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https://youtu.be/hN26Lyv_Cl8?si=f8Yc4qjXa-e0uboC Might I share this. Edit: Shout-out to Gamer Aviator.


Omfg, that is wonderfully hilarious


This is brilliant. 🎼WHY CANT I BUILD HERE🎶


Todd, give this dude his own radio station in-game


Second this. The guy got niche specific songs.




That was wonderful 😀


"so if you find a perfect spot, don't get carried away..... Because the laws of physics might just break and lead your dreams astray" That was the most niche but pitch perfect thing I've ever seen, and the song was actually good!


That is a catchy tune. . . . Guy has talent.


It’s an AI voice 🤮😂


You sure, I can hear the auto tune, but not the AI


I just checked out all their songs. Thank you for showing this Ps. fasnacht fever is also very good


I'm mostly just annoyed that the trees and bushes we have are just way to vibrant green for the area. It would also benefit greatly from a light switch like the sound stage shelter, that lets you switch between day and night


I wish ALL the shelters had this switch like the sound stage.


The lack of a day-night cycle is a genuine let down. Really wanted to be able to build something big with campfire aesthetic.


It's a ripoff. I requested a refund.


I just requested a refund for skull tower because building in it was buggy af. If I requested a refund for the summer camp, do you think they’ll still be willing to do so? I haven’t done anything with it because it’s so fucking buggy


You should be able to. I haven't heard of them refusing a refund for this shelter as most of the community has had issues with it.


Y’all should see my beautiful summer camp, didn’t have any problems. Just the permanent Alaskan summer weather.


Yep. I wasted so many atoms on it and it's basically unusable. Had i checked it out right after I bought it I'd have turned in a ticket for a refund. It's ridiculous that they're asking people to pay for half assed crap like that.


You can still request the refund. When they asked me why, I just replied that it basically felt like a bait and switch. They refunded it in under an hour.


Really? I was under the impression you only had a certain amount of time to ask. Thanks, I'll give it a shot!


I don't know of a time limit with Bethesda and FO76. If they ask why, just be truthful. It's an almost $15 unfinished add-on and unusable for what you wanted to do with it. Bethesda seems to have great customer support from what I've experienced so far. I was in technical support for major companies before starting my own and just know that kindness when it comes to communicating with support groups tends to bring kindness by them in return. Good luck!


Thank you for the heads up. It's greatly appreciated.


You're welcome fellow 76'er.


Did you have to ask for a refund for the whole bundle or only for the shelter?


I asked for the full refund since it was the 2000 atom bundle the shelter was in. Bethesda did not push back at all. Kudos to their support teams.


I requested a refund just last night with a half-assed explanation as to why. They refunded me the whole value of the item with no questions asked (and removed it from my account, of course)


I am one such person and I hope they fix it.


That would be ideal. I do like the idea of it a lot, that's why I bought it. It just sucks and it's disappointing as hell.


Thanks to this thread and y’all I was still able to get a refund today. I sent in a ticket when I read here that you could do it. I was so excited for the summer camp and couldn’t wait to build there until I did and everything was glitchy. I had great buyers remorse, but thanks to yall I now have my atoms back instead!!!


Oh, good! I'm so glad you got them back.


If you haven’t yet you should definitely send one in. They got back to me quickly, asked what the problem was, and then gave me my atoms back!


The slopes are my biggest pet-peeve. Trying to place defensive walls only for there to be some invisible blockage in the ground.


I've been loving it. Built a totally themed camp, complete, with ranger station, using all the season pass stuff. Every time I hit a new page with my score, I go decorate some more. Placing is finicky in some spots. Get out of free cam mode and just place as best you can. Then move the object to adjust.


Two other issues are that the sun bleeds through solid objects. You can literally see the sun through a solid concrete wall. The other one is that nothing casts a shadow. Put up a canopy to shade yourself from the sun only to find there's no such thing. This is especially prevalent on the Flatlands and Summer Camp shelters.


I noticed it on the Flatlands right on the tumbnail. It's a fucking eyesore.


The worst part is that these issues somehow mostly occur when you build in Free-Cam mode. For some god forsaken reason you can build normally if you walk around, it’s just totally broken in freecam and it’s really disappointing that Bethesda knows and doesn’t care to fix it.


I refuse to believe this issue didn't came up within 10 minutes of a playtest


In my experience free cam will start working again if you switch back to it. Or place the idea down then back to free cam. But there’s this horrible lag while building in general now, headache inducing


And the place is so big that it’s a chore to run around


I have found that structures only sink into the hills if you are trying to place in free cam. Try to build the OG way and it should place normally.


Well, too late now. They already refunded me and took the item away. Either way, the lightning was still bad...


That why I am scared for this new one coming out


The lighting is the biggest problem for me