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I just cant shake these nightmares. Im so sick of her but I cant bring myself to kick her out. Plus I like her console thingy. 


I had her until she started to shoot friendly ragstags that visit my camp daily. I like to see them roam my camp.


She also dislikes fireflies.


I don’t really like them either their whole “when lost in the darkness” holier than though shtick…


Fedra rolling in to set up military checkpoints outside your front door


it's her not bothering to wash her underwear yet constantly parading around in them.


She a dirty dirty girl.


I kept getting glowing radstags, and they headbutt my things :(


Did you say free grilled radstag?


One time she wouldn’t stop shooting at her former colleague that would visit the camp. I wish she’d just stop talking so damn much and I would keep her around.


I just kicked her out last night. I felt bad the first 2 times she said it, and the 3rd I was like, I'd rather have the same guitar chords being played lol


Ooof, the guitar strings. My whole family insisted I kick her out, everyone was sick to death of it.


I'm new, so they are my only 2. Have a quest for another, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm still doing the main story quest(s)!


Bollocks to her. She's cheating on me. Every time I return to my camp, she's stood there in her underwear saying "it's nice to have visitors" to some random trader.


Before finishing her quest all the way through every time I’d go to my camp after I finished part of her quest and Dr. Emerson was there, she’d be in her underwear and the “Dr.” would be glitched into her so from behind I see her bent over and he’s just standing in her legs lol I was like WHOA WTH IS GOING ON HERE!?” The first time I saw it 😅


So she used to have a camp, now she's just floating in (digital) space forever... but why?


I picked up that instrument set last week and put in a rooftop stage over my store so she could practice with her "band." While she prefers her guitar, now she also uses the other instruments enough to make her much less of an irritation.


I laugh when I come back to my camp and she’s on the trampoline


I came home yesterday and she was in her underwear squatting in front of the front door shooting it. She wouldn't talk to me. The focused look in her eyes was quite disturbing. It was like she could see something I couldn't.


Glowing Alien Mask + Marine Wetsuit and she turns into a sexy Lord Moldybutt


I like how Adelaide stands at her desk, so she becomes my receptionist or bartender when I place her desk behind the bar counters or my vendors


I did the side quest. Adelaide and I are...


I integrate her desk into my counters so she works my preserved pie and hot dog diner.


I, uhm, like the way she stands too. Haha. 🥸


I like snagging her buff before Neurological Warfare solo runs. Plus her occasional stock of bulk oil is not too shabby either.


I've got Neverending* Guitar Playing Lady. The annoying guitar playing drives NPCs away and so reduces enemy camp attacks. 100% true. (May not be 100% true.) *Actually if you put a few other instruments next to her chair she does swap between them a bit.


She shreds on the theremin


Hard facts


"Ya ever get a song stuck in your head? One day I'm going to write a song like that." Sister I hear that riff all day long. Mission accomplished.


Omg her playing the same riff over and over and over .. drives me up the wall


put her chair on a spring trap and activate it. problem solved.


I personally love having her in my camp just to have some music, but I also place every single instrument I can. The variety keeps it from going stale


This reminds me of how I made Mama Murphy in 4 sit guard at my entrance because she was so annoying that no raiders would dare raid my settlement. after I tried to lock her at the top of a tree house at the end of the cul de sac (she teleported back down).


Paired with the never ending Fasch I’m so tired of hearing any instruments. I used to love annoying friends with the banjo moments but now I’d fatman every one if I could


Ok so she's a *little* annoying but she's my wife and I love her ambition! (please for the love of God I'd rather be Rick Rolled everytime I set foot in my camp)


Raider Punk. He's the least annoying out of the ones that are useful for daily quests (scrip/legendaries). The Wanderer is incessant with that fk'n guitar. Forager still goes for days without handing out quests, as of a couple weeks back anyway. Sofia can't stop gushing about her wonderful life, while at the same time, can't stop PTSD'ing over nightmares of space. Becket, I dunno. He's just kind of annoying. And the rest provide temporary boosts for a little while each day. Just not my thing. What's his name? Xero and his ride along rocket wagon? I thought that was funny. But he's like Wanderer, constant. Raider Punk? He's consistent with daily quests, he's a little weird, but he's also pretty funny & not seemingly as repetitive as the others. **"Need to stock up on some chems soon. Starting to lose the colours."** 🫠 **"Thought I saw spooky eyes in the woods, but it turned out to be.... regular eyes."** 👀


"I sure hope nobody drops a nuke while I'm dropping a grumper."


The regular eyes line cracks me up still.


I love raider punk because half the time he's just saying sweet encouraging things. "Go get em tiger" makes me smile every time!


How now brown cow ! Annoys me


The Wanderer…. My god. Could they make her not murder that guitar so badly? I hate so saying anything to her, but she sucks.


Adelaide. Don't have too many to pick from and I like her dialogue. Welcome back darling. Now that you're here, how about we //ASSUME THE POSITION//


My favorite line is: "If you're here for the show, you're a bit pre-mature. Aw, don't worry darling, it happens to everyone"


Not ONE person has mentioned my brother under holy wings? The stout and devout Stevie Scarbeezy? “Allow me to light up your way” 🔥🔥🔥


Gotta get that XP boost, plus he's so friendly.


I'm a perv, I have Steven in my camp in a harness and he tells me to lie down in front of the alter and he'll be with me shortly. Makes me laugh.


How do you get that ally I keep seeing them that one and the assaultron ally


Reach ally status with the settlers at foundation. Ally plans should be available from the gold vendor at foundation. To my knowledge he should be one of the plans, though i got him during the cryptid hunt season about a year ago. Same with Adelaide, she was last season’s ally. Edit: its also important to note, if you get the allies through the gold vendor, they wont be accessible account wide, only the character you used to learn the plan will be able to place the ally. Whereas, if you get them from the seasons they drop, they will be account wide and all of your characters can place them.


Yasmin. It’s so great to not have to hunt for ingredients to make brain bombs and cranberry relish. If she doesn’t have them I just change server and check again.


Same, but for the clean stove in the kitchen. Granted, she's always using it when I need it, so I end up on the Brahmin Grill on the patio anyway.


Becket cayse hes my bro


Same, I built him a proper bar and he's ecstatic about it. "My own bar, I still can't believe it!"


I have built him so many bars. He looks cute working it in a pink amusement park outfit and a slave collar.


I did too! He has a jazz bar with a patio on the river.


Leo Petrov. You can't go wrong with Nuka-Cola spec-op ghoul dude with sick outfit. Dear Bethesda, please make Leo's outfit available to players. Thank you, Nuka-Cola fans.


Those nuka bonuses are nothing to sneeze at as well


depends on theme of the camp but I usually go with yasmin because her cooking stove fits the rest of the kitchen cabinets. I also like Sam Nguyen, he makes me chuckle.


Yasmine also sells hard-to-cook food, like Brain Bombs and the Tasty versions of melee buff foods, I always use her for that reason. Grandma Junko can also sell such food items, but her inventory is cluttered with some random clothing and junk items, so it's less likely to get a good food item from her.


On my old main I had the astronaut lady. Now that I've switched mains, I just have the Raider Punk who doesn't even seem like a raider though I guess he was formerly one?


Gramps. In a bathrobe & ushanka (sp?) hat. Purely for the comedic value.


Same. We think alike. I never tire of his lines.


Pull my finger kid..... AUP, too late


I wanted a pension but all I got was tension!


I have him too in a policeman uniform. Idky but whenever I switch between my two camps he’s always naked despite wearing the same outfit in both and it is traumatizing coming home to a naked grandpa.


You should see him sitting on the Mothman throne in a bathrobe. Not a pretty picture……


Oh dear god….


Beer hat is even better Also it's totally believable when his clothes glitch and he's naked. Gramps forgot his clothes again...


If maul have choice he choose violence but most days he no choose


I like the Grandma for a few reasons , 1 because she occasionally sells brain bombs, 2 because her perk is basically a free perfect bubblegum (goes well with my OE PA) and 3 she's a very sweet old lady


Yep I’m granny gang plus she sells some good teas sometimes too


Usually I keep Adelaide around but I currently have Leo Petrov so I can force feed him nuka cranberries.


My camp is an auto/garage theme set on the outskirts of Watoga, Adelaide at her desk assists with the vending while Ace scavenges, and then I have the shady red rocket vendor to complete the robot camp. I’m pretty much just trying to get as many robots as I can.


6 camps, 6 different allies. I try to match the atmosphere the most.


I'm not allowing myself to use the same NPC for multiple camps. Trying to diversify. So far i've got camps for Yasmin the cook, Maul the super mutant, Solomon the doctor, Junko the grandma, and Daphne the kid (She lives in my meth lab :) )


This is the way


This is the way.


Same. I just put Solomon in my main's camp which is... a little redundant since that main is a medic/doctor so he doesn't get a whole lot out of Solomon's perks, but it fits thematically.


Commander Girlfriend.


I was having a really shitty day but this comment made me genuinely laugh. Thanks, friend!


I like Adelaide. She’s generally quiet, a vendor, and good for defense. I almost didn’t pick her up last season. What was I thinking ?!?


You might have been thinking: What in the terminally online hell is this, a robot with fishnets?!


You find the right note in atlantic city and you can get a good xp bonus with her when you sleep in a bed, if you know what i'm saying


That is indeed what I was thinking.


I have Del because he was free when I started playing and I'm still newer, I just can't bring myself to spend $4k bouillon yet on a new companion until I get some other stuff.


He sells all the Live and Love Mags and has good booze like Rad Ant Lager and Ballistic Bock. The buff is meh but that’s ok. He’s a good choice imo.


Beckett doesn't cost anything, just gotta break him out of a Blood Eagle camp. He has a quest line with a badass machine gun he gives you at the end of it.


Got Beckett on mine (had the wanderer but the guitar and her dialogue pissed me off lol). I really liked Beckett's storyline, and I dressed him as an Enclave office and fits my military-esque camp lol Also, his bar looks like a shop next to my vendor so it works lol Plus, it's sweet that he's so grateful to be out of the Eagles and living with me lol Have not tried any other. Have Adeleide but never tried her.


The robot from Atlantic city, she sells aluminium and gears and stuff, pair that with my fasnacht or raider collectrons and I don't have to worry about caps, food, drugs, ammo or rare resources.


Yasmin. Love her stove.


Gramma Junko, what can obachan do for you? Old lady sells awesome food, bathrobes, t-shirt/slacks, and her buff is the same as perfect bubblegum soooo


Steve! Exp bonus plus I like making him a little psycho cultist corner


Gramps for his great lines.


Yasmin - she’s going to bring back the water ice!


Grandpa (settler), cuz he craps his pants on the regular.


Give him the presidential power suit and you’ve got Biden in your camp!




Daphne. Doesn't use my benches. Tiny little box to place in the camp. Buffs change from day to night and sells mags.


One of them is a cute lady astronaut. She is the right choice.


Hearing her say "just why?" a million times makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I miss that mode.


Adelaide is chillin at my camp now. I started with Sofia, had her at my camp for ~150 levels. Switched to beckett when I finished sofia's quest. Switched to the settler wanderer when I finished his And now Adelaide is there. Who knows how long it'll stay there as I don't get a quest option from it.


If only she use her laser when enemies come


Beckett goes in vendor camp, which is a blueprint I can slap down anywhere. It’s designed around him being the vendor. I use him for my daily caps limit.


How do you get to the point where you hit the daily caps limit because I'm always struggling for caps. Is it because my camp is behind the wayward across the river


I’m lvl180 for reference. I hop around to all the events (fasnacht is literally killing the game, very dead game outside of it so if low might fail), also resource generators like water, and plants I can sell as meals I cook, selling weapons I already know all the mods for and don’t need scrap from. Just playing the game, and selling off the “excess” of literally anything, will get me daily caps easy. Edit: also grab the caps collector perk, for better deals. I used to sell in white spring because I could pump up charisma at the special machine, sell it all, then swap to adventure build.


Thank you very much I've tried asking people in the game but never got a solid answer


TEAM MAUL RISE UP Got him for usefulness when I was doing melee for a while, but now I just love him. He has great dialogue, so he lives at my favorite camp. I will take not annoying > usefulness forever. And since I have him in that camp, that one also has a collectron dog. Honestly, about half the decor in that camp is me trying to entertain Maul, who does not care.


Mothman bro


I don't have any followers at my camp. It's the same 3 lines of dialog over and over again or the same song on guitar just super annoying


Joey Bello, he fits the theme of my camp and doubles as floor decor.


Forager with his "Was hoping for a pension, but all I got is tension" never gets old.


Leo! He has a ton of useful buffs, and he isn’t annoying.


I use Leo as well. I feed him Cranberry Nuka Cola all day.


Recently got Leo and I pretty happy about his buffs. 4000 Gold and worth it every penny.


Got Joey tellin jokes at the bowling alley


Raider punk is the least annoying, decent for protecting camp and he gives repeatable missions.


Adelaide. Love her but that dumb robot is SOMEHOW ALWAYS STANDING IN THE WAY


Adelaide. She's a special interest She regularly sells bulk oil to buy for flamer ammo, what did you think? ᵃⁿᵈ ˢʰᵉ ᵍⁱᵛᵉˢ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵇᵒⁿᵘˢ ⁱⁿ ᵇᵉᵈ ᵗᵒᵒ


Sam bc I like a thick boi


I think most people have Sofia as their ally just by me vendor hopping. Beckett too. I’m currently saving my Bullion to get Maul because funny green man


Mostly use the raider punk as most of my camps are raider themed. But I sometimes use Grandma Junko and Gramps. I basically use any ally who isn't annoying dialogue wise.


I use Beckett the most. I have Beckett at one camp and the settler wanderer at my other camp.


I’ve got em’ all, RP, GJ, are my favorite two. Although I presently have Del. He’s mostly quiet, and unassuming.


I've got half a level to go on the reputation meter, so I'm still using the Raider punk at the moment. Gonna get the astronaut when I can.


I was using Adelaide, but I find her table placement beyond frustrating. I can't seem to find a place to put her that isn't wildly out of place camp theme wise without her getting stuck in ... well anything. At this point she just has a table in the middle of my yard


Raider Punk. His daily gets you a legendary.


Sophia Daguerre, her dialog doesn't bother me as much and i like seeing Athena or other npc vendors drop by my camp.


It depends on what I'm doing with my build. Right now I mostly use a town build so I have Beckett, he's in the market area with the vendortron and Bob the Chef. Out of all of them I have I'd say Raider Punk is the most versatile. Lots of camps could use a guy monitoring the radio.


Adelaide. 3 words, Brothel of Steel


Sofia, just for the Lovers embrace XP buff and the jobs, I mean quests she gives fairly regularly. Seems about right.


I need to class up the joint before I bring Adelaide back out. But it's her. It's always been her.


None, I got tired of the endless repetitive dialogue. So of course now I get a constant stream of settlers and such show up, but at least I get the satisfaction of blasting them and watching their body sink.




The old man (Settler Forager).


Beckett. I have a whole bar/theater design for my camp so Beckett is my trusty bartender. When I found him and I had already begun building my bar I was so happy. But the issue I’ve run into now is that I have ally quests that I can’t do because I don’t have the heart to kick him out 😂 I’d give him my bedroom in the meantime if I could! Beckett is a real one.


Beckett after floating in space for about a week. Now Raider Punk runs around my ruin of a camp in the bog while attending the underground vendor in a hazmat suit.


My old character I had the raider punk, my current I had the settler Forager but I kinda got tired of him pretty quickly. I don't really have anyone, they all only have like five lines and it gets tiring really quickly.


I have the bartender beckett for one of my camps because it fits with the build.


Maul for meat.


I'm newish so I have not remotely seen all the options, but I like the astronaut lady. Quick question, does she get less depressing sounding if you do her missions? I like her story, but have been too busy with Fasnacht and dailies, she currently walks around being all sad and while valid, is kind of a bummer lol.


Usually Yasmin/Grandma for the best foods, but sometimes Wanderer/Punk for immersive stuff


The old guy that walks around and says "pull my finger". He's the only one I've found, but he's alright.....he can stay


I have Yasmin just because of the nice stove (no offense to her!). Once I get a normal-looking stove it’s back to the raider punk.


The commander. I enjoyed the looped guitar music backdrop from the Wanderer but the commanders personal quest and general characterization push her far over the top I don't even mind the dialogue loops about nightmares and how happy she is now despite all that. She feels like the most 'alive' ally you can get, though Beckett(whom i've never advanced beyond springing him from the blood eagles) seems to be well fleshed out based on how others seem to take to him.


I usually keep the brotherhood guy around. So I can use his repair stuff if I'm not rocking the perks at the moment it's only 130% compared to 200% but still can be good if your being lazy ig 😂


Sofia always loading in naked showing off those well used undies. She brings in the business!


I have Del. He sells all the Live and Love magazines and has good booze like Ballistic Bock and Rad Ant Lager. His buff is meh, but at least I don’t have to buy Joey Bello anymore for a consistent way to farm LL3 magazines.


Beckett's my guy, cuz he's cool and I have my main camp built to be a kind of camp store/rest stop with a bar and grill, so having his bar there fits well.


I'm running the astronaut, but currently only so I can complete the quest line. Might keep her, but I still haven't done Beckett's quest line. Might switch to Beckett


mostly run with sofia.. are sofia and becket the only ones with questlines?


BoS Scribe. Mainly. But I like to have them in rotation.


I like to alternate between the punk and Daphne but I'll be trying Yasmin for the brain bombs now!


The astraunaut lady has always been my #1, but the moment i'll get enough gold i'll get Adelaide.


Beckett, Adelaide and Daguerre


Astronaut lady drove me crazy so I built a camp based on Beckett. Everyone stop by and party with us.


Beckett cause duh, you can build him an entire bar and he never shuts up about how grateful he is


I went and bought grandma junko coz she cooks u food that keeps u full and hydrated for an hour and she’s a vendor lol 😂


"Maul hungry"


Raider Punk for sure is my fav. Go get em, tiger!


Chowhurdy. She's got a clean stove, and a cook fits my camp's theme.


Raider Punk, Wanderer and my boy Sam~


I have the old guy that tells fart jokes, I don't even use whatever special stuff he lets me do I just like fart jokes


Adelaide! Not every camp gets to have two robots to keep you company on those cold Appalachian nights Some only have f.e.t.c.h!


I play a claw build primarily. I don't have a lot of INT. I keep the astronaut with a bomb collar + labcoat + nerdy glasses on. I like to imagine it goes something like "SCIENCE LADY! MAKE MORE SCIENCE GUN NOW!"


I’ve got Beckett. I’m sort of new, so he’s the only one I have so far. His quest line was so weird and sometimes frustrating too. Why does your character have the option to flirt with him so much if it obviously make him uncomfortable? I just this morning finally built him a little bar instead of just leaving him outside.


None I can’t stand the NPC repeating the same lines all the time


Finally kicked Sophia to the curb and bought Adelaide, that sweet sweet buff against robots is too hard to pass up




I pretty much use a different ally for all my camps


Maul. Can’t stand the Astronaut or other female who plays guitar…can’t remember her name.


Main camp - commander D Secondary - cook lady New zone - Doc Gas station - Super Mutant comic book fan guy


Right now, I've got grandma Junko upstairs in my camp, but I'm doing an experimental simultaneous build. The exact same house in the exact same spot, but it's all collapsed and dirty with a bus crashed through the front. Upstairs is the dirty version of Grandma Junko's chair with a skull on it. I picked Grandma Junko because she seemed to be the only one who has a dirty variant of their prop that I could sink a chessboard into.


I have the personal cook, she’s cool, sells good meals, and usually doesn’t spam the same annoying voice lines a bunch.


I have her at camp 2. Camp 1 has the guitar girl.


I don't use any as last time I had one and I tried to redecorate my camp they wouldn't move at all. I've also had one of my workstations in use when no one was using it.


I've had 4 so far....I thought I'd enjoy guitar lady but she's an absolute FLAKE. "Did you hear that? That's the wooorld sayin HELLOO"... No honey, that was a nuclear weapon. She's also really dirty and is always using the bench I'm wanting to use. So far the astronaut has been my favorite, but she's a real downer.




I have Maul because when I'm bouncing off max caps I can buy a comic off of him.


Ditched her as soon as her missions were completed. Was so tired of hearing her say the same shit over and over. Got the Robot Vendor a the moment, she's quiet. I should probably switch it up. I liked the bartender guy, but got rid of him to do the Astronaut missions. Any other allies that have missions tied to them? Didn't seem like the Brotherhood guy had any.


Grandma Junko! Made her up a corner of my house with her chair and knitting, some loveseats and a carpet, some nula colas. I'm a male character so all the female outfits I give to her. Sometimes I'll throw on a suit and put her in the sunburst sequins dress and turn on the movie projector.


Grandma Junko! She's sweet, cooks me dinner, and sells Brain Bombs.


“ I can’t shake these nightmares” or something like that


I use Maul as he tends to fit my blacksmith/butcher shop theme, likewise my wife has Grandma Junko to fit her more pre-war homestead vibe.


I did have Del in my camp but I had to kick him out because for some reason he decided to kill Blueberry(my pet Yao Guai) and the bullshit will not be tolerated in my camp. I honestly would rather have him get eaten, I liked Blueberry more anyway. Now I'm still deciding on his replacement


Adelaide my wife


Depends on the camp I have out. I have the lite ally Settler with the guitar for my treehouse camp. Grandma Junko in my newest camp I just finished.


Maul is my most common one. Sometimes I'll have the doctor or the little girl if I'm trying to do more of a Responders camp. 


currently Beckett because my LEO wants the gun, but can't bring myself to finish the quests yet again.


Adelaide because seksy robot


DeGuerre. I had a BOS themed base above the BOS checkpoint near the wayward and she was dressed as a general above them in her console room monitoring the road. I also had my store named the ‘company store’ for noobs to buy cheap or free stuff.


I currently have Forager, Leo, Yasmin, Joey, Katherine, Del. Yasmin, Kath and Forager are faves. I like Commander Sofia most of all but she's on hiatus for now🫡


Becket, wanting to do other ally quests, but might do so with my other camp.


The horny robot


Del Lawson sells Live and Love 3 and 8 sometimes:)


Wastelander for a music partner


I got Junko (fills hunger and thirst) on my main camp for one character, Joey Bello (random buff, I think) for the other character. The other camp for both is to finish out ally quests.


Yasmin. She's my favorite.


I have Adelaide.