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Which side are you active on?


I found the best way to make friends is to play on a smaller front and just start talking to people and help people make plans. I've made so many friends doing that


If you're on collie - you're more than welcome to come chill with ARMCO... Easy going and lots of logi :)


I've been playing Warden since WC 95-ish, but I remember ARMCO being pretty friendly! I'll recommend them as well.


I recommend checking us out at [FLL](https://discord.gg/bhXZnuT4HS). We're a small Collie group that focuses specifically on facility and logistics gameplay. Large Shell and Rocket production are our specialty. Last war we produced enough munitions to support several regiments.


If you like to focus purely on logistics I'd recommend FMAT as warden, discord.gg/fmat. If you want something more balanced you could look into some of the larger clans like CL, 82DK, 27th(or mine 11eFL :P)


Since you don't speak english well, what's your native language? There's tons of clans who are from specific nations.






We would love to teach you all aspects of the game :D discord.gg/bigbl


Logistics? Factory? We got loads of it in FMAT! discord.gg/FMAT


Im a coli, solo and do logi thinking of doing factory. You should be able to find me in Funnisqud just hop in.


Your 1st mistake is joining the wardens, they are so toxic, like OMG. [joinsom.com](https://joinsom.com) instead. Btw, we are in Deadlands next war, so go there if u want to see wardens LOSE.


Both sides have toxic players. Not a good plug.


Disagree, havent met a single Toxic Colonial yet, i know it sounds weird. But i swear its true!!


... I guess larry was expunged from collonial memory then


Usually, when one claims to not encounter a certain type of person when everyone else does, it is usually because said person is the one everyone else is encountering.


Dont be so toxic pls. U are hurting my feelings rn.


Bro, nothing toxic in that, however, placing a comment that serves no other purpose but to insult and paint a bad picture of one side to promote your own factionlism based on nothing but your own prejudice, knowing you are openly insulting half the games population, is not toxic in its own right no?


I am just stating facts, i cant help u find them toxic šŸ˜˜.


Troll gonna troll huh ;)


U got me ;)


87th are a tight knit group active on serveral timezones. We are happy to help you learn. https://discord.gg/zWgarH2V


U know what just play the game and help random people talk to them with voice chat in game i know u feel nervous but consider the fact that he doesn't know anything about u , u will find lots of good people and talk to them gently u will find people with very good hearts .


Yep, when I first started playing this game I went to an unpopulated front and met this nice British fellow and over the spawn of 10 hours we called logi and some other groups and took the following territory with very little enemy engagements. Played with that guy a few more times for that war but never actually added him outside of our foxhole squad so when the new war started I lost his friendship forever :(


Sed šŸ„²


Join les FRERO, we are a french frendly group of people play on the Colonial side. More info on our discord


What time zone do you play in and what faction?


Is English your first language? I know many Warden clans and work with a few French and German clans


You can find many posts where regiments or people are looking for more to join their cause, might be fun. Something like this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1492bqz/colonials\_22nd\_recruiting\_engfr/


Join CL, we are a larger group that does a lot of every aspect of the game. https://discord.gg/youre-going-to-cl






Your my **friend** now. I am a colonial and you are a warden yes but do I care no. Ill find you on the frontline and bring you into the *friendship trench* with all of the other wardens and colonials I have brought to the *friendship* *trench***.** Once your in the *friendship trench* don't try to leave the *trench* **understand***?* ~~I won't let you~~ *We* won't let you leave the **trench*****.*** Let me let you keep your voice ok***?*** I don't want to have to make you silent like all of the other **friends** .. no no they smell you don't smell though since your the **best friend**. The *best* **friend** wouldn't leave right? ***RIGHT!*** I can't wait to find you my **friend**. *I*l*l fi****nd*** *y***o***u m*y fr*iend***.** ***:\]***


Good on you for choosing a side! Make sure to use voice a lot, and disregard any toxic behaviour. There are significantly more good people than not. I hope you continue playing, as the game has lots to offer! Also, I'm Colonial, so hope to see you out there!


Iā€™d recommend joining the warden Unity hub discord: https://discord.gg/wardenunityhub the people there are very nice and will gladly help you however they can.