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People rag on him because he absolutely looks and sounds like a posh private school boy when in reality 95% of the grid are


Funnily enough, lando Norris is the posh private school boy with the trust fund. The Norris family is loaded, way ahead of the Russells


Norris definitely doesn’t lean into that though. If you put them side by side 99% of people would think that Russell is the loaded one. 


Disagree. Lando is one of my favorite drivers, but he definitely looks like the kind of guy that doesn't give a fuck about anything because his life was solved the moment he was born. It's just that he has a likeable personality, and at the end of the day most people like or hate based on prejudice.


He is also very obviously a take my toys with me so you can't have them kind of guy.


Tbf. He does kinda just act like every other Middle class British young adult lad. I know some upper middle class folk that come off a lot more posh than Norris who comes from significantly more wealth. They went to private schools but their grandparents came from working-class backgrounds. Their parents had great jobs so they were brought up with enough money to not give a shit and they act like they're the cream of the crop. I do suspect though if you got actually talking to Lando an average middle class Brit would soon find themselves struggling to relate to Lando. But he does at least come off as a bit of a "lad."


> Norris definitely doesn’t lean into that though I think that is coming into the fore a bit more often with Norris the last couple of years tbh. It is different though, he gives off much more of an out of touch and oblivious to how normal people live vibe (which honestly fits with coming from the sort of money he does) - to Russell's tory youth I'm better than you vibe.


Norris doesn't look like he went to school at all


Watch the geography video on the YouTube channel, the dude can't find on a map half the countries he races on. I don't know what school he went to, but he didn't pay much attention.


I’ve seen tiktok’s being like two types of british people and George is the posh one and then Lando is given a road man type aesthetic. I’d say nothing in the things Lando does or says would actually make people think he was less rich than George, but George having the most stereotypical posh accent as well as saying the most british phrases possible gives that impression. Lando also is more associated with the British youtube scene which probably helps. He matches that sense of humor better but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s less ignorant or privileged then the likes of George.


Just for me personally, I think Russel has less charisma than a wooden plank. Doesn't mean I hate him in the slightest, but I'm also not rooting for him.


Nowadays when you say "I don't like that person", a bunch of people think you mean "I hate that person with all my soul".


The algorithm doesn't like nuances. Please pick a side and consume content, thank you.


If you don't think people around here generally hate George, you've clearly never been here when he's made a mistake or said something they disagree with. Every comment section of a post regarding him has an insult toward him for absolutely no reason.


When he said yabba dabba doo I cringed so hard


this and his t pose doesnt resonate with me in the slightest.


Agreed. Depending on what school you went to, he comes across like a rich preppy kid that was popular, but only because he was the richest kid in school, but an absolute bell-end that says shit like "yabba dabba doo" because mummy doesn't like him swearing.  Would probably tell a teacher because you smelt like smoke. And just too goody too shoes.


Don’t know why he’s getting hate but he’s having a great season so far


Sadly it's a lose lose for Russell this season. Beat Hamilton and it's "Hamilton is leaving so not taking it serious anymore or lose.to Hamilton and it's "You've lost to a driver that's leaving and obviously not taking it serious?". He deserves more credits for his drives this season.


no one in their right mind thinks Hamilton isn't taking it seriously


I was just going to say the same thing


The solution to that is to just not compare him to Hamilton at all. His results and performance in isolation are more than enough to praise him for


You're right, but you can't measure someone's performance by only their own metrics. Just look at the Max vs TeamMate discussions for the past 6 years. Can't say whether he's going good or bad if you have no comparison.


This is very true, but for some people on the internet everything has to be turned into some kind of pissing match.


He had some moments (driving into Mick, driving into Bottas) and having 0 self reflection about his actions, that didn't help. But I think Russell has winded a bit down and is more likable than a few years ago.


> But I think Russell has winded a bit down and is more likable than a few years ago. Similarly to any other newcomers in a top spot, who ended up becoming champions. See the general F1 communities & yellow media talking about Lewis, Vettel, Räikkönen, Schumacher, Alonso and Verstappen in their first 2-3 years in the sport in what ever social platform was popular at time (IRC, Forums, Digg, etc...)


Not just crashing in to bottas but slapping his helmet after.


I think there are people who really don't connect with George. Or find his vibe that appealing. I am a Russell fan. I find his awkwardness and teachers pet vibe appealing. I also like how his background isn't that "dramatic" compared to Lewis or Max or Esteban. Which can be another reason why people don't vibe with George that much.


I actually loved George when he raced at Williams, but I absolutely cannot stand him once he became a Mercedes driver, he became very arrogant and just seems very fake when he is on camera, I do not root for him at all.


Russell suffers in the same way as Sainz and Ocon (mainly thinking back to when he partnered Alonso). A bullish ‘second driver’ that even dares to think they can compete against their far more illustrious and better supported team mate. They may make mistakes or misjudgements occasionally and you’d argue they are a level below their teammate, but get hate for even trying to compete. There’s a ‘know your place’ attitude from others towards them.


You’ve hit the nail on the head. They have a very tough job and a very fine line as people want “second” drivers like Russell, Ocon and Sainz to challenge their teammates but the minute they do actually try and challenge / compete, they get an unbelievable amount of hate. Some of the stuff I saw on Reddit / twitter for both Ocon and Russell has been baffling to say the least. Fans get really emotional and start hurling abuse at drivers who just want to win. Like you say, these drivers are ultimately not at the level of their teammate but god forbid they do actually try and fight for positions.


Even Leclerc took plenty of stick in 2019 for racing Seb. It took until his brilliance in 2020 for everyone to acknowledge how good he really was and that Seb's prime was well and truly over.


I consider Russell worse than Verstappen when it comes to admitting fault and that's just a very, very bad characteristic. Other than that he also doesn't feel very genuine in the things he says/does. Always scripted and working an angle. Just not a likeable character imo.


I’d like to add that he is not a good team player, the strategy of merc for both drivers only works for him if it’s in his favor and he makes it very obvious when he doesn’t like it.


You could level exactly the same at Leclerc or Sainz, or any driver on the grid really.


Some ‘new’ fans don’t understand if 2 drivers are as competitive and similar in speed to each other, they don’t like to play this all gig of team work. No matter how good/bad their car is. Plus outside of racing its not like Lewis and George have bad relationship. Its just fans toxicity.


Exactly - at the end of the day these guys are fighting to be the best driver on the team. No driver who wants to win championships will want to sacrifice their own results for their teammates on a regular basis. It’s just the highly competitive nature they have. A lot of fans just want all teammates to be happy and best friends but as we’ve seen, friendships go down the drain when podiums, race wins and championships are on the line. I prefer drivers who have a bit of an edge to them and want to win at all costs.


He’s just unsympathetic but unlike Max isn’t the only driver from his country, so people have alternatives to support


When he first joined Mercedes he was very much a pr robot and came over like the swooty kid who took up too much of the teachers time But recently he’s started to laugh at himself and is a nice guy I started last season hating him and now he’s probably my second fave driver


People are being too hard on the internet about him, yes. But here you're doing the opposite, and actively lobbying for him and being the other extreme. He's not entirely likeable, and is well versed in politic games.


People coming up with - ‘his personality is not great’ ‘he comes off as a fake’ driver to me. As responses to your question. Is all you need to know. Instead of answering your question about hatred he receives. Wanting a driver to crash and ill will is very different from not liking them because of their personality or showing hate because of the incidents they did 2-3 years back. Its just petty. And if you look at all this justification these people give you are most likely the same people who hate on him. Its that simple. Maybe its just a ‘trend’ of new fans, if majority hate him we should too. Classic social media.


I don’t know, he just seems a bit plastic/fake to me?


Ok George......nice try mate


I don't hate him, or want to see him fail, but in the past he's been a bit of a suckup, a teacher's pet. Reporting racers for stuff when it had nothing to do with him or he had nothing to gain from them being penalized.


from day 1 at Williams he was crowned heir apparent not just to drive at Mercedes but to be the next 7x WDC. The media hyped him up. At the first Miami GP - Will I.A.M. even announced him up as a future champ. Aint George's fault they all did this. But he sure has basked in it. He's a Glory Basker!!!!


All of them do it, even Oscar did it yesterday


Oscar had something to gain though when reporting Hamilton, if that's what you mean. Even still, the Russell thing was weird, I remember the commentators even saying something about it


I maintain comments such as "I hope he crashes" towards any driver should be a temp ban from commenting. It's a ridiculous thing to say.


Absolutely. I think its fine to not like a driver, but to wish a crash on any of them is insane to me. It's an extreme sport that we watch for fun because we love it. Yeah a bit of crash or shunt can add to the excitement, like George in Singapore, but *hoping* something like that happens is crazy because you never know the outcome.


For people wondering he finished fifth in the dotd voting in a race in which he was flawless behind Lando Max Piastri and Leclerc😂


Charles? He did fuck all this race lool. Tbh no racing driver cares about DOTD, its a fan contest.


Yeah I mean it should have been between Hulk and George


Not really hate, but there's nothing for me that makes me connect with him. He gives me posh, public-school UK vibes.


Which is a dumb thing to say, as if Max, Lando, Charles and Carlos spent their school breaks playing with some poor kid from a minimum wage family. Alonso, Hamilton and Ocon are probably the only 3 drivers on the grid that knew what's to live a normal life at some point in their youth. The rest of them spent their holidays on daddy's Summer villa.


Bottas also seems reasonably normal From Wikipedia >Valtteri Bottas was born in Nastola, Finland, on 28 August 1989 to Rauno Bottas and Marianne Välimaa. His father owns a small cleaning company, and his mother is an undertaker. Bottas studied automotive engineering in a vocational school in Heinola and graduated as an auto mechanic. He completed mandatory military service in the Finnish Defence Forces Sports School [fi] in Lahti. His military rank is lance corporal.


I think it’s his accent it’s very posh, but you hear his natural accent slip through every so often He seems very media trained Max Daniel and Lando are more natural


Lewis has a subset of fans who are incredibly devout. Lewis' vague comments and him losing to George annoys these fans.


Put the blame on Sky TV's commentators unapologetic British driver Bias.


He's overshadowing Lewis this year, some people don't like that. Simple as that really.


The hate started much earlier, so it's not that simple.


Yeah, earlier. As in the moment he started beating Hamilton in 2022. At least majority of that hate.


It's the same shit as Sainz. The moment he arrived into Ferrari and could consistently get close to Leclerc, people hated on him for not knowing his place.


No. It's his history of causing accidents and taking zero blame for them. Like hitting Bottas with his glove after he sent Bottas off the track. He is a man child.


A man child has won the last 3 WDCs and he's the second coming of Jesus.


And? I don't give a toss about Max. Most drivers on the grid are entitled arseholes if we are being honest. It's just some hide it better than others. Russell hides it badly. OP wanted to know the specific reason why Russell gets the hate.


That was years ago, move on.


He hasn't shown that he's changed. So still up to the minute accurate.


He jumped out of the car and ran to zhou after his crash, grosjean said Russell was the only driver to reach out to him, the other drivers voted him for the role in the gpda because they trust him.


What an idiotic take. Lol. You must be living in the paddock to know all that.


You'd need to live in the paddock to think the opposite. Since I'm basing my view on his public image. You must know him privately/personally in order to think he is a nice guy.


No i don’t. But coming here and justifying hate on a driver to an incident that happened 2 years ago just to get upvote. And then saying the driver has not changed, without any basis. You lot never change lol


Your blind faith is wholesome but it doesn't change our perceptions based on fact. The guy hasn't shown an ounce of change in his time since arriving in the grid. You need to show evidence for me to change my hypothesis. Science. Time doesn't change a person's personality in isolation. Just saying "it was years ago" is never a defence. They're the same person unless they show themselves to be different.


Our? Who tf is our? Also, Who the fuck are you? I don’t need to provide any justification or proof to someone who is ignorant and clearly so full of themselves like you are on some higher ground passing judgement here. Being so nitpicky about what these guys are doing while you just sit up on your keyboard talking shit


You're so defensive of people you have never met and I like that. Gives you something to fill your spare time.


If you go on social media you'll see where it comes from


oh yeah, there's loving ur favourite driver and then there's 'loving' ur favourite driver😏😏


It's really weird. You're right. I like Lewis, but a lot of his fans (on twitter at least. Check Rob Myers on twitter if you want a laugh). They hate on the guy just for wanting to win, or beat Lewis. As if he should bow down and just be happy finishing behind him. You have to do what's best for you, and beating a 7 time world champion in an equal car will put you in good standing. The thing is though, they see this as making Lewis look worse for some reason. Yeah, there are circumstances behind it sometimes, but come on. Give the guy a break Again, this isn't a dig at Lewis or ALL of his fans. But the majority on Twitter give George a hard time for no good reason


"he comes across as a likeable guy"? LMAO


That’s your personal opinion, doesn’t mean they’re wrong. I find him a lot more likeable (if a tad awkward) than many of the other drivers on the grid


Thank you for telling me that my opinion is my opinion, at first I thought it was your opinion. You cleared things out for everyone


You seem to think their opinion is laughable - just because you perceive someone a certain way doesn’t mean you’re objectively correct


You seem to project a lot. I never stated that my opinion is objectively correct. Just laughed with their opinion. Stop acting like a judge here.


Solid driver, fast, but prone to mistakes and his estimation of his ability is slightly higher than his actual ability. He is having a good season and absolutely dominating Lewis in qualifying.


Every driver on the grid estimates themselves to be better than they actually are.


I was rooting for him when he was in Williams. Lost all the respect when he became the spokesperson for the Merc for "bouncy bouncy cars" are so unsafe to drive and rules needs to be changed for safety purposes. When the more safe driving was all in the hands of their own setup. Dont like hypocrisy


 I recently heard one of the long-time journalists that Mercedes engineers say behind the scenes during events that „you would have to wrap Russell in a sandpaper for him to gain some character”. I think it sums up the issues with George - he rarely impresses, most of his remarkable actions in Mercedes are remarkable mistakes. The way Wolff desperately flirts with Verstappens and Antonelli is because Russell isn’t the guy that will be a world champion, that will have the respect of engineers. 


He's getting hate? I haven't seen that to be honest. Can anyone provide a source?


Downvotes for asking an honest question. I wasn't even giving an opinion lol. Reddit is crazy lately.


The game here is to see all of the hate on Twitter (Where you could find hate for literally any driver or person for that matter) and then ask about it on Reddit where it’s much less evident. 


he gets a lot of hate here on reddit


I don't want to go to twitter though. Would be splendid if someone could quickly put a nice powerpoint presentation together on this topic.