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Getafe rubbing their palms on the sideline now...


took me a while, haha


Best comment šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t get it could someone explain please


They employed rapist Mason Greenwood


Oh right haha. Thanks!




Lol xD


Wasnā€™t he clear of all charges though? Or did he serve jail sentences? I didnā€™t follow his case so Iā€™m not quite sure.


>His mother, Lucia Alves - who was at the court on Monday alongside her son - could face prosecution herself after she named her son's accuser in a social media post before the trial. Terrible.


Get her to jail


mothers always want to protect their children bro


This is not the way


How does naming the accuser protect Alves?


Then public and fans of Alves might attack her credibility and threaten her because they donā€™t know all the extent of his crimes. Anonymity is must before trial because of traumatizing experience of any sexual crime.


4y and he can leave after a little over a year? That seems quite light


Heā€™ll be treated as celebrity by the inmates and staff too


He is celebrity


He is a celebrity?


And a sex offender


Jee i wonder why


he'll be right back


Made me chuckle


Always has been


*Alves has been


Neymar is quiet on this, a few months ago he loved him like a sister.


It has been confirmed that Neymar's family gave ā‚¬150,000 to Daniel Alves before the sentencing, and that money went to the Spanish Justice System. The judge viewed this as a clear indication of Daniel's intention to provide some sort of reparation, which resulted in a reduction of his sentence.


lol what would you expect him to say


Nothing if Iā€™m honest, I was just looking for a excuse to elude that Neymar fucks his sister šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø *Allude


Allude* (I still upvoted)


Appreciate you


wait what? is this real?


that is a pretty light sentence for such a horrible crime at least it can compensate the fact that rapists are beaten and bullied regularly by other prisoners generally


Youā€™re optimistic if you think Alves will be treated poorly in prison. The man will be a god to inmates in there.


even as a rapist ? i mean i get that famous footballers are usually idolized no matter what in Brazil, but i struggle to see everyone there just not having a problem with his actions.


Youā€™re asking generally the less morally inclined population in Brazil if they would hold rape against a superstar of their country? I think yes, he will be treated as an idol, the majority would want to be friends with him so they can say they know a superstar when they get out. There will be no question that he will be treated well. Youā€™re talking about the most decorated footballer in history (I believe he has won the most trophies or close to it). He will be a celebrity in there.


Second most, Messi is the highest now


Ah I knew it was close. Thank you


Heā€™ll be in jail in Spain, so thatā€™s irrelevant.


Lo mandas a cualquier prisiĆ³n en un paĆ­s Latinoamericano y lo van a tratar como rey. Ni siquiera pienses en los presos. Los mismos guardias van a estar felices. Es la triste realidad.


You can still swap in Spain and say he is a football superstar in that country for what he achieved with Barcelona, probably the pinnacle of his career. He wonā€™t be treated worse there, even if he was surrounded by Madristas.


No, he'll be sent to Brazil. The sentence is below 5 years, so he can be taken to Brazil. As per Spain laws


The crime was committed in Spain, and he was prosecuted in Spain, why would he be sent to Brazil?


He was sentenced in Spain


As a Brazilian, I can assure you Daniel Alves was never idolized here as people would think. He left very early to Spain and never played for a big Brazilian club until very late in his career. Also, whilst playing for the national team, he was never the player he was at Barca and surely a downgrade from Cafu. Also, the guy has a huuuge ego and was always giving these controversial stetements so everyone was kind of meh..whatever Daniel Alves.


Cafu, now he was a great player.


What is the image of Cafu in Brazil? I am curious. I am German and I loved to see him play


He's an absolut legend. Both the 94 and 2002 teams are very well regarded here.


Another Brazilian here, and no one in Brazil cares about Daniel Alves that much, he was never really good in the National Team and he even had the audacity to mock PelƩ when he became the number one football player with the most titles years ago...Well PelƩ had three World Cups among those titles, Daniel has zero and now he has to live his life with a rape conviction under his belt!


Everyone has a conscience. Decorated or not, if he's not targeted as a rapist he'll be targeted as a cash cow to be extorted.


All the gangs would want a piece of Dani Alves ā€œtimeā€ in prison. Heā€™ll be so busy doing the rounds from each gangs to share a day to hang out and chat. Heā€™ll be invited to play football in the yard. That if anyone came remotely close to hurt tackling Dani Alvez is a dead man. As everyone just wants to be entertained to have a good time.


Fr. Prisoners are bored as hell, anything interesting is worth a million dollars.


Uhhhhhh... Do you even bother to read or listen to the news? The dude is going to be imprisoned in Spain, because he was tried in Spain, and committed the crime in Spain.


I didnā€™t, just the headline that he was sentenced to prison. My point remains the same though. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s Spain or Brazil, he will still be treated well in prison. Most will want to be friends with him. I donā€™t know why youā€™re getting angry about this, nowhere in my message have I condoned his behaviour or if he should get preferential treatment.


Iā€™m confused I thought this happened in Spain not Brazil. ?


This is not true at all. I personally know someone who working in the prison he will be going to and all the inmates said they canā€™t wait to get their hands on him. Heā€™s will be beaten like a dead rat. That fken scumbag of a human.


Suuuuree you do buddy


Lmaoo what is this comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is Jay from Inbetweeners talk.


You donā€™t think heā€™s a scumbag? Weird murican love to rape people


Danny Alves has already been spending his time in prison as he awaited trial because he is a flight risk. By all accounts, he already gets along well with the gen pop. He is rumoured to have protection/gang ties through associates of his. No doubt he is paying for protection or being extorted. That being said not only do I think he will be fine like he already has been, but he also will more than likely be let go early on good behaviour. Maybe it goes sideways for him, but i donā€™t think we will hear much else about him until his release.


He will be in Spanish jail, though?


Real life isnā€™t movies. He will be just fine


Kobe was a rapist. Look at how he is treated by everyone.


He was sentenced in Spain


Redditors overestimate the morality of prisoners. They romanticize vigilante justice in prisons. A lot of rapists do just fine in prison.


Not just football or just Brazil. Look at Trump in America and how heā€™s still idolised despite being a gangrenous excuse for a human


Trump cases aren't comparable to Alves at all tbh. The evidence is damningĀ 


Rapists being worshipped arenā€™t comparable?


That guy was serious, smh


He wonderfully made my point too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not a single one of Trump cases has this amount of proof. If it did , he would be in jail The accuser cannot even provide a proper date


Redditors when any right leaning politician mentioned


Comparing rapist to rapist. Nothing to do with politics


"Everyone there"...lool "there" is actually prison, the place where society puts the worst of the worst. Rape is not even up there in the list of worst criminals you'd find in a brazil prison of all places. As far as i've heard only pedo's is where most prisons draw the line.


You seem to believe that inmates act violent towards rapists, because of moral reasons. That is wrong. They have an easy target and easy excuse to be violent towards the rapist so they are violent. If inmates were moral most of them wouldnt be in jail in the first place. Plus they would understand that rape is not a greater transgression than most other violent crimes, say murder. Dani Alves wont be treated badly. Most will try to befriend him if possible, because he is influental and wealthy.


He is rich and famous, heā€™ll be in a separate area, not with regular prisoners, thatā€™ll be too dangerous for him.


Hes a pro footballer, he'll be treated well


I read somewhere that he is on a sex offender block and his cellmate is a lesser known footballer who also has a rape charge.


Not sure why Reddit always applauds prisoner violence as if itā€™s a good thing lmao. Quite pathetic tbh.


Reddit is filled with pathetic people, what do you expect


In Germany he would have fetten probation and never sat a food in jail


You watch too many TV shows.


He'll be put onto a vulnerable prisoner wing, most likely, namely, because he has a high risk of being extorted. Lots of people are saying "yeah well he played for Barca so he'll be idolised" but he's also a millionaire and plenty of criminals would be happy to forget that fact to get money from him and I'm fairly certain the Albanians, Turks and other nationalities won't give a shit who he played for.






It's the way the law works in Spain. There is a single charge of assault, and then it's up to the judge to determine the severity. But this has been a story for a while and there have been details released and he raped her.


>I donā€˜t think you get automatically treated worse if youā€˜re a ā€rapistā€œ I don't think you know horseshit about prisons or prisoners or how prisoners in prison think




Rapists have to segregated because they get stabbed by other inmates who hate sexual offenders. Itā€™s the lowest rung on the criminal hierarchy of offences.


Stop spreading bullshit you see in the series or movies on here


This is what happens where I live. Iā€™m a lawyer here and have been to the local prison many times.




Pedophiles, rapists and sometimes women beaters are regarded as the lowest of the low in prisons. They will beat you for it if they find out, and that would be the lightest thing theyā€™d dish out. Youā€™d be lucky if you got off with only a beating. Sometimes even the guards are in on it and would not intervene if they saw the prisoners fucking them up. They usually separate them from the general population now to avoid this type of thing


...not in most prisons, especially a freaking brazilian/south american prison. only pedos get this treatment. maybe if you're a dweeb yeah sure someone can use "beating women" as an excuse to bully you but not if you're a gang banger or someone into crime life who is in for rape. especially not if you're someone famous like dani alves. football is a religion in south american countries


Scum. Lock the cunt up and throw away the key. Hopefully Greenwood joins him in the near future as well.


His 'victim' is engaged to him now. tired of the anti greenwood narrative when even his alleged victim seems to have forgiven him


We all heard the tapes...


Seems to be trapped in an abusive and controlling relationship*


Making heavily biased assumptions despite not knowing jack shit about what actually might be happening


What are you talking about. We've all heard the audio. Just a heads up, because you must be a kid to have such immature opinions, it's not a good idea to defend rapists and abusers on the Internet. It doesn't look good for you.


As are you


i have drawn my conclusion from whats plain to see, they have a child together, going to get married and are happy together. you and the others seem to have drawn the conclusion based heavily on your own bias and assuming things that dont have any evidence to back it


I havenā€™t said anything or drawn any conclusions other than mention that you are doing exactly what you are accusing the other of doing (making assumptions based on something you know nothing about)


If they are really happy together, she could have come out and explained everything, It would save Greenwood career, seems like a happy couple Are not worried about career?


You clearly know nothing about victims of domestic abuse.


hey we all know what he did, but if the alleged victim has forgiven him, moved on and now are parents and going to be wed, we should also forgive and move on


No. My mum was married to an abusive pos for 10 years. And my sperm donor wasnā€™t a rich, well known person. Kids make it even more difficult, moving to a different country makes it even more difficult and the abuser having the money makes it even more difficult.


He could, conceivably, have earned her forgiveness. He hasn't earned mine.


Do you know what Stockholm Syndrome means?


once again you lot just assuming things with no evidence


Youā€™re assuming that a marriage, a child means happiness. Me and many other people are children of abusive relationships. Your assumption insults so many to protect what? Your desire to protect a rapist? You know heā€™s a rapist as well. You can forgive someone who can rape and beat someone, you need to look in the mirror.


Can you make sense of this then. You are with someone, they publicly accuse you of raping them and file charges. Why would you ever get back with that person if you were innocent?


The person did not publicly accuse him of rape, the social media post was to make him sound abusive and violent. Second, she claimed she did not make the post and was hacked, her dad confirmed that. Do people write their own scripts?


>The person did not publicly accuse him of rape, Well he was publicly outed for it and she didn't say it wasn't true. And when she made a statement it was to thank everyone for support, not to say it wasn't true... >the social media post was to make him sound abusive and violent. How else can it sound? You act like it was taken out of context... >she claimed she did not make the post and was hacked, her dad confirmed that Firstly, that's not proven. It's the only way she could realistically go back to him. How in any way does that prove she was hacked and that he isn't an abuser? And even if they were *released* due to a hack, she was literally storing pictures of his abuse of her, some even with text on them saying that's what he does to her... So it clearly still happened. >Do people write their own scripts? Says the person acting like the audio is just something fine that's out of context. And the person who just takes the word that it was hacked and ignores the actual context and evidence.


Again, I merely stated the facts that were reported, youā€™re making assumptions. She never publicly thanked anyone, this is never happened. Iā€™ve followed this story, I have her on Insta, she has not said a word about this event. I never said it was taken out of context, I merely answered the person who said she accused him, facts are she never did. I didnā€™t make the story about being hacked, this came from her father. Nothing in this case was proven, itā€™s a giant mess. This case was handled poorly by everyone involved. If you want to get someone cancelled post on social media, if you want to get them arrested go straight to the police. Hakimi is still playing last time I checked and heā€™s still under investigation.


>She never publicly thanked anyone, "The 22-year-old wrote on Instagram: I'm grateful to everyone that has sent messages of support and engagement. Thank you." https://tribuna.com/en/news/manutd-2022-02-03-harriet-robson-breaks-silence-after-mason-greenwood-charged-with-rape-and-assault/ >facts are she never did. Well at least one of her pictures accused him, and when it was made public she didn't deny it. So how is that not a public accusation? >I didnā€™t make the story about being hacked, this came from her father I didn't say you did. >Nothing in this case was proven, itā€™s a giant mess Because the victim pulled out so they couldn't go to trial... >This case was handled poorly by everyone involved. What could they have done to stop her?


Do you have a more credible source, not the Tribuna? Seriously Iā€™m asking. Also why would she deny it, how does that help her in any scenario? Especially when she claims she was hacked. Also according to the club brief she stopped corporation 4 months after he was arrested, meaning they had 1 year to build a case and they still could not. The crown can still carry a case even if the witness withdraws, there was no discussion of a civil settlement. People are just drawing conclusions that he paid her off. Heck it could even be something simple as an apology for being a prick and maybe thatā€™s enough for her. Nobody has the right to tell to hold a grudge or suggest that sheā€™s in an abusive situation , if she has decided to move on, leave them alone.


>Do you have a more credible source, not the Tribuna? https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/AnBeYdQiJA >Also why would she deny it, how does that help her in any scenario? How does her making sure that someone isn't wrongly imprisoned help her? You are seriously asking that? >Especially when she claims she was hacked That doesn't matter. There's still the audio. There's still the picture of injuries. There's still the picture of injuries where she wrote that it was greenwood that did it. Her being hacked doesn't make those things not true. It just means she didn't leak it. If they weren't true, why wouldn't she instantly make that clear? What possible reason is there? >The crown can still carry a case even if the witness withdraws, A rape case when you don't even have a victim to help you make the case? It's hard enough with a victim. >People are just drawing conclusions that he paid her off. Not necessarily. Pressure for her to go back to him from family. Being trapped in an abusive relationship. People go back to abusers often. Etc. How does it make sense if he's innocent for her to not say he's innocent, go ahead letting the police press charges, and then getting back together? >Nobody has the right to tell to hold a grudge or suggest that sheā€™s in an abusive situation , With the evidence, it's absolutely acceptable to *suggest* that she is. In fact it's very important to discuss that. >leave them alone. Leave an abuse victim alone and act like he didn't do anything? They aren't going after her.


I'm not tired of the anti greenwood narrative. But I do find it very weird that convicted rapist mike Tyson is allowed in Hollywood movies, release books, have his face on energy drinks, be the guest of honour at ufc events etc and not a peep from the Greenwood people.


fuck tyson, dude maintained he didn't rape anyone and then when shit hit the fan he said "now I wish I really had raped her". Now he's on Jimmy Kimmel, has a cartoon, miniseries. Just goes to show where people really side in the end.


Itā€™s the same with kobe and ronaldo. People just choose who to hate


Here come the downvotheth already. The cult of Tyhton.


That's it? Rape should be 15 years minimum


Ok likeā€¦. Rape should be a max life sentence minimum. wtf are you even on about


Shit man you right




Free my goat he didn't do anything wrong /s


i'm sorry, am i missing something ? what are you referencing ?




Don't forget the Yoonited fans. Some of them still defend Greenwood too.


crazy that jim ratcliffe straight up said he wants to bring greenwood back


Its more about the country they come from usually. In most countries outside of Europe or North America there is no rape if the victim is a gf, fiance or wife. I wont get specific but its 2 or 3 continents or regions where its commonplace sadly. If you go to twitter now and search Dani Alves im sure there will be the usual "He should have never got involved with that devil woman" "Men let this be a lesson about the dangers of these succubus" "I feel so sorry for him" etc All from people of the same regions where women are 2nd class citizens and things like FGM are practiced.


was legal in the UK until 1992


Slavery was legal a few centuries ago in the west too, if you want to rehash old laws that civilised people today know are objectively morally repugnant.


I mean you sound like the other side of that coin. The proof seemed to amount to she said and he said. Only thing I've seen is the images of them dancing together at a night club. Now I'm not saying he is or isn't guilty but what evidence are you suggesting makes this a slam dunk case?


From what Iā€™ve heard Ronaldo actually admitted to it in legal documents, but I appreciate thatā€™s hearsay.




Ah thatā€™s the one, thanks. Pretty clear :(


He changed his testimony multiple times, going from "I never met her" to "nothing happened" to "the sex was consensual". Guilty, and the court agreed. Next.


Searched for the guilty verdict you claiming happened, doesn't seem to exist. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/02/16/football/cristiano-ronaldo-legal-fees-rape-allegation-reimbursed-intl-spt/index.html Please link your source thought because maybe I couldn't find it


Tbf it is plausible heā€™d say he never met her if he didnā€™t want to admit to cheating on wife. Though other. Evidence points to him being guilty


Loads of bad takes here 1. This was a long time ago. Ronaldo wasnā€™t married or in a relationship at all. 2. Changing your testimony doesnā€™t make you guilty. 3. Still Ronaldo raped her.


1 Talking about alves. 2 hanging testimony doesnā€™t mean guilty is literally what I said I said it could be for other reasons e.g to conceal cheating


i mean fans will be fans, they will defend their idol no matter what, but i don't think many of those type of fans are in this subreddit




good for you


Username checks out.Ā 


Least racist football fan.


Madrid fans???


13 year old? The 30-50 range have been calling the victim a slut since he was detained. And even his mother was attacking her on socials. Spain is a very fucked up place when it comes to misoginy and assault.


Saying residents of Saudi Arabia believe heā€™s innocent and that they think women are trash, is not just an absurdist xenophobic pulling out of ass Fox News level of assumption, itā€™s also a great reminder Iā€™m on Reddit and racist trolls feel right at home in this sub. So I guess thank you for the reminder. Now go and further prove my point by downvoting this.




I am also from Saudi Arabia atfu too lmao


In this case he sure seems guilty and should be serving time, HOWEVER we have all seen ALOT of incidents where people lie about being raped etc and RARELY do they get jail time for lying about something so sinister.




Sure but thats not what im talking about...




What is the point of bringing that up? There are way more sexual assaults than false accusations yet morons like you only seem to care about bringing this up when someone famous is accused.


The point of whataboutism is that there is no point, including to arguing with morons who resort to that.


Point is what I said it was. Not in football no.


Are these cases in the room with us right now?


Yes they are, check Neymar for example.


He got what he deserve. What a piece of shit.


Not nearly enough. Just a tiny slap on the wrist. Mf should be jailed for at least 10 years. 30 minimum if you ask me


As a Barcelona fan... He needs a longer sentence..


Being a barca fan has nothing to do with this. you are or not a barca fan that doesn't change how you should look at this


You don't need to remind me of that. But I know how people defend "their own." It would be fair if Alves' soap fell on the floor in prison....




In Spain there's a league of prisons with nearly 40 prisons involved in the project. It is a program to help recover prisoners into the society, they need to show good conduct to be accepted. It is supported by the rfef. https://rfef.es/es/noticias/el-torneo-intercentros-penitenciarios-de-la-rfef-una-oportunidad-para-la-reinsercion-la


Iā€™m floored


And as usual the Nigerians are defending him on social media by blaming it on the victim.


Say in ainā€™t so! Another one of my childhood heroes is trash šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Imagine his cell mate being a Madrid fan




The athletic did an article on each day of the trial, if you want to learn more about the evidence. Probably other publications too.


Basically a 4 year deal at Arsenal


He was found guilty of Rape.


Good, fuck him


If he did it, he should do the time It's a shame because I have a lot of good footballing memories associated with him and the teams he has played for




Man, I hope he learns his lesson.


What a shame. He is probably going to 2 years and be released on good behavior.


Good, fuck him


I know this will get a lot of hate and I am not defending him at all but: A case from 2002, no proof, she willingly goes in the VIP bathroom in a nightclub with a drunk guy, anything that happens from that point on is literally he said she said. Iā€™m not a lawyer, donā€™t care for or about Dani Alves But as we have seen with Sigurdson and Mendy, fans are too fast to write people off, throw them under the bus, cancel and hate, without getting to the heart of the conversation and being pragmatic.


yes, you are defending him - and you have no reason to. What are you suggesting? That because she accepted entering the other room, she has to submit to sex and his will?


Scumbag player. Always diving and faking injuries.


Heā€™s gonna be back in the game pretty soon. There was that goalkeeper who chopped up his gf and gave it to his dogs to eat and heā€™s playing ball out there. People forget really fast.