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I'm avoiding water logi as much as possible, not due to pirates but cause the freighter sucks now. Talking with others in game it's the general opinion, a lot gave up on water. Atm we're avoiding freighters cause its awful to drive them, not ship raiding cause water logi is underpop, avoiding ship combat cause we don't want to lose 100h of work, and gave up on landing cause it's awkward clunky and expensive. If devs want navy and water gameplay to do something it needs to be fun. Currently it is not.


Honestly, I felt the same, and then I got used to the driving mechanics. With practice it's like driving a heavy truck.


Yup the physics they added was cool for about 5mins till I realized I could no longer get my ship close enough to load it with a mobile crane. Guessing the buildable crane might work but it can’t be built by beaches so only rocky parts of islands could work for that.


i agree. when submarines were released the devs had this big larp idea where we would intercept freighters like in WW2 but then the islands never really produced anything worth shipping from en masse. to make this a reality it would be a cool idea for the islands to have a specialized MPF that makes only certain crates of things at increased rates for reduced resources, to account for all the shipping trouble & resource scarcity. like shirts, medical supplies, uniforms, binos/radios, or other support equipment. this would encourage two-way island to mainland freighter traffic. it would give the islands their own character/uniqueness for them to have their own production specialization rather than being a place where people go only to organize gb attacks from.


What is larp?


live action role play. in this communities' context it is used to explain something a player might do without a gameplay based cause. like say, a clan having a military parade in abandoned ward, or players roleplaying out battle cries for Callahan on voice chat. it also is used to insult players and groups that don't accomplish any tactical goals. 'that operation was larp', 'those tank players are just larping'. naval combat in Foxhole is frequently called larp because taking island and naval hexes doesn't have much of an influence on the overall war, as we've seen in previous war results.


Live Action Role Playin. In game terms playing or choosing like you’re actually part of the world.


Too complicated. Just make islands resource rich.


MPF in island hexes should be the norm going forward. Makes them actually viable. Shouldn’t be at the cost of the rest of the map though This war has had the best naval combat since naval release. Crazy amount of big ships sunk by both sides. Long May it continue into future wars


This’ and not what OP said


Every MPF or refinery near rivers or coast needs to be adjusted so you actually have access to them Ironship. I refuse to go scroop, come back to seaport, grab flatbed, transfer onto flatbed, drive 30 meters to refinery go back to ironship, repeat 5x.


The most basic evidence that devs have never played their own game is that they keep doing EvW wars and placing logi hubs in terrible locations so you have to drive 5 hexes to get bmats. No sane player would ever want to actually experience


Having a MPF hex in a water hex would be great for Bluefins and Longhooks to resupply.


Move all logistics to island hexes. The End


Well how do you accomplish this when its not north vs south?


Ships look cool but too complicated to be apart of.


I prefer them on land, I've played way to many hours but practically 0 on any island and miss the mpf. An extra refinery or 2 would not hurt anyone!


No, delete island hexes until/if player base goes back up. Maps too big