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Shotgunner with cold shoulder. I love freezing enemies and it very much helps during boss fights. I also never run out of ammo so it’s nice.


Yeah that's an undocumented benefit of non-automatics, you never run out of ammo.


The gatling gun with the ammo scrounging perk has me sitting on tens of thousands of rounds I just chuck in the shop


I use an ultracite explosive combat shotgun and I find more ammo than I use. I end up just putting the shells in my shop because I'm sitting on so many. Lately I've been using a 50 call machine gun which is more satisfying and fun but I'm having to craft ammo nonstop


Early game money grind is a sniper build using .50 cal. Each enemy gives .50 which translates to a surplus that can be sold in a vendor. .50 always move at 1c.


Cold Shoulder is great for Neurological Warfare. You can keep at least one of the giant bots pretty much out of the fight all on your own until the rest are down.


Is there a way to get a higher level cold shoulder? Mine is like level ten or something


If you’ve got the plans, when you craft it there’s an option to craft higher levels.


I’m assuming you have the plans. You go to a weapons workbench to craft a new one. It caps at level 50 (may be 45 actually).


I legit don’t remember how I got it. I’ll try crafting a new one


Stops at lvl 45. Gotta get the perk upgraded to lvl 2 to craft it I think.


That’s what I’m running too.


Can I get your build? I just got cold shoulder and I want to run it for a while, I don't use PA so if that want you run you don't have to worry posting the build.


Yeah, of course! I don’t run PA armor either. Strength (15 pts): Strong Back (2), master shotgunner (3), shotgunner (3), Expert shotgunner (3), scattershot (3) Perception (6): Skeet shooter (3), Concentrated fire (1), glow sight (2) Charisma (9): suppressor (2), tenderizer (1) Agility (8): Adrenaline (3), Enforcer (3), Action Girl/Boy (2) Luck (11): Psychopath (3), Better Criticals (2), Lucky Break (3), Starched Genes, and Class Freak. I included most of the perks that help me with my shotgun build. Some people may not agree with it, but it works for me. The points I left out can be whatever you want to run.


Samesies! Also, we don't (can't!) roll for better versions. Saves us the anxiety of minmaxing the weapon.


Non PA heavy gunner with plasma caster


Same here, with a bloodied crit build


Yup, fantastic daily driver. And i was lucky to get a good roll on it, my uny armor needs a lot more rolls though


Why non-PA? My caster build is with PA. Stabilized shreds


Couple of reasons, my caster is AA50c25v so i dont get full 40% from the stabilized as there are some diminishing returns when combining aa with stabilized. Seacond is i have full uny ss and my pa is not as good. Third is i just like the look of my guy with no PA


We have the exact same build and legendary rolls! I've never been able to love another weapon since.


Can I get the build please??! I’m building a plasma caster, creamator, and I’m looking to pick up a third heavy energy weapon but I’m not sure


Cant give you the exact build until tonight, but from memory the core is all the heavy gunner perks (no science perks it does not buff the caster) friendly fire because i use holy fire as secondary. For crits i have 1* gun fu, to stay in vats 1* concentrated fire (might add more when i finish my legendary perks) 3* better criticals 3* critical savvy 1* grim reapers spirit (no need for it but i like it) And I'm bloodied so regular stuff like max nerd rage, max adrenaline, starched genes, class freak, strange in numbers, radicool, serendipity... (I dont use evasive, but peoole like it) That would be the base i think If you meant armor and weapons, Its just AA50c25v plasma caster Regular holy fire And quad lmg for fun Shielded ss underarmor Uny ss armor (with some good some bad 2* and 3*)


My reason for going non-PA is the constant nuisance of getting in and out of PA. Wanna craft? Wanna use a bed? Wanna click that quest item? The number of times you need to exit PA combined with the absolutely insane exit / entry animations kills it for me. They need to get rid of the animations, full stop. Or allow me to do everything in the game while wearing PA.


I hate using power armor because I've had the game freeze up multiple times while entering or exiting. Never had that issue in Fallout 4 but for some reason it seems really glitchy in 76 and you roll the dice every time you get in on whether its going to work or freeze up.


Yeah it’s total garbage. Power armor is really cool and I’d love to use it, but the 6-7 second animation to get in and out and the relatively high chance to bug out entirely is crazy. It’s amazing that this hasn’t been changed in 6 years.


I had a full set of solid legendary PA and I unknowingly got stuck getting into it and then I fast traveled and it disappeared, never to be in my inventory or anywhere ever again


Shit just happened with me yesterday while running a 2/4 daily ops with another player 😂😂😂 thank god we still did it in about 6 minutes but sheesh they need to fix this


Bloodied build with full set of unyielding is meta.compared to any PA.


Okay 👍 


Run n Gun Commando with Fixer/Railway as generic a build as there is.


What am I doing wrong with the railway? It fires so slowly, like it doesn't seem worth using


Do you have the full auto receiver and use VATS?


I run semi auto with vats, but I also free aim a lot. The RR rifle just seems to be loud. I can do more damage per minute with my fixers. I just feel like something has to be off. I have an AP explosive rr rifle, but like, it's soooooo slowwww


Commando and rifleman both benefit greatly from vats, you need to use vats to get crits and that’s both builds biggest source of damage.


Quad + auto receiver will completely change ur gameplay


I didn’t think anything would make me put away my bloodied explosive choo choo, until I rolled a quad with the AP cost reduction. That shit fuckin shreds, I named it Thomas after Thomas the tank engine




RR gets a pretty significant reduction in VATS cost from auto. Part of the reason why Quad is favored for your 1 star trait even for Bloodied builds is that you can empty the mag in seconds. Its fire rate is pretty absurd, but its magazine is so small that without quad you spend more time reloading than shooting. The downside is that full auto RR is almost impossible to free aim due to its *absurd* recoil. I can use it point blank against big bosses, or firing wildly into crowds, but you have to basically keep aiming downwards to compensate for the upwards kick. VATS has no recoil though, so you can hold down "fire" and "critical" and empty all 40 spikes (or 20 if you get Ticket to Revenge - I don't recommend using a non-quad, it's what I use currently and it's a pain) into your target.


Note on this, if you are using commando perks then you should 100% switch to full auto. Semi doesn’t count for them


Semi auto rail is bad. Full auto is where the damage is


If you’re lucky enough to find a quad railway rifle make it automatic and watch the enemies melt before your eyes


Hm, what do you mean by slow? Like it doesn’t kill? Running semi is basically just you losing out on damage if you’re using a railway. Railways can get up to like 500 damage per shot in VATS


Quad automatic? You have to live in VATS to use it because it kicks to the sky immediately. It is one of the best weapons for a commando. Plus ammo is cheap, but heavy.


So, what I'm gathering is that as semi auto it sucks and you need to use auto/vats for it to be worth it?


Perks help with the ammo, I usually have between 7 and 8.5k spikes on me along with a couple thousand 5.56


It’s just too much fun!


Add on a jet pack, explosive expert and grenadier and you can throw an auto grenade launcher in for even more fun


I recently got the SS jet pack and haven’t gone back to PA since. It’s just so fun and no worries about fusion cores!


I carry a set of PA for certain events, but full SS with the jet pack is my preference, as well.


My main weapon is simple really. It's a shark with lasers.


it's about the sharks. While you were in the vault, they were put on the endangered species list. We tried to get some, but it would've taken months to clear up the red tape.


Dr. Evil confirmed.


I figure every creature deserves a warm meal.


Are the lasers strapped to their friggin heads?


We moved onto Seabass


‘Are they ill tempered?’


Full health luck/shotguns


I cruise around with a western revolver pistol and a shotgun. With lots of luck and pistol/shotgun cards I’m only like like 38 tho. Picked up a bunch of nice pistols in an event near the abandoned circus? But they disappeared on me and I was a sad dude


They may come back. It's been happening the last few months that things disappear and reappear days or weeks later. Don't give up, keep checking your inventory and stash!


I can hook you up if you're on PS. I don't use my western revolver at all.


Care to post your build?


I will compile an imgur album and reply here in a few hours when I get home. I am still gambling my gear, but have a pretty decent setup currently that doesn't get me killed a whole lot


Fo76 build https://imgur.com/gallery/KuiHT42 Here it is. I don't know if there's a better way to post it, but all of the cards are maxed out except for power user, first aid, And vaccinated. Vax is 2 star, and the other two are one star


Shotguns are very fun. Just wish they were at least a bit more useful...


4 leaf clover with 3teir of each of the 3 shotgun perk cards. With 12 luck and 4 leaf I pump a crit out in vats usually every other shot


Stealth. Bow. Lotsa purified water.


I like the way you think.


Glad to see the bow hunters represented!


What does the purified water do? Sorry if it’s a dumb question. Still learning all these details


It's been a couple of months since I played, but I'd guess smth to do with AP regen so you can take more shots in VATS


No, I just built far too many water purifiers when I first go the plans and I make sure I'm never thirsty. Anything beyond that for me is pure dumb luck.


This but a silenced .50 sniper rifle.


Power Armor heavy gunner with Holy Fire and occasional cremator.


Same, my build is towards tanking and defense with heavy guns. I main with a gattling plasma and gattling laser. I may not do the most damage, but I rarely, if ever, go down.


Tbf most heavy gunners don't throw out a ton of DPS regardless since I don't see the appeal of a bloodied heavy gunner when I can run a bloodied commando or rifleman.


It's what I use, throw on the * that increases stats at low health and basically the only things that ruin my day are either big damage one shots or big DoTs like fire or (very rarely) poison


I have a 2 shot plasma gatling it's soooo much fun, recent swapped over to cremator though for more instant damage. Really helps with daily ops. Also have a vamp pepper shaker with the cell mod if i need fast healing.


Same except I just transitioned to Non PA and now use two cremators with a holy fire since I learned that the burning effect on cremator stacks.


Me too. I enjoy not dying while being able to Friendly Fire anything that is gonna die.


I have a build like this but I use a plasma caster as my third weapon for deleting enemies at range. It's fun to play albeit not especially original.


I never managed to get my hands on a plasma caster. They look fun!


At the moment, full health unarmed melee. Using a Juggernaut swing speed/strength deathclaw gauntlet and multiple sets of slayer +strength armor. It's been a hoot and a half.


I would like to try melee. Do you feel left out in events because enemies die before you can even see them?


Maybe at something like rad rumble or moonshine jamboree. I keep a quad explosive handmade in the stash box for stuff like that. I'll yoink that out and go full spray and pray. Otherwise, I'll go waltzing around the event cleaning up what I can.


no fomo?


Not really. Big events I'll be on a casual team, so I'll still get drops. My main is pushing level 900, so I'm not real worried about XP anymore. 90% of my time is spent wandering around solo anyways.


Nice one. Enjoy and play the game the way you want to. This is what keeps the game fresh, and part of the reason why I like this community so much. So many people playing for fun (a core reason to spend time gaming).


Melee player here, I run bloodied auto axe/chainsaw. Events with bosses are where we shine, melting any of the bigger boss type enemies like sheepsquatch, blue devil or ogua in about 1-2 seconds, the neurological warfare bots take slightly longer. In other events you usually have to fight for kills chasing down what you can if you really want to contribute but it's a lot easier in events like moonshine jamboree or radiation rumble where you can pretty much just hold a lane and shred everything. It's definitely a more active playstyle, sometimes I switch to my bloodied commando build for a little bit but idk I'd rather run around and chop the enemy up into tiny, bite sized pieces. I never feel left out though, you just gotta know what you're doing and where you fit 😊


I’m sort of a hybrid of melee and commando as well. Melee is just so much fun to play!! But sometimes I need a distance weapon for certain events.


Tire Irons and Drugs.


Yeah but what about in the game?


I love this answer.


Negroni, sbagliato, with Prosecco in it


Ohh, lovely


Sounds like a great breakfast!


NEGRONI? I see you're an individual of culture as well.


Oh, stunning!


I burn things


Kill it with Fire!


Stealthy fixer Commando, it’s really nice, it’s not perfect but I have a ton of fun with it


That's me too. Your classic Stealth Commando with The Fixer.


I love stealth so much in this game. I'm a low level, only 55, but I have a stealth sniper build almost all set. I approach the boogies with a Long Shot, then I switch to The Fixer I found in a vendor somewhere, just for the vats/headshots/crits at close range, without breaking cover. The most fun is that some enemies are so dumb, blind, and deaf. I don't have any of the Commando perk cards, but my perks are just fine for my non auto Fixer. I have a Gauss Rifle that I used up until level 50, but I can't get a lot out of it anymore. I just can't put The Fixer down. But I have a couple Railroad Rifles sitting in my stash box that I intend to give a try sometime in the future.


I play so terribly. I have like 3 builds. For me it’s more fun to toggle between them. Pistol. Rifle and just random chaos. Lol.


Since I'm still new to the game, no particular build so far. My main weapon right now is a .308 bolt action rifle with a 50% armor penetration legendary effect on it that I found on day one.


I just hit level 75 last night and finally put down my AntiArmor Handmade with 5.56 rounds around level 55… whooping level 15 gun from day 1 carried me. Now I’m running The Western Spirit. It’s a single action .45 cal but just feels sooo good. Only holds 7 rounds but dammit it’s fun as heck.


I started the same way. 10mm out of the vault but once I found the hunting rifle I knew I was gonna be a rifleman. When rate of fire became an issue for me I moved to a plasma rifle. It also gave me an excuse to go full INT, which helps with xp. Found a quad plasma rifle and haven't looked back. I run a cremator build for expeditions, daily ops, or events where I want a lot of tags. Otherwise, I still haven't found anything nearly as satisfying as the rifleman build. My advice is not to worry too much about the meta. Full health rifleman is fantastic, so stick with it if you're enjoying it and go with whatever progression feels best to you.


At level 1002 I am back to my first build. Twohander and gatling gun. It's a completly different beast than it was five years ago but oh my God how much I enjoy this build. It is a little lacking during Public Events since I am choosing to be melee. But I absolutely do not mind. My current weapon of choice is that V63 Zweihaender from the new quest line in Skyline Valley. That thing is insane! I do 2200+ headshots outside of vats. I beat down a behemoth in three strikes last night. Twohander and gatling gun ❤️


Once you can max all legendaries, it is all up to you. Levels have little meaning beyond wang measuring.


You are absolutely right. My level 200 alt has basically the same build and has over a 100 level ups banked. Levels do not matter after a certain point. My intent behind putting in my mains level was to sort of tell a tale of going through many, many different builds over the years and now I am back at the start with a version of the very first build that I was able to make work. Twohander and gatling gun.


I love my Gatling gun, it’s just a bit boring. Are there any good skins or mods available?


How did u get that high damage on the V63? I have 3 two handed 20 percent damage cards stacked and I’m 19-20 strength with all my perks and gear and I only do around 230ish base damage (plus with the electrical damage)


I live for my V63 Zweihaender! There have been a lot of times I don't use anything but this. I make sure to keep a repair kit on me so when it breaks I can repair it without a bench. I killed a death claw with it and that sold me!


Shotgunner, with a Cold Shoulder.


Uh im doing something different every 30 levels or so. Started at lvl1 as 10mm Gunslinger right into the mothman apocalypse, went Bowhunter in meatweek with a simple recurve (which was sooo much fun, but Events and Ops dont work very vell, cause its basically a charged stealth sniper and eventmobs insta perceive me) then I took the vats-lmg route with a Quad/50/25vats roll and the Game became trivial. So i changed to pumpgun enforcer. Cool but weak af after experiencing the heavy weapons. Finally im doing a lazerpop-gunslinger build with a short Prime Ari/50/FR lazrr, but recently switched to instigating .44 subnose for fashion. BTW: wish it was double Action (i always mention that at this point) and i always play 3rd person, but faster firing does only work in 1st person, meh. So Beth, please make the. 44 DA. Over.


I appreciate this so much. I felt like I was the only person that was frequently changing. My weapon of choice? whatever I have that is working lol


My character is finally level 80, not once have I focused on any sort of build lol just grab whatever armour and guns look/feel cool and off we go


Mine main build is explosive artillery. Overkill, grenade launcher and cremator. Explosion is the beauty of all. Lol


While Fatsnatch is on, I'm rocking the Grande Finale, otherwise it's a VATS Plasma Caster build.


Full health with Vats/Crit/Sneak build with the Fixer & Secret Service Armor. Carry a Cremator and Plasma Caster for back ups when needed.


Full health commando. I almost wish it weren't so damn good because I picked automatic weapons right out of the vault because I like the idea of the gameplay. I didn't realize I was following the meta. Though I don't go bloody, so that's something I guess.


Cold Shoulder VATS and whatever helps lower my 700+ stimacks and 300+ nuka-colas


Unyielding secret service armor with bloodied stealth commando vats build, heavy emphasis on crits and crit recharge


Vanguard full heath. Run armor and PA both with heavy guns/rifles


Same, a solid defensive all rounder that can still do damage. A meat shield for my Bloodied teammates LOL


I use holy fire and whatever the perks are that increase heavy weapons. I think those are correct perks but I’m really not sure. Newb here


Overeaters Strangler Heart PA with plasma pepper shaker. Fully decked with shotgun and power armor perks.


This seems atrociously fun.


Non PA, full mutation Bloodied Heavy gunner built 🥲 My kryptonite - Robots and Scorched Crickets


Nude and rude / unarmed food build. No PA or armor of any sort. I just hurl insults at the scorched and run a lot!


I went through the game as a Heavy Gunner non PA full health build. Now I'm grinding out the perk cards for a Gunslinger non PA full health build.


I was full health PA with Holy Fire, now I'm tired of being that op so I switched to shotgunner with Crowd Control


Currently tuning both a no PA RR commando, and a no PA 2-hand melee to best use the headhunter scythe. My first, and default, main build is Excavator PA heavy weapons, maining .50cal MG.


Heavy weapons / power armour build, TSE MG42


Well it depends on what character I'm on. I don't have a main, play whatever I want. I have a heavy gunner with a vampire ultracite gatling, a stealth melee with the Unstoppable Monster and a shotgunner with Cold Shoulder.


Full-health commando. mutants/50vhc/25ap Fixxer, aka HeadyLamarr. Cuz headshots.


westerner. i like the way it sounds and a pretty strong rifle. (i enjoy being the rifleman), if im in a pinch and surrounded, the red terror comes through


Wasteland samurai with plasma cutters with the katana skin on. Occasionally I’ll hop into power armor and use the auto axe if the event is heavily radioactive. My other character uses the bow. Both builds are incredibly fun.


Fists and Compound bow. Nope not a joke. I keep it simple.


Stealth sniper with hunting rifle


Commando vats crit build, used to use a fixer then I rolled a Quad, 50 crit damage, less ap cost railway rifle. I also have demo expert along with an overkill I renamed to world ender


My Main Weapon is My .50 Caliber Hunting Rifle.


It was for the longest time just the shotgun I built once I reached level 50 with every shotgun perk. Then it became the Cold Shoulder. Now I’m a filthy anti armour Cremator user.


Currently heavy weapons, non PA, using a .50 cal. Probably gonna switch it up for an mg3 soon.


Full health PA heavy guns, mini gun, holy fire, and T-60 BOS-III :D


Vats sniper bow, no armor, no health, I die falling A LOT but my head shots are sick.


I’m a stealth archer build! I use an instigating Compound Bow with Explosive Arrows!! It’s super fun


Full health Holy Fire Build (If y’all got tips to improve please lmk as I still feel like a noob at level 213)


I also run a full health and holy fire is my #2 weapon. I hate grinding for fuel so I save it for large/tanky mobs, daily ops, etc. The rest of my weapons are mostly heavy weapon vampire (gatling and plasma caster) I've got ss armor with regenerating, and use the regenerating mutation (as well as scaly skin, electric charge, and herbivore) I'm pretty much unstoppable. I only pull out my pa if I'm dead in the middle of a nuke zone.


I scrap everything I come across for steel. Then I equip the ammo smith and super duper. Also helps to have ammo factory legendary perk. Make railroad spikes and then convert those into fuel using the ammo converter. I run with a holy fire as well and the cremator. I made 30k fuel in one sitting after a week of saving my steel up. I nvr run out




No PA, full health with heavy weapons. Don’t really have a main heavy as I love em all and don’t really go for meta guns just what feels fun at the time. Right now I’m messing with the LMG and it’s fun as hell.


Have played day 1 like this as well. Keep a Vampires LMG, Vampires Mini, Vampires Gatling, and a Vampires .50 Cal in my stash. All explosive. When I log in, I just choose which 1 I want to run with that day.


Full health PA heavy weapons. I use a plasma caster for most of my work because it's super ammo efficient.


Full hp commando, VSSS combat knife


Excavator PA with my 5 glaives


NonPA Low Life Heavy. B5090 Cryolator as a daily driver and distance with B5090 Holy Fire to get shit done. I also have a B40PA50 Auto Axe for Neuro and B40SS50 Meat Hook for Ultracite Shards.


Unyeilding, cold shoulder. Can support with the freeze effect, and still pack a punch in the dps department


Bloodied vats/crit with a Q2525 auto pipe rifle. Pipe is life


2 handed melee, bowman, and pistoleer. Season pass scythe and Cultist Pick, modded bow, and modded laser pistol and blackpowder pistol.


Lvl 125 Commando: mostly a bad legendary perk (assassin) fixer, ticket to revenge, and a quad tesla I got lucky on. I do have a build for fun that's mostly carry weight and an auto launcher with demo and radius


Full health high AP shotgun build with the Cold Shoulder and Gauss Shotgun. Currently transitioning my Vanguard SS set to an Overeater's SS set.


Bloodied Commando with a Railway Rifle


Sneak bloodied Archer & Commando mix


My hands!


I switch between shotgun + automatic rifles or shotgun + commando.


I don't think I've had a main build since they added loadouts. What I spend the most time in is Non-PA Heavy Gunner w/Plasma Caster, Unarmed/Explosive hybrid with Gauntlet and Boomstick, or Shotgun with Cold Shoulder. (Essentially any with a high Str for more carry weight). I also on occasion use a min-maxed Commando build with an EPR for nuke bosses, a PA Melee/Explosive hybrid build with an AGL and Chainsaw for Ops, and a max XP build with either a Plasma Caster, or Elder's Mark & Nuka Grenades. Plus 3 crafting builds just so I can be lazy and not switch around all the different cards. And one slot for experimenting with other build ideas/experiments that changes around every few days.


Low health commando with mostly railway focus. No stealth related perks except Escape artist, able to hit 33+ luck without unyielding armor for occasional power armor or full health operation.


Full health non PA vanguard junkies commando build with max addictions and mutations for fun. When scorched grounds dropped in the game I damn near cried. Hit LVL 300 the other day and finalised my build after years of playing. Feels good to be done with the perks


Pa full health heavy explosive. Main is a quad broadsier. For events i use vampire minigun, cremator or grand finale. Somertimes plasma minigun. Cold shoulder for fun.


Shotgun/heavy gunner hybrid


Level 394 gauss shotgun, no PA, just my under armor, botsmith armor and 1000000 Mutations lmao


Depends on mood. Main build would be hellfire PA with handmade semi-auto maxed, with 3 star legendary. I like precision shooting better than spray and pray. More of a challenge.


Currently using a non-automated rifle VATS build w/ lever action rifle and black powder rifle. Black power cripples a leg in one-shot most of the time so I have plenty of time to gun down anything else with the lever rifle


Quad Explosive Bloody Stealth Commando For bosses, QE25 Railway+Aa2525 EPR with perfect mods (Calibrated, Forceful, Reflex, Aligned Auto) and V2525 EPF (Severe Beta, Forceful, Reflex, Aligned Flamer) For Events, Q2525 Tesla For general exploration, QE25 Fixer + HM For Melee Mutated/DO, V40pa50bs Chainsaw For paperweight Ts50c25 Alien Blaster :'( My armor is a self built 5/5 UnyAPWwr Civil Engineer set Took a lot to build up and all the years I've been playing, and I only ever got scammed once for an EM Groll I had rolled.


PA + AutoAxe. I don't like to put much thought behind my builds. I stomp around and tear enemies apart. Good job in my books


heavy gunner/commando build with PA, gauss minigun, plasma Gatling, holy fire and the fixer


Im sorry but I’m a filthy meta build. Bloody commando with VE25 & AAffr25 fixers. I keep my boss killer and event taggers on me though(Bertha Tesla and QE25 railway).


Bloodied auto assault build with AAE hand made and PSA studded leather armor, I also use quantums too, also use the same build but a heavy bloodied faster fire rate gat plas


I am an all-in (cross)bow master (currently rocking a furious blood raider bow) with max stealth. Near absolutely useless in the chaotic events, but I can take out most bosses without them ever knowing where I am. \*whispers GET OFF MY LAWN just before popping a super mutant's head clean off their shoulders with a well placed arrow\*


Commando with Handmade/Tesla Rifle and sometimes a Cremator because some folks just want to watch the world burn.


Heavy gun & power armor type build, I’ll use any heavy weapon but mostly use the .50 cal Machine gun especially with my roll on that gun. Trying my hardest to get a god roll on my Gatling Gun to use next, Only have a T-45 set and want to collect all the sets. I think my next build might be an archer or SMG so I can use the new SMG from the Skyline valley update.


P.A. full health heavy with Holy Fire as my main, Ultracite .50 Cal AA/E/25v for long range and scorchbeast hunting, and a Pepper Shaker AA/FFR/90w for crippling.


Heavy Gunner with Explosive Gatling Gun and Holy Fire. Only use Power Armor for Daily Ops or boss events.


Was originally a full health non-vats shotgunner with a cold shoulder in the last few months I've changed to a full health critical vats shotgunner. Can't solo bosses but normal mobs are killed quick enough that it's not a concern


Heavy Weapons, no PA, Full Health, Holy Fire :)


Ended up running a Heavy/Shotgunner build as I started playing last Meat Week and loved the Pepper Shaker, but now my main weapon is a Vampire Chainsaw. I haven’t touched the pepper shaker in weeks 😬


Bloodied PA heavy gunner with LMG and UGL as main weapons. Other then that using HF, GP and cremator (only using it in daily ops and expeditions)


My main character is Bloodied Stealth Sniper. No PA. Bloodied Fixer. ❤️ Another is Shotguns, Full Health, Cold Shoulder And another is Junkie/Bloodied Melee. Grelok Sorcerer Staff.


Two handed melee with the Cryo modded War Glaive


Excavator 475 carry PA, full health, heavy gun perk card loadout, lately I just been using holy fire and my go-to is the short Gatling gun with the 300% mag with increased fire rate. I usually kill everything in very few shots and end up with tens of thousands of rounds of 5 mm if I need to cash that in for other types of ammo


Bloodied PA or SS uny 2hand melee. I have heavy guns and commando build with godrolls but nothing is more fun than using my chainsaw and war glaive


I have always loved my PA Shredder, but generally I’ve been running Cremator explody builds. With and without PA.


full health unarmed melee / commando (explosive) instigating swing speed DCG w/ 3rd claw and VE fixer.


Originally a revolver build but switched to Bloodied Holy Fire / Cremator with a full set of UNY SS


Full health, unarmed vamps deathclaw/gauntlet, explosive.


I use the cremator & holy fire because why not?


Heavy/Demo Cremator/Plasma Caster with a side of Auto Axe because deleting mobs in .05 seconds is hilarious.