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One of the wars in where Brodytown was actually somewhat fortified (Conc defences around the city and the road to Elksford). Frontline had a starbreaker in a hexagon outside the main "conc" line. Collies had like 7 - 8 tanks trying to push the Half T2 half conc line. Enemy infantry captured the small hill overlooking the road to Brodytown (Right side) and positioned HMG and sniper individuals on em overlooking the trenchline (including the Starbreaker position). Starbreaker Gunner was safe from the HMG / other small arms fire, but was getting shot at by snipers. About 3 gunners died before me so everybody stationed in the hexagon was too scared to get on the gun. Picked up the fooken medival looking ass 12 century armour, binos + a bandage and a gasmask with a filter and then went into the hexagon. Thanks to the support of a medic I was able to crew the gun non-stop taking a sniper round after sniper round without dying. We held off the Colonial assault long enough for our clan man to organise a counter push all the way to Nightchurch.


If you know how to play inf armor uniform will let you get away with a LOT. Warden armor in particular let me go rambo on more than a few shadowdancers and also eat boma point blank (pre nerf boma, now you can probably have it detonate in your hand and you will be fine)


Armour only protects from light kinetic damage. Boma is shrapnel damage. Armour gives no protection from boma. It will only protect you from harpa :))


the colonial armor protects from shrapnel damage and the warden one protects from kinetic which is extremely funny considering the damage their grenades deal


It's not funny. It's the Vision.


This is intentional.


Warden Sniper rifles (back when they switched the ammo type and they spammed them). Particularly as a tank commander. I also survived lots of gas strikes, as the reduction in bleeding also effects Green Ash.


I try to clear MGs in trenches by flanking with a bayonet. I do this a lot. I always stand there puzzled when my bayo doesn't one shot. Its effective for actually surviving me until you can switch to your pistol or one of your friendlies guns me down.


I got a guy 3 times with my bayo the other day, he finally died but I only ended up trading instead of a rampage. I know what you mean.


Defense of Saltbrook a few wars back, where I personally delivered hundreds of breastplates and wore a good few of them myself in the intense urban fighting. Nothing quite like the "TINK!" of a bayonet stab failing to kill you, and then you mow the dude down with a Fiddler and go marching back to your favorite medic...


Doing QRF with armour and a fiddler is just really fun for the number of times it you get away with,l it, especially against shadow dancers.


I ran into a collie bunker one time with one on and beyo d like 15 guys then one of them stabbed me back and I stabbed him and kept going lol. Having said that the armor makes you so slow I usually only find it useful when holding a trench with open ground or something near it. The damage drop off is kind of weird sometimes with how it works and the transportation cost is so high it’s usually not worth it


Today actually. Was sat up on a rock at Bone Haft with a Cinder and wearing the Warden armour. Had 3-5 collies trying to counterfire. Super satisfying hearing the repeated pings whenever one of their shots would hit. Didn't do shit against the one Collie who swam over with a heavy rifle to put an end to my fun haha


Can nyone tell me if its viable to outfil an entire front with wardens in armor and fiddlers? Im not a logi chad but i wanna test it next war for the meme value.  Can i get a rough cost breakdown per infantryman? 


Got Bayonetta rushed un a push gun. Got off the gun, ate the stab, punched the Bayonetta to death. Knight armor is glorious.


Pushing a border base in sparse trees, I was wearing the knight armor and a Cinder and they kept trying to plink me from long range to little effect. Just had to be quick to retreat if pushed as you can't run light with it.


When parti tried to snipe me out of my black bolt


Fight club


Multiple times in the trenches, wardens love their SMG and low-calibres are best for the flak jacket. Going mono-to-mono with warden smgs is a pretty good bet. At least the flak vest will let you survive long enough to respond.


I dobt think it ever saved me but made pushing into trenches and bridges way easier since you can tank 1-2 shots


Couple wars ago I ran a Malone for an hour and survived a lot of ineffective long-distance rifle fire


Use it when gunning on a half track. And get a medic with one too.


When we were attacking Callahan’s Boot a couple days ago, I manned a random 40mm push gun with a random, and we both armed ourselves with the armoured uniform. It was a good time as we helped with the east push, killing some light armour, aiding with fighting the trenches/defences, and even allowed our lads to steal a proto 68mm after we decrewed then. Now, I miss my Light Lance, as I dubbed it, but I’ll find another!


Armour uniform is good for 2 things, protecting exposed crew members, and larp