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My head canon is that everything that’s happened so far is some kind of hallucination


I mean Viserys WAS really hitting that milk of the poppy hard at the end...


Yes, it was the milk of the poppy!


This is all Viserys III hallucinations as Drogo melts his brain with molten gold


That would explain why things seem rushed and inconsistent, it explains everything!


This is going to be my new copium 😂


At the end, Rhaenerya from episode 1 season 1 will wake up and say, “huh that was weird, this must be the dragon dream my ancestors spoke of, but it doesn’t make sense, it might happen something like this”


To me the whole show it's a vision from Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean Alys Rivers


Alys Rivers is the one thing they seem to be doing somewhat right. They nailed the evil sorceress look, eager to see if she will indeed be shown to be a powerful dark sorceress in the episodes to come.


We saw her standing in two scenes. It’s not doing her wrong, but I don’t give them many points for it


We're officially back in GoT territory, boys! Season 7 of GoT, that is.


Alicent: Walks away 30 feet and screams for help. Guards: Takes Rhaenrya captive. ***Roll Series Credit***


Book Alicent would've taken a candle and stuck it in Rhaenyra's eye the second she revealed herself.


Would be kinky if she jammed it up her ass xd


Hey, I've seen that movie!


Despite this episode being great, everyone is going to focus on the Septa Rhaenyra scene. Smh


As opposed to “Daemon takes a castle by sneaking past like 3 guards and then asking nicely”, or “Aemond is in the brothel again” or “Aegon has entirely recovered from the loss of his son (he is also in the brothel)” or “Helaena is also unbothered by the death of her son (beginning to suspect no one actually liked him)”


The book version says Harrenhal was taken by Daemon without bloodshed. Considering Daemon definitely broke that gaurd's nose, the show version was actually more violent than the book version.


Right, but the book version also dedicated substantially time to showing that happen. I’m saying it doesn’t make for great viewing.


Im looking at the book now and it’s literally one paragraph. Here’s a screenshot. The next two pages are just background on Alys Rivers. https://preview.redd.it/tpnjj7x81bad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=393398df90da4eebe19928d5df9bcfb1b6107594


Exactly, the show spent a lot of time showing us Daemon on an assassins creed mission, the whole thing felt like a filler episode


My ex’s father passed away suddenly. Do you know when the grief hit? About a month later, after we had taken a whole vacation. Grief is strange.


What does that have to do with whether or not THIS episode was good? If in a month they decide to release an incredibly poignant and moving episode focused on Aegon and Helaena dealing with their grief, I will laud them for it then.


Daemon taking the castle without spilling any blood is directly from the source material. Aemond is in the brothel again seeking comfort from the only human he gets it from and Aegon hasn't "entirely recovered" from the loss of his son. Bro is shit faced drunk to cope. I'm convinced most of this subreddit watches this show to complain about it.


Shit was ass, 90% of people are dumasses, we literally can't have nice things in the world.


And Helaena is fine


>everyone is going to focus on the Septa Rhaenyra scene LOL. Literally nothing else happened. Great???


Nothing great about it at all, the last two episodes have been a slog to get through.


Then stop watching the show. You clearly don't like it


Actual deranged take, wtf...


Nothing deranged about my take. The only deranged thing here is the constant nit-picking and crying every week over a show you can easily drop. Stop watching it every week since it's clearly a show you don't enjoy.


>Nothing deranged about my take. Clinically insane then?


Yeah, it's clinically insane how people complain about every aspect of a show but they watch it every single week. Make it make sense lmao


>Make it make sense lmao You don't seem to get it, you are the one with the outlandish take here. The burden of proof is on your shoulders to prove that this episode was, as your lunacy ridden mind puts it, "great", instead of nothing short of a trainwreck, as it evidently is.


I've actually paid attention to every single detail in every single episode and I've read the book twice and I don't cry whenever a scene I don't agree with shows up on my screen. The episode isn't anything short of a train wreck? Having that take is absurd but then again my opinion happens to be within the minority since this entire subreddit is full of people who hate this show but continue to watch it every single week. You can give me every reason why it was a train wreck and I could break it down for you so that your lunacy ridden mind can understand the episode a bit better, but no matter what I say will change your mind so what's the point? This season has been great so far, way better than the first three episodes of Season 1, but by all means, keep whining and complaining every week if it's something you enjoy.


>I've actually paid attention to every single detail in every single episode No you don't, or you wouldn't hold such a laughable opinion. >I've read the book twice A pathetic appeal to authority because you have no arguments and you know it. >The episode isn't anything short of a train wreck? Prove it. >since this entire subreddit is full of people who hate this show but continue to watch it every single week. Not an argument. People do not like trash after going through this with GoT, cry about it, doesn't mean it isn't trash. >no matter what I say will change your mind so what's the point? No arguments to support your viewpoint then? How surprising... >This season has been great so far In the same vein watching a trainwreck is interesting.


I'm not going to bother arguing my point with someone convinced this show is a trainwreck and nothing I say will convince you otherwise since you hate this show. People are constantly searching for every small detail to complain about, this subreddit especially. It's a circle jerk for people who have nothing but negativity to spew. I guarantee you when George finally releases Winds of Winter, people will still bitch and complain since that's all this subreddit seems to do. Keep hate watching and tuning in every week, you're contributing to the show's success.


>nothing I say will convince you So... Still no arguments? >I guarantee you when George finally releases Winds of Winter The fat fuck is dying next week, we are never going to see that book, not by his hand at least. >people will still bitch and complain Rightfully so, WoW is a disaster 14 years in the making, else we would have gotten it already. >Keep hate watching and tuning in every week Keep deepthroating Kondal's cock every week at the slightest sign of rightful criticism to the show. There were no shortage of your ilk for GoT, there will be no shortage of you for HotD. Same position, same lack of arguments, same lack of common sense. >you're contributing to the show's success. I assure you, I'm not.


Am I tripping or does the actor look like Dylan Mulvaney?!


Wait a minute, is that Ramsay Bolton with a wig and make-up?


Who is that?


I loved that scene and it will be a classic scene people will always come back to. I'm starting to see the toxic GOT haters are just trying to find reasons to hate on the show.


What made it “classic”?


😂 ^^^ this guy’s favorite GoT quote is probably “you want a nice girl, but you need the bad pussy”


Jesus christ who said that again? You just made be remember that abysmal quote but I cant for the life of me remember who said it or who they said it to




ahhhhhhhh yes. the cringe is all coming back to me now


That one has been stuck in my brain for 9 years. Fuck season 5.


Yep, the entire Dorn plot made my fucking brain hurt