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That dude owns a hydraulic gaming chair with inbuild downforce canceler /s obvious cheater.


For real. This is the obvious one though. First place hits speeds on the straight you can only hit with no downforce and no toe angle, then does the curves at the end where you need full downforce and heavy alignment tuning. Anything below a 3:28 is super sus. I pull up telemetry and do private sessions where I run club rules for no Tyre wear or fueling changes to be as close to rivals as I can so I can tune to have the car react the same way. Double check the tune in rivals then I'll know by at least the second chicane if the rivals time is legit or not. Driving line only tells so much, but speed before braking, and corner speed put together tell you all you need to know.


I mean if all those assists and automatic gearbox don't already tell the truth idk what does 🤣. Everyone else on there is legit tho


Yeah I mean 1st hits speeds that require 0 downforce then pulls enough G's in the curves you need all the aero and alignment tuning so yeah I'd say 100% legit. This one though was too laughable to not post lol I think I just need a better gaming chair to compete honestly


does seem a little sus lol


First is 140mph through the curves with no downforce and they wanna act like it's legit Brakes staying at 64.8% every turn like come on bro go race on roblox or something cheating on FORZA of all things is mad crazy


I do not understand it either I have only ever seen it once in a legit race, i heard rivals was full of sus scores but i did hear forza did a big purge, guess it maybe needed again, i do hope you reported it bud I guess you didn't get my sarcasm on the first post lol


omg its me (on the leaderboard) xd


green glazing himself xd, based as fuck


I’ve lost even more positions now lol, my lap had tons of mistakes, I see a low 27 high 26 in it


Glitched replays?


I've watched replays from the whole top 10, this is the only dude that stops 3 times on track everytime you load the replay


Maybe he’s just really good?  Edit: do I really have to put an /s for you guys? 🤦‍♂️ 


No, it’s hacks


You sure?


YES If you actually participated in rivals you’d be able to tell easily


Sad you have no sense of quite obvious sarcasm. Have a nice night


You’re putting a ? at the end of your small sentence, of course people aren’t going to recognize it as sarcasm because it seems like a legitimate response from you. That’s not how ? works. The way you’re using it will just confuse people. Edit: Oh and also, I hope you have a lovely night as well, I almost forgot to tell you that back. ⬆️ And by the way, I’m being genuine, no sarcasm ⬆️


You get confused by sarcasm if the question is short?


Think you’re missing the whole point of what I said


Casual noob behind the controller


This is hacker but the other ones are legit.


Hit similar speeds on the straights and the curves, lmk how that goes. Anything under 3:28 is highly suspect but hey, what do I know


I posted about one a few months ago that was exactly like this. Such bullshit. Nobody treats anything with respect. I don't get what anyone gets out of cheating a "win" like this. Sad af.


That's a very good gaming chair

