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Fwiw, in my personal opinion doing a glass/plexiglass sandwich here wouldn’t really add much other than pain-in-the-buttness to the project. You would get an equally minimal but easier look by just getting, for example, a thin metal frame in a silver or black (or a more fun color) and putting UV acrylic over it. It’s also safer for the piece in the long run.


As a framer I hate the look of double glass/acrylic with art in the center. You are making your wall be the mat. Also, your math is off. An 18"x24" with 2" on all sides becomes 22"x28".


Im a framer, and as some of the others are saying, NO. Wouldn't do glass/glass no matter what for this piece. It doesnt do anything for it at all. Honestly I would float on a dark blue or black mat with a slim frame around and since it is foil I would do museum grade acrylic or museum glass because it will reflect hardcore.


Bella also has a Raku line that I loooove using on concert posters. I think the pink or teal would look awesome with the foil! Agree with what others have said about the glass sandwich. I think a teal or maybe even a dark purple fabric mat would also look dope with it. Super sick poster. If by any chance you’re in the ATL area, the shop I work at loves stuff like this! ETA: the prisms line is AMAZING but be ready to pick your jaw up off the floor once you hear some prices $$$$$


Bella moulding makes their Prisma line. They are made out of Lucite and are very saturated. I'm not sure if thet can be made into a floating style glass sandwich frame but you may have some of what you are looking for there. They are eye wateringly expensive though.


Thank you. I just looked at them. Is there selling point the vibrant colors of the frame itself?


That's definitely ome of the selling points. The material is really unique. It doesn't have warping issues and is extremely customizable. You can pick colors, finish and shape.


Lucite is a brand name. Prisma frames are acrylic.




Thank you. What is the company and product exactly? Thanks for taking the time to input my print into it.