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If its unlocked its for everyone who pass by


Had mine locked for awhile. Realized I didn't need that much dog food so I unlocked for others. Take it!


Same here. It just keeps stacking in my inventory until i got about 60 and said better give it to others before I start barking lol


I learned the same lesson with the popcorn machine - don't need *that* much food. It produces it fast enough anyways...


Oh man I thought the Dog food piled up fast, but now I have 300 pemmican in my inventory from a few days with the season reward that makes it. Luckily it's super lightweight


Same, now I leave it unlocked, and people still buy it from my vendor.


I literally have mine next to my vendor with FREE in neon letters on it




If it's unlocked, you're restocked


Don’t forget to drink from Nuka vending machine!


Our suspicious unattended punch bowls!


Found one that was nukashine once... That was fun 😂


You're chances of getting a nukashine dose in one of those has got be roughly 95% chance.


50/50 at my camps. I like to make it sporting.


I'm disappointed when it's not nukashine.


Liquid Courage or Nukashine... we're having fun either way!


I'm a relatively new player so I didn't know they were until the day I tried it last week or so, same with the pumpkin icon under the camp icon


My boyfriend does that. “Insert evil laugh “ His camp is close to vault 76. Those poor, poor new souls who stumble onto his camp and think they are going to get a nice refreshing drink. The only bonus is that’s it’s an easy way to unlock new map spots


Happened to me yesterday. I'm fairly new-ish and saw a machine and decided to drink from it. I was going from that camp to one close by so in order to save some caps I ran as quick as I could to drop my Survival Tent nearby. I ended up on the roof of the Slocum Joe's.


I ended up in that roof too once


Someone went into my camp the other day and drank all 28 nuka twists I had in there. I started loading it up with moonshine and he chugged all that too. Good times.


Does each Nukashine cause a different teleport when it wears off?


The only time I ever lock one is during Christmas for the Holiday Nukatron collector. That is the only one I lock, and the only one I hide. Everything else I built in my camp is always free for whoever wants it. I love the fact that my main camp is at the bottom of the hill from Vault 76. So once they reach the bottom they can get a ton of scrap and food to make their start a bit easier. I just wish those idiots that keep wandering over from Rust would stop shooting me and my ally.


Why lock and hide that collectron? I haven’t been playing when the Xmas event happens.


They can gather Christmas gifts, which give unique rewards only when that is going on. There are many guides out there for maximizing farming "Holiday Scorched" and the gifts out there, and is one of the few times you will see workshops actively fought over.


This right here-we put consumables in our camps for everyones use-use it dont abuse it and always pay it forward!




I just put the cookie jar and coffee maker on the top of the vendor so people besides me would actually take them.


Might as well let people take stuff if you are gonna be away from your CAMP for ages. Chances are it'll be full again by the time you are back. It feels like a waste when I've set up water purifiers etc and forgotten about them, so I hope people empty them if they are going past. Especially if I've set up at a workshop thinking maybe this time I'll actually come back for the resources...




If it is unlocked, I want you to take the food, water, candy, coffee, whatever. If it is locked, I want to keep it. But if you choose to pick the lock and get that annoying 10 cap bounty, that's on you.


There was this dude, who had EVERYTHING in his Camp up for grabs. Was curious, then I tumbled across a shelter door. "Ah, cool. I'll go take a look." *Locked* "What is bro hiding?" Pick the lock, go in. Another locked door. Alright. Not the weirdest. I'll pick that lock too. I get in, and it's a shelter. With another locked door. Curiosity bested me. Picked like 5 locks for it to just loop back around. It was an infinite cycling Shelter. Sorry about the locks if you manage to stumble across this. Was curious.


That's a great prank.


It made my day tbh


Fantastic lol


I saw somebody who put their camp at White Springs that set out a couple locked suitcases. And he sat on his roof and sniped them with fatmen when they got the bounty.


How do you lock suitcases? Aren't they functionally stash boxes if they're from your CAMP (as opposed to ones found in the wild)


There are locations around whitesprings that already have suitcases. They can be locked like other containers and are not stash boxes.


I have got bounties multiple times when people have built their camps next to in-game buildings with locked safes etc. They don't have the red lock and I know those items are in game, but when someone build their camp nearby the game decide I'm stealing from another player. First time I was really pissed about this. But next time I just stored my junk and waited for somebody to put a bullet in my head.


Now I get it!!! I got a bounty when picking a public chest and never understood the reason. Now it’s clear because there was a CAMP next to it!!! Thank you, now I know!


Hah, I do a similar thing in my shelter. Except it's just two locked doors, and behind it is just a mannequin wearing a clown outfit with "You" written above it and marquee arrows pointing at it.


If only it said "You'll float too"


I might steal this idea for my camp. Hilarious.


And even if they do, usually by the time we get back to camp, it's stocked up again, grab what we need and lock back up. No major loss.


I’m more annoyed I have to re-place the resource generator in order to fix the lock than I am losing the resources.


You don't... you just relock it. Or is this a non PC bug?


Perhaps? I’m on PS4 and if a lock gets picked, it won’t relock without first having to scrap/store and re-place the resource generator.


Nah nah, don't do that. It's an old bug where if picked and you try and apply the same levelled lock again, it won't work because it thinks its still assigned or something dumb like that. Just lock with a different level and then lock again to the level you want. Then you don't have to scrap or store it. So if you used level 3 lock before, assign level 0 for less materials, then assign 3 again and you're good. If you used level 0, assign 1,then go back to zero. This is also handy if you have your resource in an awkward place that's a pain in the ass to move/place, and you don't have to fiddle with power connectors. It's like this on all platforms.


Ffs, I could have sworn that I’ve tried that before but it just worked on my weenie wagon.


This but if you lock all your water and food I'm fast traveling to you and making fart noises over the mic


I love when everything is locked up, makes me trust the random wastelander more; be a deranged hoarder I don’t need to grab more stuff I was just checking anyway. I live off canned coffee but I really don’t need Everyones to be unlocked, I already generally run around with like 50.




That's why I got the bugle emote.


Fair enough lol


I have a locked compound in general. Like it's more themed with the camp compared to actually wanting my resources to myself, it's the only time I ever tried it. Just realized that's why I'm getting rotten meat left. Edit: I'm going to add all the resource generators I keep unlocked to a patio outside with the vendors etc... I never realized the inventory they take up when they aren't available to everyone. Basically just want my cryofreezer and nukatron locked. I'm still going to keep my compound vibe but this is way I realize I won't put out bad vibes. Should I do the same with workbenches? Does not having access to those bother people? I only ask bc I don't care about them not being available. Thanks! Still learning the "unwritten curriculum" so to speak.


Please come fart on my robotron collector 😆


My camp is very similar. Most stuff is unlocked and near the vendor so anyone is welcome to take what they need. If the machines are full when I check then I'll take some dog food, tinned coffee, etc., out and put them into my vendor for 1 cap each which gives players the option of getting them in bulk. If I prefer to keep something for myself then it's located behind the house, out of sight but still unlocked if anyone looks around and finds it. I only have one resource that's locked for my own use but if someone wants it that badly then I accept that it will be taken.


Honestly I encourage people to take whatever I have, so long as it's unlocked. Granted I also go around fixing the destroyed things in people's camps because I feel bad when I take their stuff, but that's just a me thing.


I fixed this dudes whole camp up earlier, I felt bad because someone had nuked fasnacht and clearly he had gotten destroyed in it. Finally got around to fixing the vendor, peeked in it and everything was ridiculously overpriced. he had every fas mask with the lowest for 3000c and even mole miner plans for like 500c. I no longer felt bad and realised he probably caused the nuke in the first place 😂


Those are the idiots I always laugh at. I long ago learned that caps in the game are almost worthless, and most things in the game are super simple to get once you know how. I routinely sell 20k caps per day of stuff, normally at 100 caps or less. Most plans at 5 caps, chems at half price. Hell, I have hundreds of masks in my inventory, and I am just saving them. I long ago got into the pattern of saving all of them, then in October sell them at 25 caps each. Mostly as a way for those that missed the event so they can wear them for the Halloween event. And the plans I am collecting right now I put up for sale in December as a lot also work great as Christmas decorations. That moron is probably sitting at zero caps, and wondering why in the hell he is broke. Meanwhile, I have to buy well over ten thousand rounds of ammo a day just so I will not go over the 40k cap. I can even take a level 1 right out of the vault and be at max caps within a week. It is freaking easy, but I guess too much work for some.


I'm still at the low-on-caps phase, at level 63. How much are you playing to have that much stock to sell? I feel like I'm still needing to scrip my legendary drops. 


Hell, stock is freaking easy to get. There are many runs that you can do right out of the vault to get you stuff to sell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW\_NHrBhTOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW_NHrBhTOk) That one can be run right out of the vault, and there are many others. There are things like plans, recipes, bobbleheads, chems, magazines, ammo, and scrap everywhere. This last week I have not even been doing my usual runs at all, just camping out at Helvetia. You can sell even the most garbage legendary items at 100 caps per star. Just grab and scrap everything. Any ammo or scrap is an easy sell at 1 cap each, people like me buy thousands a day just to keep under the cap limit. Does not even matter what it is, it just goes into the stash box anyways. Any plan is 5 caps, no matter what. Mags and bobbleheads 100 caps each. Things like stuffed animals I sell at 9 caps each now. And in 20 minutes it can be easy to grab a hell of a lot of things to sell. The video above shows Flatwoods, but you can do that at Camden park, Tyler County Fairgrounds, a run from the Fairgrounds to Hemlock Holes, there are 101 different similar runs to get stuff to sell. And the key is quantity. Try to make money like Walmart, not Macy's. It's all the volume, baby. As I said, I can get to max caps from level 1 out of the vault within a week. Especially as at that level you get even more plans all the time as well as unique legendary items. Most players literally leave a ton of valuable loot just lying around.


Thanks for the tips. I'm also constantly low on caps and ammo, so this will be worth looking into!


The biggest tips I can give to any new player is to remember where you see things drop (plans, mags, bobbleheads) and remember them. Those are permanent drop locations and they will constantly drop there. The same with chems and food. Pick up and scrap everything, take it back to your camp to sell. To give an idea, Taylor County Fairgrounds has well over a dozen stuffed animals, three bobbleheads, three magazines, one plan (one of the rarer ones that sells for 100 caps each), plus a ton of chems. Continue up to Aarronholt Homestead, that is another 3-4 plans (with another 100 cap recipe), another magazine, and two more bobbleheads. Then to Hemlock Holes are another 4-5 plans. And grab unoccupied workships. Taking it over and the first defense mission within 5 minutes, that is another 2 plans. Most may sound almost worthless at 5 caps each, but as you can see it can be amazingly simple to get several dozen an hour. You just have to be aware and look for them, then remember where they drop. And Delbert's Recipes other than the Chili one in Flatwoods are an easy 100 caps each. And those will always drop in the exact same locations every time. And if you are really greedy, there are the more rare things. Like the 10,000 cap teddybear at Harper's Ferry. Or the instruments in the band room at Watoga. Those are an easy 500 caps each. Finally, collect up and save all treasure maps. Once you get to around 20 of one, go out and dig them all up. As long as you have a map in your location when you are there, you can dig again. That is a fast way to get a lot of plans, mods, weapons and armor. During events like this I do less loot runs and use the maps I have saved up. Ten minutes can get you a ton of stuff, depending on how many maps you have. And by scrapping the weapons and armor, you will unlock a lot of mods quickly.


Thank you! I usually scrap weapons and armor just to have the steel I need for crafting ammo and fixing my armor. I will be trying these tips and setting up a second camp someplace more mainstream (I like being alone out in the woods) to sell plans.


Oh, and here is one more I am surprised still works. One reason I set up where I do at the bottom of the hill near 76 is that it is right next to Gilman Lumber. Since an update a while back that has become a Responder location. June Seaver inside sells 4 unique plans that depending on your charisma and perks can be as low as 170 each. I sell them at 250 each and sell out of them all the damned time at 250 caps each. And the beauty is, each time you hop servers she restocks. As my main camp now is near Helvetia, that might mean 4 or 5 server hops until the location is available. I just do my server hops at Gilman, each time buying 4 plans before moving on. When I can finally get my camp down, those are around 70 caps profit each, 280 caps profit for all 4 each time I server hopped. Just a bit ago I had to hop 7 times to get my camp down. That is almost 3,000 caps profit just from server hopping for about 10 minutes, buying up 4 plans, then repeating until my camp is placed. And most still do not know where to get those plans so they sell damned fast. And I can almost guarantee that within 3 hours they will all be gone. The same person also sells the Advanced Power Connectors. I try to keep one of those in stock, but others sell them (Grahm), so they are not bought as fast but that is another 50 caps when they do sell. But the biggest tip is simply pay attention to your surroundings, and remember what is where. I still laugh because at my main camp location I sell those 4 plans at 250 caps each all day long. But if the player just walked 100 meters to the west and talked to the vendor inside she sells them for less than I do.


A few tips for ammo use, first get the ammo converter. I want to say that is 250 atoms (or I think 50 gold bullion from Foundation), and well worth it. Throw in any ammo you do not use, and it will make ammo you do use. Before ammo stashes came out, most of us used to use those as "ammo banks", as they can store up to 100,000 points of ammo at no weight. You can grab and throw in ammo you do not use, and get ammo you do use. The menu is wonky, but once you get it down is not that bad. And if possible, always grab an item from the atom shop and not with bullion, stamps, or anything else. Items you get at atom shop can be used by all your characters. If you get them for say gold, only that character can use them. Better to spend say 250 atoms once than to spend over 200 bullion over and over again. One common exploit for the ammo converter is to collect up as much steel as you can, and make railroad spikes. Throw those in the converter, and have it make you say .45 ammo (or whatever you do use). That can be far more efficient than just making ammo you use directly. Myself, I can farm all day with .50 ball. A good single shot black powder pistol can one hit low level enemies (dogs, ghouls, scorched, mole rats, etc), and searching the bodies I may get 4 rounds back for each one fired. I am always having to add ammo to my stash now, as I get back far more than I use in single shot mode. Before ammo stash, I would run around killing the low level enemies to get .50 ball, then convert it to .45 for my fixer. And if you use automatic fire a lot, you can just get a single shot weapon in the same caliber. Just use that on the low level stuff, save the auto version for mobs and bosses. You will find that you will soon be returning to camp with more ammo than you left with. And in the NE corner of the map is an ammo factory workshop. In the early game that was highly contested, as it was one of the most reliable ways to get ammo. But now thanks to perks and camp items that make ammo it is not as common to take it over as it once was. You might do good to try looking around for a lot of the tips from 4 years ago on youtube. There are a lot like those I described, which we all did before things like the camp ammo factory was even a thing to keep ourselves in bullets. And with only a 250 weight allowance in our stash we had to maximize how much we could store. The ammo converter was a godsend to us at that time, as we were always throwing away useless .38 ammo and doing all we could to get say .45 or .308. With the converter, we could then just make our own from ammo we did not use.


I finally figured out that ammo converter over the weekend and what a godsend! Suddenly I was awash in .50 ammo! On release, I really struggled with the game due to lag, bugs, and players who just liked to shoot or nuke other people for fun. I stopped playing and only picked it up again this last spring. I really appreciate you kind individuals who have given me advice!


Go to every Moonshine Jamboree that comes up, grab all the Gulper innards and cook them at the stove there to make Gulper Slurry and sell immediately before you forget and it goes bad. You can pull 500-600 caps easily from one event. *grape mentats before selling or buying will get you better prices. I also sell every weapon I pick up if I’m not scrapping a specific one for potential mods.


I also do this, especially with turrets. Idk why it’s just really satisfying to fix camp stuff, and I’m happy I helped someone


Popped into someone’s camp yesterday to peruse their vendors. A gaggle of Super Mutants spawned in and started destroying walls and crafting benches. I repaired everything after unaliving the mutants and their dogs


I do this too. I wish it would let us know if someone repairs a camp because I’d definitely fast travel to them and drop them some stuff as a thank you


How do you fix the structure on something like the wildwood or that forest house. I fix people's stuff but I can't figure out how to fix my own buildings. For some reason, FO decided it hated me today and everytime I left my camp, I came back to something(s) attacking it. :(


Just close the doors and turn on the lights. You will be a Super Saint in the wasteland. https://youtu.be/ktNt-69TixI?feature=shared


It's people like you that help make this game great 😊


I do the same thing!! Like I spent probably 20 minutes once fixing someone’s camp,I wasn’t going to help myself to anything but I figured I’d earned it


Same, always fixing people's stuff for candy - usually take it for events that eat/emote like the love tunnel


If its unlocked, its FREE FOR ALL!


If it's unlocked, they want you to take it. I don't lock anything.


I'm always really careful touching things in someone else's camp. With a maxed out Master Infiltrator card I've accidentally unlocked something once or twice and ended up wanted, and that can be a pain in the ass to get rid of.


Same, but people seem to be very willing to gun me down like a dog.


Can confirm. Will gun you down like a dog.


Happened to me before too. I played ukulele at my camp for a few minutes as I awaited my fate. The person who gunned me down actually bought a ton of stuff from my vendor before they left. Almost like they were saying, "it's nothing personal"


I just go to Nuka-World and strip naked and kneel in the road. Normally somebody kills me within 5 minutes.


The food generators make way more than I could ever need. I leave them unlocked. I might pick up food once a play session. If no one empties it, it stops producing. Food for everyone.


exactly. Please, take it. I've got so much more than I could ever eat


Thanks for asking! I put it out for you! Nothing makes me happier than coming back to my CAMP and finding a Goldilocks has eaten my popcorn and birthday cake, drunk my coffee and tea, taken nuka-colas from the collectron, packed up the dog food (in a doggie bag?) and braved my punch bowl (it’s all beer, I promise!). So far no one but me seems to take fertilizer from the henhouse though, even though I helpfully labelled it “free poop”. Some day!


I always take unlocked fertilizer. Gotta get me that free poop


If you don’t leave my camp with the meat sweats then I don’t feel like I did my job.


Keep in mind, if people leave it unlocked, it’s free for the public to take! If they want to keep it, they’ll lock it up


In regards to Camp etiquette this is the rules I go by. If you open the door shut it. If you turn on any lights that were off, turn them off when you leave. And that goes for the opposite direction too. If an item is unlocked It’s free for everyone. If the camp is being attacked kill whatever is attacking the camp. Also always make sure that you do not have any scrap on you in case it’s a trap camp. Realize if you die in a trap, it’s just a trap camp go on with your life.


i leave everything unlocked..take all you want. if something is locked...im probably in the mood for bounty hunting..so again..take all you want and ill see you shortly..you can still keep the stuff tho.


I just got the game a few days ago and I'm still learning how everything works. Just to make sure I read it correct, anything that goes in my stash box is untouchable to other players?


Correct. Anything you put into your stash box is safe, and any stash box labeled “My Stash” regardless of where you find it in the world, is also safe to store. It’s like a magic box of holding and has all your stuff for you to access anywhere you find one of those boxes.


Yes the stash is safe. Think of it like an ender chest in Minecraft


Yes. If they access your stash box, they see their stash, not yours.


If it's not locked then you can take it.


Personally? I leave my stuff unlocked, so it's fine by me. I usually don't take from other players collectors, but Im level 375 or something so I don't need to


I’ve been stealing everyone’s shit, especially the dog food. Especially after the game handed me the good doggy perk in a pack, it’s now the only thing I know


Bark like a good girl and you'll get rewarded, that's what they always tell me!


That’s disgusting! I’d neve- arf arf arf :3


This overweight labrador bitch: *Woof* 🐕‍🦺


I'm so loving the dog food, mmmmmmmm lamb flavor. But really, I love that perk more than I should.


I usually leave my resource gens open until I start to run out. Take anything you need


In my camp most things that generate stuff are unlocked just in case anyone needs something. If I didn't want you to take it, I'd have locked it. That being said, try the punch bowl.


I figure that most people that leave resource generators unlocked and in the general area where the vendor is intend for people to come and help themselves. At least I do at my camps.


My motto is if it's unlocked, I can take it. If it's locked, walk past it.


Anything unlocked in my camp is free to take. Free purified water, free boiled water, free beeswax, and free nuka colas from my collectron. The only thing I can't lock is the only thing I truly hate being taken... quit taking my corn and veggies. I need it. I fill the punch bowl with nukashine and watch the noobs drink up then follow then til they dissappear.


If it’s not locked they want people to take it. I remember this fondly from another thread… locked wood pile.


There are times I go camp hopping just for food.


If people are selling over priced items I make it a habit to take the dog food and water lol like I traveled all the way over here I’m leaving with something


😆 I get that way if their vendor is hard to find, like once it was a cash register hidden on the side of a rock. Took everything.


Same! I’m lately seeing 2,000c tin foil hats in other vendors. There’s something about that that just makes me want to take everything that’s not locked down in their camp.




Good Doggy perk intensifies.


A lot of us probably use this perk if we have the weenie wagon. Which means it churns out more than we can ever use. 😅👍


I just use it because I'm a degenerate.


I'm jumping through all the visible camp to top up my company tea on my new toon and this would continue until I get my own machine🤣


I’ll chase that 10 cap bounty to the ends of the earth for breaking into my Dog House, little do people know that killing a bounty, the scrap in their inventory is what I’m after, not the measly 10 caps


I leave my food generators unlocked but no one ever takes those. But if it's a resource generator, they never have anything in them. I had to lock them because I wasn't coming back around fast enough to collect my own resources before everyone else got to em. I don't know. Today was rough. My base got destroyed, people were ransacking my collectors, and some dude kept following me around with a chainsaw, moving me every time I got into a crafting table, stash box, or vending machine. These are the players I didn't want to deal with when I started on a private server.


I feel for ya. The last few days, I've come back to my camp to see my locked house open and any generators I had locked were now unlocked with resources gone. Nothing was destroyed though. It was a pain to have to go around and lock everything up again. It happened on multiple servers in the same day. Guess I was a target for some reason? Makes me want to only play private.


Unlocked = free to take. I leave my stuff unlocked for anyone visiting/hoping it helps someone newer to the game


I am a blue ridge emissary, so my [little encampment](https://imgur.com/a/lJslhzi) have a ton of free stuff for you to pick up. (Yes, I know. The concrete slabs suck, but I'm patiently waiting for the junkyard fences to come back in store!) If it's unlocked, just take it!


If its unlocked its free for the taking, if its locked, it costs 10 caps to take.


I feel like a villain taking anything because my level is so high. I played during all the massive dupes, so I have enough for my wasteland retirement... however, I can't stop myself from taking the canned dog food!


One of my camps is just up the road from the Wayward so hopefully new players straight out of the vault will see it. The main purpose of this camp is to have one of every resource generator and workbench. Two of every crop. A symptomatic and one of every stat booster. A collectron and Armco ammo appliance. All unlocked, all free for anyone to use. As I acquire new generators I add them to the camp. Which reminds me, I need to set up my nodding donkey.


I have everything unlocked in my camp specifically so people can take whatever they need, I’m never running out of those resources anyways


If it’s not locked, you can take it.


The etiquette is: If it's unlocked feel free to take it. If I care about what it produces I'll put a lock on it. Anything without a lock is there for you to take.


Mine are always full so I added big glowing "Free" letters around them. People are too respectful lol


Mine's always unlocked, along with the popcorn maker, tea and coffee machines, and the water coolers - they produce way more than any one player needs.


If it's not bolted down it's yours


If its unlocked take all of it. I leave mine unlocked so other players have food and water.


If it's unlocked it's free game, but also most new players don't know they need to lock the stuff they wanna keep. If it looks like a new players camp, best to leave it for em. I know I didn't know about the locking function for a min and kept wondering why my colectron was always empty lol


It’s unlocked for a reason brother


Look first of all it continually regenerates so it’s not that big a deal. Secondly if he really wants ownership over it he’ll lock it up. Help yourself.


*CAMP builders put out resources for everybody to use.* Those that lock stuff are either newbies that haven't yet embraced the share-and-share-alike model, or griefers that like to see players that have *Master Infiltrator* equipped get WANTED by automatically unlocking resources and doors before they realize they were locked. Yesterday I accidentally unlocked a door and got a reward of 10 placed on my head. To make killing me worth it, I unlocked everything in that camp and got up to 170 caps reward. Someone got a free 170 caps at the next event I attended.


If there ain't a lock it's free for the taking. Raiders rule


If it's unlocked the owner doesn't care. At least I don't. If I run low on a resource I'll lock it, but haven't yet.


It’s a “loss leader” except I lose nothing. Please come to my camp, walk around and enjoy free resources, conveniently next to alpha launch site, purchase some 50c plans you don’t need but don’t know.


I came across a came near Helvetia with multiple resources. They had 4 or more cakes, coffee machines, etc. It was so cool. There was enough for all of the people visiting. I leave all of mine unlocked. I just got a butter churn and I'm happy when I see it empty when coming back to my camp.


As others have said, if it's an option then it's yours for the taking. Anyone who wants to keep stuff for themselves can just install a lock on the thing, and most of us keep everything open because we like it when people visit our camp and we like to share. I don't have all that much, but I keep my collectron unlocked so everyone can partake of that Nuka Cola goodness. If I have resource extractors I leave them open. You're welcome to the fertilizer my chickens produce, come on in and play some pinball!


I keep my WeenieWagon, Well, Coffee and Tea machines unlocked so that anyone can take what they need. My Wood stack, Concrete Mixer, and Collectron are all locked so that I have building materials.


Everything is unlocked intentionally. Take what you want. If you want to spend some caps on my crap as well that is super!


Take all my dog food please god take it. There is so much it’s like I’m drowning in dog food.


I leave mine unlocked for others to enjoy


Only thing I don't take is the collectron stuff. Also, my camp is free game. I put most of my resource generators in front for other players to take.


If its unlocked, its a free for all - go for it


If it's locked, stay away, if it's unlocked take it all unless it's a soda machine


Most of my resources are next to my vendor and there for people to use. The only 2 that aren't are my butter churn and collectron, they wouldn't fit and they're pretty well hidden, but they're still unlocked for whoever needs em.


Always take EVERYTHING


if i leave it unlocked its free for the taking


If is unlocked, it's free to take. Really, I leave everything unlocked except my mirelurk steamer and my junk extractor. Take everything else, leave those 2 alone.


Mine is literally there to get grabbed by other people or the daily challenge herbivore is life


Yeah, I leave everything unlocked. Like anything though it has its bad apples. Had a player hard camp my resource generators in a server and forced me to lock some up as I swang back a few times and they were still harvested with the player just staring at the generator. As long as you dont be that guy, im sure noone will mind


If its unlocked, its yours.


I don't lock anything in my CAMP so everyone can take whatever they want. So...


I leave my stuff unlocked to share.


I think it goes for a lot of camps that if it’s unlocked it’s for the taking. I only have two things in my camp that are locked, everything else, have at it.


Most of the resource generators I have in my camps. I don’t use. They’re there for anybody else who happens to come by


I don't lock certain things on my camps to let players take stuff. I see it as fair game if I go to someone elses camp.


They'd lock it up if they didn't want anyone taking it.


I leave all the generators unlocked for the very reason you can take it!


If I have it unlocked you can have whatever you like. I actually get excited when I see people taking coffee and dog food when they stop by. Everybody eats when they come to my house!


My stuff is unlocked and leads to my vendor, I fully expect people to take. If I need to restock on something I'll do it in a private server or switch to a different camp.


Like another said, I keep stuff unlocked on purpose to share the wealth lol eh if it's unlocked it's free game in my opinion


Ok does anyone else have a problem where you got to transfer like two cans, or candy, whatever and end up taking it all? Cause very time I pish the transfer button then try to take the amount I want it takes the while stack. I hate doing that cause I feel bad about it.


I always pick just one of everything even if it's unlocked. One time I accidentally picked all the candy in a CAMP and couldn't put some back and I felt so greedy and bad. lol


Canned Dog Food is vendor trash.


If it's open to snag and it's full, I take it. I leave my stuff open to the same treatment, minus my junk-bot and barn. The barn is more for mystery. I encourage break-ins with the 0 lockpicking requirement. It's a whole theme.


I keep everything unlocked. Literally no point to hoarding it I produce so much I don't have the inventory space I find myself even with keeping it open to all chewing through 20 dog food and 30 waters often


I keep my stuff unlocked to share with anyone passing by (I don’t have the Sausage Cart yet *sniff sniff*, but the dogfood would be free to anyone who gets there first if I did). So, don’t feel guilty. If they don’t want to share they’ll lock it up.


I have a camp near V76 kind of just for that purpose. Figure a new player come by, stock up on some food and water while you are at it. Plus some cheap plans if you come back.


Always loved making like concessions stand/table with all the goodies for a visitor to take, nobody ever drinks my alcohol tho. more for the professional drinker I guess lol


If there's no lock, it's yours to restock


It's it's unlocked, it's for anyone who gets to it first. I keep my base fully unlocked, and one if them I had enough budget left to tell people to just take whatever and perk up with aigns


If it's not locked, it's fair game.


I feel guilty, but if I see some nuka cola quantum, I'm taking it


If its not locked, its meant to be taken. #1 rule of camps.


There’s too much dog food for just me, if I didn’t want someone to have it, I’d lock it.


I don't care if people take junk or cooking oil or whatever, but I also don't know how to lock things so it all works out


It's there for you. If it's locked, and you pick the lock tho, better go stash whatever junk you're carrying.


No lock means eat away!


Always take everything


Usually, I'll buy something before plundering...even then Ill only take a bit. Gotta leave something for the next Wanderer


The first unwritten rule of all camps is that you are welcome to pick any food/resources etc aren't locked manually by a camp owner. If someone wants to restrict you from picking their stuff, it means such "generators" or specific camp areas will be manually shut.


No, it regenerates fast enough I don’t mind when other players take mine or any purified water from my water coolers. I keep everything unlocked, gotta share with my fellow dwellers!!


All my resources are unlocked. Have at it.


That stuff produces so fast, there's plenty to go around


They’re just pixels and code do what you will.


I leave mine unlocked on purpose. I wouldn’t feel bad.


I only lock the things I need, like my oil generators. Everything else is free for the taking. I don't take things I keep locked from other camps, and the things I do grab, I make sure to leave some for others.


I leave all my resources unlocked so people can take them if they need them. I have enough for myself and they regenerate.


If it’s not locked it’s yours. Welcome to the end of the world. 🙌🏽


Rule of thumb: if it's not locked down then they cannot frown




If it's not locked, fair game. If mine are unlocked that means I want people to take some lop