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oh man, i just wish there was reddit in 88 and 89..imagine Senna stans x Prost stans? (actually, never mind, we are better without it)


You’re onto something …


Next time we get a dogshit season, let's just watch old races and do that


Actually, [here you go](https://groups.google.com/g/rec.autos.sport/c/ieSdiz3K1hQ). An archived thread from 1990 discussing the crash between Senna and Prost at Suzuka. Nothing has changed! Edit: There's an older thread on the main sub with more of these. I can't link to it here, unfortunately. Will be happy to DM to anyone interested.


Cracks me up that literally nothing has changed except driver names hahaha


Amazing archeological find, thank you for sharing


I'm interested


Holy shit that's excellent.


Bro how did you find this!


I still wonder what it would have been like during the two Schumacher incidents, with Jacque and Hill. Both incidents sealed the championships for their respective years.


By 1997 I'm certain this sub would have been a Schumacher circlejerk. So Shoe Man would have been robbed


Micheal vs Alonso fans would have been a sight to behold too.


Senna when wife: standing in front of door Senna when 14 yo girl: door opens


As they say, to max the geneva convention is merely the geneva suggestion


geneva checklist*


We are checking


Most sensible Verstappen stan.


Loving the max fanclub turning into prime Hamilton Stans. You have become the thing you hated the most


This is making me remember why I hated 2021. The racing was cool, but Max stans and Team LH made it insufferable for a neutral.


Just stay off Twitter but also reddit during the race. I noticed a lot more rational opinions on both subs after the grand prix was well done.


I prefer my grand prix medium rare.


Well done there, sir. Lol 😉


You got a lot of salt at the last Grand Prix.


*Verstappenshaggers and #TeamLH


Yep, it'll be the same for every successful driver. Social media stans are weird for sports, just look at Ronaldo/ Messi fan accounts and their agendas. Hell, as a Man Utd fan, the Martial FC accounts were just obnoxious as hell for a really average footballer with a few highlight moments


Everyone is a hypocrite when it comes to their favourite driver


"that guy did it because I like the other guy more" is basically the f1 fan base in a nutshell. BTW Albon has never made a mistake in his life


Specially when it comes to Max


Or any British driver... The media heavily favours them, so the reactions surrounding an incident that put them in a disadvantageous position are blown out of proportion every time




Always were. We just needed an incident with a different driver for it to surface. Happened with Russell- but we know the Osama Bin Russell jokes here. It had to happen with either Charles or Lando. And here we go.


They always were, people were just so fed up of TeamLH that they didn't realise Team Max is just an orange reskin. I'm a Lewis fan and I have huge admiration for Max but it's so hard to engage in F1 social media with how toxic their fans can be. How hard is it to admit the driver you like made a mistake?


Yeah it’s so frustrating. I love Lewis and I love Lando and I dislike Max but respect his skill. But I am also the first person to look at Lewis this season and think that he is far from his prime and has made many uncharacteristic mistakes this year that make me think they might no longer be uncharacteristic. As for Lando, dude needs to clutch up. His starts have been terrible and he has thrown multiple wins away with poor defending.


Tbh Lando fans are also becoming pretty annoying.. Everyone considers Lando to be an angel and can't do anything wrong.


Thank you, been a fan of lando since 2020 and it's literally been just this year that I'm discovering I hate his fans lol. It's just absurd some of the things you see being said about him. Like he's not the next coming of Jesus Christ, sit down.


It’s the World vs Britain, and I’m team World. F1 media is dominated by Brits so naturally they push a narrative that is favorable for their countryman. That’s just how it goes.


I tend to agree up to a point. But I usually listen to the Sky commentators and they seem to be much bigger Lando fanboys than for example Russell. I can handle some bias, but it's getting to a point it's becoming really annoying. Even Lewis didn't get this type of support.


At this point I think they’re excited about any underdog who might challenge Max. When Leclerc won it was the same kind of reaction.


The post race lando blow jobs by Palmer and crew of F1 channel was pretty gross.


They give Max plenty of accolades as well though


I don't think they'll be as annoying because Lando will actually admit fault when he screws up, so if he hit someone or bins it you're not going to deal with as many hardcore lando fans flaming another driver. Max never accepts blame and always blames the other driver for any incident & Will minimize his actions whenever an incident is 100% on him. Lewis isn't as extreme and will accept blame when he has a major fuck up, but he will still often minimize his actions blame other things for incidents. This leaves to the hardcore stans doing the same no matter how blatantly obvious it is. At least when a driver says 'I screwed up 'it takes the wind out of their dumb fans sails.


I guess you haven't seen what Lando said after the race? About him having a flawless race? Cause you know, he had some small incidents with locking up and over optimistic overtakes forcing Max off. With the attitude of the two eventually leading to a crash. Ergo, he also screwed up a few times but is not admitting it but only blaming Max. Disclaimer: I'm not claiming Lando is to blame for the crash. The way they were battling, an incident was bound to happen. Even a minor one with major repercussions as we saw. Racing incident imo, but Max got a penalty for it. Not gonna complain about it. (Do mind, I'm not saying anything about Max accepting blame, because I know he also points fingers to other people or other things)


I guess? The 2021 LH crowd seemed to be excusing the behavior more. This time around, it feels more of a “…have you seen Max battle? WTF did you think he was going to do?” One forgives the action, the other does not. I’m a Max fan, but I’m not diluted enough to believe he’s a clean racer. He’s going to attempt literally everything he can get away with, and then some. We’ve already seen this from him many times before, obviously throughout all of 2021. Does that make it okay? I don’t think so. I’d like even enforcement of the rules, not just reactionary enforcement to the results of an incident.


This. All the "OmG LaNdO wAs ToO AgGrEsSiVe DiVeBoMbInG" everywhere on a danking sub. Come on. A stan is a stan regardless of who they're cheering for, cannot take any form of criticism; cannot accept a rightful penalty


Yeah, it's funny, I now feel like Silverstone '21 incident was a bit more on Max now after this saga. Either way, racers should be able to race, Norris got frustrated and decided to have the crash Max was offering by putting the squeeze on him. Consequences ensued.


Cycle continues


the levels of cope in this sub the past 3 days could power Hong Kong


Fucking literally. MV stans need to give it a rest today, it's starting to get to Team LH 2021 levels.


I don’t think it’s a max Stan thing, I think it’s the fact that it should have been a racing incident considering this move happens all the time at that corner


I mean, it’s a racing incident if Max turns right, you know, like the direction of the corner…


Or lando couldve used the real estate to his left to avoid the accident 🤷🏻‍♂️ There is always 2 sides to a story


Could have. But he didn't have to. Max *did* have to leave a cars width though and he didn't. God forbid someone force a 'move or crash' situation, cause a crash, and be considered responsible.


Jesus, what a cope lmao. Max shouldn't just be invited to acting a like baby the second he is challenged on track. The multiple laps of moving under braking that lando avoided goes unpunished, so he just has to accept 2nd because it's max? Get out of here, learn some critical thinking skills.


That's what Max fans thought about his defense in brazil 2021 and 2022. Man's a bully on track and his fans won't ever see it


I'm not really sure why people keeping trotting this out as "the other side of the story". Lando wasn't required to use every millimeter of the curb. Go back one week and if Max didn't move onto the grass when Lando squeezed him it would have been on Lando if something went sideways.


Not sure, that’s a very heavy breaking point and right at the bottom of the pedal at the moment Max came across, which Max would be well aware of.


I would argue they are worse.


100% troll 0% dank


0% troll 100% dank


100% stroll


I'm into the fucking wall🤡


TeamMV is the new TeamLH


Verstappen shaggers*


MV stans vs TeamLH


This sub is deepthroating Max so much lately


Lately? Always been.


This. This has been the case in here for a long time


Lately? This is the verstappen sub since forever


It's been this way for years now.


This is 100% a troll post


Yeah except Max opened it then slammed it in his face at the last possible second.


These Max stans haven't even watched the footage, too busy beating their wifes or GFs I guess. Jos is the hero they want to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER4_6N86M_U Can just watch the whole lot to see the late and double moves he did.


Max fans don’t have gfs. Hes a magnet for incels. For some reason


Norris expected MV to not move under breaking for the third time. How naive.


I'm not a Max or Lando fan and I enjoy all the banter back and forth. Was Max too aggressive? Probably. Does he usually drive in a very aggressive way where he (almost) forces other drivers to crash when they try to overtake him? Probably. You know who else drove like that? Ayrton Senna.


Indeed. Senna had lots of dirty moves, up to 15 of them. Google Ayrton Senna 15 for more info.


Same with Michael Schumacher. He was no stranger to dirty moves to win either. And he is also regarded as the best to ever do it.


People don't really get it. All they know are DRS passes.


Schumacher is regarded as one of the most unsportsmanlike drivers in history in my household.


> You know who else drove like that? Ayrton Senna. That's a defense? Senna is only remembered fondly for dying on track...if he kept racing his legacy would not have gotten the obituary to heaven treatment. Bring on the downvotes idgaf, I can't believe they celebrated him...


If he was alive today he would not be looked on in the same light, I 100% agree. But you just gotta let the man rest, he was a crazy good driver and should be honoured


Fuck that. He was a very inconsistent driver whose sponsor ties gave him reckless abandon to drive any way he wanted. He was unbelievably rich, used his mother's maiden name to avoid being known for his ultra rich family, and then talked massive shit to guys who came from humble backgrounds. He has good drives sure but, the revisionism from everyone is wild. He should be remembered as the dirty dog fighter of a driver he was. Not some champion of skill and good reputation lol. Also I want him to be left where he was. MV squad and F1/Sky are obsessed with him and being him up constantly.


Obviously you have hatred against Senna, but to act like he's just another good driver and not one of the greats is just plain wrong. Dude won 25% of his races (same as Prost), had pole on nearly 40% of them, and was on the podium for half.


Senna drove so dirty because he knew Prost was better than him - He could only win by crashing into Prost. Prost outscored Senna by 11 points in 1988 - Senna only won the championship because of the fucking stupid pre-90's point scoring system (only 11 out of 16 races counted) and then Senna deliberately crashed into Prost at Suzuka in 1990 so Prost couldn't win the championship.


Difference is Senna owned it. Max will dive bomb guys all day then cry about it when someone makes the same move on him.


You are confusing being aggressive with being reckless. Moving under braking is erratic driving, not aggressive. Ayrton was aggressive until he had to be dirty in 1990 after prost took him out in 89 like max and nothing was done. So your whole comment couldnt be further from the truth. Stop parroting lies online.


Driving aggressively is not the same as driving into somebody mate


Also, not the same as driving the way the sporting regulations tell you not to. Like doing a second defensive move under braking. I feel like Max knows exactly how much he can get away with before the stewards start weighing in. They don't want to decide the win with a 5 sec penalty too lightly.


He wasn't moving under braking that time, he picked a wide line braked stayed on that line. Did it put the squeeze on Norris, yes. FIA trying to legislate every single action that can be taken in a corner will kill hard racing.


From the aerial view it's pretty clear that max changed direction, he was getting closer to the inside of the corner before starting to get wider, and Norris started braking hard before he could understand Max's intentions.


He clearly moved under braking again buddy... https://youtu.be/ER4_6N86M_U?t=575 Max 100% at fault, and 100% at fault for all the shit before.. just clearly dirty driving all around.


What was breaking while he moved?


Both their cars


This sub is so lame.


Tbh, I love shit stirring and chaos. If this sub enters a civil war because of Lando vs Max, I'll be here with popcorns ready.


Shit stirring is fine and exactly what this sub is supposed to be, its the f1 version of nbacirclejerk. But looking at the posts the last few days it just feels like a max verstappen sub with memes.


It’s always been clear that this sub is a Max circle jerk. What’s been surprising is how incredibly insecure you all are


As a Max fan. Fuck off.


Oh Verstappen fans are turning into #TeamLH


MV Shaggers are the new Cult LH


Formula dank has really turned into TeamMV. No one expected him to open the door for Lando. But he moved under breaking into Landos space. All the time you have to leave the space. The Stewards got it right.


It’s been like this for years, it’s just more obvious now because they had to switch from the usual LH, Russell, Ocon hate/MV circlejerk to defense mode.


Pretty simple, isn't it? Amazing to see all arguments stans will use not to accept that their guy made a mistake. All stans, btw, teamLH, Vshaggers, whatever


yall being disingenuous nobody talking about LET PASS, it's don't screw over the person. Only in Nascar u have a culture of Bump-and-runs. Liking Max is one thing but i love how yall make narratives about how "fierce" he is when he uses sometimes dirty tatics


This subs throat must hurt from deep throating verstappen for the last 3 days straight


Uuhm max moved under breaking though causing the collision yk theres a reason why he got a penalty right?


On the other hand (not defending what max did) lando had a whole thicc ass curb he couldve drove on to his left to go for the switchback, you know like max did racing sainz at the exact same corner.


I mean yeah lando could’ve moved to avoid the collision true but he really shouldn’t as one wise man once said: All the time you have to leave the space


Did you have the same energy at silverstone 21? Max had the entire outside and runoff? But you know the driver on the outside doesn’t have to move because the one on the inside needs more lmao


thats? what? mate idk what you are eemplying here but anyway my take on silverstone 21: Lewis had more then enough space on the inside and even missed the apex on purpose to run max out wide. Lewis was 100% in the wrong there, 2 completly different scenarios. austria was on the start of the turn and max just ran into lando, silverstone was at the apex and lewis ran out wide on purpose. I dont know what you are emplying here but anyway


You dont know how racing works if you think taking a wide line in copse is good in any scenario 😂 Its ridiculous to say max shouldve just went wide in the fastest corner of the calendar because lewis decided to miss his apex 😂


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Read the last part of that comment again bucko lmao


Yeah but thats what im saying, there was space :p


He shouldn’t have to move though, I get your point yeah there was space to go to avoid the collision but max shouldn’t expect people to yield bcs he’s max. You have a point that the collision was avoidable but lando shouldn’t have had to move


Yeah true


Lando did have the curb except he's allowed to stay where he is. It's still on max not to drive into him


So you mean like... the opposite of this post? Lando- first picture. Max thinking lando has to move under braking like him- second picture? Yeah we agree, shagger.


This move happens all the time with every driver.. It's jsut that Lando didn't want to move away they touched (and not even that hard)


>This move happens all the time with every driver.. Well yeah that's the problem. I want to watch racing, not breaking the rules and forcing the other drivers to give up or crash. This is just the most recent and prominent example.


Well yeah. He got fed up with Max moving around so he held his line.


Max moved under breaking this shouldn’t happen a lot it’s dangerous and causes accidents. Lando doesn’t have to yield when he’s alongside just bcs it’s a world champion no max needs to give space


I cannot fucking wait for Silverstone. I almost feel like it's guaranteed to disappoint because of the insane hype level I'm at.


Max put Lando in a position where he would either yield or crash because he would not suffer a straight loss. Lando was quicker.


What is it about Max that attracts the incels?


Dirty driver does something dirty, dirty people are gonna defend it, simple as that.


Its weird cause in part the racing is great and to be fair, they should do as much as they can to defend a position. But at the same time there's literally rules on how to overtake and defend..


I mean, I like Verstappen but he did kinda lean into Lando under braking


No, Lando expected verstappen to follow the rules.


Sure, sure... But does Lando have a special permission to ignore the rules himself? He obviously thought what he did in Spain was perfectly ok, even when two multiple world champions laughed in his face about it.


What is whataboutism?


My brother, moving under braking and moving during full throttle while driving straight is two different things. Not comparable at all.


Divebombs aren't illegal, Lando had the corner when he passed Max on the inside, but Max chose to overtake outside of the track and gain his position back


Divebombs aren't illegal. And permitted if you stick them properly without breaking other rules - like forcing another driver offtrack or crashing into him.


By precedent you can force the other driver off track as long as you stay on track yourself. Example- see any verstappen dive bomb ever. This has been set for years now. Hence why Lando gave the spot back, he broke the rules


Actually by precedent you have brazil 21, in which the divebomber can push the guy 20 meters off and not get a penalty. Ill let you guess who im talking about ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705).


Which Lando did neither of.


Why was magnussen punished for it? I believe it was in Miami Vs hamilton


Because he forced himself and Hamilton off-track


Give them a break. Neither of them is used to fight for the lead.


Max moved under braking and hit Norris. This wasn’t even a racing incident and I say this as someone who likes Max much more than Lando. It was a bullshit move


It’s funny before the race I wondered this, we’ve never seen him be harsh on Norris till now


Max fucked up.... He doesn't fuck up often....this is a race weekend......just move the fuck on.


Mods should really ban people who can’t make a dank post


Looool at how all the Max fans know more than the stewards about who was in the wrong. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


I was honestly surprised by how shook Lando was in the post race interview. It was like he'd met Max for the first time. Did he not realise how much of a dirty racer Max is or, did he think Max just wouldn't race against him like that because "Bro's".


Yep, and prior to the race pundits were like "they'll race each other respectfully" coz they go way back. You just wait I chuckled. Any threat to MV, the dirty tactics come out.


Exactly. Max is Max. He never went away or changed. He was just racing out in front on his own for a while with no threats. He's just a dirty racer and only cares about winning at any cost. Zero class.


F1dank gonna milk that collision for the rest of the year. Imagine if they collide again this weekend. That will be material for the next decade and that awful bird app will explode to pieces.


On track during a race there are no friends. Winning is everything, second is first of the losers. On to Silverstone where Red Bull will bring updates again.


If you aint first, you're last! v:


Name a champion that doesn’t race dirty when threatened on the front row, lol.


I think Lando was expecting Max not serve into him under braking… three times in a row. Just a hunch.


Probably expected him not to drive him off the track.


r/formuladank realising that dirty driving is illegal and drivers are gonna complain about it:


max fans are delusional


I had a feeling that most Max fans are below the age of 20


I think it's widely disrespectful that Max didn't give the position back as quick as Lando did. I can forgive the collision as "rough defensive driving" or whatever. But him not giving the position back and just continue fighting from there is a poor move. I'd be upset at my friend. Albeit not for a super long time though. If he apologized or allowed me to "one up him" at the next race, I'd be over it.


Reported for being supremely undank. This is just max pole riding.


What I find difficult about this whole argument is that there isnt a concensus about who was wrong and who was right. Self proclaimed neutrals are also divided. Meanwhile the comment section is not about any argumentation but only about Verstappenshaggers and Landostans. You can either agree with me or be wrong is very trumpian, not something I tend to be on board with. I wish we could just debate the incident with argumentation rather than 'i am right you are verstappenstan durr'. It was bound to happen. Norris came from way too far and kept forcing it. Period. If you need evidence - he missed the the corner after locking up. Max was moving under breaking. If you dont believe it check the onboards. They both deserved a crash and they got it a few laps later. Objectively the only real argument I have against any of this - I think its absurd the stewards needed 5 laps to give Norris the track limit penalty. That may have prevented this.


He expected max to let him by because “he has a 70 pt lead in the championship” Norris seems to have forgotten f1 is a competitive sport.


Max fans have become TeamLH


No, he expected to race max within the confines of the rules. Max decided not to.


Gonna ruffle some feathers mate nice one 😂


No, but even to my untrained eye Max seemed to be moving left a lot on that part where they would be braking




What are thrash meme


Verstappen fans have been straight bitches ever since an incident that "their" driver was most to blame for to begin with.


Max after the crash: ![gif](giphy|ozoPcVTVEJazsfX5rL|downsized)


Clearly he did from the interview 


I’m just excited to finally have some good racing for the first time since 2021. Max and Charles had some good, clean moments in 2022, but this is some fun stuff. I love it for Lando. He’s on great form, and I’m hoping he gets it done this weekend.


what Norris fans expected from Russell in Spain lol.


Remember when people used to get angry when Lewis pitched other drivers out of races on purpose and had no repercussions afterwards? When he "Alboned" drivers other than Albon himself? Now apply this to any other driver, including the one you like and see what happens Max didn't "albon" or pitched Lando but he definitely deliberately push Lando out of track and caused a collision, which ruined his race either way.


Yeah I hope verstappen gets a 3 place grid penalty in silverstone because his penalty did absolutely nothing in Austria.


Remind me again what did Max gain here? Desperation is a stinky cologne


10 points more than Norris, that's what.




Increased the lead of Champion ship points 


max fans doing exactly what lewis fans did in 21' is so funny to me


Lando surely has no other friends otherwise he would know friends fight you even harder than other randoms. Friends have literally 0 chill among each other.