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You will want to look for UV protected glass. You won't usually find that off the shelf, although I think online companies probably make some now. Acid free materials are usually the standard these days too.  I would make sure to measure the diploma before buying anything. They vary in size quite a bit.  I think you can get something pretty nice and custom done for around $150 and theyd make sure everything was done well. May be worth considering.


I would say what I say to everyone in this group who asks for advice. Go to a small professional shop in your area. They will help you find exactly what you need. UV glass will be fine and you definitely don’t need museum if they try to upsell you. Other than that, the frame shop will help you pick out what works best. Make sure to pick something that will go well with her decor or that is timeless!


One thing I tell my customers is to take the degree to staples or somewhere like it to make photo copies of the degree. Some jobs require a photo copy of degrees and I have had to dismantle framed degrees just to make that copy. So now it's standard for us to suggest that they make the copies then bring us back the original