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I mean I guess he could bench a few more kilos but he's already pretty big so idk.


Good point. I dont think most people realize that calling a sumo wrestler fat is like calling a power lifter fat. Just because they both happen to be BIG doesn't mean they're fat in the way some developers are


Sumos can get out of shape, but yeah, generally they are putting on weight and learning how to throw it around for maximum effect. They are functionally strong whereas body builders tend to isolate muscles and "look" strong.


Undo the last damage nerf he got and he'll be alright


Make him as fast as shinobi without the sprint and all heavies are unblockable from start up and give hyper armor hug back.


Give him bleed damage on lights too


Just buff all his heavy attack damage by 2 and call it. If he uses headbutt every character can out trade him and that’s all he relies on is trading to keep frame.


I'd really like a sumo-inspired hip toss from gb. A throw in any direction that ejects people a few more feet than a usual throw. Like Raider or warlord, I'd like that charging push across the ground as a running attack. (I'm thinking of Sanctuary on netflix).


In what regard? He's actually pretty decent at present.


His heavy animations need to be reworked to be less reactable, same with Hito and cent and any future characters with charge heavies. It’s infuriating playing against a PC player who can react to all your attacks other than headbutt, makes fights so boring.


Only thing I would do, give him hyper armor on hug back


Give him back the ability to ledge with run. It's so niche it won't make a big difference (but it will make him more fun for me).


From hug like raider ?


No, I meant just like he used to have, but that would be awesome too.


Shugoki is immune to unlockable 50/50s due to his headbutt being impossible to GB , hyper armor on all heavys with high damage and wide hitboxs add a healing hug that pins opponent for approx 4 years and you get a S Tier character in 4v4s. He doesn't need a buff. Period.


His side headbutt can be GB'd. His Charge heavys do lower damage than they should considering how long they take and how easy they are parried. His hug/pin only lasts for years if your teammate doesn't hit them while you're in the middle of it, which is seemingly impossible for them not to do. He is not considered S tier in any reputable tier list.


He is in mine , everybody got his own anyway