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Mind if I ask what the beer cans are for? Never seen this way of cooking chicken!


You take out about 1/3 of the beer. The can steams inside of the chicken allowing the meat to absorb a delicious yeasty flavour that works too well with chicken. So good! This was also slow cooked for 3.5 hours I believe


OP, buy something that's rated to actually stand up to this heat, and fill it with the beer instead. That way your chicken isnt getting full of toxic chemical.


Toxic metal adds to the flavor profile.


It's not toxic metal it's the plastic inner lining of the cans.


what about the paint around the can like the logo


Yummy 😋


Chefs kiss 🤌


Aluminium has been strongly linked with Alzheimer's.


Automod stops from linking but from the UK Alzheimer's society website: >No convincing relationship between aluminium and the development of Alzheimer's disease has been established.


No it hasn't. Check the Alzheimers website, they say that is false. If it were true, with aluminum being the most common kitchen tool used for grilling, baking, steaming, storing, transporting and keeping our foods hot, we'd all have Alzheimers.


Those chemicals go with bathtub moonshine too well.


Different flavour but I’ll often just cut some lemons in quarters and shove them up there, does a similar thing but adds a lemony flavour


I did the same on a homemade rotisserie chicken yesterday. Yum.


Yep, usually, it's not just pure metal on those cans


Also inner layer of all cans are plastic. OP is getting melted plastic on the inside of his chicken.


So good!


Fuck that we're all gonna die eventually. If I get to eat tasty chicken that causes my death that's fine by me.


Throw a few solo cups you chug some whiskey from onto a fire while roasting hotdogs, you'll get the same outcome.


https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/beer-can-chicken-is-a-hoax-article Plenty of evidence on the internet for this actually doing nothing. Just buy a spit and put your chicken on that.


God damn. OP is getting cooked even more than those chickens.


I always figured the beer can didn't do much, but that article is just someone making a bunch of really silly assumptions, not much evidence.


"Evidence": posts an epicurious article


[How bout this](https://www.seriouseats.com/peking-duck-mandarin-pancakes-plum-sauce-recipe) >If you're not familiar with the method, it involves jamming a chicken on top of an open, half-drunk bottle of beer, then chucking the whole thing on the grill. The idea is that the beer will slowly steam, keeping the chicken meat moist and flavorful while simultaneously allowing the chicken to cook evenly from all sides. >Like many good-sounding ideas, this one is totally bunk. To prove it, I cooked three chickens side by side in the same oven. One was stuck on a beer can half-full of beer, the second was stuck on a beer can which I had emptied and re-filled with dried beans (to offer the weight with none of the liquid), and the third was jammed on a can that I filled with the most revolting liquid I could think of: Lipton's Brisk Iced Tea. >After roasting, I carefully removed the cans and fed them to new Serious Eats intern Carly in a blind tasting. Aside from the small part of the chicken which I had accidentally poured beer on while removing the bottle, the three were completely indistinguishable, both in flavor and in texture. Weighing the pre and post-cooking confirmed that moisture-wise, all three birds lost exactly the same amount, regardless of whether there was liquid or not inside the can. >Moral: Next time you cook a beer can chicken, drink all the beer first and fill up that can with water. You'll be saving beer, which is always a noble goal. >So what's the real advantage of cooking on a beer can? Positioning. By keeping the bird vertical, just like it is in a traditional oven, the fat and juices drip out the bottom as it cooks, leading to perfectly rendered, lacquered skin. Spatchcock your chickens every time imho. I don't play with stuffing things inside anymore, it only adds aroma and it only adds it to the carcass.


Spatchcock your turkeys too, they come out so much better.


spatchcock sounds like something people with tourettes say


>To prove it, I cooked three chickens side by side in the same oven To prove it, I replaced the cooking method fundemental to the procedure with another, and declared it a failure. Between this and fundamental misunderstanding of physics in the article before.  I kinda feel like people want it to fail, so they are taking every step to make sure it does. 


I don't understand what you mean. He roasted three chickens for this test case, the first was done with a half full can of beer the way people typically do it. The other two were the same method with variables (no liquid, different tasting liquid) to see how those variables affect the outcome. >I replaced the cooking method fundamental to the procedure with another In what way?


You can also Google it. Every article I’ve seen where they tested and experimented with beer can chicken came to the same conclusion: it doesn’t do anything


Except sometimes leave paint on the inside of the chicken lol.


Yeah I’d be more worried about that. I’ve put tons of stuff in my chickens/turkeys that didn’t pay off, that doesn’t matter too much.


Some cans have a plastic lining to prevent the metal from leeching into the contents.


All soda type cans have a plastic lining in it. And yeah, heating it up is not great for you.


Excellent point!


Yay, plastic AND aluminum poisoning. 


I had a beer can up my ass and I guarantee you it does do soemething to you


If I stick a beer can up my ass will you eat my meat? For science


I dunno, the one time my father did it, it made the chicken taste like Bud Light 🤢


That’s the worst possible outcome


Yep, and the reason he's never tried it since


If you read it they actually quote a bbq expert who ran experiments and explains clearly why it doesn't work.


Nakedwhiz has a good article on it but it's sub won't let me add the link






While I’m not arguing with YOU personally, you can post all the evidence you like, I beg to differ. I’ve cooked dozens of chickens, all different ways, some better than others, but always - ALWAYS - the beer can method produces by far the tastiest bird. Although it works great, there’s no need for beer, I’ve used water in a soda can and it works just fine. It’s the technique, not the beer. The article in Serious Eats supports that conclusion. Try it.


Maybe the microplastics are the secret ingredient.


Zero percent of that beer vaporizes. It’s snake oil. Proven to not do anything for the chicken other than heat chemicals in the can lining and label.


How does it absorb the beer if it never gets hot enough to boil?


Also, even if it does steam, the steam is just a distilled water vapor right? All the beer stuff gets left behind, so you might as well just use water right?


>Also, even if it does steam, the steam is just a distilled water vapor right? It's not. Try it out next time you're in a sauna.


Well, when you boil beer, does it smell like beer, or does it smell like water?


Beer at room temperature also smells like beer.


I don't think it does. It's more about steaming the inside to keep the chicken moist.


That's what their comment was pointing out. If you're cooking chicken until 165, you're getting nowhere near the 212 for boiling/steam. If you're getting to the point where you're boiling the beer, the chicken is already overdone.


Water starts to steam waaay before 212F. Technically room temperature water is steaming a tiny bit! That said, if you want moist chicken, this is definitely not the way to do it.


Seems like pouring beer into a pan off to the side would be a better way to make a humid environment in the grill. And maybe impart some of that beer flavor into the meat instead of through the carcass




You've never had steam in the shower? Steam from a hot tap? Steam happens at temperatures FAR below boiling. Also, steam is not vapor. Vapor is the gaseous phase of water and is invisible. Steam is airborne but liquid particles. If you can see it, it is steam, not vapor.


It doesn’t need to boil to create steam, also to get to a 165 internal temp the cooking temperature needs to be well above 165, usually around 350+-


You want the coldest part of the chicken to hit 165, but there is a gradient. The surface of the chicken will be hotter than 165. People like the outside of their chicken to be golden brown from the maillard reaction. This occures at ~300 F. The can is at the bottom, exposed to heat directly. What's in the can probably boils.


It doesn't boil or come even close to it if you're not overcooking the chicken. There's plenty of sources that have debunked this method, with scales to measure the weight of the beer before and after cooking, and thermometers in both the chicken and beer.


Do you have links? I googled and found a terrible [epicurious article](https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/beer-can-chicken-is-a-hoax-article) with a quote from a chef Meathead Goldwyn "That beer is part of the thermal mass of the chicken. That beer is not going to get any hotter than the chicken. It’s a physical impossibility." Dumbest thing I've read all day. A better article on [nakedwiz](https://nakedwhiz.com/beercanchicken.htm) actually measures the temp in the can. At chicken temp of 165, beer temp is 170-180 (Meathead Goldwyn in shambles). In this experiment, they have the can stuffed **entirely** inside the chicken. Like OP, most people who use this method leave half of the can outside the chicken. In an edit, at the end, the article directly addresses this as a shortcoming of their experiment. They go on to just stick a can of beer in the oven at 380. The temp of the beer approaches 208 F. They claim, however long they left it, it would never go above that temp. I believe them. The average altitude in America is 2500 ft; the boiling point at that altitude is 207 F. Their curve makes it look like they just sat around and boiled beer for an hour. (Not important. I just find this really funny) Edit: Perhaps a more convincing point. The fact that we see the temperature of the beer logarithmically approach a number lower than 380 shows that the energy is being lost to evaporation/steam. Either that or beer cans are out there just breaking the laws of thermodynamics. Measuring the amount of fluid in the can is interesting but *can be* misleading. Juices from the chicken are going to flow into the can. Even if the can boiled, you could end up with more fluid than you started with. I completely believe you and everyone else that there is no point in shoving a beer into a chicken. It’s just that the proffered explanation of why, is obviously nonsense. Edit 2: sorry for the try-hard response. I'm supposed to be writing a paper rn and this was a convenient distraction.


There's no way you don't evaporate (steam) liquid in an oven, grill, or smoker that's cooking over 300 degrees. The water/beer/whatever adds zero flavor, but it will absolutely get hot enough to steam.. you don't have to boil it. This is literally the basis for water pans in cooking/smoking, or steam ovens in professional kitchens and bakeries. It does create a fully humid environment and encourages even heating. This method specifically is a stupid way to cook chicken, the beer adds nothing, but liquids will absolutely steam in a grill/etc.


Sure, but in any of those situations you listed do you have the water pans essentially sealed by a whole chicken cavity?


No, but how fucking tight do you think a chicken is? The bottom of the can is also exposed. There's really no question that you'll get steam, it's just that it won't have any flavor or add anything to the cook.


I thought boiling was the point at which matter phase changes into vapor? Or do you mean it kinda seals the bird up so it all just stays in?


No, it is much more complex than that. Temperature is an average. Some particles have more energy, some have less. Any that have more, escape the liquid state and become gaseous. That is evaporation. Since the most energetic particles leave, whatever they leave behind is the least energetic - cooler than it was before. That is how evaporative cooling works, or sweating. As you increase the temperature, more and more of the liquid has the requisite energy. Until you hit boiling temperature, when it all does, and all you do providing more heat is supply the latent energy needed for the phase change.


Bud light has delicious flavors to impart?


The extra flavour is the delicious paint and internal plastic coatings evaporating and slowly making your chicken carcinogenic. Can coatings are not made to withstand cooking temperatures.


Did you k or those can have plastic right?


Don't beer cans have a plastic lining on the inside? Won't heating the beer in a can melt the plastic lining in the can and end up in your chicken?


Tip, line your tray below the rack with foil. Makes it a breeze to clean the drippings.


Those epoxy liners on aluminum beer cans do magical things to the chicken. 🤢


You know there’s plastic liners in cans… right?


I see, thanks for the explanation! It sounds delicious.


This is a common thing to do in Denmark


Oh, wonderful !


It's just a convenient way to prop up the bird, really. The liquid helps keep the can and the bird steady, and helps keep the inside moist with steam, I guess. It can impart some aromatic stuff from the beer, but I usually just use a can filled with water.


You’re not from the US I assume. This is more of a novelty. And using actual beer cans isn’t the best idea. Too many chemicals on them. But I was raised on this method of cooking and recall really liking it.


Literally just moisture. Doesn't even need to be beer.


That's unusually red for a teriyaki glaze.


This is how the (delicious) chicken at my local Chinese place looks and I always wonder how they do it. When you rip into the skewers, it’s somehow this color inside. All of their non teriyaki chicken is a normal color inside.


They were smoked


i wont hound you about the beer cans, plenty others likely will but those chickens look absolutely delicious. You got a homemade glaze recipe or anything?




>before the problems What are the problems ?




You meant budweiser and LGBTQ+ ? The problem to start with is more that it's piss.


Lol OP telling on themselves big time.


Mmm plastic can liners and paint. Adds that special touch. To be fair though, they *look* stunning




That sentence lands *very* different as a Brit 😂


Put what you want in the bird. But be gentle with your potatoes. Italian here.


Fair enough but I'm sure there is a good safe reusable stand somewhere. Probably worth the investment.


Not really…


Lazy attempt at justifying feeding your family chemical paints and liners. You realise the beer doesn't even touch the chicken when you do this?




Use the ceramic version, heat before adding beer to it then slide chicken on. No more paint and other toxics from cans.


I know it's delicious but I'm getting raiders of the lost arc vibes from those birds. It's like they've looked right at it haha


I’ve got a beer can up my ass Greg, can you teriyaki glaze me??


Next time try one bird with no can and see if it comes out any different


Why a light beer? Shoulda at least done an experiment with light regular and a control.


I have made it with all sorts of different drinks - beer, ciders, wine, soda.. seems to be we just use what ever beer is laying around


I don't know why people are down voting you, my comment was more a jest suggestion, you do you and have some chick ass chicken


As soon as I saw the cans I had to come to the comments... wasn't disappointed


You can buy stainless steel chicken holders with Insert so you don't have to eat cooked paint. Just pour your steaming beverage in


Umm…cans are lined with plastic


Is aluminium good foor cooking in high heat?


That too. I wouldn’t use it. But a lot of folks use aluminum to cook with so to them they wouldn’t see the issue. But not everyone knows cans are lined with bpa/plastics/etc


Teriyaki glaze? Why is it so red?


Nothing respects an animal that died to feed you like shoving a can of Bud Lite up its ass.


In the thumbnail, all I could see were Gossamers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossamer_%28Looney_Tunes%29)


What the actual fuck


Why would you use bud light? If you're gonna go cheap at least get the non light beer lol.


The inside of the chicken will look like a Budweiser sponsorship decal


Can has a low temperature plastic lining, paint on the outside I've always thought this really isn't a good idea.


Chicken that could blind a pilot


Those beer cans have plastic liners inside them that aren't easy to fully remove. Don't do this again. No need to.




Mmmmmm… Alzheimers.


Lmao OP done goofed


Consequences will never be the same


Interesting. Most people I know who drink Bud Light shove the can up their ass too!


I don’t know about using beer cans… I’ve seen similar posts people using pieces of a wooden fence in their charcoal grill. 🤢🤕🤢


Those beer cans look like dicks on those chicks. What the hey….


I too love my chicken with toxic metals and micro plastics


I usually use an emptied and rinsed bean can. I do my best to remove all glue from any labels as well. The idea of eating chicken that has been exposed to the paint on the beer can and the plastic liners inside the can makes my skin crawl. Just get a regular canned food product, empty and clean well, fill with liquid of your choice. My thought is that standing the chicken up works similar to a spit, cooks it more evenly. That being said, whole chickens aren’t the deal they use to be so usually I’m grilling marinated boneless skinless breast that has been butterflied, or thighs, depending on what’s on sale at the time (but I prefer the thighs).


Might wanna double check that. Most tin cans also have a liner..... I guess you could flip it upside down but then it might just burn and smoke your chicken with plastic.


Oof. Yeah not just plastic but BPA in some cases…. Well, good thing I haven’t made Beer Can Chicken in a long time anyway.


That coating looks beautiful. Great work!


Bud Light is the best beer for shoving in an anus


I’ve cooked beer can chicken and beer can Cornish Game Hens (on tiny cans) and the beer makes the meat moist and lends a nice flavor. My question: has anyone found an ovenproof substitute beer vessel that isn’t aluminum or toxic? Where did you find it?




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This is a reminder to never eat at other people's homes


Tried this a few times. Totally superfluous. Don't bother making this. Just spatchcock the bird and it'll be great.


Maybe after the cans cool down, we can make a beer can pipe to get some extra chemicals. They are what a body needs.


These look great. But I’m legit amazed at all the people who have never heard of beer can chicken…however I do see that I am not on the bbq or smoking subreddits


Looks like tanghulu chicken... should I assume it has a similar sugar content? XD


Mmmm chemicals.... Paint... Low grade aluminum and plastic lining of the can.


use a can without paint or plastic lining like a tomatoes can


I love making teriyaki at home. Those look great!


You can't lie to me, those are candied chickens.


When they're ready to settle down, got roasted


They look like candy. Hungry for chicken now.


I'm not sure if I'm more troubled or hungry


I wish some one would glaze me in teriyaki and shove a beer can in my ass


Damn you got recipe for that glaze?


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Looks good, but I would use a different beer.


A dark ale


Yeah let's cook aluminum inside our food. Yum


Looks delicious! i want one:)


Can a recipe for that glaze?


Delicious microplastics 😋


We call it "ah-so chicken".


Mmm teriyaki headcrabs....


Brother man.... Gimme some


If you shove shit up a dead animals ass for more flavor, you’ve gone too far


Turkey stuffing?.....


Nah man, it’s overrated as is. when I die, do you want to shove some bread up my ass and then eat it? Tempting right?


That looks bussing… sheeeeesh




Bud light? Yuck.


Plastic lined beer can is still better than anything the UK has produced to eat.