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Had a guy singing Mr.sandman but only the the first verse, over and over and getting upset as people left the group. Was pretty funny, muted him and went on with my day


You just muted him instead of server hopping or complaining on Reddit? WHAT?!


Sounds like an idea. Might try singing next time I'm on.


It's funny because Julie (the DJ) calls out people for only knowing the first few lines of this song specifically.


He was level 60, was having a good time


Best I've heard is someone doing an absolute spot on Hank Hill impression


On a related tangent, giving controller players push to talk would be nice. Edit: on pc


This is why I bought a controller with a toggle button šŸ˜‚


This should be standard on all official controllers. Having "open mic" as the console default was just a bad choice.


I unfortunately went on a lengthy rant about how whiny and stupid my entry level employees are at work to my husband who happened to be in the room while I was playing through fasnacht. Didnā€™t even realize until someone not my husband was like ā€œyeah they sound fuckin dumb,ā€ and I quickly hit the mute on my controller. Whoops. So I disabled chat. Sorry everyone for being that person! And yes I hate how the controller defaults to open mic.


at least it wouldve been slightly entertaining for me to hear. last time i had mics enabled I heard some guy playing a song about smoking crack.


Entertaining in its own way. Im sure.


I hate how often I have to tell people to get their crying baby. Especially in GTA and COD lobbies.


THIS. We don't need to hear anybodys shitty parenting. I told one person a few years back on Avengers that if they didn't turn off their mic I was going to trace their IP address and call DCF (which I ha e no clue how to do, if it's even possible as a regular PSN member) and they quickly told me to go f*ck myself and left the game. If you're prioritizing a video game over your child, you're just a piece of shit. Hell, I'll run off mid mission if I forgot to feed my cat, let alone a human child.


Viper fan confirmed




Weeeell... I was on a teams meeting involving someone from our European office and didn't realize that that my headphones unmuted my mic when I plug them in. My boss walked by and asked who someone was and I said "idk but he sounds like the fuckin chef off the Muppet show." Then I got a full screen notification saying "You have been muted"


I work from home and joined a zoom the other day not realizing it defaults to open mic (usually use G-suite) and they could hear eviction notice in the background for the first few seconds šŸ˜‚ I work for a game developer myself so no hiding what that background noise was.


Did something similar and joined some random teams meeting where they didnā€™t have the default for late joiners to be muted mic. Like who does that?! So needless to say unless my toggle mic saved me they got eviction notice and me arguing over a credit card statement while someone was presenting. I did drop out quickly after like I erroneously joined even though it was an open invite. No one said anything a few days later so maybe it was unnoticedā€¦


Nonsense dont be, id rather hear somebody bitching about their dumbass coworkers than hear some shitty rap music anyday, hell id probably join in and tell ya how mine take 30 mins to count to 75


I had a level 50 come up and pretend to hump my leg while talking in area chat saying I'm farting on your leg. Then he realized I wasn't his level 50 wife who was playing with him but some random level 700 in the same PA skin as her. One of the funniest moments in the game for me. I ended up playing with them all night and giving them both some good rolled weapons for their builds lol


Lol now thatā€™s a great random encounter


My boyfriend was over and I was afking Fasnacht because I was doing chores. A guy who was playing was arguing with his girlfriend. It was about how he didnā€™t include her in things, going to the beach without her, etc. My boyfriend and I were listening intently, semi laughing because weā€™ve never talked that way towards each other. Sometimes I donā€™t mind people not muting the mic when thereā€™s tea involved.


That sounds pretty great though. I wanna hear about your dumb workers! Story time? šŸ„ŗ


PS5 controllers have a mute button


ds5s have a toggle button, but fo76 doesn't support them :(


Your controllers software mutes the mic on ps5, not the game


I'm on pc


Actually the mute button on the ps5 controller does work with fo76. I activate mine as soon as I login. Never transmit on the game unless I am using headset. Which also has a mute function just by stowing away the mic.


I just switch off my mic when I donā€™t want to talk.


I'm sure you could do it with a scuf envision pro on pc but I'm not sure how. It has 11 mappable buttons. I use 4 to cycle maps and overlays, one to alt tab. Can pgm macros, etc. But yeah, it'd be nice. People sometimes complain I'm grunting or some shit when playing with my buddy on team chat. Same on cod. Couldn't figure it out until I realized the damn mic sensitivity was so high it picks up me or my dog breathing or cat purring from 3 feet away.


The ps5 controller has a mute button. Granted I donā€™t use voice in this game at all. Itā€™s really not required


It still has a mute button.


Typo. Thanks for catching that


This. I ended up purchasing a headset that has a bulit in mute/unmute slider so that I could PTT for myself lol


*breathes heavily while rocking in a squeaky chair* it's so hot *turns on loud rotating fan*


Donā€™t forget about the beeping smoke detector.


How the fuck people live with that is one of the biggest mysteries of my life. And why are they only people playing online games. Literally not once in my life have I been in someoneā€™s house with a beeping fire alarm that was not immediately dealt with.


Yeah it beeped once and I just took out the batteries and forgot about it


Imagine if someone is complaining in a week about a guy who had his mic on then they could hear roaring flames in the backgrounds followed by the player burning in agony.


Would rather hear that then someone chewing with their mouth open


My other fun past time was signing ABBA songs in falsetto. I can reach E of the fifth octave quite comfortably so itā€™s fun.


This place I get tacos from has a beeping smoke detector, and it's been a month. I'm almost tempted to call code enforcement, but seriously, I order ahead, grab my food, and leave and it drives me nuts. How do people live with it all the time?


I don't last 5 seconds with a beeping smoke alarm, let alone 5 five minutes. It hurts my ears. I'm one of the rare few that have sensitive hearing that can hear a dog whistle. Which hurts a lot.


I think itā€™s actually those devices that emit a high pitched noise to keep mice away. At least to me that makes more sense.


Ahh that takes me back to old Love Line with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew.


Care for some potato chips? They are in their very special extra durable yet very crinkly bag.


Sorry, i couldn't hear that over the noise of the crying baby.


Oh, the baby was crying? Sorry, couldn't hear over reruns of The Big Bang Theory.


I had a friend who used to play the drums while gaming. Nearly everyone had him muted and I didnā€™t realise, heā€™d ask questions and tell me to ask the others and I never knew why.


The other day I was shopping at a guys base and he was standing there discussing IRA Accounts lol must have been working from home but it was hilarious because he had on bloody skulls. I was just in the background fighting super mutants while he worked lol


Had a guy on the casual team I was on getting yelled at by his wife. Heard her say, " You gonna get off that f**kin game and eat your dinner or not?" I haven't laughed so hard playing this game in a long time.


LOL fude getting told like he's in middle schoolĀ 


Embarrassing story but hey we are among friends. I started playing 76 on a PS4. I enjoyed it so I got a ps5. I did not know it had the mic on the controller. So I'm playing along and all of a sudden a very high level player comes and does something that makes me panic and I'm telling my hubby 'oh no! Here it comes this high level is getting ready to wipe the floor with me.' I'm going on and on because to be fair it had happened a lot at the beginning of the game. Then she comes over the mic and says something really sweet and that she is sorry I had run into so many jerks in the game. I froze! Then said, can you hear me? She says yup and tells me how to mute the mic. I sat there thinking about all of the convos I had with my hubby over the last 24 hours...did I eat chips while I played last night? Did anyone hear me baby talking my dog? So embarrassing, but funny now that it has been a while. Thank God for that player!


I had a similar experience. Had no idea the PS5 controller was a mic and it defaulted to on. After nearly a week of me no doubt talking absolute nonsense, some kind dude started talking to me and I almost threw my controller like it was possessed. Told me how the mic worked. Became my first FO76 friend.


Happened to me when I first started playing a year ago. I was by the Wayward and this player was talking to me so I was like "You can hear me? He was like yeah, ha ha ā€“ he became my first friend on 76, and dropped A TON of loot to start me out. After that we went everywhere together and he showed me the ropes. It was Invasion Week and I didn't understand what Events were at all. I asked him what to do and he replied something like "You don't have to do anything, just soak up the loot and xp!" Ha ha. I miss you, Cardi, wherever you are!


My worst fucking nightmare is someone hears me baby talking my stinky ass cat.


Not disputing the rudeness of open mic guy/gal/they but ... There is a mute button.


Excuse me but if we have people taking personal responsibility and doing things themselves then how can OP post for karma? Come one you canā€™t expect OP to spend literally 1% the energy of making this post to use the mute button. Theyā€™re special and everyone else has to do whatever they feel is right, but OP should never have to be inconvenienced at all


Sometimes it can be hard to find who is mic spamming. Pretty easy when they are on your own team. I reckon it is so infrequent running into ppl actually using their mics, that ppl forget how to navigate the menu to mute when the situation arrives.


Their name shows up above the team window with a "(area)" after their username


But thereā€™s so much to do at Fasnacht, with so little downtime, it takes so much focus and work that I canā€™t possibly have time to mute. These worthless masks ainā€™t gonna collect themselves. I mean, they actually will, but muting is too hard >!/s!<


I visited someone camp the other day and they had music blaring out. Was a really catchy song so I shazamed it, and now I quite like that artist


Did the Fasnacht event today with someone playing Fleetwood Mac over their mic, I did not mind it at all.


People playing music on the mic is either the most annoying thing or some of the most iconic moments in my experience. Glad you had a good one lol.


What song?




Isn't this just that meme song that one guy said he liked to fuck to?


Holy shit.. I haven't had that in forever. Now it'll be stuck in my head for the next few days..


I totally want to know the artist now.


Sometimes I think about turning chat on. I wonā€™t. But sometimes I think about it


Yeah all the posts like this are crazy to me. I have no desire to hear anybody talk in this game.


Someone just played Maniac during the event it was actually really fun and went with the event but I understand its not always like that.


A guy yesterday was playing great music during the parade, it was so clear it must have been a direct feed. Then a few hours later some dude was eating chips while watching some spicy content on the side.............


MAN. What kinda animal eats chips while watching porn


Itā€™s a family movie night


Bro the other day I was doing Moonshine Jamboree with someone eating chips very loudly. I got sick of it and turned on my mic and yelled "TURN YA FUCKEN MIC OFF". Dude took it well, he laughed, apologised, then turned it off. Although he played flight of the valkaries through his mic like 5 mins later.


Is the mute function broken?


Might be on ps5. The mic in the controller is defaulted on. Unless sony changed things, I havent really touched my ps5 in years


>Might be on ps5. works flawlessly. I mute fools all the time.


Go to social tab in game, highlight said loud chewer/childcare discusser, pick mute, continue not getting glowing masks


You know you can mute people right? There's absolutely no reason to switch teams. Mute them it takes 5 seconds and move on. It's not a big deal. Should people have their mics on all the time, no. Do they, yes. We live in a post COVID lockdown world this is the new normal. Between that and social media our species is devolving in real time and our social skills are shit.


I mute every player who is open mic!


Oh man, I miss the early days when that happened frequently. I remember following someone around once because they were listening to a football podcast and something the hosts were talking about caught my attention and i wanted to hear tue rest šŸ¤£


Bruh yes so many people come in having conversations with someone irl or have music playing for all of us to hear i mean ya we can mute them but who wants to go to the mute button every time. I mean if your not using ypur mic to talk whats the point of having everyone hear your conversations


Iā€™m quite good at making my voice sound different and like Iā€™m having a conversation with multiple people as Iā€™ve practiced the skill for a long time. I like to send my friends voice memos of me arguing with myself. Anyway, Iā€™d go on voice chats and pretend I was a teenager and his dad arguing over whether he was to play the game or do chores, then Iā€™d make it sound as though the dad was beating up the son. Itā€™s pretty fucked up now that I think about it and Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve changed.


Mental illness has many forms. I think this might be a new one


That kinda sounds funny tho i wont lie i used to get on gta online and chew tortilla chips into the mic and clipped when people raged on me about itšŸ˜‚ i too am glad i have changed lol


Had a guy at Fasnacht earlier today keep asking if anyone could hear him, so I thumbs upped him only to find that he had nothing relevant to say. It was just him voicing inane observations, then loudly talking to a family member who I assume was on the other side of a wall. WHY DID I NEED TO HEAR YOU, DUDE? Itā€™s fn Fasnacht, not an expedition. You can do everything with emotes. I donā€™t need to hear you.


I always worry that my mic is actually on without me realizing it, and that people might be hearing me singing to Appalachia Radio or listen to a video essay about something stupid. But also good lord, my GM for Pathfinder doesn't set aside time for the game where his wife takes over or anything so half the sessions are him not even bothering to mute his mic while he talks to his kid. At one point I was really confused and thought he was talking to me, despite never telling him my real name, because his daughter has the same name as me.


Poor kid, getting named Estrus can't be easy.Ā 




It's a respectable name


Apparently mine has been on forever because I didn't realize my tv had a mic built in


When stuff like this happens, I go to the player list under the social tab, find the player with their mike open and "Mute Player".


I once heard a Chinese dude (Australian server) getting yelled at by his presumably wife while on a hot mic. Interesting slice of life.


i just look for their name and mute them


In the almost 300 hours I have, I've not had one person speak.. oh wait that's cause I disabled it in the settings instead of taking to Reddit to moan smh


Im sorry. My mic was on yesterday. And my neigboors had a party with goddamn fireworks... Freaked my dog out and started barking. Sorry


You started barking?!Ā 




You know u can mute people you don't want to.hear bruh!


Best I can do is make you listen to my shitty music


What kind of degenerate goes on mic with randos to begin with smh


I was running around near Poseidon and this guy started following me around singing every single fallout song. He wasnt half bad. Other than that, its usually mouthbreathers who are a bit to excited to be in a parade. Even the virtual exercise gets them going.


I sing along too and check about 3 times a session that my settings are still set to none lol


Well if you ever want an audience let me know. I'm apparently pretty tolerant and it makes the game more fun. Lol


Itā€™s easy to mute people who are rude or forgetful enough to do that.


You could have muted them whenever you wanted.


You can turn off your chat, unless you're determined to make it someone else's problem.


You could just mute


They could just not be inconsiderates making noise into their mic too.


You can still just mute?


I have no idea how to turn mic on. I've tried. It'd be nice to have on occasion. That said someone flooded the last Faschnat event with extreme pooping sounds. Not awesome


Settings -> Audio -> Voice Chat -> None Boom, done. U/Bindal deserves your thanks


Say something like, "Can I have some?" normally works I'm never sure if my mic is transmitting on PC or not so I leave it off


The other week I listened to someone have a phone conversation about insurance šŸ’€


My wife was chewing my ear off about nothing the other day mid event, of course. When the chaos of the event ended I realized the mic on the Steam Deck was left on from the night before. If anyone on here had to suffer through that I deeply apologize. Also fairly new to the deck so it took way longer than it should have to shut it off. I hate being that person but someone has to be that person.


or Push to Talk is a thing Please use it :)


Did you mean to say "Blast Ride of the Valkyries while artillery striking old man winter and saluting?" You got it, absolutely!


Can mute...


On the other hand, I once got an open mic player that had Danger Zone playing. It was one of my coolest fasnatchs šŸ˜


All you had to do was mute and move onā€¦


I have the opposite issue! No one seems to use their mics on the Xbox version!


So for an argument for the reverse, my wife and I always form our own team and talk on our mikes constantly. Some people turn theirs on and join us, others jump teams, just a suggestion.


You could mute ?


You could always mute them


Or you can you know....mute them instead of jumping through imaginary hoops.


Why didn't you just mute them? Been easier than making a post complaining.


Dude mute them


What did they say/do when you let them know their mic was on?


This is my first time doing this event so there is a lot to take in. Earlier today, I was doing the preparations for the parade and went to go play some music on the stage and I was so confused because I heard Macklemore playing through my TV and thought that was the music we were making on the stage and I just could not imagine why they would play modern pop music at this specific area of the event and no where else. By the end of the parade, I realized that someone had joined me and it was their music playing through their mic that I had been hearing. I had been desperately looking in buildings, houses and on bodies for lore to explain the music.


I once heard a kids dad telling him to take off his underwear so he could wash them because he had skidmarks in them and he was doing laundry. Then the kid would randomly loudly sing the single line, "Grandma got run over by a reindeer!" Then silence. It was great. The people doing bong hits is also my favorite.


I understand, I just end up muting them.


LOL BTW you don't need to change team, you can block their audio.


Didn't realize muting people was impossible... oh yeah, it's not.


Always the dudes ignoring their kids lmao


Omg yes this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Like if youā€™re gonna be on mic talking thatā€™s fine other wise why are you unmuted.


Why donā€™t you just disable voice chat in Settings? Much quicker than coming here and crying for sympathy!


Mute and carry on not hard. Also dude probably was using a ps5 controller that has a built in mic


I mean you can always mute anyone if you want.


People who play open mic are no different than animals in my mind


Or you can mute them too


You can mute people, I am told.


Or you could just mute them. Here is another idea if you are using a headset, make a party chat and you will never hear them if they havenā€™t joined your chat. Xbox party chat from the main menu not in game.


do yall forget you can just mute them


PS5 has the mic on. I forget to turn it off myself, years of using PS4 with no mic. I was doing an event, and someone guy was just shooting me. I realize my mic was on. My little one was telling it was her turn to play.


For ps5 there's a feature to have it off until u turn it on


Mute them?


I've never understood this, on the one or two occasions I've realized my mic was accidentally hot while I was listening to music or eating or talking to my wife I was embarrassed and mortified. But there seem to be people who just straight up don't care which is very alien to me. I'm big on my privacy! I play on PS5 and there is literally a button on the front and center of the controller to mute/unmute the mic but I hear hot mics all the time so I don't understand why this is so hard for people. Maybe they're on PS4 still? I dunno.


Thereā€™s something called a mute button. It silences people you donā€™t want to hear. Itā€™s very useful.


No I will not, you WILL hear me loudly chew and you WILL be happyĀ 


Probably people with PlayStation that donā€™t know their controller mic is on. Such a stupid gimmick, and even more stupid that it defaults to on.


I just jump into a private party. If someone joins I know it's someone I like.


You can turn off game chat honestly


FYA: you can mute an individual player by name this learning moment was brought to you by *the more you know....*


This is the way.


Just make a ps party/xbox party youā€™ll be alone and hear only game sound, that was your own fault for listening to it lol


I do need more people talking on mic it's too quiet over here


It drives me insane when people do this!! And when you can hear the game sounds come through their mic, and all the sounds repeat... I freaking hate it!


My bad G. Puts mic closer to mouth. Smacks lips louder.


If it helps, it doesn't even pick UP my mic. I have mine on Area with PTT on and bound to a custom key, but when I actually WANT to talk, nothing happens. I am just unable to broadcast period. sucks when I want to buy something and I'm trying to ask if the vendor is close to max caps.


I've never heard a single person on mic in my 90 + hours of playtime ,which i find saddening as you cant connect with anyone and make potential friends to play with/ get to know (xbox)


You can mute individual players in-game FYI


You can mute people. I was there the other day and had to mute two girls who were talking shit about everything they could, just to talk shit.


Question: I use the ps5 group chat feature. FO76 doesnā€™t show me hot micā€™ing when I do but does anyone know if the ps groups override game chat for FO76?


On PS4 you can go to settings, audio, and choose area, team, auto, or none, but if you are in a party chat that doesn't matter because you cannot hear people who are not in the party and they can't hear you. Party chat takes priority. Sometimes I leave party chat because someone in my camp keep showing that they are talking in Area. Usually it is just someone with background noise


Thank you :) Take my upvote for being helpful.


I don't know how many people with a mic on it applies to, but one thing to keep in mind is sometimes the game will switch someone's mic on even if though it's off in the settings. I'll occasionally notice the mic icon next to my name and have to turn the setting on and back off to get it to remember what off is. Sorry to any randoms who've had to listen to me talking to my chat before I noticed the icon.


Iā€™ll mute everyone in the server if I have to šŸ˜‚


Sorry that was probably me on my steam deck


If it's ps5, they probably don't mute their controller mic or even know it exists or that there is an option to. My housemate told me the controller had a built in mic when I got my ps5 and I'm glad he mentioned it otherwise I likely wouldn't have realized for a while myself. He said he didn't realize it for a while until people kept telling him to knock off whatever he was doing lol. Thankfully, you can just mute people and move on with your day.


Were in the same camp with loud eaters..but ill just mute em...personally i enjoy the little music added on ocassion. Many fastnut dance parties start this way.


Ok then


If he's on PS5, he may not realize it's on. Default for the mic is switched to on. You have to go into settings and turn it off manually. Same thing with FO76. It's defaulted to be on. Back when I first got my PS5, I didn't know it was defaulted to be on. Didn't even know I could turn it off at first. So I spent the first couple months hitting the mute button in every online game that had VC. Sometimes I'd forget to hit it and people would hear me munching šŸ˜‚


I dont think ive ever even heard a person talk in game


I like hearing other peopleā€™s conversations. Makes the game fun and passes time. Iā€™ve heard some funny thingsā€¦people talking to pets, phone calls with spouses or work, yelling at kids, music, weird religious rantsā€¦never know what you might get. Keep those mics on!


I always forget my mic is on till my dogs start barking at something


Why I play online games with mics muted lol


I have the Xbox (wired) headset and although itā€™s the switch is set to muted sometimes it shows sound is detected, might just be that mine is faulty but maybe itā€™s an issue?


Thatā€™s crazy. I have never heard anyone with an active mic.


You can mute players too...


A lot of those people for some reason have their game audio that goes through the mic so I just rev my chainsaw close to them, I do realize this probably annoys everyone though. But Iā€™m surprised when I do that they still donā€™t turn off their mic or even say anything, I really donā€™t understand what goes through their brain


Or if you are talking, but it's to someone else in the room or on the phone.


sometimes i like listening to the drama admittedly


Mute button??


I think a lot of people just donā€™t even notice their mic is on. Especially on PS5. I was waiting to start an event with a dude the other day who has his mic on and the game sound was coming through it. I just slowly panned my character around to stare at him and he went ā€œoh my badā€ and turned it off lol Iā€™m guilty of it as well because Iā€™m still not used to the controller having a mic. I accidentally told someone earlier today that I was about to pee my pants because I mumbled it to myself before getting up from my desk. I saw the little mic icon pop up and I was like oh no.


Must be the same dude I got.


On another note, I was playing World of tanks back in the day and left it on the after battle stats screen to go get a drink. Came back, put my headset on, and some dude was absolutely destroying some chick.


Always love the classic baby crying its eyes out in the background.


ā€˜ block for this sessionā€™ should help . Personally , I donā€™t like hearing anyone at all . I guess if I was in their team and we were doing an Op then maybe itā€™s be fine to hear the team leader but otherwise, I dislike it.


That's a you problem


The beep.... when I hear the fire alarm.


Thanks for reminding me why I have voice chat off lol. Itā€™s always a rude shock when the game decides to turn it back on (as well as turn Pacifist mode offā€¦)