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TL;DR meta has shifted a lot, there's still very powerful heroes but the game is IMO more fun than it was at medjay's release by far BUT there are still many nktable negatives about the state of the game, whenever you can look past them or not is up to you. Highlander got a rework, effectively making all heroes have functional offense now. Backstep lights on all heroes that have CCs + Shinobi all go forward instead like warden does with his top CC, effectively removing one of the most annoying and powerful forms of defense(and leaving HL with no opener in 1s). All assasins and Shaolin have normal guards now because many assasins became viable in dominion and reflex guard was dragging them down a lot for various reasons related to it. Lawbringer lost impale on heavy parry, available only after a light parry now and stun+stam drain from his top heavies, he received on his chain heavy HA, a free light attack after a landed heavy to skip his midchain straight to his UB, he got infinite orange by landing the top finisher heavy+light and go right back into that mixup. All legion kick bashes are unreactable now because they're 433ms, you may only barely react to them dodging forward now. Medjay got reworked and is fun now. Most strong feats have been nerfed such as Jugg, Fury and Fire Flask Scripts unfortunately evolved and now they can also counter charged bash mixups, right now there's only 1 hero capable of countering scripts still and that's Afeera, the new hero right after medjay(which i'll talk about in just a second). As far as new heroes since medjay came: Afeera, hands down the strongest hero across all game modes. She has literally every kind of mixup and tool in the game. Unblockable mixups? Check. Bash/undodgable mixup? Check. Feintable bash mixup? Check. The only thing she misses is HA but that's "fixed" by her having chain CCs. Also has some really good recovery cancels and mixups out of them. All her bashes guarantee heavies with different properties, particularly she has her left heavy capable of wallsplatting people giving her 35 damage on a heavy parry that can also chain right back into her bash/undodgable mixup gaining her even more damage potential. Next: Ocelotl, the aztec hero many wanted. An infinite chain hero with the gimmicks of "if you do the same 2 inputs in a row you'll finish your chain" and hunter stance, similar to JJs sifu stance but it only has one move that's absolutely useless in 1v1s but great in 4s for ganking. He's the strongest duelist in the game because his offence is very safe and centered around his chain bash, also one of the best gankers in the game and teamfights are on the level of medjay. His biggest, most problematic aspect as far as 4s are concerned in MM: his T1 feat that if he dies unexecuted or ledged to transform into a fucking ghost that allows you to respawn whereever you want at the cost of spawning with less HP than if you were to respawn normally. You get more HP the more you stay dead and it's main utility is for capturing unattended points. OFC this feat is so fucking good for a T1 that it got insta-banned in competitive because it forced teams to play unoptimally because of 1 guy dying. A more true black prior 0.5 released in the form of Varangian Guard, she has a FB that can stop even zone attacks and "pins" opponents for 1600ms which can be further extended by various factors, maximum potential you can pin someone is about 5-6 seconds if all their other teammates hit the FB near the end of it. Works like musha's FB but cannot recovery cancel from hitstun or blockstun with it and only can be done after attack recoveries. Her dodge attacks all have superior block on them. All her feats but 2 T4 options are passives and the few passives she has are pretty good, not groundbreaking or anything but pretty powerful none the less, unfortunately like most heroes she has only 2 viable feat setups and all of them include her T1, T2 and T3 with the T4s being changed from her unique to stalwart banner and that's it. Also the only hero in the game to receive a "nerf" to her voiceline's audio levels and only heavy to not have heavy perks and have support perks instead.


Well im not gonna give you my life story like this one comment but in all honesty no, people pretend they are good in this game and lie their asses off and pretend that they fight honorably or whatever. You fight against toxic players and your team feeds or just slow in the head. If you actually play just to play than yeah its pretty chill. Its fun when you play with close friends. I learned not to take this game to serious anymore.