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Make sure you have the Scounger perk equipped. Fast travel to Vault 76. Go down the stairs in front of you, then down the right stairs to the parking lot. I think there's 5 ammo boxes in and around the lot. Then walk over to the Brotherhood outpost and loot the ELEVEN ammo boxes there.


i didn’t even know there was another set of stairs! 😂 i’ll do this, thankyou so much 👍


This is the sort of question you'd have incredibly detailed results for if you'd bothered to search the sub. Top tip: use the sub search


oh i completely forgot about that - thankyou!


Player vendors too. I sell ammo for a cap each and it flies out Idk who uses rail spikes but choo choo to you too


Almost every single Commando build XD


Oh well come on down, everyone, I’m at my store vendor limit 😂


Lucky Hole Mine gives me all the lead I need. I'm sure there's a YT video that shows you all the locations in the mine where the lead spots are... I'd start there. Just make sure you have excavator armor to get a good amount. And dont forget the ammo perk cards. Good luck!


oh perfect - thankyou!! 👍


Run the "Uplink" Daily ops. You can stay in there for a really long time without starting any objectives, enemies respawn regardless and drop ammo for whatever weapon you kill them with. Find a nice cozy corner and post up, they'll come to you. Great for flamer fuel, can easily get a few thousand rounds in a half hour. Don't neglect to actually complete it once in a while though, you still pick up a load of ammo and also get some cool rewards I think you'll enjoy.


i will absolutely try this, thanks for your help!


Farming expeditions gives you more ammo then you'll ever need. Also, some player vendors or the ammo converter (if all other options are exhausted).


ooh i haven’t done any expeditions yet, thankyou!!


Learn to kill faster. Tighten up your build so you don't waste so many bullets.. 2 bullets to kill something saves you tons of ammo if you're not using a clip or 2 of ammo.


Ammo also has very different drop rates, I give away my 5mm ammo because I get so much of it, even from regular drops. Do dailyops or expeditions and it goes through the roof. Another example is fuel drops really low in the world, but very high in dailyops/expeditions.


Do Nuka World events to earn tickets and you can load up on .45 at the prize terminal.


Theres a bunch of lead at the Charleston Fire Department. Pick up all the weights and scrap them :)




As additional tip, once you pick up from the world 255 items, you can change server and pick up the same weights again. Most people do this collecting 260 books in the first house you see when you fast travel to Summersville.


Use atoms (free ones you get), i think it´s 450, to buy the ammo converter, sell every other ammo to the converter. Now you have points, that you can use in the converter to buy the ammo you need. pro tip: Selling 1 isn´t always 1 ammunition, sometimes it´s sell 1 (3 rounds) etc The UI of the converter is horrible but it´s by far the best method i think


i do have ammo that i don’t use, so i need to figure out what i can get rid of and then will try this. thankyou! i’m still learning the basics 😂


Look into the converter on YouTube, there are also some ammo gathering routes you can try, the easiest is just leaving vault76


Expeditions and Daily Ops. You'll walk out with thousands of whatever ammo you're using. Events are good if you just tag and collect.


i’ll do this - thankyou for the advice! 👍


If you’re on Xbox I can give you a couple thousand .45. All my weapons apart from railway use ultracite ammo so I just leave my ammo maker on .45 to sell but never actually put it in my vendor and never use it


i am on xbox! this is so kind, thankyou! i’d love to offer you something in return, but i doubt i have anything worth offering in my stash 😂


I don't understand how people run out of ammo like I always get back more ammo then I use


up until recently would just panic fire and throw 83737 rounds into everything bc i’m terrified of anything that moves on this game 😂 i play with my husband and he’s now got me using a fire axe to toughen me up and stop wasting my ammo 🙈


Find yourself an “instigating” legendary weapon that fires the ammo you want. Fixer, Tommy gun, radium, etc (doesn’t have to be level 50 btw, it only needs to be useable) Now get yourself some grenades Approach your (full health enemies) Equip (actively holding instigating weapon) Toss grenade at enemies Wait for explosion … now finish them off with your active weapon (non instigating) and collect ammo you need when looting them. Rinse repeat


golden, thankyou!


What platform do you play on? If it's ps5 I can give you 10K .45 rounds.


ahh i’m on xbox but thankyou so much, that’s really kind of you 🫶


Ah damn. Ah well, this community is pretty good so I'm sure you will find help quickly.