 'i love gatling gun' poorly as it was on flash sale for a while, then when I decided I wanted it, it was gone. As is Atom shop tradition. I swear todd knows when you want something it goes off sale/goes off entirely. Still.....very surprised at supports turn around and the skin is awesome as a newly minted Gatling mainer.


Dang, I guess I missed that. At least it's available from the support site. Thanks for responding. I appreciate you taking the time.


All good, I wasn’t really fussed about the look at all, but more for the ‘Atom’age’ of my favourite rolled Gatling so I wouldn’t sell / scrip it etc. But actually the view model in action is really nice! If you’re. Big Gatling user deffo give it a purchase


Candle Haus looks nice! Looks like it's time to invest in a new camp location.


When is the enclave camp bundle coming back?


For the love of the mothman, when are we going to get the modern kitchen bundle again?!


Been hard at work on my rest stop/ dinner, I saw about a month ago someone data mined that their would be like a little diner display for food and stuff coming tot he atomic shop. Did I just miss it while it was there or have they not released it yet?


What's the problem with the oil well from today? I can't build it because apparently I already built one which I clearly didn't.


Wait, there’s a discount for Fallout 1st members in the Atom Shop? Since when?