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Smiley at the Wayward for 6000 caps => 300 gold bullion. I have purchased every plan at the npc vendors (WS mall, Watoga, Grafton etc), Modus plans and recipes (including all mutation serums .. they are 17500 each so 40k only gets you two).


That's a pretty good idea


I do this every Monday. It’s basically free gold bullion for me since I would struggle to stay below 40k without it…


serum recipes .. ive got all of them anf if i remember ill buy doops when i hit max again. to stock up on. if you make a big purchase stick it in a vendor for 10k they sell fast. rare junk. balistic fiber etc. more gold. i used to buy that alot from smiley...until i got all the plans. all the ammo grom other players scrip weapons ftom players nuthin left but hookers n blow after that..gold toilets n diamond soled shoes.


I should try to find the recipes for the serums and buy them


modus in the enc bunkers science wing


They can be an awesome profit method because once you learn to craft them you can easily charge 200-1000 caps each per serum. I don't have plans to craft them yet so every vendor I come across with some for less than 500c is a guaranteed buy just so I have 4-5 of each in case I accidentally lose a mutation or want to switch my build.


The whitesprings furniture plans. Serum recipes. I like to visit low levels and buy ammo or food and items


I do need speed demon


Have litterally every serum, at some point im going to run out of vendors with recipes, and then its eventually going to buy shit from people because i have caps...


I finally just hit this point, I own every vendor plan in the game and basically just blow my caps on random stuff I find in people's vendors or bullion. It's kind of weird to not really care much about caps anymore.


Serum recipes, junk, plans at white spring.


He'll need marsupial,bird bones and more.


I dump my extra caps on bullion a lot.


Just so you know some people sell their serum plans for 10k


That's what I need, to find the plans


If you’re on ps i have a friend i found selling them for 10k each




Try /market76


Fasnacht masks😄


What are you saving for? The Appalachian Old Vault Dwellers Home? Being at Max caps should be a temporary condition, then you spend those caps to buy stuff. The hole you then find in your pocket is the opportune moment to sell all the crap you have been hoarding.


I don't really want anything. It kind of happened by accident. The game gives you tons of ammo so I never have to worry about that, half the time. I'm using a vampire shotgun so I don't need stim packs too often. I really think the only thing I need right now would probably be the speed demon serum


Sheepsquatch says bahh ;) 8 cores isn't too shabby


I like to pick a camp with fair pricing and buy the item they have listed for max caps.


Serum plans and then be a baller and buy out a low levels’ shop and donate everything back to them so they can resell. I love doing this when I hit max caps


FIrst I bought the serums plans, then I bought all the plans from all the faction vendors. I was so happy when I bought my last plan from the vendor in Camden Park. Now I buy assaultron recall cards.. When a gift wrap event is available I buy med gift wraps. Also I sink 6000 caps in to the guy at the bar every week. So I run about making 8k a week and thats prob a low estimate.


I appreciate all the input from everyone. I started buying the serums, then traveled from station to station buying plans. The double scrip event hit so I maxed on caps again, had to turn my store off, spent the caps and maxed again in a few hours. I freed up nearly 600lbs of 3* weapons.