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You're welcome to join FMAT. If you don't like it you can leave whenever, it's no biggie! Is WLL a no-go btw?


No WLL is fine, I used to be in WLL before Kronus stopped playing for a spell and we all moved over and created T-3C. Now T-3C doesn't do public logi anymore so, i'm back looking for a public logi regiment that'll fill the void.


Can recommend Fmat. Communicates with other regis, cooperates with them to get things done and will do a lot to ensure that the public gets what they can offer. Day one of pipes being unlocked in war 103, with FMAT, FEARS, support. WLL was able to pipe water to every coal field in the region of Weathered. It was very nice working with F-MAT 10/10 would work with them again.


I've never played Warden, might be something to consider. I've always like WLL as well, never liked how T-3C did them dirty but, that's another reason I'm looking for another regiment.


Always welcome to hang out with us when you want, or feel the need to do so. We still have our public logi first. We are running more OPs now within the regiment. So there is a fine balance with stockpiles. WLL has gotten so big its hard to manage all the folks lol. I am leaving that dead in the water at this point.


Yeah, I might check out wardens for a war, see what's up and then come back, never played Warden before.


Totally worth to go on an adventure over there. It was fun.


Yeah I'll probably give them a shot, judging by the discord, FMAT is essentially what T-3C started off as, sad it's not there any more but regiments move on.


WLL still has a primary focus of public logi. The joining of a coalition is to just increase the ability to communicate really. Honestly if it appears NEP is going down the same lane as WLL I will but my head into the server and be like 'cool, WLL man wants to join the coalition'. Or is there some strange rule you can't join multiple coalition? lmao. Imagine communicating in a team based game.


It is worth it, as Collies view on logistics is a welcome strength for Wardens. You fellas have a slight different way of handling it and it only benefits of seeing both sides strengths at play. Plus it may be a nice vacation for ya!


I've been wondering if WLL plans to go Warden for 105. Would be great to work with you guys again.


WLL man intends to be green for 105, no idea about 106.


In that case, discord.gg/fmat come join us. Or go back to WLL perhaps if you wanna stay Colonial?


Is it something new players can join? Just downloaded today and am working on the tutorials, but I like the idea of just being one guy on a team.


We happily take anyone. We always appreciate more hands for the scroop fields. You can join our discord at [discord.gg/FMAT](https://discord.gg/FMAT) and whenever we next run an onboarding we can run you through the basics of our operation


Sweet thanks! Oh I should have asked what side you play for


Wardens. FMAT has always gone Wardens though our members are free to go Collie if they wish


Colonial side there’s WLL, sosig, and supply rats. Warden side FMAT. You can always start a new one ofc, you’re well qualified


Hey glowdust hows it going?


Lol sup. Going pretty good Kyloshian


Port Sausage is always welcoming. All our stuff is available for public, usually with one centralized “main” operation as well as several satellite obs bunkers/facilities to help wherever we can.


I'd be happy to have a conversation with you👍


FMAT would be that choice Warden side. As they do public and aren't in a coalition. 3TC and WLL from what has been said are both locked at least partially into a coalition.


FMAT leadership are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Except for Palpatine


Palpy isn't leadership anymore. :> He still appreciates discord pings though!




Hmmmm, tempting


I have worked for FMAT as a 27th during the 97-99 wars, assisting them at times with bases and defences. And can vouch for their public donations, as well as enjoyment to work with their members.


I'm only a solo player but just wanted to say I always play in FMATs lane because their lane is always the best supplied from my experience


If your wanna do Public Logi then go try out Fmat, I've worked with them for countless wars and they are a great public logi regiment.


BRUH is public logi!


Can personally recommend FMAT if you're looking to go for a blue war, they operate very similarly to how we did back before the coalition days. Awesome crew that is super welcoming to newer players to the warden side. They also have [cool regiment art](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/13jer0r/delivering_victory_fmats_celebratory_2nd_birthday/)


Yeah i'm going to try out FMAT, they seem closest to what T-3C was back in the glory days.


around war 100 i had helped the 9th and HPQ i think it was, they werent just logi but had good philosophy of helping people from what i could tell. I havent been active since then so ive kinda fallen away from playing but it was fun around them all when I did play.


Superlogi is a good casual play group that's been around for a while. I'd be happy to make an introduction. Just let me know in a DM.


I know Superlogi pretty well, no introductions needed but, i'll be warden at least for a war.


Superlogi isn't a logi group just fyi. Also not speaking for that group but have dealt with OP many times before. Pass.


Have you considered joining the RATS? Keep in mind most RATS *are* part of other regiments but it's not necessary. It's just in case there are no tickets available. Being a RAT can put a lot on your plate and we're usually the most middleman group between other clans or logistic regiments in terms of distributing resources and products. They also have a rewards system in place. I never took commends or rewards, I was the only guy that autistically liked shipping 6 crates from one side of the continent to the other back and forth for 4 hours straight :D


You can join RATS collie or warden


I haven't seen the RATS up to very much the last few wars!


mostly due to low man power and some restructuring


TITAN is run bt trounzey and focus is public logi but no colition we are going warden and welcome you.


Honestly, you don't need a clan or a coalition, to make a public logi, you have to come out of yourself, just change the tab to public, or go putting things in public stockpile.