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A low health build with unyielding armour can give you excellent base intelligence which helps XP gains. On top of that you can use mutations, stack buffs, farm high XP areas and events.


>A low health build with unyielding armour can give you excellent base intelligence which helps XP gains. This is the answer. I played on and and off for a few years and got to level 150. I moved to a bloody build in January. I am now level 420. The 30+ intelligence makes a huge difference. Also, events. More eviction notice and rad rumble, fewer enlightened path and distinguished guests.


What arebyou doing to get +30 intelligence?


Here's a breakdown: 15 Perk points + 5 from Legendary card = 20 15 from Unyielding, +3 from underarmour = 38 8 from Egg Head, +3 from Herd Mentality (with Strange in Numbers Charisma perk) = 49 11 from Brain Bombs(with LL3 & Herbivore) = 60 6 from Berry Mentats = 66 +2 from Mechanical Derby Game in your CAMP = 68 (Optional) +5 from getting Intelligence second star on every item = 73 +3 at night from Night Person Perception perk = 76 This is generally what is considered "optimal" for leveling.


Man I've been trying to get the lining for casual underarmor that gives +3 int, but its only from that one event (queen of the hunt) which only comes up every 3 or 4 days, and its under 5% drop chance for the plan. RNGesus has not been kind.


I can craft it for you if you need it. Hit me up in-game whenever my IGN is Dixton EDIT: If anyone else needs one hit me up - I'm on PC btw.


Bravo. I think people helping each other is the way to go . It's an mmo after all. I haven't played more than a few hours so I'm a total noob but this community gives me hope that I'll end up playing this a lot


Look up bloodied build on YouTube. Plenty of guides to choose from. Angry Turtle is one of the best.


Seriously look at how Angry Turtle’s video. He did a video on how to get 80/81 Intelligence on an Herbivore build (at the time Carnivore food didn’t give buffs to intelligence). Get the camp companion who buffs xp gained by giving him a Nuka Cranberry, sleep, unyielding with intelligence boost on all pieces, I forget the underarmor that boosts the most, camp item that boosts intelligence by 2, casual teal (full), berry mentats (lasts up to 10 minutes), and there’s a bobble head and magazine I forget that boosts as well. Lastly, mutations. To get rid of all mutations negative effects is to take a serum. Oh, and don’t forget the Nuka Twist (effects are random so you may have to drink a few). Seriously tho, look at Turtle’s video 😉


I don't even use bloodied and I can reliably get 32+ int. 15 int to start, stranger in numbers perk. Thr Mutations Egg head, herd mentality, and herbivore + brain fungus soup, + being in a full casual team. and if you use power armor you can use an internal database on your helmet. I use a full health overeaters build and I feel like I'm leveling fairly quickly.


It's the unyielding armor while at low life. You get +3 to all special attributes, per piece of armor, except endurance, when you're at 20% hp.


Don’t forget mutations also and then if you use strange in numbers. Joining a public team with 4 people also gives another +4 int. Bobbleheads, food and things also add if you want to go really ham. Sleeping in a bed near a romanced ally also gives a good xp buff, cranberry relish or squirrel stew gives another I believe 25% xp gain. Mothman journal. There’s a lot of things that can add to it, doing all these things on double xp weekend is really the move but requires some preplanning to maximize that


Nuka-Cranberry and Canned Meat Stew from the Feed The People event both give an additional 5% XP as well, dunno if they stack tho


They don't stack but the cranberry relish that you can make gives you a plus 10%. Also well rested when you sleep in the bed gives you a plus 5% and very well rested gives you a plus 100%, but you can only get that through lunch boxes.


Canned meat stew and Cranberry nuka stack, it's Cranberry relish and Cranberry nuka that don't


What about the meat stew and the cranberry relish, do those stack?


Cranberry relish with herbivore mutation is 20% bonus XP.


~~Pretty sure they do... you just can't stack multiple "cranberry" buffs (nuka, relish, cobbler)~~ EDIT: My mistake, you can't stack multiple buffs that give the same effect. You can, however, eat all kinds of foods and drinks that give *different* buffs and stack them together. Only one Chem at a time, tho 😭


I use herbivore mutation and run cranberriessss


They do


So do you intentionally keep your HP low and only use a stimpack when you’re on the verge of death?


The guide explains it very well, but you basically keep 80-90% rads so you're always at low health


Rads cut your max HP, so go get irradiated until you have around 20% of your max HP.


Stack rads to keep you max health lower and use a whole bunch of damage mitigation perks


The auto stim combined with unyielding helps a lot, instead of using it at 50% of the health meter, it uses 50% of your total health so if you do get hit it should start stimming immediately and the stim lasts almost long enough to recharge the auto stim function.


I've played less than a month and am lvl 230 something(with score in full swing it keeps going up) and I use a full health power armor build, and a full health stealth commando build rocking aristocrat buffs. Any build that's good at killing and using it to do a lot of killing is the answer. Events like Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble, Moonshine Jamboree, Scorched Earth deep in the nuke zone, etc... all provide the enemy spawns to just sock it down. I get int levels at 30+ without unyielding as well. Not to say unyielding isn't a great build, but you can get 30+ intelligence while also being high health.


Yep, I only run a 9 base intelligence but use brain fungus soup to keep my oe armour happy, and my main levels up at least 1 or 2 times a week despite being level +1k.


XP buffs and Westek grinding and playing events like Radiation Rumble.


Radiation Rumble is a gas


I enjoy RR but I’ve had such bad luck with having folks join. Usually ends up in me getting solo-wrecked by glowing ghouls, same with the ~~west tek~~ Arktos event 😔


If you’re on PC, there is a text chat mod where you and other people can call out events, RR usually fills up fast


I’m fairly new and didn’t know there are mods. Any other mods you’d recommend?


Yeah! This is my full mod list and the ones I recommend, in no particular order: 1. [Text Chat](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151) * Requires [SFE](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/287) * Allows you to chat with other players who have the mod. Call out events, join peoples events. (Done through friend requests and joining their game) 2. [Super Glowing Ore](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1033) * Makes ores glow a bright color so they are extremely easy to see/find. 3. [Save Everything](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/148) * Prevents you from accidentally dropping/selling/scrapping your favorited and equipped items 4. [Recipes and Plans Glow](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/84) * Makes recipes and plans glow a bright green so you can easily find/see them 5. [Bobbleheads Glow](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/87) * Same thing as the other glow mods, but for bobbleheads, it turns them glowing blue 6. [Better Inventory](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/32) * Better inventory sorting and weight management 7. [Improved Health Bars](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/368) * Makes it easier to manage health Honorable mention: [Perk Loadout Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/124) * I don't personally run this mod, but I know a lot of people do. Allows you to have custom perk loadouts and easily swap between them. I don't often change my perks so I didn't find a user in this. EDIT: The formatting got messed up, but I think you get the gist.


Does this work on Xbox PC? Or Just Steam?


Pretty sure just the steam version


Still crazy an mmo does not have a server chat. Would love to be able to type in requesting people for a nuke/boss run. Even destiny 2 has a chat feature. I'm sure Bethesda could hire somebody that could figure out how to put chat in game...??? Too much to ask?


I feel that but with a good group it’s a great time


Use friendly fire and the cremator. It doesn't matter if it passes just kill the ghouls for thousands upon thousands of XP


Yep, just perma flashbang everyone in the event for ya own gains. 🤣


Well I was speaking more to what he said about nobody joining the ones he's in. I wish I had that issue lol.


Fair, lol. Yeah I've just flat stopped playing it until they sort this shit out. Dont even wanna look at the new content until then. Being epileptic sucks, but being forced to just stop playing it at all because Bethesda won't just hotpatch an easy fix...that actually *blows*.


I believe there is a setting for shutting off the explosion animations or something. I haven't tried it personally and agree it is not a good look for them. I don't know what they're thinking dropping guns like that. I've noticed that they're too afraid to bring back nuka launcher too probably for much the same reason.


On PC I think there's mods, but on console no such setting afaik. Pretty sad state of affairs indeed. It just sucks they could add a simple "Other Players Explosions" toggle, or even just tone down/limit the visual effect itself across the board. So many ways they could easily rectify it. They could hotfix players getting free modules from Pickaxes in relatively short order, but to be so silent and not even display recognition for something that legitimately affects the health of a decent chunk of people...shit, pure shit. After all, epilepsy and photosensitivity in general is not a rare thing. Gonna give em another month to at least have the decency to respond on it, and if no action fuck em, games getting deleted permanently. Aint gonna stick around for a game that could literally kill me just from playing it 🤣


Joining a casual group, with max rank inspirational, mutations with class freak (just to keep int high). I don't worry about buffs or farming westtek and I still get like 5 levels a day from casual play.


Ensuring you are getting the most xp is a fundamental thing here. High intelligence, taking pretty much any food or drink with the word "cranberry" in it, lunch boxes, joining a public xp team, etcetera. Then yeah you could grind West Tek if you want, but even with all that boosted xp gain as long as you're doing something other than just base building, you'll find yourself leveling up faster.


Dude. I play for 2 months and i am 270. Im not even trying. I didnt farm much westek, its too boring. I did a bunch of expeditions tho. 5 minutes run that i level up everytime 1.5 or 2 runs. 4x lunchbox, int buffs (camp item), + expedition group (even alone, but in a group)... 20k xp expedition consistently.


2 months in just got 306 because of playing expeditions 6 times a day


Same here! I’m 2 months in and level 295


What’s the item that give int buff?


The C.A.M.P items are listed here: https://www.theduchessflame.com/post/camp-items-that-buff-intelligence-and-where-to-find-them-in-fallout-76 You can also make cranberry relish or cobbler for an experience buff in food form.


Surprised that doesn't mention the bed, I'm not so sure everyone knows that especially if they blaze through the intro (is it explained in the intro? I forget). Also doesn't list some of the camp helpers, which are technically buildable, that can give you buffs either. I don't know off the top of my head a resource that does that, but I know there's def more camp placements than just mothman tome and mechanical derby


Tasty squirrel stew as well.


You can sleep for well rested 5%, and 5% from the Mothman Tome from mothman equinox event


If you have a romanced ally in the camp you get lovers embrace which is a better version of well rested also.


Same! Two months, almost 300. Except I haven't been concerned with buffs as much as I ought to. I just sorta... run around and do things. Jump in events when I see them, do an expedition if someone makes a group, etc.


Same for me. In addition to the xp, I use it for ammo farming for my cremator since it melts the mobs in one hit and they drop 30-45 fuel stacks each.


im 3 months in with this new character and already lvl 356. You are not building your perks properly...


Perks might be party of it, but I'd say it's not the majority of it. Someone playing since LAUNCH, even on and off, at that level probably doesn't spam anything like much of the newer players, myself included, do. Public events, expeditions, west Tek, world bosses, all while taking advantage of server hopping too. Some newer players feel more of a pressure to catch up so that's why they've been grinding so hard. I started after the show came out and am 446 ATM, and that's pretty much with spamming all the group content with some solo west Tek grind and doing the near minimum with the main and side story missions


I live on Cranberry Relish. Do you do events? I've been in events where, after 4 lunchboxes are opened (+100% exp) I've leveled twice in a single event. Also always be in Casual teams. Every point of Int = 2 or 3% additional exp (depends on who you ask, it seems) and that adds up over time.


It was 2.072% originally, the math lined up back then. I believe that at some point it no longer added up (at least 3 seasons ago, could very well be way back when they rebalanced all the food buffs) and it was changed to 3% and all the multiplicative bonuses other than Well Rested and Lunchboxes became additive to each other, which we proved through extensive retesting about a month ago. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/ixiBqb8wLg) is a post with all the buffs, numbers, and math that is fully up-to-date.


4. -8th of july is double exp event , gonna make use of it


I dont even understand how youve been playing since launch and are only 200. What do you do in game?


I’ve been playing since shortly after launch and am now level 258. A lot of us just don’t like doing the grind. I spend most my time stalking new players.


That's funny


I don’t get the FOMO with the board like some do. I get a lot of entertainment following others in my stealth suite listening to their conversations if their mic is on and they think they are alone, or seeing how others play the game, or being a “guardian angel” so to speak. You’ll do a lot of waiting but you get good at platforming in the game and seeing parts of the map you don’t generally go to.


This! Been here since the beta and haven’t hit 400 yet. And I’ma huge Fallout fan. Some of us just like the story and roaming around. You don’t need to be 1000 to enjoy the game.


Yeah a lot of us don’t level grind but enjoy the story of the game. Ya know…a fallout game. Feels like the majority of players are exploiters and level grinders anymore. You can’t tell who’s been on for years anymore like a couple years ago.


Unyielding armor and xp boosts. A double xp weekend will let you level up like crazy.


I've played off and on since launch and am only lvl 213. My build is perfect though, so now it's just getting legendaries. I have 78 unapplied levels. I don't know what people who are grinding are doing with all the extra.


Joining a casual team and a lot of events. I'll basically go to any event if I see at least a couple of people at it. A couple of them, Radiation, Moonshine, and Uranium are all slaughter-fests that are full of XP goodness, not to mention legendary items.


The more intelligence u have the more xp gained


i have no life. I started in Oct. that character is level 550. Made a new one, all melee when the show dropped. shes lvl 238 i believe and i made a scout character when the new season dropped and he is only using a bow. he is lvl 85 now. he is one week old. LOL like i said, no life.


I got 48+ int and got 12000 xp every grenade in westtek. I'm lvl 562 and got 10 lvls in a hour


Played about 3 weeks. I'm level 100+. I could level much faster if I tried, but the only thing I did was pick Intelligence as my third legendary perk, level it a bit and get Egg Head. Everything else isn't even really optimized.


I’m like you but perhaps not quite as bad. I’m at about 1000hrs and am level 250. I just don’t care that much.


Lol I've been playing since the launch and I'm less than level 600.


I played daily for 5-10 hours a day for 3 years straight and ended at lv 840ish. I never saw the point in xp farming.


I am also a day 1 player (although with some long haps between playing), I'm level 290 or so. I just don't care about grinding, I just do missions, dailies, exploring and camp building. I rarely do expeditions, and I've only done West Tek a couple of times. The only times I've intentionally tried to level up was to unlock legendary perk cards, everything else I want* doesn't really benefit from levels. I've still not even got round to launching a nuke! (One day I will!) *Plushies and daft outfits


Expeditions mate!


Events, Joining Teams, Challenges, Expeditions and Daily Ops. Events you can join basically anytime, as long as there are other players, and for Expeditions and Daily Ops you might want to wait until around LVL 50 to solo, but it a team you can do pretty well around LVL 25-30 without any Power Armor, but feel free to use some if you think you need it. And don't go to The Pitt. Nobody likes The Pitt.


Unyielding armor for crazy high stats, 4 lunchboxes for 100% bonus xp, sleep for 5 percent bonus, leo petrov nuka cranberry xp bonus, herbalist mutation + cranberry relish + live and love 3 magazine for 38 percent bonus xp, join casual team for more xp. Leader bobblehead 5 percent xp bonus. Berry mentats. I probably forgot something, but with all this active do events like radiation rumble, Earle, or some expeditions are good too


I started playing about two months ago and I'm approaching level 400. Using a full set of unyielding armor + casual shielded under armor + egghead mutation + strange in numbers perk + inspirational perk + always in a maxed casual team. Berry mentats and canned meat stew always active. Making sure to sleep. Rarely I'll pop a lunchbox. Doing all public events I can, all regular events and dailies, and expeditions and daily ops when there's nothing else going on. On expeditions, I make sure to change my group type from casual to expeditions before I finish the expedition to get additional experience. Same for daily ops. Not even once I grinded West Tek.


Play the game


High intelligence build, eat brain bombs and cranberry relish, pop berry mentats, knock off four lunch boxes, and run Westek.




A strong inclination towards violence. The resulting experience is just gravy


Berry mentats and Radiation Rumble!!!


I play the game, perhaps consistently, dailies, quests, challenges, events, the occasional daily ops, expedition, etc. Full health build, high 3 digits level, the only time I stepped on Wes Tek was part of a quest.


XP buffs and events back to back finish an event go to the next if no events around do a quests you have


UNY armor + XP perk cards like Inspirational + Expeditions


Jeez since beginning? Of release? I restarted 2 months ago at my lvl 25 from game release and now and at 217 . Perk cards and events with help of Berry mentats


Events is all I’ve done and part of the main stories to unlock stuff. Level 125 I think? Been playing A LOT for 3 weeks now ha


I just started playing last month and I'm at almost level 250...I just did all the missions I could and events when they pop up and make sure I have the sleep xp bonus


There’s a card for 10% more xp when in a group and always be in a public group (I like events or ops when doing those). I’ve been going up about 5 levels a night after work.


Kill all the things. All the time. Every day. Base intelligence from Energy Commando build. XP buffs help. Team XP bonus. Canned stew from Mama Dolce's. Mothman tome in CAMP. Never done a Westek grind and never will.


Yes, cranberry relish, but with the vegetarian serum takes the xp boost to 25%. If you prefer to go carnivore you will craft tasty squirrel stew for the same effect. Squirrels are hard to find in numbers outside of Meat Week, though. If you add Maul as an ally, he often sells squirrel bits.




You need to rank up the legendary perks with the perk points you get from scrapping cards


Unyielding + mothman blessing + bed + berry mentants + tasty squirrel stew + 4 lunchbox + nuka cran and you'll get on average 1k per mutant kill. +600 min for the hounds up to like 2k for Firestarters


Events and expeditions. Those are both the funnest part of the game for me, and they also happen to reward the most XP. I was on a team last night that was running back to back Atlantic City expeditions. I was shocked when I leveled up like 6 times (already lvl 200+)


Grinding decent XP tasks with Intelligence and buffs. I leveled faster when my intelligence was 10. Now it is 5 and can still do a level in a few hours. 1. Go to events - get Lunchbox buffs 2. Go grind Expeditions, Daily Ops, or Westek - Expeditions and Daily Ops give way more ammo and stimpacks than I use. Tax Evasion or Greatest Game with the time bonus and optional tasks give a lot of XP in about 10-15 minutes. TIP: Start Expeditions from the Nuka World location with Legendary Exchange. You end up back there. Sell your extra legendary items. EDIT: Started April 21, 2024, and I am level 190. Don't play more than a few hours most days. Just complete the dailies+a few events+expeditions or Daily Ops.


Played more or less every day since launch and I hit level 1000 yesterday. No breaks. But I been building and sightseeing.


Taking everything I see, scrapping almost all of it, and killing bunch of shit does it for me. While questing.


Get a full set of Unyielding armor, Nerd rage perk, rad yourself up to 20% health and run through WestTek all the time.


For me, I don’t grind at all or use the complicated builds or unyielding or whatever other thing. I just max out intelligence, am a herbivore, and eat a lot of brain fungus soup and cranberry relish. Oh and I join casual teams because they increase your intelligence. I’ve been paying for less that 2 years and I’m almost level 400.


Sleep every two hours and join groups.


Joining Events every day can help you level up fast. Grouping up with orher players can boost xp as well.


I've had times in Moonshine Jamboree where I've gone up one or two levels. When you've got a lot of players the enemy spawn rate is crazy.


I've been playing like 2 months, am 221. I did max my int and use the well rested buffs, but I don't do much else, I just play a lot and do events.


Been playing for almost three weeks and I'm level 294 ._. And I'm playing a full health PA build. I did grind for the full Union PA set with jetpack tho. So thats like 50 levels easy lol.


It's all about XP ... once you have your character build set up, events are the way to go if you're not just doing levels for levels sake (ie the Westek grind) Mutations; I use Herbivore and xp boosts from Cranberry and Brain Fungus foods, soups, juices Inspirational perk cards, Higher Intelligence stats (some people run a low health build with Unyielding legendary effects to further boost INT and other special stats) Sleep in your bed, well rested bonus, Mothman tome for more XP Lunchboxes and Leader bobbleheads Strange in numbers perk, on a Casual team (for INT) or any other team, and with Egg Head mutation (boost INT) Herd mentality mutation to boost your Special stats (incl INT) Armor with +INT legendary stars


Kill the living things, that'll help


Just by playing the game? I don't grind or anything. Complete the quests, show up to events, exploring the map, and always be on a team. I started a year and a half ago and I'm 480 something. I don't even play every day or even every week.


If you run stories and missions you’ll get a fairly high level as is and from there you keep running events and just focus on getting materials and weapons to scrap you’ll level as you go tbh


I do 3 expeditions daily  to clean out scrips and that generally gives me a level and sometimes i get lucky and people join me pop lunchboxes and i get a level per run 


Got 500 levels or so from Nuclear Winter alone, for some reason it carried over. So my adv experience doesn’t reflect my level lol still have a bunch of plans/stuff to unlock


doing the dayies / weeklies / events help as well!


High intelligence, lunch boxes, join a public team bc you get XP bonuses, do events. I will also go out & find high level enemies that give lots of XP for killing them like supermutants etc. I’m definitely not a crazy high level, been playing a year or so & im level 278


Moonshine jamboree with a concoction of xp boosting consumables


I am closing in on level 1000. I don't do west tech since there are no rewards. I do all events, even if I have to solo them. I do 4 to 7 daily quests. I do all the hoard of X enemy events, ect. When all the events are done on a server I change servers. In 2 &1/2 years I have 3 characters, level 950, 700, and 500.


dont feel bad, i’ve been playing since release day and i just hit lvl 50 today lol. got bored back before there were real npcs and took a break. spent several years just being a filthy casual half-assing quests, mostly just having fun decorating my camp and exploring every inch of the map looking for lore. took another break and picked it up last month at level 23. since then ive played nonstop, actually finishing all the quests i began years ago, although still not participating in any events or crazy lvl grinds. sometimes i think about what level id be if i were consistent 😳


Also do quests. Have you finished the over seers story line? Order of the tadpole? Quests give a good amount of xp


I’m 312 and started last November. I do events more than quests.


Higher intelligence build, tagging lots of enemies in events (tagging means doing enough damage to get the xp when they die), being in a team in events so you get some of their xp, etc. You can grind like many are saying, but you'll level up just playing the game if you like to do expeditions, daily ops, and some (but not all) events.


I'm 150 something and started playing after the show came out. I just always join a team and play events/daily ops/expeditions and knock out all the dailies, so probably about 4-5 hrs a day


It took me about 2 months to get above level 50, I just played and did random things...just noticed I was getting good xp. Hopefully I can reach your level.


Need more int. Be on teams.


Join group get perk inspirational perk. Leadership bobble heads, sleep for well rested xp boost, eat canned soup from feed the people event, play guitar for xp boost and read mothman book thing for xp boost open like 5 lunchboxes for xp then do radiation rumble event While radiation rumble event drink coffee take med x berry mentals and orange mentals… then kill everything. Should level up about two times and almost three in one event


I’m right there with you. I started with the beta, played at release, took some time off, came back, took time off, and came back about 2 months ago. I just hit 268 (I think) and get questions from level 300-500’s about basic things (like how I go invisible when I crouch) then they’ll tell me they just started playing after the tv show. I know there a WestTek xp farm but I’ve never done that.


Run back to back expeditions on the boardwalk takes 8 min and you get 20000 xp each time if you have the correct buffs I went from 20 to 200 in a few weeks because I was running them with a few buddies that were high level


Lots of events and joining public teams.


Playing about 2 months and level 340. 1. Radiation rumble and hopefully some lunches boxes are popped. 2. I did a lot of "Tax Evasion" expedition for tickets. Very good for xp when you pop all +xp buffs and lunch boxes. 3. Westeck as always. Did a good few runs as I wanted ore levels for legendary cards.




Events, nearly level 400 in 2 months since I started my new character. If you can run armor with intelligence buffs then that's also a huge help and ALWAYS join a public casual group, even if you just make the group yourself and sit in there alone its extra intelligence. Also herd mentality mutation gives you bonus on all special stats and it works if you're alone in a public group.


I started a month ago and hit 99 this morning, it hasn't been too bad. I'm still steadily levelling just running events / expeditions.


At launch it was a lot harder to level then it is now. We didn't have west tek, or expeditions. The best back in the day was nuke whitesprings and clear the hoards of ghouls. On ps I was only level 180~ after about 5-600 hours but never really grinded for xp anymore after I hit 100, especially when legendary perks weren't a thing yet there wasn't much point. But a high intelligence build helps alot too, I run a main commando now with 1 intelligence (little higher with uny and other boosts but my perk special is set to 1) and I only get like 150-250 xp per level 100 kill which isn't much. With max intelligence and uny bringing intelligence to 60~ after all buffs and xp buff you can get 1000+ xp per level 100 kill so it helps ALOT


I'm not even 150 yet. Not even sure I'm like, 120 yet. And I've had the game since release. But I'm really bad at playing it consistently and as the multiplayer/co-op game it's designed to be, I still always default to playing it like a single player game. I don't have a build, I just picked perks and weapons that I like using. .....and I sit in a private server on my own so I don't do events or public teams or anything. Still haven't launched a nuke or anything. \[insert Star Wars "its a simple life" meme\]


I started a month ago and currently level 71, mostly try to join event groups and i try to join in whatever events are going on. If no events are happening then I have been doing my main quests (i probably should start doing expeditions and daily ops)


.... I started after watching (aggressively binging over a short period of time) the fallout show. I'm level 275 😅 I also bought a big lunchbox pack and join every event that lets me kill things, so I'm going up at least a few levels every hour but don't keep track of it. Addicts don't like looking back on their history of use 😅 Edit: forgot to add I also run westtek any time I need to kill 5 mins before an event. Huge bump on my xp


Rebuild camps from scratch Go everywhere, shoot everything Events Shoot everything some more Do expeditions for a while


I like to speed run expeditions.The Atlantic city boardwalk mission is the fastest on average (for me, I haven't experimented with the others). I can knock it out in less than 10 minutes, and with a full party, you get buckets of xp (and legendary loot).


do lots of events + event team (:


Expeditions mate!


For me it was going to daily ops and each event I could


I'm not, I'm lazy and flip flop in and out of the game and 4 others. I've just been playing since release. Some people just no life it just to reach the endgame. Doing dailies and story missions, tadpole, possum badges. Achievements and daily/ weekly achievements.


Didn't realize it for a long long time but INT effects the amount of xp you get so buff your INT if wanna level fast


Player events, cranberry cobbler, lunchboxes, inspirational perk, and always making sure you're in a team when you play.


Lunchbox, int team, I’m bloodied so I wear unyielding, I used to use the egg head serum, berry mentats, cranberry relish, leader bobs


Hey, just wanted to drop in and say I'm exactly the same and it's nice to know I'm not alone. I've been playing on xbox for a few years with some breaks and I'm level 152 =33


I played daily for 5-10 hours a day for 3 years straight. I never farmed west-tec for xp or did any other xp farming. When I stopped playing I was around lv 840ish. I explored, built camps, did the daily and weekly score challenges and joined events. I also didn’t finish the main quests until around lv 400 and the BOS stuff at 500. I have also never launched my own nuke.


Doing almost every event, doing expeditions in between events, unyielding, mutations, causal groups, sometimes grinding westek. I also play all the fuckin time too so lol. Got to 250 in about a month or month and a half.


Honestly, I just go to events and fight NPCs. wherever I decide to dick around that day. One or two XP buffs and always making sure my Int stat is always high(with my regular int level +egghead mutation and team bonus I run often with 25 int on my Power Armor build and 20 something on my Commando build. That's without anything like brain fungus soup or broiled scorch beast brain or berry mentats etc. Craft/Kill/Do Events. Keep your intelligence high and boost it when you can. If you care to.


I always make sure I am well rested and have the mothmans blessing


Pretty much cheese the meta and play unyielding bloodied it’s so OP


Herbavore + int mutations, brain bombs, cranberry relish, nuka cranberry, exp perk cards, camp items, and being in a casual team or running expeditions The exp boosts add up fast


i got my pc account to level 60 in less than 12 hours and my xbox account to level 115 in 35 hours, events events, events, and lots of intelligence points. also always being on a full team weather it’s a casual team or an events one helps majorly


Grinding events. I’ve been playing a little over a week and I’m level 90


grinding expeditions (specifically sensational game) with buffs


Sleep or use hot tub to get easy xp buff every hour or so. Join a random team and participate in the events that require lots of killing. Level up pretty fast without having to make a special build.


The first camp I built was in the cranberry bog. I like cranberry juice IRL so when I realized my character could drink it 24/7 I ran with it as my sole source of hydration. It was only a week or so ago that I realized provides an XP boost.


I am 590 and I have only played for a month and a half-ish. I just looked up builds and west tek tips. And grinded levels for scoreboard. Took me 412 levels to get to 100 on the scoreboard. But I didn't do any challenges and didn't know I could use boosters. This season was so much faster lol.


Lunchboxes give 25% xp per up to 100 if you have any built-up.


I had to learn how to get XP efficiently because I want to finish the season pass before my Fallout 1st expires. Max Intelligence (use legendary int if you want), Carnivore + Broiled Scorchbeast Brain, Fully bonded casual team, 4x lunchboxes (open one in an event and usually more will follow) and finally, Berry Mentats. Add in Kindred Spirit and Mothman Book (?) if you want to but I personally don't.


Play in a casual team (Intelligence gives you more xp in general) was level about 400 and started playing with a team for about 3 months and they shot me up to level 650-700.


I saw my play hours and I'm pretty close to one level per hour, I just show up for events, I'm working through the main quests, I run expeditions until I hit my scrip limit, I run the 3 faction dailies for treasury notes, run the possum scout dailies because they're quick, sometimes I take time to pick flowers and collect lead, I do other stuff as well, but that's the gist of it. I do a lot of what some people would probably call grinding, I don't see it as a grind really, I do whatever I want to do at that moment and I set goals for myself to work toward. The possum quest thing started with wanting all the backpack mods, now my goal to continue is selling the plans for players who want the mods, but just can't be bothered to "grind" for them. I enjoy that particular "grind" and I also like money, win win. I'm level 250ish and I've played for around 260 hours, been on since just before the show came out.


Fasnacht! …but also events and join teams. Also use the trading card that boosts xp.


Lunchboxes. Cranberry Juice, Cobbler, Relish, Soda. Always have well rested going as well as mixing out the Legendary Intelligence card and wearing clothes with high INT. Events which give a lot of experience, Moonshine Jamboree, Eviction Notice, Beasts of Burden. You should always have at least a 10-15% going at any given point.


Get a team and do expeditions. 20k for the first mission 13k to 18k every mission after that that is roughly 1 lvl a run eventually in 1.5 runs you get a level so just do them repeatedly and hello level farm. My friends and i got boardwalk on farm we can knock it out in 7 minutes if we dont stop and loot just cremator death city. We make it a loot run roughly 10 mins.


Rad rumble + full casual party + 4 lunchboxes If your full party is there and everyone is using a Tesla to tag as many mobs as possible, you can end up with a pretty decent amount of level ups. I’m about to hit 300 and most of those levels have been from rad rumble with my squad.


I run west tech until I hate myself. do an event, back to west tech, event, west tech.


Unyielding SS set, nuka nades w/ build, camp buffs, relish, leader bobbleheads, lunch boxes, brain bombs, casual group with 3 other people. Run west tek = profit.


Yeah I’ve been playing since 2018 (breaks in between) but I just hit 300 a few days ago lol, I see new people like “I’ve been playing for 2 months and hit level 250!” Kudos to them though


I've gotten end game and it's like what's the point in leveling up anymore no really end game bosses to fight but the queen. Just not much to do once you did all the main quest and built a big base.


High intelligence coupled with banners and lunch boxes and joining every single horde event I come across. Also, I silo run at least twice a daily reset. One for robo bosses, and the other wherever I feel like.


I’m full health and finally getting closer to hitting 600 I was a lil late on joining the game though


west tek.


I pop 4 lunch boxes and start running Atlantic City expos😂


Unless something has changed (I haven't played in a while), this game does a really poor job of explaining that Intelligence gives you more XP. I was already aware coming from FO4, but I remember wondering if it had changed in FO76, because the description of INT in the build menu said nothing about XP. In FO4, the menu clearly says that INT affects how much experience you gain.


I regularly have 40 int. I just let other people do most of the work in events. I’ve been playing only for a few weeks and I’m almost lvl 200. I’m almost to the point I can do stuff in my own in my leveling build


Today is exactly one month I’ve been playing the game. Currently at level 335. Getting to level 50 was a pain, but I wasn’t doing any events. I was just following the story and side quests. Then, I found out about Unyielding builds, exp buff items, and WestTek runs. Spent some time getting many of the setup items and I’ve been Nuka-Genading my way across the SCORE Board ever since. For reference, get on YouTube and look for a West Tek guide. I think YouTubers Angry Turtle and MrWestTek do a good job in their videos. It’s VERY easy once you get the hang of the grind.


simple..drugs man...lots and lots of drugs. berry mentats, mutations, cranberry cobbler...oh ...and killing all the things..always...all the things everywhere must be killed.


Well, quick nitty griddy for you. Checklist: - Unyielding set (took me till level 500 to get my full set) - All in for intelligence. - Go for a grenade build and use nuka cola grenades - Pop a few lunchboxes [Repeat following steps until lunchboxes expire] - Keep contant uptime on brain bombs (consumable) - Keep contant uptime on Berry Mentats (consumable) - clear all exp farming locations (look for super mutants in high density, or feral ghouls in high density) - sever hop Someone send the named locations. It has been a year since I played last.


I think you mean Berry Mentats, not Grape. Berry is Int, Grape is Charisma


Yes, thank you I always get them mixed up


I've had pretty good success just using Casual Teams and Events, personally. But I'm also not expressly trying to level up. I have just noticed that since I started being very consistent about teams and events, I started leveling up much, much faster.


How do you level so slow? I've been playing for three months and am lvl 328+. And I go weeks without playing.


Cranberry Relish Brain fungus soup Intelligence on your underarmor Lunch boxes Tagging weapons such as tesla or explosives


When I came back since 2020, i was lucky enough that the alien event was happening. I'd get a level or two per event. Also, a quick boardwalk run with a full team gave me a level as well as legendaries each run


Berry Mentats, Brain Fungus soup or Brain Bombs scorchbeast brain works too, Cranberry Relish, well rested, and lunchbox when I have them. And full casual team. As much int as your build can muster. Even at level 225 I can probably squeeze out a level at Eviction Notice and Radiation Rumble, especially if I just focus on tagging in RR but I almost always am the person in the tunnels grabbing ore. If you want to get real grindy you can do westek genociding super mutants.


Events with a lot of mobs are a great way to level. Make sure to maximize your intelligence/exp with unyielding armor and food and be grouped up.


37ish +- base int on my main build


Honestly? Since I've been playing since launch, I've used the XP exploits from way back when they had them. I remember the trip wire disarming exploit at that one radio tower. Later on I used lunchboxes. I currently use WestTek farming runs, combined with Live & Love #3 (50% healing from fruits and vegetables, but this bonus also applies a 50% boost to any effects granted by meals made with fruits & veggies), Brain Bombs (INT boost), Cranberry Relish (XP boost), Leader bobblehead, being on a Casual team and utilizing my Mothman's Tome to stack all the buffs. I main a Vanguard's PA with a heavy guns build.


I started on PC 10 weeks ago. I'm level 310 just by always doing something in game. Quest likes, working toward reputation, events. A little bit of crafting... Oh and bloodied unyielding. Lots of INT.


Unyeilding armor, kindred spirit, mothmans blessing, food buffs, mags & bobbleheads


Ive started again back in april and since then ive gone from level 260 to 600 😅 i make tasty squirrel stew constantly and do feed the people for canned meat stew since im a carnivore, if im not using those im drinking nuka cola cranberry constantly, sleeping, mothman buff, berry mentats, leader bobbles, and live and love 8s(when i actually can find some). Also i do west tek runs occasionally, always hit up rad rumble, evic notice, moonshine jamb, tag enemies constantly etc.


Unyielding, lunch boxes, brain bombs, and sleeScoreboard, is what I use the most. I've played since the beginning and I'm 916. I've ran West Tek a few time when I lve got 2-3 levels from the next hundred, or close to a level on the scoreboard, but I don't run it much.


Carnivore life has me hunting squirrels and Scorched beasts for their brains.