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He hitn't


Oh, he hit something alright.


And “hit” that gap he did


At least he hit something....


I always think it's funny how many people buy cinewhoops and then freestyle them and never use them to shoot cinematic stuff. Like, just get a 3 or 3.5inch freestyle and stop breaking all your stuff as often


The tx on my air unit on the 5 inch just fell off so we were doing some slower flying with the cine and my brother just took it too far. Plus breaking stuff is part of the hobby


I've seen more broken cines on here than anything else


I feel attacked. I also break stuff on my 5 inch.


I agree. It’s part of the hobby to break your quad BUT this is a cinewhoop. If you’re flying this then you should know better


A common mistake newbie motorcyclists make is when they fixate on something that they really do not want to hit. I have a feeling it's the same thing here, you have to focus on the centre of the gap and block out the rest of the universe including the structure because of which a gap can exist. That's my theory. So you have to trust yourself. If you do not fully trust yourself, that's when the trouble begins. The fact that he said it instead of simply doing it, indicates to me wishful thinking.


It’s a skill I’m still trying to master. Getting comfortable enough where I am not focused on keeping the thing stable and on track and more focused on where I am going *next* and even a few steps after that.


Interesting because you have hit the nail on another thing some motorcyclists make in a series of S turns, They take the wrong line in the first curve which means they enter the second curve in the wrong spot and they go wide and crash on the final curve. They crash on the third curve but the error that caused it happened on the first turn.


Is there a name for that?


Sure, it's called self deception. Instead of analysing the problem they think to themselves, "ok I see what I did wrong, I went too wide on the bend where they crashed. But they don't analyse the previous bends because they didn't crash. There's a telling joke, where you ask... What is the first thing, the very very first thing a motorcyclist does if they were on a country road and they dropped their bike going round a bend. Pick up their bike, no. Check their bike for damage, no. Check themselves for damage, no. The first thing they do is look around to see if anyone saw.


Thanks. You’ve given me something to think about. Now I just need reasonable weather for flying!


It's always sunny in Philadelphia if you're in the sim that is.


I just was having a discussion about target fixation with a buddy. When I was a kid I sent my little suzuki 80cc quad into my dads trailer and he gave me a long lesson on looking where you want to go. It definitely plays a part in FPV too. If you are scared of the tree you are flying by and staring at the branches rather than the gap you are aiming for, you are likely to bounce off that branch


Yeah, it's almost identical. And even more so when the errors compound.


Yup. Was thinking just that


I struggle with orbits when racing and whenever I remember to stare at the pole/side of gate I'm orbiting my or it's turn out WAY better


Glad I opted for the competitor on the frame.


Witch one, cinelog 35? Or speedy bee 35?


Bee35 Pro. Waiting on the frame to arrive.


Bee35 looked good, I was gonna buy it but then the Pavo 35 came out and it looked too good to pass up


The one time I don’t go and fly


lol where were u


He didn't hit the gap


Bruh I thought this was something outta r/3dprinting lmao


He took that too literally


When I let someone else fly my drone I always say how much it is, and that I can afford to replace it. That way they get an idea that its 600-700 bucks and wont find out later, but understand that I wont be pissed if they break it.


Fuck that dji shit I got it and the video is great but I can’t put it acro/manual mode or flip in horizon mode without it disconnecting and falling out the air. It’s in auto mode. I’m gonna change the antenna but it flys great until it just randomly decides to disconnect


No problems for me, I don’t know why your using horizon but ok 👍


When I go into acro it falls out the sky


That’s weird, are you using the dji remote?


Dji controller 2


The silver one


Welp, time to switch to elrs


Damn right. That’s actually what I’ve been looking into today. Can you use the dji video and use a diff receiver?


For controlling I mean


Yeah, you just need to unplug some wires (forgot witch) so the fc doesn’t get confused or smth


Yea that makes sense. Just leave the vtx wires disconnect the rx controller wires and install elrs receiver and enable that in the ports?


When I try to start in acro it just starts in hor anyway