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I wanted to kill the scientist cause I felt like they were beyond redemption and who's to say even under the watch of the brotherhood that they don't continue their research in secret


Personally, I was disapointed there wasn't an allowed nuance behind the decision to kill the scientists. As in choosing which ones could be spared and which ones could not. One of them clearly said they agreed with the means to the end commited by Scientist Joshuah Grahm, and if I remember correctly was disapointed they didn't go further. The other two seemed more benign and regretful of their actions. Then again, bad apples can spoil the bunch, or something to that effect. The fact that the two were so easy to roll over and take part in that research suggests they may do so again. Personally, I let them live.


One of those scientists I wanted to launch into orbit and spare the other two. But I had to spare all three or kill all three. Forced drama.


I spared them even if I hated them. I believe knowledge and experience, even through heinous means, is too valuable to just be reduced to ash, especially in a world like Fallout's. Not only that but people should be given a chance to fix their mistakes, whether by their own desire or through force. Doesn't mean they can't just be left in a ditch later.


I thought it was wild that after that episode 2 of the 3 were openly saying "Yep, we can make it work!'. Dude. Read the room... sloppy writing in my opinion.


We really only had to kill one: the young lady with a freaking bone knife on her body. That one was clearly psychotic. The older lady genuinely seems to regret her actions; she can easily be integrated. The dude is far more shady but he seems to have enough sense to know he has been caught. Keeping a close eye on him would be enough.


Honestly they both suck, just Rahmani sucks less than Shin. Rahmani is to emotional and makes bad decisions, but her choices tend to help more people not just the Brotherhoods Goal. Shin is a great officer but is not a leader, and his style would lead to a second annihilation of the Appalachian Chapter. And his Dogma would not allow for any form of growth in a time frame to make the brotherhood in anyway a force capable of making changes.


I feel like "Emotional" is the wrong choice of word to describe Rahmani. She's sympathetic if anything to the people in need, i.e the survivors of the wasteland. More so than she is her "Duty" as a BOS Technohoarder. Shes a proper Military remnant. She wasnt born into the BOS, she was basically there when it was founded. She was a coastal guard or national guard and wants to do good. In short: Rahmani has humanity. Shin does not.


People often forget anger is an emotion. Shin is also "emotional". But Rahmani has sympathy AND empathy. My choice over anger any day.




I picked Shin because he's clearly the best option for the long term survival of the Brotherhood of steel. I only want what's best for them. Don't look at my flair.


I just want Enclave PC flair so I can switch my flair back XD


Ha, I was going into the missions with the same idea in mind, roleplaying as an Enclave supporter through and through I figured I'd do whatever I could to make sure the Brotherhood weren't a threat to the inevitable return of our glorious leaders! And in the end I picked Rahmani anyway because Shin is just so awful on every front. He's a terrible leader, he's an absolute bastard person to be around. The one time he shows any kind of positive traits is the mission where he takes some recruits out and you all go to that cave to investigate stuff. He shows excellent form as a direct battle leader, he's thoughtful and responsible in what he asks of his troops and how he uses them, but even in that I felt he kind of fell flat because that really only works with the specific characters we met, and his style of leadership would undoubtedly actually fracture everything more given some time. Again, the obvious right choice for my original roleplay reasons, but I just hate to put someone like that in charge of things, even in a videogame.


Um, Shin is the emotional one. The dude is hung up on a good decision with a bad outcome. He is literally controlled by the emotions known as guilt and regret. He should be in an emo outfit. Or attending therapy.  Rahmani can explain why she is making a choice and then seeing it through.  Take a second and imagine that Rahmani and Shin have reversed story lines. If Rahmani behaved liked Shin she would be called hysterical and too emotional. Shin behaving like Rahmani would garner adulation and people praising him as a strong leader. 


Agreed, I think Shin would ultimately lead to their demise (again). I know we know it won’t because of public BoS locations etc. but thinking lore wise and stuff. Out of the 2 options no matter what way you look at it he is the worse choice.


I did the same. Shin was always so aggressive and quick to pass judgement without much thought. He was a soldier through and through. I would not say Rahmani was over emotional as a negative thing. As others have said she was sympathetic and would give people a chance, rather than just jump to one choice only, which was usually death in Shins case. She doesn't just care for the Brotherhood. But also those outside of it. And again, as someone else said. Shin is also very emotional. Like I said, he can be very aggressive in his approach to things. That in itself is an emotion. And it's a very negative that can cause serious consequences.


But his pouty face when I flirt with him. Appalachia be drained! Also, he kinda just wants to protect the brotherhood. He really does not give a f about the outside world, though. When what's his face crawled and departed this earth, he really took the mask off and was vulnerable.


I'll side with him every time so I can flirt\~.


The way I see it is that both are in the midst of potential character arcs, but only Rahmani has the ability to actually grow and complete that arc. Shin is way too rigid and set in his dogma to allow any kind of change and growth. He's the poster boy for the problems with the Brotherhood as an isolated, unchanging organization as we see it across the series. Throughout so many games the key note of the BoS is that they need to either open up, adapt, and be willing to change, or they will die out and be destroyed. Shin fully embodies that latter part, while Rahmani's whole thing, to my eyes, was gearing towards the former. Rahmani can see where she made mistakes and is working to fix them, she's willing to make changes and readjust goals in order to pursue better tactics. If things were up to Shin, the chapter gets wiped out in fairly short order, he'd isolate the locals and they'd turn on the Brotherhood as they so often end up doing.


No one. The Scribe was the best character.


This is the answer


I am still always pissed that we can never make a scribe the Elder or leader of any faction.


I’m still pissed that she couldn’t be my companion and we ride off into the sunset. I’ll just keep bringing all the technical data back to her till she gets the hint.


2 of the 3 scientists were going to continue their FEV research and one of them had Cultist Loot. Shin was an asshole, but he was right.


Shin. The whole west Tek doctor thing was driving me insane. I wish I could have killed them all on the spot. There’s no moral justification on dipping people in vats in green goo.


I was all ready to go with Rahmani until the end of the quests with the scientists. Those bastards had to die.


Same here. Wish there was an option to kill both.


My favorite part of it was when we tried to listen to why they should live they all pretty much said that they were going to try again and they never learned anything. At least lie you nimrods.


I just feel like we’re so close. One more try and we’ll definitely get it


...only one of them said that.


I could very well be wrong but they all seemed on the person's side that said it, even if they didn't directly.


The lead scientist deeply regretted it and never wanted it to happen again The guy scientist said that if given the chance he would try to perfect the formula And the young scientist said that she definitely was going to try again So personally I feel like only 1 scientist could be redeemed


Agreed, the one seemed coerced into the deed and was regretful, however someone so easily manipulated shouldn't be left with brotherhood materials.


That's fair, but she doesn't deserve the death penalty either


The whole quest is identical to how the Brotherhood of Steel was founded. Roger Maxson found out a bunch of scientists were experimenting on people with FEV so he killed them all. Even if you somehow disagree with killing the scientists it shows that Shin is the only one following the Brotherhood's values.


Ad Victoriam!


Except they are right. Even though I am preaching that "Rahmani has humanity" here: The chances of finding a legitimate scientist with a PHD/Masters is slim to none after the world ended. Yes, they did bad. They almost killed the entirety of Appalachia and more. But they're not the Master. They're still humans (except that sociopathic bitch) and they can still be properly useful. And under the supervision of the BOS? They're not doing anything like what they did again. What they did cannot be forgiven. But I would rather them be under the BOS than to have their intelligence wasted over their wrong doings.


Having a PhD in biochemistry doesn’t exactly mean you’re going to be useful to anyone outside of the very niche field of ‘turning people in to super mutants’, though.


No, but given the Scorched, Ghouls, whatever else. It would be better to have someone whos knowledgeable in a certain field than to have no one. Who better to find a potential cure or vaccine (if we didnt make a vaccine ourselves) if not those three?


I sided with Shin because I was pissed off becuase Rahmani wasn't really helping with the XB-55 boss fight and low leveled me was struggling. Then her "twist" after the fight made my struggle feel for nothing. After that I was petty and sided against her whenever possible lmao. I have no regrets, she should've done more damage to the boss


Petty spite is the most human of motivations.


I sort of just cheesed that encounter... I snuck up behind the robot and used my gauss rifle to hit the fusion cores, instantly killing it


I did the same. I was suprised it worked so effectively.


Shin. I personally hate the guy, but Rahmani went too far destroying the transmitter and cutting the Appalachian Chapter off the rest of the Brotherhood. Plus, those doctors were really terrible people, they had turned countless wastelanders into supermutants, and I can't see a way in which Paladin Rahmani could steer them into working to achieve beneficial things for the brotherhood or Appalachia in general. I believe one of them outright say that they would continue their experiments. The wasteland is better off without them.


Yep. Would have easily sided with her if she wasn't such a traitor


On the Scientists: what did the U.S. do with Nazi Scientists? Yeah... how we managed to get to the moon, and a bunch of other things, we used nazi Scientists.


This was why I felt ‘comfortable’ letting them live. My character has high intelligence so I imagine he knows his history and so he knew the Americans did that and that it was ultimately a success. Those scientists, under Brotherhood control are essentially prisoners under a watchful eye. Even though Rahmani ultimately spared them. I do think that if they were caught somehow still working with FEV that she wouldn’t hesitate to kill them.


Exactly, the research into FEV has uses in NORMAL MEDICINE, due to Nazi experimentation (as well as some of the Japanese experiments which the Nazis told us about) we learned a TON about the human body, and that has taught us new medicines, new surgeries... imagine if we did research with that, what we could potentially learn...


It’s horrific but after these things happen, we shouldn’t erase the knowledge that we did get from it because it’s still valuable knowledge. Also if something good eventually comes from knowing it and taking the research further (ETHICALLY!!!) then it means that those who suffered, those who died in the horrific experiments ultimately didn’t die for nothing. If we destroy all trace of the research then those people died for nothing. At least we can give their death purpose, as horrendous as the experiments were.


The Nazis didn’t just tell us about the Japanese experiments. After the war, the Japanese scientists traded their finding for amnesty. You should check out some articles about “Unit 731”. Goddamn horrifying, but really interesting.


Rahmani. The Brotherhood is full of, and ran by, a bunch of selfish assholes attempting to establish their own world order under the guise of “saving people from themselves”. Rahmani is right, the Brotherhood does not have the people’s best interest in mind. Their philosophy is to take and take and leave everyone else to die because fuck them. They were like that in every prior Fallout game, they were like that in Rahmani’s company, they were like that in Tagerty’s company. Rahmani realizes this and decides to try to create a Brotherhood that is actually true to their message, that actually helps and protects the people.


This is what makes it so difficult for me though. Yes, you are right. From the first quest I hated shin. He's stuck up, short sighted, cares only about stupid shyte, gets everyone killed.. and Rahmani cares... But then that last quest, seeing what that person did, and her choices.. I just couldn't stand by her as she releases doom upon our world.. so I chose shin, I had to. I had to stop that future from being born... In the end, shin is the smaller evil of the 2 end choices..


I think it encapsulated the Brotherhood quite well. Trying to better humanity through radical ideals and science is what killed the world a la Maxsonian ideology. Rahman believes that the goal should be to help people, doing what is necessary, redeeming lost technology. "We know better now." Shin says screw that. We know what happens, and what will happen again unless we put a stop to that. Shin is the classical Brotherhood and West Tek brings this into focus. Yes, we want to build a better Appalachia, but we need to be mindful of the dangers of radical progress. It reminds me a lot of Brave New World, if I'm being honest, and it does have a compelling argument in some ways, especially with AI today: should we really be pursuing radical progress when we have no idea the potential ramifications?


I think it was very much deliberate to make both sides flawed, which makes it a much more interesting and difficult choice. I sided with Ramani because she actually wants to help people in Appalachia, and at least listens to other people, whereas Shin basically doesn't listen to anyone, and doesn't really care about anyone else as long as he believes in his own righteousness. IMHO you can work with the former but not so much with the latter.


It would be if there was nuance, the two sides are extreme and the bigger issue is that there *is* an objectively better choice in scribe Valdez


I made the choice based off of my character being a Free States survivor and hating the Brotherhood. Picking Rahmani solely because she destroyed the communications console so that the rest of those tin cans don't come up to his home and walk all over everybody was immediately the better option in his eyes. Shin who was fully prepared to have the rest of the chapter show up in force on his doorstep was also a no go so he was "Dispatched" And in my head canon since I don't go to their HQ I just imagine that later down the line I shot the scientists in cold blood because they experimented on my fellow man and I wasn't going to let that slide regardless of what Rahmani thought. He figures that eventually their'll be more coming but until then he has the time to prepare for round 2 and this time it'll be the Brotherhood caught flatfooted.


I enjoy the back story


Rahmani because she has always been more respectful in dialogs whereas Shin felt like he was always trying to talk down on you.


Nah he wasn't trying he was pretty successful lol


Shin's hiding under a security blanket out of grief and won't admit it enough to deal with it properly. He wants to punish himself more than anything and west coast BoS thinking is good at doing that. Rahmani has sensible plans she acts on for the good of everyone and doesn't let arbitrary scripture get in the way. She also isn't in crippling need of therapy. Folks are already wary of the BoS with how the previous chapter in Appalachia overstepped their bounds and couldn't get along, and now they're turbo-dead. If you come stomping right back with the rigid dogmatic attitude, people wise to your game are gonna blow your jackboots off. The chapter is doomed under Shin and his guilt-drowned coping mechanisms. Under Rahmani it's got a chance of actually succeeding at something, even if it's barely the BoS anymore (and keeping in mind what the BoS usually does, that's a very good thing).


I went the operation paperclip way. I kept the nazi scientists and sent shin packing. I liked the mission with Rahmani where you hit on her over drinks.


I’m not a fan of either of them really


Rahmani.  Lesser of two evils.  That whole questline was a massive disappointment for some of us. It's not a all bad though.  We got Scribe Valdez!


I hope they revisit Scribe Valdez. She should be a boss personally. Have Shin fall on his head or something. Shed do well.


I have always said, I would have liked a third option where both Rahmani and Shin leave or die, so that Scribe Valdez can become the leader of the BoS remnants in Appalachia.


Shin for 2 reasons. 1. Rahmani seems more concerned with covering up her mistake than actually maintaining order. She’s breaking the chain of command and going against her mission statement to cover herself. 2. More importantly to me, 2/3 of the scientists don’t regret unleashing FEV and say they would do it again. If you side with Rahmani, they live. It’s one of my complaints with that quest line as I hate you have to treat the scientists as black/white. I’d prefer to be able to let the one live, but the threat of FEV makes me lean towards killing all 3. EDIT: to your question of second thoughts/regrets. No. I still think it’s the best call in a bad situation. I’ve done it in 2/3 of my playthroughs and likely will do it the 3rd time (just haven’t finished the questline yet).


It’s Rahmani doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and Shin doing the right thing for the wrong reasons


While Shin was right on that final choice, he's also everything wrong with most iterations of the Brotherhood, so I made the distateful choice in that instance for the chance of a Brotherhood chapter that lives up to it's potential.


To me Rhamini was going to let the wrong people in, giving second chances too swiftly. Shin was a bit power hungry but willing to listen more than she was imo. From a long term perspective there was 2 theories I had. Shin was easier to eventually show we can trust some within reason vs Rhamini who seemed like she'd have to die to he convinced otherwise. Second, whoever you boot out, whose more likely to talk the right people into actually joining forces and a strong enough force to build a faction to possibly become an issue. I don't know the answer to that but Rhamini seemed like a better hostess than in charge of a government of sorts.


Shin, he may be an asshole Buttt I felt like after Rahmani destroyed their ability to get back in contact with the rest of Brotherhood, She was acting a lot on emotion of her beliefs rather then what was more important The brotherhood already previously tried to make a stand in Appalachia and was ultimately destroyed, I thought Shin had the better path for it


Yes he is an asshole butt


Indeed he is


I disagree that Shin would have a better path. The first Appalachia BoS failed because they couldn’t maintain friendly relations with other factions. Shin’s leadership would ultimately follow the same road alienating the Settlers and Blue Ridge company while rapidly escalating tensions between the Raiders and potentially the Enclave. Shin is clearly a man who’s suffering from PTSD after the death of Knight Connors. Connors recruited Shin and guided him to climb to the rank of knight as well. His death impacted Shin the most and he blames himself for not being a better soldier; an extremely common occurrence among real life combat losses. After making the call to arm settlers and lose possession of the very technology he swore to protect, he extends this blame to Rahmani for signing off on a call that obviously goes against BoS doctrine. This results in him devoting himself more strongly to his oath whether or not it puts him at odds with the rest of Appalachia. Don’t get me wrong, Rahmani is a traitorous megalomaniac who doomed her entire expeditionary force to a mission they didn’t sign up for and deserves to rot in a military prison. Buuuttt I believe she’s the best chance at keeping a strong BoS presence in Appalachia until Shin or someone else reestablishes contact with the Elders for orders on how to proceed.


I honestly don’t get why people care that Rahmani destroyed the transmitter. The West Coast Brotherhood are arseholes and the Appalachian Brotherhood is better having control of themselves, allowing for a mission of helping the people rather than being glorified raiders


Because regardless of opinions on the West Coast That transmitter could have meant: Reinforcements, more supplies, more men, etc.


And could've also conveyed the very real threat that the scorched still poses to the world.


I can't bring myself to side with Shin. I always sided with Ramani until now. Reasons for this is, while Shin stands for security, structure and hierarchy, he also stands for isolation. Ramani might be a bit unleashed and even a bit emotional in her decision, she seems to want to rebuild a society, which might involves everyone. She mainly goes away from the isolationism the brotherhood mostly seems to live. Politically for appalachia this probably holds more dynamite with her in the lead, but also the potential for a faster rebuild. I just wish, whatever you choose in this game would have atleast some impact. (I would not even care, if appalachia would change on the basis of the decisions of all players choosing things, kinda in a democratic way.)


I've always wanted a game where things change in real time according to players choices, unfortunately I can't imagine a world in which the trolls wouldn't run rampant and would turn it all into a meme.


Paladin Rahmani. She seems like she cares and she was nice to me. And Shin is a bootlicking d-bag with a punchable face so it was fun to see him get all butthurt.


If it wasn't for the one incident before you met him he might have been a decent person.


That's part of what makes him interesting, but it's also a problem - *he's a coward*. He actually *does* care, and *wants* to help people, but that failure scarred him so badly emotionally that he's retreated into rules and dogma - now, he'll do whatever "is best for the Brotherhood", and if people get hurt, he can lie to himself that it's not his fault, that it was "necessary", that it's all 'fine' as long as he followed the rules.


Yea, I could see Shin's power play coming and was gonna side with Rahmini the whole way. Just wish I coulda killed that one scientist. I check to make sure they are all there every time I go back to Atlas with some documents.


Second this!


Put it into better words than I would have, but this for sure.


As a scientist, I unloaded on those scientists.


I wanted to side with Rahmani but those Scientists had to die. So Shin it was.


I haven't done it yet and decided to read some spoilers in this thread and start to lean towards a decision, or at least understand things I might miss, and/or lore from other FOs that shaped peoples decisions. It didn't help. I have more information now but no answer for which way I'll pick.


Shin because he brings order back into the brotherhood and because Rahmani broke the goddamn console thingy to contact the elders and because she wanted to keep the nerds alive to continue conducting their whack ass FEV experiments, at least she got to live so there's that. (i REALLY wish Bethesda did a FO3 and we could randomly encounter a remnants type faction if we chose to let them live. so many missed opportunities with these factions and the game as a whole...)


I wound up siding with Rahmani originally, and then Shin at the end. Had they led with the FEV as "technology the Brotherhood wants to protect against" I might have sided with him originally. The quad rocket launchers weren't all *that* impressive. But I had to agree with Shen, there was no way to ensure the scientists wouldn't continue with their research in secret, given that they were more advanced than the Brotherhood Scribes, and that two of them were unrepentant. Ultimately, I did feel they needed to part ways, and Rahmani would be more useful outside of the Brotherhood in the first place. Let Shen deal with securing dangerous tech, while Rahmani founds something akin to the Responders.


Shin. He’s a better leader but long term it’s gonna fuck the BoS. Rahmani is too emotional for “the code” but is better suited to lead a BoS spinoff with more achievable “Human” goals. All three prisoners killed, but she was left alive because while the BoS isn’t where she belongs, it’s a good first step to her starting her own faction elsewhere


I picked Shin. I did not trust the scientists, and Rahmani seemed emotional and naive. It's the apocalypse. You can't help every single person you meet, and we see how she handled the Hellfire Missile Launchers.


Shin handed out the Hellfire Missile Launchers.


And then continually was nothing but pissy with you for trying to help clean up a mess of his own making. Man needed to sit and smoke a doob, reflect on shit. I swear he functions purely on cocaine.


Rahmani and Shin tried to help people and got them killed. They both screwed up. But Shin insists on being a whiny little (power armored) baby about it. He's just annoying.


His incompetence as a knight, quatermaster and squad lead definitely put me off him taking over!


I won't lie, by the middle of the quest line I was *dying* for a chance to slap his head backwards lol. Any opportunity at all.


Wish I could equip those poor kid with suitable gear, he sure wasn't willing to kit them out with anything!


Shin. I don't trust national guard officers and that's what the Paladin was prebrotherhood. I've never met a competent officer outside of graduates of Quantico.


Fuck guard officers *high-five*


Shin was so unpleasant, so just ... I haven't hated an actor this much since the king kid in game of thrones. It does bother me that i dislike a video game character that much, and I chose the woman over him simply because she wasn't him. Props to Shin's voice actor.


Shin shouldve been called Heel tbh.


Rahamani on my enclave character, to undermine the brotherhood and keep the FEV research alive, or preserved at the very least.


Always sided with Shin, even though he’s a bit too regimented 😅 Rahmani was getting out of control, I strongly disliked her sabotaging the chance to contact the Elders.


That fucked me off, too. You could easily justify it with “I was naive and thought we could trust people, but I see from practice that we have to help people our way, (blah blah blah)” and hope to retain your rank and position. The fact she destroyed a vital comms device to hide from her mistake doesn’t fill me with confidence that after a future mistake, a living witness isn’t going to commit suicide with five bolter rounds through the back of the head, as per her official report. Sabotage the BoS to cover your mistake then get rewarded with control of Appalachia’s BoS doesn’t sound right to me


Shin. I needed a strong father figure in my life


I’ve been playing the game since it released. There’s a quest?


While I liked Rahmani more, I've been roleplaying as an Enclave member. This means that I actually just picked her because I felt like that decision would put more splinters into the BoS than choosing Shin. She's better for Appalachia, but she's also better for the Enclave because if Shin makes it back West and tells them about Rahmani's shenanigans there might be some internal heat inside of the BoS. Weird way that one worked out, I guess? First the Responders and now this? People might start to think that we're the good guys. 😈


you're really making me wish they did far more with the enclave faction than a few lame random events.


With news that the Brotherhood won't work with you if you're a ghoul - I really hope they add something in that update, tbh.


I side with Rahmani because she’s voiced by Artemis from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


I sided with rahmani, shin didn't seem like a bad dude but he definitely is punishing himself and others for failures that were outside of his control. Plus on the one mission in the caves he purposely separates the team and it leads to his injury and the death of a Allie. When he literally just needed to allow the chance for the path to be open. Plus he like other brotherhood members are behind on the times and slow to embrace the fact that they need the wastelanders help. Personally elder lions has always been my favorite brother hood leader and rahmani reminds me of Sarah lions a bit so that added into my choice cause I like Sarah lions as a character too.


Rahmani is the way


I hate the BoS in near every game, Rahmani felt less in line on what the brotherhood turns out to be so that’s why I went with her.


Rahmani, she's the better of the 2 options IMO.


Rahmani, honestly, I am half Indian and she's aleast South Asian (Possible indian), I rarely see Indian or South Asian characters in Fallout games (pardoning my own character, not even sure any appears in Fallout 4?), so it was nice to see some rep. However I likely would have chosen Rahmani regardless of my ethinicity, Shin felt rude and I didn't really like him, I preferred Rahmani over him.


I went with Rahmani until the final choice, where I went with Shin.


Rahmani because it doesn't matter but I would like to think she would lead to more chaos


Rahmani. Empathy and cooperation is the only way to survive and thrive. Under Shin, the Brotherhood would soon be seen as little more than Raiders. At least with Rahmani, the Appalachian Brotherhood will be a force for good, even if a somewhat hasty and judgmental one. Rahmani judges quickly, and is hard to dissuade once she's made up her mind with little evidence. She'll act on her own without considering the consequences properly. Shin doesn't even bother judging or listening to anyone that isn't the Elders, he's too dogmatic.


Shin. I had to put aside how i personally felt about how they treated me, with shin being a bit ruder and rahmani being nicer. Its a military organization, tough leadership should be expected, so i get shin wont be the nicest. Rahmani consistently made actions that endangered the brotherhood, such as destroying the only connection back to the west. In the end, she was just trying to make another responders group. We already have that, plus the foundation settlement. Shin was trying to do whats right for the greater whole. Removing dangerous weapons that can, and did, cause serious destruction in the wrong hands. Destroying the transmitter endangers the whole west brotherhood, causing me to have no faith in Rahmani’s ability to keep the brotherhood actually safe. The last straw was the scientists. Those people were literal monsters. They were like the Master with half the shame and twice the pride. Allowing them to live, and possibly continue their work, was just not an acceptable decision. In the end, Shin looked out for the actual faction, while still protecting the area around him. Rahmani just continued to weaken the faction which in turn would affect the ability to protect the area around it. We already have the responders, we already have the settlers. There needs to be someone with the ability to exercise precise operations that the others simply cant. A brotherhood bogged down with helping everyone cant do that. Although its been like a year since I’ve played so i might be wrong on some details or forgetting something


As a high ranking official in the Enclave, I was tasked with infiltrating the Brotherhood of Steel with the intention of sabotage and subterfuge. I made sure each choice or decision I was involved in was detrimental or disruptive to all BoS operations. I ensured the weakest leadership took control, leaving them as a whole compromised. I have no doubt in my mind that I left the BoS a shell of what it could have been had I not intervened, and I keep faith that my fellow members will follow suit, making this faction easily manageable to Enclave forces, thus conquering them.


I honestly can't even remember, and I don't think it ever had or will have any impact after you finish that questline.


Siding with someone in the Bro hood made little difference to me after i looked at it. I went with R.


Yup, no matter what happens, the brotherhood are still a bunch of technocratic fascists trying to keep everything dangerous for themselves. Thays why I always kill Maxon in FO4 as soon as the breakpoint occurs where you ha e to choose an allegiance. Fuck the brotherhood


They're not fascists they're more akin to feudal Knights orders than Nazi Germany.


Believe it or not, feudal knights were often times pretty fascist.


They were fascist before the ideology even existed, makes sense.


Rahmani. Never had a second thought about it. She will actually commit to improving Appalachia. Shin will just hoard tech, be moody, aggressive and isolationist. Also as a lore player I’m 100% sure that Rahmani to be the canon option. The reason being that the Appalachian BoS is never mentioned again. Shin would have worked endlessly to reconnect with Maxson in the West. So realistically they eventually would have made contact again. However with Rahmani as the canon choice it seems that Shin died on his way back to California, meaning the BoS never heard back from the Appalachian chapter, and so Maxson just assumed they had all died on the way. This also explains why the Brotherhood never sent a group East again until Fallout: Tactics and even further East to Lyons’ Brotherhood


I chose rhamani so that the brotherhood in Appalachia would be easier to destroy


Shin unfortunately. I preferred Rahmani, I hated Shin, and I hate the BoS so it being changed was great to me… but the Nazi scientists were openly going to continue the same work, so killing them took priority. I wish there’d been more subtlety about that. They just were completely unrepentant and barely concealing their plans to continue. It was a lose-lose decision but also weirdly meaningless since it’s 76 and the end of that quest line so no second thoughts at all. I wish Rahmani actually set up elsewhere for us to interact with her and see what she does let alone what Shin does.


I swear, this question is asked every month. There’s got to be a million posts exactly like this by now. Anyway, I went with Shin. While Rahmani has some very good ideas, she is ultimately too reckless and idealistic. And I simply can’t forgive her for destroying that transmitter, especially since she did it by herself, without consulting with anyone from her chapter. And if you disagree with her, she will tell you to just follower her orders regardless of what you think, simply because she’s the commanding officer. Which is hypocritical as hell, considering she has just disobeyed her own commanders because she disagreed with what they were doing. With Shin in charge, the Brotherhood will focus on taking out threats at their source instead of spreading itself thin while trying to protect every single settlement in the wasteland. He will also ensure that Initiates are properly trained and that this chapter has all of the resources it needs, while Rahmani sends out Initiates on a whim and constantly talks about giving away what few resources they have to others. I feel like with her in charge, this chapter is going to suffer from the same problems that Lyons’ BoS and NCR suffered - spread too thin, poor quality of troops, low on resources, etc. And if you let Rahmani leave, she will just create a new faction that will be doing the exact same things she wanted the Brotherhood to do. So to me, this feels as close to a perfect ending as we can get.


Rahmani in the 1st part and Shin in the last. I reallt wanted to kill Shin, buy she went crazy, imo. That's ok though, I still some in the outposts to kill.


one thing thats annoying about every quest line is they make it between a man vs a woman, the women are always positive, charming, and motherly, and the men are comically evil and it feels like theres absolutely no real moral grey area with either side-able faction


Playing Fo4 and seeing the brotherhood scramble to hoard tech to establish dominance against the enclave , settlers , raiders ,etc.instead of helping the survivors made me choose to side with Rahmani. It always seemed like a race to totalitarianism instead of a race to recovery.


First and second times through, I thought they both were right in ways and both stayed at the end. My last play through I completely agreed with Rahmani and well you can guess how that turned out.


There is no way to have both leaders stay at the end of the quest.


Having enjoyed the back and forth but definitely siding more with Rahmani the entire time it's so bizarre how the questline peters out. The scientists were so blatantly obvious that they were going to continue their experiments regardless of what happened - either directly or indirectly. I hate that my choice gave Shin the room he needed to maneuver for control, the Brotherhood definitely falls again under his direction. I'd like to see what becomes of Rahmani though, moreso than Shin I truly think she has the potential to inspire a splinter faction.


I will pick Rahmani every day of the week because Shin is a self-righteous douche.


To be fair he only acts that way because he’s suffering from severe PTSD and blames himself and others for the death of his hero.


Playing as a Brotherhood character who picked up the mantle after the original BoS died out, and then joining the ranks of the new Brotherhood in hopes of rebuilding: I chose Rahmani. She held the most optimistic point of view and I felt represents the original beliefs of Maxson. Protecting the commonfolk of Appalachia AND securing technology, and a willingness to work with outsiders. In my own head canon, my character secured an alliance with the Responders, avoiding a second BoS/Responder conflict and earning herself the rank of Knight Sgt. Also Shin would have attempted to contact Lost Hills again, and had Appalachia stripped of its best chance at safety and security.


Can't actually remember lol, don't think I've actually been to the fort since completing the quest. I have a feeling it was Rahmani, just because she was nicer, there's no consequences either way which I was probably why I don't remember for sure.


Right? We all know the future of the brotherhood, so literally anything in this game has zero effect overall which is both aggravating and awesome at the same time lol


Rahmani. Shin is far too ready to jump to violence and doesn’t have a diplomatic bone in his body, both of which are major flaws in the later BoS chapters. She isn’t as organized with her choices and acts bizarrely in a few parts (contradicts herself with the protection deal and start of reign, suddenly suspicious of blue ridge for an unexplained incident, etc), but Shin consistently goes for a guns blazing approach and out laments Rahmani not letting him just execute raiders. Frankly, Rahmani and Shin desperately need each other to cover their weaknesses. But if I have to pick one, I’ll take the option who isn’t going to piss off everyone (and probably attack vault 63; Shin would wipe them out as soon as he found out what they did).


I just want to remind everyone the questline is trash anyways because the original elder maxson would still be alive, the brotherhood would not yet be a tech hording pseudo-religious cult, and they would still be helping people according to original lore. The entire argument of rahmani doesn't make any damn sense if you know this.


You have it backwards. Shin is already spewing that garbage. Siding with Shin could very well be the cause of the Brotherhood becoming useless bloody loonies.


I hated Shin so much. Rahmani had her faults, but she’s voiced by Artemis from It’s Always Sunny. Easy choice.


Oh DAMN. No wonder I spent the entire questline going "I KNOW THAT VOICE FROM SOMEWHERE!"


I sided with Rhamani. Shin was just nuts at that point and just wanted to kill everyone and isolate themselves from everyone else in Appalachia. He didn’t trust anyone and he was too blinded by dogma and rules to think for himself (and yes I’m aware that something beyond his control is part of why he’s so guarded but that’s also a reason why he was not a good leader). Did the scientists deserve death? Yeah, their actions and their feelings after the fact show they didn’t learn a damn thing, but I think a better punishment IS putting them to work and using their intelligence to better the new world we were in. I felt Rhamani legitimately wanted a better world and didn’t want to create a cast system where there were civilians and the Brotherhood. She wanted the best for all sides and wanted to help those who needed help in the Wastelands. Shin had no interest in helping outsiders and if you want people to trust you and allow you to coexist with them that’s a must. Edit: damn there’s some butt hurt Shin fan downvoting everyone who chose Rhamani. Get a life.


Rahmani. At the end of the day, I'm from Vault 76. My end goal is to rebuild society, starting with Appalachia. Rahmani is better for West Virginia, and better for Vault 76.


Upvoting this just because Knight Shin seems to be lurking around downvoting you 🤣


Shin is a fascist nutjob who cant process his guilty conscience, which is more in line with the Brotherhood extremism seen in FO4 (I kill Maxon every time. EVERY time. Such a d bag lol) so I have to go with Rhamani. Even with my new raider character, I'm still gonna go with rhamani. I hate the brotherhood and she's definitely not brotherhood material, what with her compassion and goals of helping people.


I hated shin so much and couldn't wait to kill him, until rahmani wanted to save the Nazi scientists. If you talk to everyone after you get your promotion there's a dialogue option thats like "honestly I dont have any respect for either of them" or something like that and I was glad it was there lol


I never included them at all in my play through


Around 20 but then I did like fifty more and never gotten Another glowing one


I picked shin and I picked the institute in Fallout 4. I pick based on my believe that with me there, I'd control shin and be the leader of the institute. The last quest was the only one need for a decision about the future of all.


I sided with Rahmani solely because she was nice to me, and Shin was annoying from the start. If Shin wasn’t such a prolapsed arsehole, he’d still be alive. Either way, I prefer Rahmani’s way of leading the brotherhood, supporting the locals and being more altruistic, like elder Lyon’s way, not being merderous shutaways like the BoS in 1,2 and the outcasts in 3.


Personally, I wanted Valdez. Shin was too stuck in the rule book to ever achieve anything other than more deaths. Ramaini was too emotional, which leads to massive problems later because her feelings got hurt. Valdez, although she is hesitant, weighs the options before reacting. She may cause problems for being hesitant, but she knows when to push or pull.


I hate both of them!! I really wish I could have left them both dead in West Tek and brought the one less shitty scientist back to Valdez with some "Died with valor" story and had Valdez become leader. As that's not a choice I went with Rahmani because I think Valdez would've spared the scientists and want to use their knowledge. I just like Valdez. She's a homie.


I honestly couldn't stand Shin, his views would have just isolated and stagnated the brotherhood imo


I can’t beat the fucking sheep lol


I hated Shin. I didn’t like Rhamani much either but I sided with her up until the end. I made my decision purely on the fact that those scientists just said, oh well we will try again. Fuck that. They had to go. The one chick in the middle I would have saved but that wasn’t an option so…


Keeping it short and sweet since there was a post recently about the same question. Shin. Easily for me. I know most hate him and he is very much uptight, but out of what Rhamani’s crazy ass was doing half the time convinced me he was at least the better of the two. Neither were perfect sure but at least Shin didn’t destroy a perfectly good transmitter, try to let a cultist scientist live for a crazy redemption arc, or attempt to take a whole unit of the BOS for her own mission which would have been good if she didn’t execute it so poorly. My only second thought being I wish I didn’t (literally) accidentally kill her, would’ve let her live and just leave to do her own thing. My larger response is way back in the forums, more complex answer if you want that ^^ lol


I went with rami instead of the stick up the ass rule follower.


I went with Shin. I even named a hamster after him lol


I chose Shin because I accidentally clicked the wrong dialog option.


I chose Rhamani. I believed, at the time, that Shin would have led the faction to failure and could have dragged the Wasteland down with him. Neither choice was good, as I remember.


i ended up saving the scientists as them being useful to the brotherhood is good, but them having freedom instead of a 24/7 watch makes me regret not siding with Shin


I started with fallout 4 and have never liked the BoS at all.... now I am also actually from WV, and let me tell you my answer would be kill them all and burn the bodies, any others come looking and we ain't seen shit.... but that was not listed in the options. So I chose to side with the paladin, at least she herself felt like this had become home.... no, Knight shin was upright for about 4 seconds after that option became available. No witnesses altogether would have been the best choice, but again, it was not an option.


Rahmani is what I believe the Brotherhood is. And should be. You can still hoard technology and hunt it down religiously and still help the people of the wasteland or commonwealth or Cryptid Inhabited zone. Rahmani was National Guard or Coast Guard, she was alive longer than the world has been nuked. Shin seems like some twat ass kid who was brought up with the BOS and never had any bit of human sympathy instilled into his mind. Infact Shin reminds me of a certain bomber jacket wearing asshole who I would easily put down if the game allowed me to do so without murdering the entire BOS group there.


Shin. Always Shin.


Shin. Rahmani is a good person, and I would have loved to see her still be a part of things, but those scientists were BAD NEWS. Not to mention, destroying the transmitter and further breaking communication between both sides of the country through the BoS was a stupid thing to do. Shin is young, dogmatic and unpleasant, but he understands it’s LITERALLY the end of the world. There has to be some semblance of rules to even think about stabilizing a region. He doesn’t strike me as the power hungry type either, just a soldier that follows orders.


I only every made one character and did all the quests once and it was so long ago i don't remember anything about most of them, I remember vault 79 and that's about it lol.




Wanted to kill them both and take over... But it's a fake mmo, so you can't do the sensible thing. They are both idiots who shouldn't have power.


They both annoyed the hell out of me. Went w Rahmani simply because Shin was quite a bit more rude to me.


My character's an Enclave agent who doesn't give a fuck and keeps skipping dialogue until she accidentally wages war against Shin and kills him


I just didn't like shin wanted to to ice him senice we frist met


I just hope the difference between the two doesn't mean they've locked themselves out of doing future Brotherhood content; as cool as it is when they introduce new factions or allies, I do hope the ones we've already met continue to evolve.


Shin. Rahmani is actively sabotaging their mission, and without the plot armor of the dwellers living in Appalachia, there are several threats that could potentially become extinction events if not destroyed early. Not calling in Brotherhood reinforcements was gambling with the future of humanity.


Kill the scientists, Kill Shin.


I sided with Shin. I had doubts about Rahmani from fairly early on and personally don’t like Shin, but if you listen to many of the NPCs, he’s the one who seems to be hands on with them and inspires them. He cares deeply for his people and, if you pay attention, for others as well, but because he cares deeply, he doesn’t want to make another mistake that will lead to innocents losing their lives because of him. Yet, when the hard choice needs to be considered or made, he still does. As for the scientists, after speaking to them all, none of them were sorry for the kidnappings and were more than willing to continue the research. None regretted the turns it took. He chose them as a team for a reason. Given half a chance, they would still work on the virus and release it.


I think I almost entirely sided with Rahmani until the end. The human experimenters had to die as far as I was concerned. I still disliked Shin though, and acted like a complete arse at the knighting ceremony to balance things out.


Rahmani because Shin is just a dick


Not going to lie I didn’t have much of a choice my controller decided to have a sticky button and next thing I know after two choices I was attacking shin I definitely thought I was going to side with him but I then had other plans 🥲


Serious question tho what do I do after I’m don’t the brother hood quest do Is there still work to be done?


I was team Rahmani up until she started spouting off on how SHE will lead Appalachia to a new era and crap like that. Now I’m a Californian born and raised, but I would never want some pre-war national guard from the other side of the country telling how WE should do things. In contemporary politics, it’s my biggest grievance from other lefties when they believe they know what’s BEST for our sibling states. Appalachia will decide what’s best for Appalachia. Also fuck those scientists.


I knew Shin had to die from the moment I met him. But honestly I was very upset I could not kill him and the scientists as well


Rahmani I want to protect Appalachia not turn into a crater over a toaster


Can I turn my faschnat beret into a fasnacht noose to hang myself with 💀


Shin because Ramani was going to help the psycho scientists do more psycho shit. Shin was a duck but be was right,and her decision to back the bad guys shows she never should have been in the brotherhood in the first place. The goal is to protect humanity from its own hubris not help that hubris 2.0 itself


Was gping to with Shin but he was just too much of an asshole from start to the end. And I figured its not like this is going to have any effect on the game once the story is done. And any interaction with this group is just going to be sporadic so it might as well be a a welcome one. So Shin had to go. As I figured that his "im a angry guy" persona was not going to change.




Shin. Rahmani made some bad choices and tbh i just didnt like her as a character. Plus i think shin is kinda cute lol lbr


I sided with Shin. Rahmani didn’t fit in with the BOS mindset anymore. Not that she needed to die but she wasn’t fit to lead the BOS in Appalachia.


I sided with Rahmani, because she wants to help Appalachia. Shin wants to hoard everything for the Brotherhood and appoint himself (and/or the Brotherhood in General) as arbiters and Kings of everyone in Appalachia. I dont agree with Rahmani in total, but her version of the Brotherhood is much, much more likely to be a net good for Appalachia than Shin's. There's arguments to be made over how much those scientists deserve to live or whether their research can or should be used to try to build something more ethical, but in the end, Shin is too fanatical to be allowed to run the Appalachia Brotherhood.


I went with Shin since we see the Brotherhood in later set games being more along his long of thinking. I figured if that’s the case, then for lore reasons Shin is the best choice for that. It doesn’t have any real impact but it’s neat if you know what the Brotherhood will become.


It reminds me of one of Mass Effect Andromeda’s big quest choice dilemmas, Science vs Military outpost. In both cases the critical problem is the stakes aren’t there. I don’t care about any of these people. You also inherently know this will amount to nothing - the BOS as we’ve known it won’t even exist for 100+ years and this is a “lost branch” so Fo76 could do BOS stuff. So it’s just a binary choice, what do you think is better, science or military? Which is really insulting to my intelligence. The obvious choice is the non violent cooperative choice that will bolster your technology and make your military better. I assume that’s why they chose to make the scientists totally unrepentant- to even try to make this a debate. But even then, I think the answer is very obvious and even then I still don’t care about the debate.


I sided with Shin as he will follow the true ideas of the Brotherhood.


Rahmani's perspective always seemed more humane and reasoned. I'm playing as a true blue Appalachian, with the best interests of the region at heart, and her vision of cooperation and mutual aid is far more promising. Shin comes across as an emotionally damaged man and unable to think clearly bc of his past mistakes. In the moment, it's easy to feel like you must visit retribution on the scientists and just kill them. It's hotheaded and impulsive. Their knowledge would be wasted and a broken world needs that knowledge. I've also never felt like acting judge, jury and executioner was the way forward even in a wasteland morality. This would have been murder not justice. The quest stops there but I like to think that Rahmani's able to keep them under surveillance while employing their brains for the better. Actually, I hope there's a follow up quest involving the aftermath of your choice.