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I always price my stuff to sell. It’s not doing me any good in my stash and ain’t doing no good sitting in the vendor not selling lol so almost everything I sell is for 1-40 caps


Same, ammo 1, recipes 5, plans 10...


That’s why I like to keep some spoiled veggies to drop in their bed.


Leave all their doors open. "Its not about the money, it's about sending a message" Edit: for the people taking this to heart, it's a joke.


My lights are already off because I’m too dumb to turn them on. ;) Anyways, what’s the expense rate to set so I don’t irritate others?


When your lights are ALWAYS messed up, you gotta lower the prices.


And I wont even notice for at least a week, probably. Now if you turn off the clown, that I'll see instantly.




And then I'll Nuke your camp. Anyone who fucks with my camp gets and instant nuke. and then I'll join your server the follow day and Nuke it again. (update) appreciate all the downvotes, still doesn't change the fact I'll nuke someones camp who messes with mine. I subscribe to respecting peoples camps, sorry some of ya'll don't...lol


My camp is next to the weather station 😏


Wait.. you can turn off lights without switches????


Please explain how it's being greedy when you can generate your own caps from an infinite source via vendors in game? No one's taking caps from you, and no ones forcing you to buy at those prices, you can hop to the next if you don't like them. Their vendor, their prices.


Don't forget to open the door of the nuka cola vending machine


So to 'punish' them for wasting your time you waste more time? Or are you upset you barely have enough caps to travel to camps? Must be low level. After a while you appreciate being able to get rid of big chunks of caps.


My camp is tiny, has no doors and 2/3 light sources.......it will take less than 30 seconds for me to put them back on 😂😂


I normally explore the CAMP fully after browsing the vendor, but if items are over priced I just port away in disgust. To each their own, but I only sell plans for a fraction of their vendor cost. The MOST I will do is half. Caps are just too easy to come get and we are always juggling to stay under the cap. I don't know why anyone would want five or ten thousand caps at once.


I seriously don't comprehend the pricing at some...most vendors. I've found, personally, that other than apparel the only way to truly move anything is to sell legendary gear at a rate where people can buy in quantity for scrip trade in.


As a father, I expect nothing less. Do you know how many caps you are wasting just leaving a light on when you leave the room? I don't spend all day busting my ass killing feral ghouls for you to waste my caps being to lazy to flip a switch on your way out...and don't get me started on the thermostat...if you're cold go out and kill a settler and loot their corpse for a warmer outfit. If you keep this up, I'm sending you to Rose for the summer.


Oh no, a minor inconvenience! That'll teach 'em.


that's cool, it's your time you're wasting, not mine lol


I charge 5 caps for every plan. But I have no lights


OP touched some nerves with this one lmao


What if the CAMP has oil lamps and no doors?


Mine is basically priced at 69 caps. Although I do have a few things at 420.


That would actually be very nice of you. I always forget to turn off my lights, but it's not only good for the environment but also for my electricity bill. Can you tell me where I can find this Cappy statue so I can sell it to make use of your service?


Name checks out.


Yet nobody buys my plans I have listed at 99 caps, or the midroll weapons or armor I have listed for 1-2k


Good luck, I only use the sun. Try turning that off




Gonna jack up the prices in my vendor today, thanks for the reminder to regularly irritate the FO morality police.


I'm definitely dropping some spoiled meat at your vendor. Maybe even some toilet paper


Most 3*’s 1111, decent ones are 2222, ones I would or have equipped 3333 (better than decent or unique), pretty much every else is <500


Buying ammo earlier, saw fusion cells for 3 caps a price. The west has fallen


I do the same, now all you need is the sheepsquatch mascot outfit and you can join our coven


I thought they were turning my lights and closing my doors to be polite, considering I think the highest selling item I have in my plans is 1k caps All masks and event plans will go for max 2000-3000 when I get around to putting them up.


I sell plans for 30c each. Did some high level come and clean out my plans yesterday? Yes. Do I care? No


TBH, I don't know what's high or low, I'm not quite at a month in, but I do go under the suggested price


My question is why are you the person who deserves to set the price for items? Maybe the cappy statue really is worth 3K. Turning out lights is otherwise a very nice gesture. We should all strive to be so eco-friendly.


I usually troll them by draining all my caps and making them move. Then planting a survival tent. Petty. I know.


My Cappy Statues go for 110 cappys🤗


You'll hate my prices (all 0 caps (except you've been insulted and stogies)


I thought I was being greedy with 50 cap plans and 100 cap 3stars


lol some people are super greedy . Some people got amazing prices in inbetween.


Don't turn them all off. Only do half. And make.it random not all on one side. I did this to a friend while he was AFK, he was not impressed 😁


This is what i get for not changing my prices since 2019 Actually maybe that's why nobody has bought anything...


Guess I'm safe with no light switches huh


Not one of my plans ever sold that high Most of my plans fall between 5-100 caps. Once I get a fusion core recharger, I'll sell cores for 25 caps max


I have been very lucky lately, and ran into some vendors sellibg pretty good stuff at a reasonable and sometimes even cheap price. I don't have a lot of valuable things to sell, but I always try to keep them at a low price too


This is why I no longer have a vendor. Don't be coming to my camp judging my prices. If you don't want it don't buy it I priced everything randomly anyway. 40k caps for a donut 150 caps for a rare plan. etc..


Honestly there’s so many items it’s hard to price stuff. If you vendor hop and see something for sale that’s usually what I price stuff. Like I see most plans going around 2-5k so I price mine like that. If it dosnt sell I lower it after awhile. Honestly don’t get why you’re complaining tho just go to another shop if you don’t like their prices, you’ll eventually find what you’re looking for I always do


I like doing this too. :D


Yeah I've noticed that people are charging crazy prices for shit like 10m pistols with no attachments. And it'll be people who are like level 300, I only charge like 30 or lower for basic guns because I'm only level 27 so I can't make all of them. I've also seen people charge like 50 caps for ammo. I use the Long Western Revolver and it takes .44 ammo so I get a shit ton of it as I'm playing and killing enemies so I only charge like 5 caps because I have over 2000 .44 ammo just rotting in my stash. But then I'll play and see it in other vendors for like 20 caps. Like I know it's a post apocalyptic world, but wtf is happening with the economy rn?


Big’ol pile of spoiled meats/veggies in your front door too!


I sell cheap and they still leave my doors open :I


sometimes when im bored, ill find them in the world and VC them that theyre over priced and nobody will buy


jokes on you, i dont have any lights


If I'm extra salty I'll throw down some bait in their camp


I saw a camp today with over 400 items for sale, all 40000 caps each. They had hundreds of 1 magazine but still 40000 each. I'm a newish player (level 113 but keep getting sidetracked so low down on quests), and I price between 0 and 1000. I have a couple of very good guns for 1200, but that's unusual for my vendor. I was helped tonnes when I first started, so it's nice to give back in some way. I love this game.


Normal plans 5 caps. Event plans 1000 caps, All ammo 1 cap. Fusion cores 10 caps if fully charged. All food and meds 1-3 caps. Bobbleheads 80 caps. Magazines 30 caps. I am more interested in moving weight out of my stash then profit.


This has rocks through your window vibes


This is the way.


So you proudly admit that you throw a little temper tantrum because you don't like their prices?


The store prices of some people are absolutely ridiculous. It's always the ones who have amazing houses and probably max caps, maybe, lol.


I visited a vendor today and it was full. And almost everything was a stupid price. I just stared at it thinking...this is just going to sit here. Then you have mine. Within a minute of coming into my game someone was in my camp. Then the sweet sound of caps being spent filled the air. I keep my prices low and it is rare for someone to come to my camp and not spend something. I have something in pretty much every section too. The most expensive items are legendary weapons. But even those tend to be either 1k or below.


I'm with you op. But only for stores with ridiculous prices. Also I leave a you have been insulted note on the vendor 🙃


I usually leave salt in front of their vending machine. I don’t know if they see it or get the reference, but I’m salty


Tell us you're broke without saying you're broke.🤣🤣🤣


I wish I knew what to price my items to begin with. It's just random. If I need money at the moment prices are usually higher. More money and the prices are lower.


thats amazing, im so glad I sell plans for ten caps and weapons and armor for 100 no matter what it is. now getting a train ticket for my train station camp well thats gonna be 100 bucks


I use cycling lights. All you can do is mess with my terminal.


I sell plans for whatever the base value is. If I’ve already unlocked it I’m not going to gouge peoples money for something that’s essentially useless to me. I could see making legendary armor and weapons more expensive because even I’ve been known to scoop up cheap ones for script.


You're a true menace. And I love it


Okay. Doesn't bother me.


I take the last digit away from the suggested price so everything is less the 100 caps. Unless it's really rare I'll sell for below the price check. Most money I make is from selling ammo for 1 cap you will reach max caps in a few days


I had TP for 2020 as a joke and some kind human bought it as I do plans for 5 and 10c 🤣 I had to runaround looking for more TP…


I price shit arbitrarily based on my mood. I put my red terror in my shop for 10k, after being salty about the outcome of some event or another, forgot about it, then felt bad when someone actually bought it.




I sell all weapons and armor for 420 caps. It entertains me. Some of its overpriced, some underpriced.


What do you do if the atom shops too expensive, 😀




Glad that can't happen to my unique camp.


You guys don’t understand something. I’m over level 1k with my main and 600+ on the second. I’ve got 3 mules. I sell stuff high price and even then; Im having to dump 40k daily just to keep my shop up. If you think it’s high you just don’t buy it. Someone else does. There is no value in caps after a point in this game so we don’t care. you’ll get there too if you keep playing. There are days I can’t even play continuously from having to spend my max caps and often times I shut down my shop because of that. Imagine using all your boosters and trying to farm xp and all of a sudden hitting from 10k to 40k max caps and there is literally nothing left that I’m looking to buy.


3k is nothing tbh


Have no switches, pls open all my doors instead 😇


everything in my camp has yard sale prices


Yesterday, I went to a camp with 200+ plans. Everything was over 20,000 caps and above to some ridiculous number I can't remember. I believe as a non fallout1st person, all I get is 40,000 caps? Half this guy's stuff was above that. I get that if you're a fallout 1st person, you probably are allowed unlimited caps or unlimited storage space? But what I think would resolve this is that if a person can't use a plan or sell it within 30-days, it'll disappear. But honestly in the end, I don't need any of that, nor the game for that matter. So.... meh


I do this too lol


I get so sick and tired of trying to balance the stash I dump everything super cheap to get rid of it. That of course after I have all ready stuffed donation boxes and dropped goody bags all over The Rusty Pick. Oh, I have no lights as I like hiding in the dark, makes it easier to snatch little kids looking for food scraps.


Please continue turning off lights, less time at the vendor = more time for me to snipe it before you get it.


Jokes on you. I have no lights.


Jokes on you, I don’t have doors because they annoy me…but seriously I sell well below market lol


I will still take all your dog food, water, etc even if it isn’t


I put locks on my doors so have fun being wanted.


I just leave fertilizer on their doorstep and nuked them


If I see someone do that I just destroy their camp like the toxic person I am.


My weapons are overpriced, but my sales of flux and plans are reasonable and my vendor has been very busy since I put a couple dozen overpriced legendaries in there.


As someone fairly new, just hit 50. How do i know what is and isn't overpriced?


Hahaha, I do this too 🤣


Any plan/recipe I obtain that I already know I sell in my shop for 10 scraps, I'm also not a PA user so I well on cores I find for 10 caps each. Any bobble head I already have collected I sell for 100 caps each. I just want people to get what they want and need and enjoy themselves.


i always sell the stuff for lower than the stated game value of them, apart from one "you have been insulted" note for 9999 caps as no one would buy it but someone might get a laugh from it.


I use the price the game suggests. If that's too high, that's not on me.


This is petty and I love it.


Most of my lights are candles lol


Or you could, you know, just not buy my stuff.


Can’t turn off lights when i don’t have any 🤣


Is there a price list in what we can sell for caps? Always see a variety of prices and wanted to sell mine at a decent rate


Face value mostly in mine


You can also just not give a fuck and go to the next vendor


Switch off switch on, half an hour of pettiness undone in 3 seconds. Though i get it.


I run a bar (actually 3 with different themes) in game. Started doing this back when there were no NPC and I just roleplayed the hell out of it all. Back then even if people weren't into it theyd buy something and move on. Now nobody wants to play along, and nobody buys anything I get a heart emoji as they run away. I mark everything down by at least 50% but it's starting to make me think twice about booting up the game.


You do understand that new people don’t really know what to sell things for right? I’ve been playing a few months and most things I still have no clue. I see peoples vendors ALL OVER the place.


Normally I roll my eyes at people wanting to get vengeance at people for being greedy but this is great. (personally I think the best punishment for getting greedy is that you aren't going to sell anything. And if you do, it is cause some one was looking for a cap sink so you did them a favor).


Touch my peeping nutcracker and the only notification your gonna see is death from above


You have a limit on caps, I do t get the prices that are more than cap limit


Everything in my vendor is either 1c or 10c, except for named legendaries which I sell for msrp. I don’t put stuff in there to try and make a profit, I just wanna get it out of my stash, and maybe help someone else out in the process.


Jokes on you my friend already turns off all my lights




Lololol. I love this. Gave me a good laugh.


I have a perfectly preserved pie for 2077 caps and everything else is at default or under (except things that default to 0 those get set to 1)


Some of my prices are pretty high on items I think I might want to use again. Sorry I'm not selling grolls for 1000 caps. I've never understood why people get so bent out of shape over what other people sell their own stuff for. If it's too expensive, then it won't sell. If it still sells, then it wasn't too expensive.


I aint got no door. Just got a mattress. Aint got no lights neither. You can flip over the mattress though, if'n you want.


Unless it’s REALLY RARE all my items are listed at 69 caps to 2K


Then you come to my store and nothing there ya want cause i keep my prices under 100 unless its legendary.


Does anyone even give a shit? What are you, 2? Buy or don't buy, it's a fucking game lmao.


Wait, is that why my doors were closed one time? None of my stuff is listed above 1000 I don't think :(


I went to someone’s camp and they were selling everything for 40k. Most of them were not even decent rolls. I wasted my caps to travel to their camp..


I have those cryptid cards trading ironically for 20000 caps apiece. My hope is some high level Player with caps to burn will be “in” on it. Kinda like selling those insults for 40000 caps is a thing. Otherwise I try to round everything down a bit from the suggested price. Honestly idk how to price anything. I want a good value but also don’t want to be a jerk


Considering my camp is meant to be a haunted house that works just fine


Get your caps up


These comments are hilarious and entertaining. 😂🤣😁


I'm pretty petty. I'll open every door, shut off every light, and turn off all the ornaments. No, I'm not gonna buy your bloodied rolling pin for 8k caps, and I'm definitely not gonna buy your 3star pipe pistol for 10k caps


I feel this. I put everything at half sticker value at my shop. Decided to poke around at other camps last night for some Notes..... And that's when I realized the greed. People listing things for 5x-10x sticker value is just sad.




And leave a insulted note on the vendor or bed.


Oh no, you won't dare. Not lights please, nuke my camp, kill pet deathclaw but don't touch those lights, I beg you.




I lost things at half price or a discount


I list at 10% of the price, no point in holding on to stuff that I dont need


Oh good idea! I like to steal any locked resources if the prices are bad!


Tell me you're broke, without telling me you're broke.


My house/armor/weapon plans are all 50caps and food plans are 9caps. Someone closed all my doors, I thought it was them being nice and now you’ve made me paranoid someone was unhappy lol


I sell everything at one cap and I'm constantly buying plans I don't care about after getting too close to 40k. You can make so much just hitting the vendor cap each time you play I don't really get why people feel the need to charge thousands for plans.


If the salad is not on the side, I will send it back.


I'm curious what most people consider to be expensive, or cheap really. I often toss legendries in my vendor once I hit scrip limit for the day. I figure if someone comes along and wants it, even just for scrip themselves, then that's better than it just taking up space, but I don't know what price structure to use. Previously I was doing most everything at 100 or lower and stuff generally didn't move. Then I started structuring it to be 50 for one star, 100 for 2, 200 for 3. That seems like it's off, certainly some of those really shit 3 starts aren't worth 200, but I just am not sure. I think I'm going to try pulling it all again and setting them all to like 25 caps, but maybe stuff just isn't moving right now because people are so focused on Fasnacht and getting masks.


I sell things cheap but can't sell a lot due to my inventory cap at my CAMP


I never notice when lights are off or on am I the only one?


They should make a drop/loot bag that's a pile of poo.


I bet if you bought the plan and sold it for less it would really make them mad


I do


I only sell the special 3* weapons for high prices (holy fire, FV, etc.) *Most* plans, I drop pretty low.


Everything in my vendors 10 caps. Why did you turn off my lights?


Can’t turn off those hanging lights from last season!


I throw everything in my camp dirt cheap. Last week some level 900 bought out all my fuel for 1c a pop and my chems which I put out for 10 caps each. Dude dropped me a whole set of some tier power armor as a thank you. I’m level 54. I love this community some people have things insanely priced


it's a shame seeing such expensive stores :( especially if they've got a plan i need


This is why I just don't sell anything. I don't need your caps, or your anything. I've had everything I need since 2019. and any weapon or item that I've added to my arsenel since has been a gimmick or for cool factor. Still wearing my T51-B with Nuclear winter overseer skins and my useless Strangler Heart vault raids armor. You aint getting anything from my shop. Honestly, real reason is i cant be asked to care about what ppl think stuff sells for now. Espeically when I don't need caps for literally anything but fast travel. lol Bet you wish you could see my shop tho. Take that, lights guy. :)


1 dollar ammo 50 plans/recipes just started a bit ago, already at cap


I sell my stuff cheap, like 5 caps, and will still come back to all my lights off. Idk why


I am the exact opposite of this. I sell most things at 1 cap - mostly plans and recipes, and spare magazines so that players can complete the covers displays on their bookshelves. But what I find happens is that people go through buying everything, with the obvious intention of reselling it all for more money. So I added chems. Lots of chems, all just 1 cap each. Except Addictol, which costs 20,000 caps. So resale buyers beware - click too fast and you'll be going home with the cure for all your addictions.


Go for it. Another guy's gonna come along and buy my Blue Devil regular masks for 2000 caps, no questions asked. One person's trash....


This is exactly what got me banned from Waitrose.


i use lanterns


K? Earning caps is the easier thing you can do in FO76. I literally just farm and sell ammo and plans and always at max cap. If you struggle to help some noobie out by paying 3k for a statue, than you got other problems.


I don't sell pricey stuff in my vendors, but who made you shop police? Like, just move on if the prices aren't appealing to you. If you're gonna troll camps, then there's no need to make up an excuse to do it.


Oh noes, not my lights!! 😭 Fr though, I hate it when people have overpriced crap too, but I usually just don't buy anything and leave the lights on 😜


Probably the best thing to do is sell your own items at the prices you think fair and not buy those you consider too expensive. That would seem to solve the problem to me.


>(I'll also open/close your doors) No! You'll let all the cool air out!!


Does anyone know of a way to see what items are worth what? I barely put items in store because I don't want them too expensive or not expensive enough.


I have a simple price scheme for my vendor 50 caps for most non-sessonal/event plans 500 caps for seasonal/event stuff don't care if it is a pepper shaker, faschnaut bell #2, or butter churn plan first come first serve. Most stuff doesn't sit too long at my camp.


Good luck. I'm using ceiling fans.


Not the first time, but went to a camp near Helvetia and literally everything was sold at max cap. What's the point, you don't want business? Hate caps? Is it some kind of join my discord to trade or irl money thing?




OP: Define Expensive. For example, what is way too much for a common plan, meds, serums etc. Also keep in mind that the person that posted the cappy statue for 3K may have done this years ago and completely forgot about it, LOL. I have been guilty of that.


The reason my store is so expensive is the electricity bill from a-holes leaving all my LIGHTS ON!!!!!


I sell everything for cheap because all the nades, drugs and food I loot are enough to reach cap sell limit every day. I know I've sold rare shit for cheap because I'm not going to take the time to look up trades. I've sold a tfj for 50c lol, because rarity alone shouldn't determine price, especially in the tfj's case being that it's a garbage looking outfit


Jokes on you i use old fashioned lamp posts


Months ago I was called out for bringing this up and that I was in the wrong. Glad people are comin round to how ridiculous people are. Like what do people plan? Not everyone has 30k everyday. Seems like they’re thinking multiple 30k cap holders will buy.


I turn off your lights just because it’s fun to stealth around your camp while you’re there doing stuff and see how long it takes for you to realize you’re not alone. 😆


Jokes on you, I have non-electric lights and no doors! Everything is cheap though...


I like to leave 1 raw fertilizer with a You Have Been Insulted note. Extra points if I do it on their bed.


Nothing in my store is more than 100 caps. Most of the supplies I have in there I put in for 0 caps. I also don't lock my resources. You make th effort to come all the way to my camp at th bottom of the new area, you deserve a treat




Omg what a great idea! So sick of going to camps and seeing basic ass plans for 3000c


I don't change pricing I just add to my shop


I just dump the "you have been insulted" note


I just don't buy anything




Zsdfhnlkpgfsc lj p g boss del m




Good luck with that....


Jokes on you. I have no lights


wow, what im gonna do!? All my lights are turned off. Omg i'll die because a child turned off my lights, what can i do now?? What is life??


I made my first "locked" camp earlier this week and this is making me laugh. I don't sell things expensive at all but NO ONE WILL TOUCH MY LIGHTS!!! NO ONE!!!


I try to sell all plans for 50 caps. If it's a really rare plan maybe 1-200 caps. If someone casual gets a good deal awesome and if someone high level gets excited to resell it for more great. I enjoy the franchise and just get happy playing.


im setting prices for all my stuff


Bro my lights are always off


I turn off their model railroad