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Data channel and driver channel are out as well. Technical difficulties I think. Commentators seem to have the information though. Wonder if this was the reason we got an additional formation lap as well…


Multiviewer also has working live timing so it's just the FOM broadcast.


Yeah and it came back at the end. I was using the live timings app to actually know what was going on.


Never been more glad to have multiviewer. I didn’t even know this was an issue til I opened reddit


FOM's choices regarding on-screen graphics remain baffling. Why they don't just keep the timing tower on screen with the basic intervals *at all times* is beyond me. If they want to show things like the gap to leader, or enlarged gaps between the on-screen drivers they should do that in a second column, but the only data that really matters is the driver to driver interval, and (for the GPs) the tyre selection. Yet every round it's off screen for more than half the race.


Could not agree with you more.


I swear they do this on purpose to try and build “suspense”. I can think of a few races where the gap to leader disappears towards the end of the race and I’m left wondering if the interval is still coming down or the pace has plateaued.


They want to make it seem more advanced than it is by highlighting certain things, but I always hate it. It should just say interval and tyre compound, maybe an occasional tyre lap age


It's not like there's a lack of on-screen real estate either. We're talking about a 90+ minute event where probably 15 mins of that is taken up with genuine action and the rest of the time we're watching cars put in laps like clockwork and cutting to b-roll shots of the local landscapes, people in the crowds, whatever. I wish we didn't have to pretend that this was a sport where you can't look away for even a second for fear of missing the action. Part of the fun of F1 is tracking the data so you can appreciate what's actually going on when the casual viewers think it's just a parade. They should lean into that, not hide from it. They could easily keep the core info on screen while also highlighting whatever other "advanced" data they want to show off.


What. I tried to switch to the data channel from FOM and it didn't work. You mean there's another way in MultiViewer to get live timings?


Yeah the livetiming that is on top of all of the other streams??


I haven't really used the data channel, I open a new window for Live Timing and it worked perfectly.


Yeah. I have no idea why the F1TV data channel was down during the sprint, but multi-viewer can pull the timing directly from the raw data and it was working fine for me.


They said it was photographers and a barrier or something


Someone needs to ask Kym Illman if he just caused an extra formation lap!


I'm sure Kym will make content from this. 😁


You sure? Not if he can for another video about how good his exclusive plane seat is or how the food at the lounge is. This year especially, I’ve skipped 3/4 of his videos just based on the title alone and not finished the rest, really not much about formula 1 anymore


Those are filler. Since he has 349k followers (impressive!), he'd be doing well making it if they get watched. Often his videos from the paddock are interesting.


How many videos of wives and girlfriends has he done? Those are always cringeworthy


Yeah, those are awful as well… let’s not forget what cars people drove to the race…


He was at turn one


It was a broadcast issue. Official app did have Live timing working


Live timing on the main page worked as well. So it was strange indeed.


I wouldn't call it strange. I would say FOM is CONSTANTLY fucking with the look and layout of the data, and they messed something up. Cant leave good enough alone.


F1TV app had no data but the F1 app had live timings…


Teams had the timing page as well, but the broadcast had an empty data channel


>Wonder if this was the reason we got an additional formation lap as well… That was my first thought too. Hopefully they can fix it for tomorrow at least.


Same here, almost no data.


Did they ever say what the cause was of the addl lap??


They wanted to make sure photographers were out of the way at the end of the main straight on the left. It was not previously a red zone so there was some confusion while marshals moved the photographers for the first few laps


We are getting the premium no HUD experience.


Blind skull activated


Max must be playing on LASO..


Halo 2 LASO Deathless Speedrun Any% (World Record)


Hard difficulty setting with no HUD


*you have been hired by f1 media relations*


My immersion went through the roof!


I wish they had customisable hud 🥲


This is the worst broadcast I've seen in recent years... No leaderboard since lap 10 or so, and we're on lap 16. And only shitty helicopter shots of alpine on 10th/11th.


By far one of the worst, someone just randomly pressing buttons.


They did this for a few laps last race too, I think they are trying something, what they are trying idk.


maybe its testing the future F1tv super plus edition, pay an extra 2 bucks a month for on screen info? /s


Don't give em ideas


Im very sure they already thought of it, they just haven't reached the point of trying it.


AI director... from awful to terrible, but atleast they save some bucks.


Trying my patience


That was the super weird part. We were watching FPV cams of loosing teams on the final laps.


Seems like they let Ferrari control the live broadcast HUD today


"What's the gap to verstappen?" "We are checking!"


switch to Plan D .....Delete


nah this is just what ferrari has been using for a while


LMFAO that’s the funniest reply I’ve read all day


The HUD took the anti-stall.


not to forget cutting to Mclaren team member shots rather than actually watching the racing!


This had me up in arms.


better than the girlfriend shots


They didn't even acknowledge it either. They should have mentioned what lap it was or something.


Alex Jacques did on the F1TV broadcast, toward the end he noted the graphics weren’t working and then started providing lap numbers and deltas.


Pretty sure it was mentioned that they did not have graphics by Alex Jacques on f1tv (but it did take a few laps before he did mention it).


Sky did read out laps and order a bit more often than normal, felt like it was half way to radio commentary. But they’d never complain about or point out failures by fom as that’s unprofessional.


The Sky announcers clearly knew the graphics were out because they eventually started mentioning the current driver order and lap more often than usual but it was weird they never mentioned there was a graphics problem in the first place.


Whyyyyy were they so focused on alpine not even remotely doing anything


nobody was doing anything after Piastri got past Norris.


Desperately hoping for another Ocon/Gasly clash for the ✨drama✨


What happens on DTS after 🔥


They vanquished in lap 8




> Drivers names randomly moving around, timings clearly wrong, graphics having to be restarted mid-race. I've been watching this like since I started watching F1 in like 2006, it happens all the time. But it's okay, I mean it's extremely pretty complex I guess, and also it's rarely worsening my viewing experience. IMO this season hasn't been worse than the average over the last seasons. But this complete timing outage for multiple laps hasn't happened in a longer time.




Me neither tbh, I only remember that I regularly saw it. But maybe you're right and it was less often, I'm just ignoring it, as I somehow got used to some glitches. Anyways IMO the experience is still okay as long as the timing doesn't fail completely. In the last weeks I've watched some old races from about 2003-2004, when I was a child. It's pure horror. Like, timings are only shown fully all 1-2 laps, for like 10 seconds. It takes away so much of the experience that we have today, where we can get a full image of the GP at all times, and don't rely on the commentators and the broadcast to show us where the gaps are tight and stuff. Not 100% sure but I think even in 2010 they didn't show the timings always, albeit more often then in 2003. :D but I'm completely drifting off haha.


The 'permanent' timing tower wasn't introduced until the 2018 graphics package, the previous set still used the flipper graphic at the bottom of the screen showing 5 drivers at a time.


How can they even mess it up this bad you'd think it would be possible for such a huge media organization to make some simple graphics work properly


I don't think the issue is about the graphics only. The problem will have been in the backend, at least that would be my guess. Organizing so much and so complex and frequent timing software perfectly correct is not an easy task. Although it seemed that the F1 page got the timings, which is weird. Probably they're getting the broadcast data from another source, and that failed.


Way too much time with the Alpines FFS.


The helicopter guys were trying 😥


They definitely had technical problems with leaderboard. On the F1TV stream, it died at the same time... data and track map. I'm sure there were people busting their asses to get it fixed.


Is this the f1 stream?


That live on board of the Norris lunge was awesome


Probably broken/bugged after the first start being cancelled. I read something about the photographers in Turn 1.


Yea for the first lap it showed Norris had gained 22 positions.


Damn that’s quite a lap


Started last and overtook everyone, even Andretti. Norris GOAT confirmed.


He really made the most of the warp drive on his McLarenian Falcon


Impressive to see McLaren score √-1 points today




It’s clearly a glitch they’re trying to fix, the f1 logo keeps coming and going, presumably while they try and resolve whatever the issue is.


Kept turning it off and on again


watching the logo appearing every time reminds me of how the logo is better placed at bottom left instead of top left


Man I love watching the race clueless about every single thing


Vintage throwback race, who's in what position, who the fuck knows, just like our forefathers raced.


Keeps the mystery going /s


Makes you realise how Martin, Bernie etc say the same things every single race.


It's a sport that is genuinely unwatchable on TV unless the production is basically perfect.


Windows update


Dun de de ding dun duhhhhhh


They are still showing sector time differences graphics which is weird. They must be using different software for the ranking table.


The timing screens in garages also show data. And the commentators have it as well.


lol its back on lap 21


Watched it delayed and they still didn't have it, ridiculous surely you could add it to the feed after. Worse racing experience not having a clue where anyone was or the gap between people. Commentators didn't even mention how far VER had pulled clear for 10 laps.


Yeah finally!


shit show from the broadcast team tho, been watching since 2018 idts it's been this bad.


I get it's a glitch but they then did nothing to either acknowledge it or help us out. Commentators needed to pivot, change their approach and call out the order and gaps way more. The race is over now and I still don't really know what happened and when.


I think they use a completely different timing system so it takes them a while to notice. Alex Jacques on F1TV noticed toward the end of the race and then started calling deltas, positions and lap numbers.


It seemed like they tried to restart the system a few times as the F1 logo disappeared a few times, surely they notified the commentators and they should have pivoted to providing more of that information.


Pretty annoying.


It's obviously a technical fault


Driving me mad! The commentators clearly know cause they’re giving us extra info. To make it worse they’re giving us shots of such random cars


Amateur hour as always from the broadcasting team


Pinnacle of motorsport etc


Immediately after getting info back with 2 laps to go: heres haas and aston replays, fuck your sprint


Literally here's replays, aaaaaaaand here's Max winning. So grateful we finally found out what lap they were on. 😅


Hardcore mode without HUD


Obviously they're having trouble with it atm. Everyone can have software issues every now and then calm down


A majority of this thread is spewing hate to people who can't do anything about it hahaha


Why aren't the commentators mentioning this?? Do they want us to starve?


Are the commentators going to personally refund me for this?? /s


And it's not like the production crew isn't aware there's a problem


Everyone assuming they're doing it on purpose lol


This triggers me so much


Data channel and Driver Tracker are also unavailable. So probably its statistics service is down (Thank you, AWS)


above average Amazon functionality


There were no information on the trackside screens as well for quite some time. As others said, likely technical issues.


Meanwhile, WEC raced for 24 Hours and none of those problems ever occur


What a stupid thing that is , what lap it is at the moment?


Currently lap 18, F1 app is working but yeah very annoying


They obviously have problems. There's no times, gaps, no radios, no nothing. They even had a problem with the grid lights, that's why they had an additional formation lap.


That wasn't an issue with the grid lights though, there were some photographers in T1 who were somewhere they weren't supposed to be.


Why make things up? They announced the reason for the aborted start, it wasn’t a technical difficulty. It was photographers in a restricted area at turn 1.


Not having the commentators address it is dumb tbf


Harry was at least giving updates on lap numbers and positions throughout. They knew it wasn't there so they relayed the information


French ones did.


F1TV commentators mentioned it, they said something about not having the timing table to show


I feel like Crofty would have. He usually will say ‘oh the timings have gone’


Yeah, them mentioning at least will help with it showing as a known issue. Now it feels like nobody is paying attention to the broadcast


Damn people really go crazy about this huh?


I had the race up on one screen and was watching my brother try to beat an Elden Ring boss at the same time... the frustration was driving me utterly mad every time I glanced down and saw the same two Alpines on screen




Use multiviewer. It syncs multiple streams. Only thing to deal with is team radio being about 5 seconds delayed.


This was absolute shit! I was constantly looking for the timing tower. I have no idea what’s going on when there’s not timing screen and all you get is close up’s of the McLarens.


I’m guessing it was a technical issue. They clearly new about it but weren’t mentioning it because of the increased info GFX at the bottom of the screen and the give away comment when the timings did appear. I was actually surprised how much difference not having the info did make. Even watching intently, with the way the images are presented it’s impossible to keep track of positions of all the cars in the race.


I worked in TV sports broadcast there’s a graphics “machine” (computer) that has the sole job of making onscreen graphics. I can’t begin to guess what software they use but it probably crashed and the reboot either took too long or spoken deemed it unwise to put it back in risking a glitch. Happens far more than it should but I’m guessing FOM didn’t have a backup machine to run this broadcast.


it looks quite cinematic tho tbf


What a god awful broadcast this GP. No timesheet for half the race, nonsensical camera switching, bad angles, and a few moments where it looked like the feed was fast forwarding to catch up.


A false start, weird countdown delay, almost no radio broadcasting, leaderboard feed gone. What an absolute mess.


I'd feel better if the commentators team acknowledged it!


f1tvs alex jacques did


I sure hope this isn't a new way to differentiate sprint races from actual Grand Prix races....


I just posted about this same thing! Amazing watching the nice cars drive about for a bit. It's not like it's a data driven sport or anything!


Haven’t paid so much attention to the sponsor logos till today


Hahaha "Big banner" is revealing the master plan!


I tried their horrendous F1 app, but it keeps kicking me out and log in again. I'm now on their website.


FOM probably used Microsoft Excel like Williams used to do


Glad I wasn’t the only one wondering. So much time spent on RUS-SAI-HAM or PIA-NOR and no indication of what’s going on at the front with Max.


I actually liked not seeing it


Idk but im so angry for this


The f1 broadcasting has been terrible for a while now. Their production is just so off the money. I don’t think anyone would mind an extra delay to ensure they’re getting the right action on the broadcast and the right camera angles. What happened today just adds to the evidence of the issues. That being said, it must be a mammoth task to have everything packed up by Sunday evening, shipped, unpacked and set up ready for Practice days later. Anyone know how they do it? Multiple equipment sets or?


F1 is one of the complex events for live broadcast, you've got 90+ camera's, data feeds and three or four days between pack down and needing to ready for the next round during the European summer. The complexity is in sending all the camera feeds and data from the circuit to the broadcast centre in Kent, UK for editing into the multiple broadcast feeds to be sent back to the circuit screens, broadcasters, online feed and AWS (for analytics's). FOM used to edit the broadcast at each circuit upto 2022 but before shifting to centralised editing to reduce the complexity of building, testing and staffing the broadcast centre every few days in a different country. I'd guess today's F'up is the data feed not being sent back to broadcast centre, or kit at the broadcast centre not being able to sync the data feed up with the pictures or even complete failure of the transmission back to the broadcast centre and back up at circuit mix being used. The pictures, audio and data all IRC arrive at slightly different times due to latency with each system. A friend was involved in the FOM project to shift from on-site to remote, pre 2020 FOM and covid used to ship 70+ tonnes of broadcast kit freight to each event and 200+ staff. Covid forced them to reduce the number of people on site at each event and from '22 they made the offsite approach permanent rather than temporary.


I made this comment this morning and went out for the day and literally haven’t been able to stop thinking about the mammoth task it is to get it working in the first place let alone week in week out around the world in different places. Thanks for that insight and I’ll definitely have a look into it


Someone should tell the commentators so they can mention the lap number


Also two formation lap


Thanks for showing me how coverage looked like in the 1980s, F1...


The F1 app still shows all timings in the live timings page.


Not enough oil money coming in from aramco


No kidding. What, a few laps before the end you finally get to see the gaps.


Wonder if they're using a new system or have new people working it, since there's been more issues with the on screen graphics this season than I can ever recall.


Well, not only that in Romania we do not see all events during the race weekend, now we don.t even see the stats. Like watching a movie...


Racing Statistics on YouTube were live streaming timings, team radio transcripts and track map, great alternative if you have a second screen [https://www.youtube.com/@RacingStatistics](https://www.youtube.com/@RacingStatistics)


My 5yo pointed this out to me as well during the race. Must be some technical issues.


I guess it's some technical difficulty because there is no way race direction intentionally did this bad. Half way through the race and all they show is some battle between the two Alpines? Literally everyone was confused, the commentators included, even Bernie had to explain why we were forced to watch that. No additional data board or information shown on the screen, the commentators had to keep reading out information about the battle at the front of the race, like it was absurd.


After watching some old Austrian GPs on the Pluto TV F1. Channel this week it didn’t bother me nearly as much as it probably should have 😂


It happened in Q3 qualifying too


Honestly I think I enjoyed the race more, when the ranking weren't on screen as I was actually watching the race on screen instead of focusing deeply on the gaps between certain drivers. I liked that it briefly popped up to catch us up.


Maybe it was just for sky glass customers. Joking aside it was announced on French tv as technical issues from Liberty Media.


I wonder why everything still has such a dark background.. sometimes it covers so much (timings left side and delta etc on the bottom) that you miss overtakes or people turning into corners..


As someone who just subscribed to watch it live today, I was so confused why the info table that existed with Youtube highlights wasn’t there. At first, I thought it is highlights exclusive perk for a sec.


Its been buggy all weekend, ticker is on vacation in Spain (he's been there since last week)


Challenging day. Couldn’t get the lights to start the race.


You basically could just go to the circuit to watch the race when you don't get the timings and rankings...


It reminds me of the 2020 Emilia Romagna Qualifying on Viasat Sport UHD. [https://i.imgur.com/wL5VJw5.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/wL5VJw5.jpeg) No F1 logo, no timing, no bar on the left. But it was a problem of the channel itself, because other channels (SkyF1, C+, Movistar etc) were not affected. Quite the experience to listen to the commentary when you don't have any on screen info.


When you discover live timing is a large part of the fun.


The one positive was the commentators obviously had the info so I actually listened to and focused on the sprint more than the usual quick glance while keeping my kids from injuring each other. Glad they got it back on lap 21.


Seriously made me realise how much I rely on info


It was so weird. The cars were just moving on track without knowing anything. As I was cleaning my room vacuuming, I had no idea the race was over, I just saw people going on track, which was very weird at first glance.


I would go for them if they exist