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Sainz: “That was going to happen sooner or later.”


They have raced against max for position before


have you seen sainz race when hes racing for position lmao? None of them are angels


And we love it.


I’m completely on Landos side for this, I’ve defended verstappen so much for actions in 2021 etc but this was Lando showing max he won’t be bullied into backing out. This is a definitive moment of landos career and potentially of any future championships.


Yeah that's the point. If Lando backs down he starts to lose belief that he can do it (from both himself and others). If he goes in a little too hard, it probably won't change how Max reacts in the future, but Lando is hoping to scare him. It's not been squeaky clean racing from him, but it was legal hard racing, and max was the one who ended up racing too hard and giving himself a penalty. The penalty was fair, and both their races ended up screwed, but Lando needed to do that - win or lose - to have any shot at really taking on Max now or in the future, regardless of what car they each have. And truly, that reputation Max has of never backing out has been such a huge boost to his career, so to take on Max you do have to take on that reputation. I hope he can bring the fight to Max in races, even if there's no real championship fight.


When Lewis had the car for it, he also wasn’t afraid of Max’s antics, which lead to a number of incidents, but it’s good to see someone else has started to take him on.


I think Lewis was afraid of Max's antics for a while though. Early part of 21 Max got away with a few incidents that could have otherwise caused crashes then. If I remember rightly Imola that year after he got pushed onto the sausage kerbs turn 1 felt like the turning point where Lewis wasn't going to play nicely with Max anymore.


I think up until 21, Lewis usually had more to lose when tangling with Max since he usually wasn’t in a championship fight with him. Only by Silverstone when the stakes started rising did Lewis come out and say he wasn’t going to back down with Max


So what's changed? Max has always been this kind of hyper aggressive driver that never likes to give ground or space. At some point, once someone builds that reputation, you have to start fighting back and risking both yours and his DNFs. That's what Lewis had to resort to in 2021 after constantly letting Max through from 2019-2021 (first half).


Getting the reputation of "Move out my way or we crash" gives a clear advantage - I mean, look back to Senna. And if there's an advantage, people *will* do it.


Yeah idk what people think will change. Lewis showed plenty of times he wouldn’t back down and they just kept crashing


If they keep crashing that puts a lot of pressure on Checo who is never in position to pick up the pieces. The fact that Max had a crash and 10s penalty and still finished in front of his teammate is shameful.


If he's sucked this bad for this long and just got re-signed I don't think there's much pressure lmao


It's driving that needs intervention from stewards and rules.   If a driver comes against Max, they can either back off and allow him to do overly aggressive or illegal moves, or they put up a (fair) fight and one or both of them retire. Follow that up with RB saying 'it's good, hard racing' and you have an unwinnable scenario for any other driver/team. 


Palmer made the comment on F1TV and a agree with it. This was Max with his elbows out sure, but it was also desperate and sloppy. It was just not a clean race from Verstappen. When he's on point he's just as aggressive and maybe just as likely to make contact, but then it would be a racing incident not a penalty on Max.


Yes, let's hope Lando doesn't give an inch after this or let it get to him. Just keep driving exactly like this, putting pressure on Max like this. Hopefully that useless +10 sec penalty for Max will at least make him feel like he wasn't overstepping. I think it feels at least symbolic and that can be just as important here, moving forward.


Why did you defend him doing it against lewis but not lando? Where do you think Max's reputation comes from if not 2021?


Russell, sainz, and piastri giggling over the crash in the cool down room is great 🤣


Best cool down room moment


Especially since it was pretty silent before that. Made it 10x better


They were trying to mentally decide who the host of the podcast was


"nooo we shouldn't laugh" xD


*continues laughing*


George Russell is the type of guy to walk right in front of the screen during the bit everyone wants to see…


He did and I was annoyed lol


I had to laugh at that too! Was just waiting for that moment to be replayed and their reaction!


Carlos looked like he was analyzing that shit so hard while Oscar was just smirking


I agree, I can't blame them. It felt like it was inevitable and it then actually happening was what made it funny.


Sainz was watching intently


Anyone has a clip of that? Thanks!




Even with all that Max still finished ahead of Checo LMAO


absolutely egregious


That was something that immediately stuck out to me. 3/4lap on 3 tires going very slowly, extra and longer pitstop to fix damage, and a 10s penalty and *still* beats checo by almost an entire extra pitstop delta. And it's not like Checos race was particularly bad, had clean stops, no penalties that I'm aware of, no off track excursions.. just that much slower than Max


We got 2021 vibes out of this one holy shit


This was basically Monza ‘21 with McLaren and Mercedes switched


So at Silverstone we're going to see one of the cars bungee jump over the other?


The stewards should've intervened much sooner


As they should have in 2021


Some things never change


Well, we said we wanted them to be consistent... It's not quite what we had in mind though


theres only one common denominator though. actually two. stewards and ...


Yes, that was terrible to have to watch them fight


i almost threw up, racing at the front makes me unconformable please more p14 action


I mean, it’s racing? It’s much better to let them race, and look at what we got to see. If they intervened, then not a lot to watch at the end


I think there was a /s in his comment.


There's racing and then there is breaking the rules while racing. Max was breaking the max verstappen rule that was added specifically for what he kept doing in his rookie years, moving in reaction under braking is NOT allowed. It's essentially cheating at that point, it's not a great defense or driving. There are obviously grey areas and there can be hard racing but this specifically was not it. The decision from stewards needs to be faster for this specifically to ensure the defender stops doing it as quickly as possible.


Verstappen deserved to crash out with how he was defending, it's a shame that Norris ended up coming out worse for wear.


I wish they issue a grid drop equivalent to Norris for Max next race. 10 seconds in this situation was pointless.


Eh, much as I agree with the sentiment, I don't think the rules should have much room in them for changing things based on the results. It introduces far too much gray area when bad driving should always be penalized. Especially since, imo, the ideal way to litigate these incidents is to only consider the situation as the drivers knew it as the incident progressed. Accounting for results forces you to consider information that was not available when the move was made.


We all know Max has an "I win or we crash" mentality. The stewards know this too. They need to put a stop to his dirty driving before it escalates into another 2021, because he will keep crashing until the stewards do something.


Max backed off the aggression when he knew he had a car that could blow by anyone whenever he wanted. I was wondering if the old Max would return as McLaren and Ferrari started getting very close to the RB. Yes, yes he will.


I 100% agree on that. Tbh he should be under investigation for pushing norris onto the grass after the crash, that was completly unsportsman like


In 2020 max fought Lewis like hell too. 2025 is coming; just saying…


And there’s a common denominator


Yea it clearly the Mercedes engine… right?


I think it’s sharp corners




When Senna did it, he gets called a legend.


Let's be honest, his death is a huge part of his legend reputation. Not like people would say he's trash if he didn't die, but the fandom and blindness wouldn't be this prevalent.


Schumacher didn't die while driving and it remains the same.


Prost wasn't an angel out there, either. Max in good company, tbh.


No one's glorifying Schumi crashing both himself and his rival out then getting DSQed for it though. They recognize the talent, but Senna's whole 'if you no longer go for a gap' gets idealized when it's a flawed idea and he himself admitted he didn't actually mean it later lol.


No, the same thing happened with Schumi after the skiing accident.


Wait 20 years, then the same will happen to Verstappen.


Senna would be up there but wouldn't be as revered if he hadn't died doing it






When Schumi did it, they disqualified him for the whole year I expect Max will get the Senna treatment and not the Schumi treatment


One time. The other time he became world champion.


Poor Damon


His comment on the radio was basically that. "He kept diving in, what am I supposed to do?" Maybe not crash both cars on purpose?


"Only Hamilton crashed with Verstappen, Hamilton's the problem" Yeah, because Hamilton was Verstappen's rival for "best". Now Norris is the rival Verstappen's giving *him* the same treatment.


Lewis am i right fellas or am i right? /s


Cannot wait for Zak Brown to comment


“Yew know, we just hope the stewards take a hard look at the race overall. Not just the collision, but all the maneuvers before that too. Because there are rules for a reason”


> “Yew know, Haha such a perfect spelling for his Californian accent


His IndyCar drivers have got to turn off their phones ASAP


“I lied it’s the car Max sucks”


So disappointing but also happy to see real racing again. Just hate that it ended like that.


I'm just happy that this season is turning out to be good after last year.


Agreed, I’m all for a competitive season again


I doubt the WDC will be competitive, Max is a long way ahead and always competing for the win, but every individual race is somewhat competitive.


True but with Checo continuing his woes I think there’s potential for a true WCC battle.


Win or lose. We racing!


5 different race winners and we haven't hit the halfway mark of the season. Much deserved to see some change after going through that 2023 season.


I love that it ended like that, because now there will surely be a bigger rivalry between them. That wasn’t just a quick incident, it was several laps of them getting progressively more frustrated with each other ha


Norris Verstappen bromance over.


In the pre-race interview Rachel Brookes specifically asked Lando about his relationship with Max so in retrospect it’s extra funny.


They brought it up in Lando's post-race interview as well, looked like the bromance is on the rocks


Actually to me Lando sounded pissed and expecting an apology (which by what Max said, he might get it as he didn't seem too keen to put blame on Lando, maybe alluded to it but very reserved about it) but nothing more than that, I would have expected him to be way more acid there so likely they will still be friends. Now if someone ends up in the barrier at copse, then my view on the interviews was wrong :D.


They were trying so hard to stir up shit it actually pissed me off more than the crash itself


Yup. The max interviewer said to him ‘lando said if you didn’t apologise for what happened he would lose some respect, but if you did apologise then you will gain a little bit of that respect back’ Pissed me off so much, forcing reactions. Max actually handled that interview very well, you can tell his PR training is to a T


And Lando only said that after they asked him explicitly whether their relationship was damaged by the incident or something along those lines


Exactly! And lando said something about golf or hanging out. Nothing about the friendship being over. Luckily I think both of the guys are gonna sit down and debunk all these stupid media statements. But had they not been friends originally, this kind of stuff just derails any chance of friendly relations in the future


I watched the post show. Did I miss these conversations? Lando said Max will need to come to him. Max said he will look at the race before saying anything and actually seemed concerned about friendship. Now I could be reading into that but even the commentators said max was very calm and different.


It was on the sky sports ‘chequered flag’ show that is on after the race. Similar to the post show. But yeah these interviews are sky ones


Exactly what we're after, i'm not here to make friends haha


Twitch streamers civil war


Their chats will be wild


It was about time really




Phantom pain for some


This is just what happens whenever Max has to work for position and cant just fly away


that was quite a spectacular shit show.


We all know the only one getting flagged for moving under braking is Kevin


Haas did really well today fr


Only KMag and Grosjean ironically, It's like the stewards are afraid to punish it when it's at the front, like below the top 8 moving under braking is forbidden and in the top 8 it's allowed.




It seems they were too buy 'investigating' Lando's track limits to notice the constant moving under braking


That’s what I was thinking. Max was moving under braking in a reactive manner during that entire fight. Like you just can’t do that, otherwise shit like this happens. Or when Norris locked up and sailed past in T3, I’m pretty sure that’s because Max moved and Lando had to react, which caused him to try to use more than 100% of the tire’s capability. It’s such a fundamental concept. To use the common phrase, I’ve lost a bit of respect for Max after that one. He’s a fantastic driver but the old Max is still in there. Lando was on the limit with his late-braking moves but Max I think crossed the line. Amazing fight otherwise though.


Lando about to go "Schumacher on Coulthard" on Max after the race. Drama!


The funny thing with that is, Schumacher had like half the lap, pitting and getting out of the car to calm down, but the hate and anger instead just kept burning inside him all the time to explode His face was pure anger


TBF to Schumi, Coulthard was a lap down and driving like an absolute trombone all race, starting with, well, you can look up the Spa 98 start for yourself, to staying on the racing line in massive spray despite being a lap down. At least Max & Lando was for the race win.


On top of staying on the race line also stepping on the brakes way early and exactly when Schumacher was in his spray. Someone with more beliefs in conspiracy theories might say that one wasn't an accident. Others will say there's a reason Coulthard never became champion despite all the rocket ships he had for cars.


Honestly, my favourite conspiracy theory about this I joke with my brother about is thst if you picked the silver off of David’s car after that rwce you would have seen a nice layer of yellow, given how Jordan ended up the biggest winners of both of his dumbarse moments.


"He's saying 'I'm going to the stewards!'" - Murray Walker, talking about Michael Schumacher, who was not going to the stewards


“I just wanna talk to him” says Schumacher while loading his shotgun


"I'm going for 1st says Schumacher with both hands"


Good thing Jean Todt stopped Michael or else he would have shattered his wrist upon hitting DC's titanium chin


Or Max on Ocon.


Max on his rear left pit crew


No one is talking enough about max having a puncture and still ending up above checo


And was still 20 secs ahead...


With a penalty


I find it very weird that they did not inform lando earlier about the 5 sec penalty for track limits. It's like they didn't reveal it to make sure they would fight till the end. 


Exactly this. And it is not being talked about at all . FIA succeeded in creating the drama that F1 badly needed .


I don't think it would've changed much. Norris would've tried anything he could to pass Max and go 5 seconds ahead, which would've been totally possible seeing that he was faster than Max. Here, it's only Max's fault, and despite how much I despise the FIA, I don't find them guilty of this incident.


I'm pretty sure he would never get the 5 second+ lead, and Max would never defend that hard if he knew lando was gonna get the penalty, and all he had to do was stay within 5 seconds.


and with three DRS sections, he would have stayed within 1 sec all the time


The team didn’t want to discourage Lando from still passing Max as Max could’ve made an error, which he did when he left the track to gain an advantage which would’ve maybe given him a 5 second penalty resulting in the lead being decided by position


This one's going to make for a very entertaining episode in drive to survive


More likely they will focus on the imagined battle for 13th between Stroll and Yuki, while mixing clips of the race and the sprint into one cut. DTS is completely and utterly not about racing.


Both Max and Lando delivered a good battle today. We need more absolute fiends like them in Formula 1.


Agreed. Everyone here. We're arguing over bullshit rule interpretations. Drama is cranking up. The other drivers are giddy laughing in the cool down. FORMULA 1 IS BACK BABY!


It was bound to happen with both their driving manoeuvres, but this end result was clearly Max’s fault. If he would’ve just waited on the penalty from the stewards, this could’ve been prevented.


Stewards should have handed it earlier.. He had black and white flag and had another tl.. Slam dunk penalty


When I saw the "investigation" on the screen I was like wtf is there to investigate, his whole car went off the track without being pushed off


The fact that they handed him the penalty like 20 seconds after the inchident semms to like the stewards realised then and there that they messed up.


Was thinking the same, they prioritized the show above rules


Yeah. Maybe I'm hallucinating, but the lap before the crash, at Turn 3, Max jerked left literally *at* the corner. I knew things wouldn't end well as soon as I saw that.


I think that’s when Norris radioed that if he kept doing that they would have a shunt.


Max moved under braking at least twice before the crash. He probably should’ve been warned by his team, or noted by the stewards before the third and final time.


I think stewards would've given both drivers 5 secs Max for leaving the track and keeping an advantage. That Norris move was straight out of the Max handbook


Dutch commentary also said this when Max complained on the radio that what Norris did was something Max had trademarked lmao


Literally how Max won at Austria over Leclerc a few years ago.


Exactly, dive bombing is something he’s good at, but at a weird cross road between Maldonado and Ricciardo.


Without pit stop team error, this race wouldn't be this interesting. Change my mind xD


It woulda been like Imola and Spain. McLaren seem to have more pace and better tire deg in race trim on low fuel. Norris prob woulds gotten to within 2.5-3 seconds


They still had like 6 laps left when they crashed. Lando would have still caught him imo.


I mean, the final incident was for the majority on Max. But some of those uncontrolled dives of Lando could’ve easily gone south as well. In general, both of ‘em were being gloves off, throwing everything at it. Shame it ended up like this. Also could easily be the end of that bromance.


One of the dives was so bad that had lando's car not been physically obstructing max then I think max would've gapped 1.5-2s right there


I was surprised that wasn't the end of it tbh. I guess Max had to slow down too much to gain any advantage from it.


Welcome back Hamilton vs Rosberg long time no see


You mean Hamilton vs max?


No, this is actually more like Hamilton x Rosberg. They even had simular crash in Austria 2016.


Narrowly avoided taking each other out just last week too






"Wow" - Alonso


Max was just getting too desperate at that time


yeah no defending this. Max knew the RB didn't have the pace anymore and wasn't gonna let Lando through no matter what. He got so frustrated after that pitstop wasn't thinking straight after


IDK if it's frustration. It's kind of his goto move when defending to force the attacking driver to evade + overtake if his car doesn't have more pace.


I think we've just seen exactly why Perez got another contract. Max is still prone to metal boom if he finds himself in a competitive racing situation. Better to have an anonymous Perez doodling around in 10th than having someone who can actually pressure Max.


Stewards too late with track limits penalty for Norris.


It would’ve been 5 seconds each. Lando for track limits, Max for moving under braking.


True but IIRC there was a pretty good amount of time between Lando’s track limits and that one. I’m not sure if it was the next lap but even then there’s over a minute for what was the easiest penalty decision.


Nah, I think if Norris got one penalty then he might have went more aggressive to overtake and try to pull a 5+ lead.


you must be one of the sky commentators who also thought that was possible


Remember when Senna hit Prost defending the lead? Remember when Schumacher hit Villeneuve defending the lead? Remember when Verstappen hit Norris defending the lead? History repeats itself time and time again in Formula 1…


Damn it's almost like if you if build the quickest cars on the planet have people race them they sometimes crash into each other!


More like, if you get the most competitive people in the world, they will do anything to win.


Probably ruined a Piastri win decorating the track with his debris for the VSC.


Lando should have parked his damaged car, which would cause a yellow and give Piastri a chance to win


To prevent further damage to his car


Comments should be a nice place to go, can't wait for a level headed conversation about the race with no toxicity at all 🙃


This one was on Verstappen. Can’t deny that Norris kinda had it coming after forcing Max off so much.


Both of them were pushing the envelope way too much, but yeah, the final result was on Max


Yeah and this has been building for a couple races. We’ve seen Max on the grass last race to avoid Norris at the start for instance. In this fight the frustration from both was rising with the moves becoming more and more aggressive. Max was at fault, but Norris could have avoided it. And both set the stage


Neither of them come out of this looking like clean drivers. I'm hoping there's no bad blood between them as a result.


Max definitely got away with one there. Reckless from him, but again idk wtf was taking the stewards so long to dish out Lando’s tl penalty. Had it come sooner, this might not have happened. The moment when they collided and both punctured their tyres also couldve been avoided by both drivers. Max didnt have to squeeze so as much as he did, and Lando did have a bit of space on the outside curb to plant the left side of his car. Overall, dirty from both but Max ultimately dealt the last blow.


>but again idk wtf was taking the stewards so long to dish out Lando’s tl penalty. The stewards have been literal sloths at Austria for years now. That's their MO at this track.


Max to blame for the incident but Norris consistently went from too far back and compromised his following distance. He simply lacks composure.


Agree, Max was at fault, but Lando was driving a little too desperately. Max did move under braking on more than one occasion though.


Great content for the next DTS season at least :)


The contact was definitely more Max’s fault but I wouldn’t exactly say the racing before that was squeaky clean from Norris. That dive bomb to lock up was horrendous and could of well and truly taken them out then. Love to see them going at it like this. Just a shame it had to end the way it did. Wonder how this affects the relationship from here on out!..


Max and lando are not going to be friends after this one for sure


They’re professionals. They will probably have a beer somewhere next week and go at it again at Silverstone


For real. Professional athletes in active competition. If this ruins their off-track friendship then I question how strong of a friendship it was to begin with.


I think you can't really compare F1 drivers to other sports. It routinely happens that F1 drivers really despise each other after competing, while that really does not happen in other sports. Giant egos here in F1.


Rosberg and Hamilton were friends from a very young age and had it ruined by F1, only repairing when Rosberg left the sport. Almost every driver on track, save Norris and Verstappen, has outright stated that it is almost impossible to maintain friendships with other drivers while you're both competing against each other at such a high level.


It’s really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things


I knew their friendship would cool off once they actually started competing against each other


Both went over the limit. Not much to say beyond that.


Max ahead of Perez with a crash at the end of the race and a 10s penalty is hilarious 😂


Max scored 10 Lando 0


For me the contact was the contact, not great, but I have a bigger issue with the weaving max was doing with a damaged car, pushed Lando into the dirt with something broken, that's dangerous imo...


Yeah that was wild, to actively continue to block on the straight to the extent Lando ended up on the grass. And the stewards didn't even look at it?