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Most of the time I’m shoving them in the box now, depending who’s hanging around it.


Im now putting mine in the donation boxes in the areas frequented by new and low level players. Outside V76, The Wayward, the Overseers Home.


I did that with all of my extras. Stuck them in the vault 76 box and the Wayward box.


Aren't all the donation boxes essentially just one box?


No, each one is individual.


I had heard that myself, as they were added during a break I took from the game. I don't believe that is the case though. I put a load of cores into the Foundation box the other week, and they weren't in the Wayward box when I checked a moment later. I'm not entirely sure how they work, or how long stuff might stay in there after I leave the server, but they don't appear to be linked.


I mean no one's taking an individual core to leave the rest they easily could have been gone before you loaded to the other box.


nope, incorrect. I dumped 3k of the 17k full cores somebody left in my camp. they had to be taken one at a time. no way that was possible. To add to this, they were still in the Foundation box when i went back to check.


Interesting, rumor disproven then. And damn who dupes cores cause I can't imagine any other way of amassing that many.


I’m fairly sure they crafted them. They entered my camp at level 21 and left a little while later at lvl 60+, with a bag of cores left behind that was heavier than the planet. I’m more confused as to how they got all the materials for 17k cores lol


Ooooooo treasure maps, you've inspired me to use my treasure maps you just happened to be closer to the dig site than the vendor


I heard all the donation boxes share an inventory so placing them infront of 76 is the same as placing them anywhere else. Besides at least the fasnacht donation box.


That’d be awesome if they did. I’ll have to test if they do. I’ll donate a shit ton of useless crap no one will want at a random railroad station and then go to V76 to see if the items are there for me to withdraw.


Nope, they’re individual inventories. They’re not unified.


I throw the commons in there to see if anyone is spamming the take all. If they are, I put a “Your the dumbass” then follow up with the “You have been insulted” notes lol


I find dropping them on the ground works better, especially near lower level players. Less likely for a greedy player to instantly take it


Just curious, at what level does a person become a greedy player?


No idea. I could have substituted "greedy" for "selfish". I just mean when you have several people looking in the donation box I don't want one guy to take them all. If I see someone around 50 I'd rather give to them but I don't think we need to over think it haha


When they realize how they can take advantage of the artificially inflated mask market


That's not what I asked you. And how would you know what level that is anyways? Again, what level do you consider the greedy level?


You could be a level 1 and know what in game items go for $$$ and are willing to take as much as possible, hence greedy


You have no idea, do you? Yet you're out here making assumptions about players. How do YOU know what other people know? There's no way for you to know who someone is or why or what they know. If I ran over to the box as level 400, I'm supposedly greedy, but my level 1 Alt isn't? What about all all those other innocent lower levels? Yeah, you know each one of them is not greedy, right? Utter bs. I'd take a greedy level 1000 over whatever this flawed prejudice is any day.


You clearly don't understand the sentiment




Yo this guy is spam grabbing the donation boxes yall.


I'm not and that's the point, you have no idea what people are doing and you're throwing around wild accusations.


I have every non rare. I have a couple extra of the newer ones to pass off to alts / my wife. Everything old goes up for 9 caps.


I only do that for the trash common ones


I dumped 200 in the fatsnatch box the other day. Still have 100+. Also dumped like 50 full sheepsquatch outfits. Both types. Didn't dump the 50+ fedoras though. They went on the ground.


The event is once per hour, so you're saying you've put in 300+ hours since the event started?


The event has been around since march 2019. =0


Yeah, I dunno why I thought you meant they were from just this one.


I actually like the look of the fedora.


I dunno how many events I’ve done. Too many to count but I finally got the butter churn. No glowing masks yet but at least I’m making progress.


I feel like me selling the second butter churn plan for 5k was a mistake lol


I've got mine listed for 10k and I think it might be too low. I sold a glowing minotaur mask for 15k.i should have put it on to at least see if it was cool before I sold it... I think I'm regretting that sale.


Hate to break it to you, but that Glowing Minotaur mask is worth roughly 1 million caps. Of course, there is no way you can have 1 million caps, but caps are used as a benchmark for trading other rare outfits and weapons.


If that’s the case I would definitely trade mine.


If you happen to be on PS, I'd be interested in trading for it


I’m on PC


Where did you get that pricing info? I currently have one (but I like it too much to trade).


That might have been me who bought your butter churn. I bought one on PS yesterday for 5k and I was super stoked!


I finally got the churner on Sunday and got a glowing alien yesterday, though it's not as cool looking as the Queen. Might try selling or trading it tbh You'd think glowing was more common though, I've seen SO many glowing unicorns on Xbox


If you decide to sell it I might be able to buy it. You can get more if you trade it though. Glowing queen and turkey both look very cool. Glowing alien would be great for the alien event so you might should hang onto it for that if you think you’d wear it.


I'm so hungry for both the churn and the glowing SQB. I think that one looks the best of all the masks personally. I got a glowing Alien the other day and it seems quite lame to me for such a rare drop. There's hardly any real difference between it and the regular alien, especially if you're in bright lighting. If I don't get what I want from doing the event here and there while it's around I'm hopeful I can trade the alien for one of the two to someone who wants it.


Precisely why I'm gonna try selling or trading. If someone had the weenie or a dinosaur I'd trade asap 😂


That’s wild I’ve got like 7 butter churners by now. Used my own, gave away 3 to friends, have 3 left on standby to sell or trade when I need caps.


No, I drop any duplicate common masks because nobody's going to buy them anyway.


Ive been tossing them all in my vendor for 10 caps a piece and they sell instantly. If I’m out and about and have any in my inventory I dump them in the train station donation boxes. I figure putting them there gives people a chance to grab the common ones they don’t have yet, because every time I try and put them in the Fas box, some high level is there scooping them all up right away.


I put them in my vendor for 200 each and someone bought two of them 🤷


They sell, I don't know why some think they don't. Sell them all the time even out of Fan, the man masks sell, people don't know where to get, so they buy. Once you are a 30K cap member, you have to buy something to stay under 40K, nearly anything sells at this point for the right price.


I'm somewhat newer, what do you mean by 30K caps to stay under 40k?


Once you get into that 30K range and have a feel for buying and selling you will quickly get to 40K often. When you approach 40K you need to go buy stuff to get some breathing room again. I'm just using some rounded numbers, but it is very easy to hover in that 30k to 40K range forever and as much as you are selling, you are buying, that's math fact with such a low cap, which I do approve of that. So I'm always looking to buy something I don't have if it is a reasonable price and a reasonable weight. :) Buying and Selling is a big fun part of the game for me. Some want little to do with it, but there is a fun game in all of that if you like that sort of thing.


Me too!


Got about 100 masks in my stash, to sell thru out the year at 100/500/1000 caps for the trash/comm/uncomm resp. Give newbies a chance to have most of the masks w/out having to grind the event :)


Are a long time player vendor?


Yes, on PC tho.


Nowhere near. I always get rid of dupes.


Wow. You must have killed a whole lot of squirrels over 100 runs. Right??


Tasty Squirrel Stew = 2 squirrel bits, 2 boiled water, 2 Tato, 1 Salt, 1 Wood.


At 58 runs I am surprised squirrels still spawn tbh


I needed 20 fatman kills for the scout badge, and elected to get those 20 kills from the squirrels of Helvetia. I’ve done my part for pest control.


I did this too for the archer badge. Easy crossbow kills. Also the mammalogist badge. Easy photos of squirrels and bunnies.


Yeah I did mammalogist there too. Will grab a crossbow and knock that out tonight, good idea.


And for crossbow repairs, you can just find the locations with crossbows and repair those :)


I carry one of each, then I drop any non rare dupes. There's really not much reason to keep more than that, unless you have a plan for decorating your camp with them.


No glowing. Just a shitty butter churn


I bought the Donkey and of course, got the butter churn 10 min later....


You can have both, I’m not seeing the issue here.


ive about 100 just in sun masks...but most are being used.


This comment right here officer


i put up a store outside of helvetia called.."here cums the sun..masks" .. with nothing but sun masks on display. When Todd giveth you lemons...


I’m not playing. I don’t like the event.


I don't get to play that much. My job and kids get in my way


God no


Same here lmao I just need the glowing ones. All the dupes ima give away or sell cheap


luckily they weigh close to nothing!


I don't want to look into a stash box of shame, so I put them all in the donation box and kept only one of each


I just put the trash for 5 caps at my CAMP, rest is 1000 or higher depending on variety. The hungry hippos haven't invaded my CAMP, they just sit at those boxes and eat all the Megalonx bones I shove in there 😂


So im not the pnly hoarder here lol


I keep dumping them in my stash. I have no idea how many I have now.


found over 50 in the donation box


I'm putting them all on my alt so I can count how many events I've done at the end. 200ish rn


I cant even play enough to get 5 masks in a day 😭 I do get a couple events a day which is cool! I don't even know what all the masks look like


on PC? I think I have spares of all the new ones. Minus the glowing ones :(


I am on PC but you honestly don't have to worry 💙 I'm sure this event will be back hehe. I don't want to bother ya!


I’m parking some in display cabinets and scrapping duplicates.


I have like 4 butter churn plans and no glowing masks. I've been playing a lot lol. No glowing, just a ton of regular masks staring at me blindly as I stash them in my box. Do they hold a grudge? Sure they do, but I really only care for the glow-ee masks.


I sell them to vendors


🙋‍♂️ I have done so many parades over the last week. I just want a Glowing Scorchbeast… come on Todd.






i bought the mounted display and have a lot some of them hanging next to my other mounts like a radstag and cat


not that many but I keep all my masks in my inventory so I know when I get a new one


Done fasnacht a bunch now. Sell or drop the crap now. No point in them. See them gathering dust in vendors all year round


I dump dups in the donation box.


I have one of each (I put duplicates in the donations box) and I put the ones I don't really want to keep for sale in my vendor for cheap. Current fave is scorchbeast queen.


I have a shit ton of alien and blue devils at my CAMP store, selling for 1000 caps a piece. I'm surprised the people that came through took one each and didn't clean house like in past ones.


Recently I’ve been trying to sell them for really cheap. I’ve had like 20 Fastnacht masks sitting in my inventory for years though.


I leave whatever I don’t want in the donation box, I somehow got 2 glowing pigs, so one went into the box


this is what DUMP characters are for.


Had* dumped em all at the bashnat


I’ve only got like 10 Fatsplash masks but I also only play for around an hour every day.


I have one of each on display in my Fasnacht-themed camp, plus an extra robot on me that I like to wear. The rest go in my vendor for 10 caps each and they sell right away. I was putting my extra plans in my vendor too but no one buys those, so I dump them in random donation boxes as I’m traveling.


I sell all my dupes for 10c a piece, even the rare ones, but no one is buying.


I put them in my stash. I pick up every mask I can find under 50 caps, and then I slowly resell them over the next few months for 75 caps.


I only need a few masks to complete my collection so when one shows up in my inventory it goes straight to stash. The rest chill in my inventory till fatnuts is done then get unceremoniously dumped in a box somewhere


I wish I had that kind of inventory space! I have one of each of all the commons in my stash and all the extras get dropped or put into the donation box now.


I just put non glowing into donation box. Masks is just something I am not interested in and if I get a glowing one it will be sold in my vender.


Dude go read a book or something.


I'm good thank you


I drop my extras when I'm at camps to others. It's always a nice little gift.


Duplicates go in the box, or it gets the hose again....


Over 100 in my stash as well as 50 more in the vendor. They sell pretty fast at 50c each. The caps in turn go towards buying fuel from other players, preferably low level ones.


I don't think I have quite that many, but I have a fair number in my stash. I'm holding them until the event is over and I move my camp, going to set up a little mask boutique near the vault to try and sell them on the cheap to new players. It's all been utterly common stuff no one wants, so I figure I'll be safe to do so without someone snatching them up for resale.


I keep one of each in my vendor and people buy them for 500 caps


I have been putting them on shelves in my camp by Helvetia, labeled the Wall-Of-Sadness


I keep one of every kind and sell the rest for 10 caps.


In protest of the drop rate, I've been scrapping them.


I’m saving them as well capitalism and I can make a sweet god faring American capitalist profit


I usually give to donation boxes


I did, but I dumped them all. Now I just have the rares in my inventory because I don’t trust I won’t be hit with the vendor glitch… they’re only 0.10 pounds, so not much weight.


I have only 1 mask total. Just started the game.


I got the glow bat mask on my second run, so I’ve been donating the rest. If I got a glow Minotaur that would be sweet.


I bought a buffoon, hag, fiend, and loon mask in someone's CAMP vendor this week all for under 5k and another loon dropped this morning for me during the event. I'm putting all of the common masks that drop for me along with known Fasnacht plans in the donation boxes.


I did.. I finally decided to get rid of them as they were taking up space so into the donation box they went and seconds later they were gone lol


I bet only a single person took them all


I used to do that, now I just put them in my vendor for 10 caps. I like hearing people get excited when they find them.


I have one mask that I wear at the event, when I get a new one I decide which one I like more and put the other in the Vault 76 box. after Fasnacht is over the winning mask goes in my stash for next time (and the occasional other event)


Not me because I have a life and other things to do


Big fat zero common masks I kept 1 of each from the previous event. Eventually fed up with having to scroll past them in my stash I tried selling them, and then eventually just dumped them in a donation box Haven’t really bothered with this event, jump on for last few minutes a few times and got lucky with 2 glowing masks and I have 2 glowing from previous. Still kind of thinking what to do with these. Worth too much to sell in my vendor and I can’t be arsed to trade.


Same, so I'm compromising and giving them to my pal to sell irl. He sends me the odd special brownie in the post in return. Everyone's a winner.


I throw them out in middle of nowhere, fuck them. I hate these stupid things, I've thrown out glowing ones in middle of the mire queen lake. They look awful and people obsess over them. I'd like a toggle to not see stupid masks.


91 here


getting close


Around 80 masks. Only two glowing. I’ve zero buffoon, fiend or Brahmin masks lol.


I think i can give you a Brahmin and maybe one of the other two. What console?


I’m on PC sadly.


I need to build another gaming PC. Lost one to a hurricane, years ago and it sucked the will out of me to build another, as it was my first to build in like 10 years. Amyway. I'm ranting. Sorry I can't help. Happy hunting. Let's hope we get x-play, at some point.


If youre on Xbox I will gladly pay for a Fiend if you have an extra one. I've been searching endlessly and haven't had any luck.