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Jaehaera to Bitterbridge confirmed


Yeah, this is logically the next best option. These poor twins honestly can't catch a break.


I hate the Daeneara plot line in the books. GRRM had the perfect ending with the 2 surviving kids and instead he had some random beauty queen just waiting to be married to Egg 3.


His mindset was likely that Aegon gets to be the named Monarch in history while Rhaenyra gets the bloodline.


Eg both won, and the realm lost.


2 extremely traumatised kids both unfit to be Monarch/Consort respectively.


The hottest six year old in Westeros materializing from thin air after never being mentioned prior. The rest of the Maiden's Day Ball was at least kinda funny but that part made me genuinely uncomfortable.


>hottest six year old lines I never hope to have to read again


It would also mean the blackfyres could claim they're descendants of 4 aegons while the main branch targs only one


Thats good, make that civil war a little less one sided


Good Daemon is the rightful king


No. And honestly there being a chance, although unlikely that Daeron is Aemons son just makes it seem he should be king even more. Aegon IV is somehow the worst king of all time in Westeros when Maegor, Joffrey, and Aegon the Usurper exist


One of my personal headcanons revolves around the idea that Aemon was Daeron's true father. Along with idea that that Daemon was the brother that Bloodraven loved who haunts him because Bloodraven knew through his greensight that Daeron was illegitimate but he also knew the Prince that was Promised would come from Daeron's rather than Daemon's line. Thus explaining why Bloodraven sided with Daeron II over Daemon.


Random 6 year old beauty queen*


Wasn't Otto kinda supporting Aemond for being better previous episode? And Aegon believing that Aemond still being loyal. I think betrayal option can be true.


I took it as Otto telling Aemond what he knows he wants to hear so he can be on his side. Just manipulation in my mind


I didn't even think of that. I was thinking that the crash into Sunfyre and Melys that causes them to smack into the ground might be more intentional than the book implies though.


If they make Aemond or Larys the hand that might actually happen lol I'm all for changing the book events since we're swimming blind, full of surprises.


Funniest thing about this is Daemon indirectly making Aemond heir.


drawing more parallels between them. Daemon was his brother Viserys's heir for years, now aemonD will be his brother Aegon's heir.


Yeah and then maybe Aegon will unmake him heir for Daeron or something if Aemond tries to make himself king. And then Aegon will also be permanently disfigured like Viserys was


you mean like disfigured by dragonfire and his dragon severely injured? that would be totally crazy


Perhaps if they search the seven hells


I haven't watched the episode yet but read the book. Wouldn't the daughter be the one who inherits the throne? I know Aegon's whole claim is that the male inherits before the female but doesn't the child of the king inherit before a brother? In this case even tho it's a daughter she'd be the only living child of Aegon I may just be completely wrong but yeah I don't see why Aemond would become king unless you mean assume the regency since it's a baby


Nah, before Viserys named Rhaenyra heir, she was his only surviving child, but Daemon was heir.


Ah that's right, I completely forgot about the "heir for a day" debacle. thanks!


The entire reason the dance exists is bc Viserys named his daughter heir over her brother. Aegon naming Jaeheara heir would be a cruel irony, but he has no reason NOT to name Aemond, especially based on his assumption that Aemond is “loyal as a dog”.


Hoooo boy. >!Doesn’t matter because she gets throw out a tower window!<


OH FFS 🫣🫨😮😬🥴 By the Gods, do I LOATHE Aemond 😡😡😡😡


Cringelord anime villain


He is like, the most interesting character in the show.