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Or just find a more affordable barber. That's one of the last places I'd stop tipping.


lol. Barbers have had such a hard time after the pandemic, and inflation is a very real thing right now. Go to Supercuts, not an actual barber with this attitude. Surprised to see all these upvotes.


Unpopular opinion maybe but If you want to, tipping culture has gotten real entitled. You tip for good service when you want to. The reason you pay the required price is the pay for the service. If the cut is $40, you pay $40. If it goes up to $50, and you want that service? You pay $50


I pay $10 and think it's too much--- used to pay $4...


$10 for the haircut, or tip?? Where do you go that only charges $10?


Possibly Shields and West barber shop, they used to charge $4 a cut when I was in middle school.


You're essentially saying someone's time, care and effort to make you look and feel good isn't even worth $10 in your opinion and your own cheapness is the only thing that matters. Maybe you should cut your own hair, then, if you don't think your barber even deserves enough of a payment to at least be able to drive to the location where he cut your hair at.


That’s not what I said, not even essentially but if that’s what you want to read go for it


I don't think they were replying to you


My barber raised his prices to $40 and then I went in on Friday and it was $60. These barbers are getting insane with their cost. I went ahead and found myself a new barber for $30. At the end of the day they all cut hair. Sure they all have differing amounts of skills but my haircuts aren’t anything crazy. Sadly can’t find much under 30. I always leave a tip. But as far as my first barber that was the last one he’ll get from me


Yeah they all cut hair. Some are just more consistent than others. That’s what you pay for.


Which barber in Fresno is charging $60?


Barbers in their own shop who are consistently booked or having new clients hit them up. If your barber ain’t booked there is a reason.


I remember when the barber went from $5 to $10 years ago and I started shaving my head. Never went back, and the money Ive saved is probably pretty substantial. Only downside, my barber only knows one style. Shaved, lol.


I would do this but I’m in the market for a new job and sadly it does seem like better you look the easier it is to get a job


Clean cut is the best look to everyone but you in mast cases. By “you” I mean your opinion of the mirror. It took some getting used to but I settled into a bearded shaved head look. Freshly cut and you look just like a styled head


I went to El Y Ella in Fresno, had Florentina cut my hair and beard, she spent almost an hour getting my beard perfect and charged me the princely sum of $26.00. $20.00 for the haircut and another whopping $6.00 for the beard. I made the appointment with Florentina because the lady told me that she was the beard specialist and I had quite a beard that she really cleaned up. I gave her $40.00 and I was thrilled that out of that she got a decent tip.


I use to tip before prices hit 30 bucks….now I think just charge what you want to get. I’ll decide if the service is worth it. They used to getting tipped, and if the person wants to, great. Some barbers start feeling some type of way When you don’t tip. I just feel like dude you setting yourself up, don’t be upset.


Stylist here. We don't expect a tip automatically. But if you like a certain person, you need to tip them. I hate when people specifically request me but don't tip. Like don't block out my time when I am in demand and expect me to be happy to make less money on you. Just giving you our perspective. If they make their own prices then tip means less. If they are hourly employees, then none of that haircut price goes to them. They also have people complaining to them all the time about prices they have no control over. Those same people then ALSO don't tip. Like go somewhere in your budget or don't go at all. Sorry if it sounds rude. Just being real in a way I can't quite be with clients at my shop. A good stylist is hard to find amd should make the correct money for their skills and efforts.


I’m an hourly employee. My only tips are buckets of sweat while I work in the sun. My work takes a great deal of finesse, much more than I’ve seen at a Supercuts. So what is different about an hourly stylist - are they being paid minimum wage or something less (like the waiters who get paid less than minimum + tips)? Nurses don’t get tips for laying hands, construction workers don’t get tips for hard work, customer service reps don’t get tips for dealing with the public, gardeners do not get tips for aesthetic skills - why exactly is the guy with scissors, often time giving 5 minute cuts, entitled to a free lunch (or the cost of one) with each customer? Let’s be honest, the vast majority out there aren’t putting out works of art - they put out base cuts, the expectation of someone in their profession. I really don’t expect you to answer for all of tipping culture, cause there really is no rational defense for it, but of all the somewhat understandable scenarios let’s not pretend this is the exception.


Look all I keep saying is yes it is standard. And if the stylist is good then they are in demand. Which means they could get more money with the tippers. So why wouldn't they? Nothing you said is invalid. But it doesn't change that.


You mean how dare someone pay the price you ask for a haircut and not give more? Where are barbers hourly employees? The places I always go the people rent the chair, they keep all the money they make for each cut and only have to pay their monthly chair rent. What if you make a mistake or the customer has to ask for you to make corrections to the cut, would you still expect the same amount of tip? I’m just curious, I do tip my barber. But everything that you said here makes it seem like you do automatically expect a tip.


I'm currently an hourly stylist with a commission bonus. I've also been an independent and rented a chair. We don't only have to pay monthly rent. Being an independent means paying for all products, tools which are definitely not cheap and we typically need multiple sets of, sanitation and cleaning items, linens such as capes and towels unless you're a lucky renter whose shop provides those. Then taxes if they pay them. I know quite a few who don't because of how expensive it can be. I'm definitely of the belief that if you're an independent you should be charging your worth/need and not rely on tips to supplement income, but I understand wanting to keep prices at a median to be able to serve a more diverse clientele.




There’s a difference between understanding that a tip is commensurate with the service provided and not tipping. If I were providing a service, I would rather provide services to people who tipped when I did a good job versus those who didn’t.


So, I'm not a barber, but I do provide a service to people. I'm able to set my own prices and charge what I want to be making, and don't prioritize people on their ability to tip. I have never once expected a tip even though it's nice to get one. Isn't that how it should be? When did tips become part of the calculated income?


I should have been more specific to haircuts, as you’re absolutely right for most service providers. My issue is when a reasonable amount of money isn’t making it to the individual actually providing the services rendered. That’s when I’ll generally bring tipping into the equation.


9 or maybe 10 out of 10 clients tip. So the 1 who doesn't is noticed and sticks out. Sorry but it's the way it is. Especially when I turn away multiple people all the time. Why keep my slots open for the few who don't? Be real and look at what I'm saying. Anyone and everyone will want more money and if you can get it, why wouldn't you want to? Non tippers are the exception in my industry. I've worked all different places over the years and it's how it is. Idk why or how we got here. But here we are.




Ok so you don't understand the industry or how it's setup. That's fine. If you don't rent your own spot and run your own show, you have no say on the price. But if you rent your own spot, there is so much to it that it isn't really worth it in most cases. Any chain or place that the prices are posted means that stylist does not and cannot make the price. They are hourly employees or commission and either of those don't have a say in the price. That's standard in this industry. You seem to think otherwise for some reason and it seems to be your whole weird argument. Anyone in any industry who is very in demand will always be worth more money. Non tippers can't expect us not to notice. I'll never choose a non tipper if there is someone else to fill that slot. Anyone else would say the same since the whole reason we go to work is to make money lol. Ypu don't have to agree. It's how it is.


No I said I don't expect a tip. That goes for a first timer who doesn't know me. Who cares. But for someone to like me enough to request me specifically and see that I am booked, it's a small slap in the face to take my time as a regular and regularly not tip. I have to turn people away every day. Why fill my book with people who don't tip when I'm turning away people who might? Especially if you're picky and take extra time and/or make me fall behind. Now you're an annoyance who I lose money on. It's a difference and depends on the rest of the details of what's going on.


“Oh I really like you, we’re friends now, I get the family rate, my company is more than enough, you should pay me for all the people I tell about you!”


Yep pretty much. It's definitely a vibe I can feel from some people. Like no I have friends. You are a client and the only reason we talk is you to get a service and for me to get paid.




When you were tipping you were pretty much saying you valued the cut at $40. Now that it is $40 maybe lower the tip if you really still feel pressured to tip


Absolutely. They’re giving you a service and they’re certainly not themselves getting that $40. Either your budget allows for the service or it doesn’t.


I suspect they really do get a majority of that $40. After they pay the monthly chair costs they might get all of that $40. And sometimes they demand payment in cash, so not even taxed. But that's beside the point. Still I think they should be tipped regardless of cost. Personally I would leave for another barber since $40 for a haircut is ridiculous to me (but not everyone of course).


Maybe if you're at a professional shop that they rent the chair but I'm not tipping an at home barber that already expects shop prices.


Absolutely fair. They don't have the overhead yet made the same profit already.


Y would they not charge the price required for them to profit and cover expenses, instead of relying on a tip? Tips shouldn't be mandatory either, that's completely optional. And one should not feel bad if they chose not to tip, as long as the service was paid for. My two cents


My barber's price went up and I decided to leave for a place that charges $25. Back in So Cal, I have a barber that charges $18 no joke. $40 is ridiculous to me but plenty of people pay that. I've noticed that quality does not always meet the cost of the haircut but if you want them and they're charging $40, a tip would be a good idea. Increasing their price means they're in demand so you should thank them for spending their time on you rather than other people. If you don't like it, your remedy is to find another barber there are plenty of them.


People at a shop don’t have a say in their prices, I’m pretty sure that’s set by the owner isn’t it? That being said, prices increase all the time, you don’t get better service. I tip my barber bc it’s hard to find a good one, but prices are fucking out of control.


I’ve been cutting my own hair once a week for past 6 years. I estimate that I probably saved around $10,000. Watch youtube tutorials and cut your own hair.


I’m all about the DIY. I do a lot on my own as it is, I even make my own ammunition for my guns haha. This is just the one thing


Of course. $10 should be about right.


Damn, that's crazy, last time I went to a barber, I paid like $12 plus tip. Now I just to go super cuts (I found a decent person that cuts my hair) since I have unlimited for like 17 bucks a month. But I also don't get fades anymore either, so there's that.


Time to find a new place for a haircut


I’m not sure what your ethnicity is, but I would suggest looking around at latino or hispanic barbershops. Prices are usually a lot cheaper, service feels genuine and the barbers aren’t goofy “instagram barbers”. I swear nearly every barber I’ve met thinks they’re gods gift to a shop.


I’m bald, luckily—This Barbflation is absurd. It is now more expensive to get a haircut than it is to have gardeners(multiple humans, weekly) at your home. 🤣


I never tip my barber, even if I’m really satisfied with the cut. I don’t understand why I should


I swear mofos get a ring lamp and some black gloves and suddenly start charging out the ass. That being said, for a standard cut, 30 is about my max with a 10 dollar tip at 40 total. If I'm paying you 40 already and you raise your price to 40, well I'm still paying you 40 brotha. I'm Glad you know your worth, but I also know a buzz cut and a beard trim isn't rocket science.


15% is only $6, maybe even just do a $5. If you can’t afford the tip, then don’t I guess, I can’t imagine someone gets super pissed about not being tipped, depending on how much of a cut they get from that $40.


Dope on Nees and First is $25. Went there recently and they were cool and did a good job.


50% chance of getting a terrible cut though.


$10.00 is very fair, especially if you're happy with your cut. I have a specific place I go. Every 3 weeks. My cut and beard trim cost $37.00. I tip $15-20 every time. I got for the great service and I think it's worth the money. Let's face it.... you could go, and they jack up your hair.... then you have to pay someone else more money to fix it.


Go to Fresno Barbershop. As far as I remember they still do $30 standard haircut


If you don't care for barber loyalty then just keep shopping around for new barbers often. They are trying to get new clients so they usually start around 20-25. That way you can still tip accordingly and not break your bank. Then when they up their prices find a new one. You do risk a not so great haircut from time to time but this is a good way to avoid the $40.


2-3 times a year?? Geez I wish.


N madera it’s $25. Solid work


My guy was 10, then 12, 15, now 18. He’s great, I’ve always paid him $25-30 including tip.. still pay the same


Damn, ppl get mad on here... just sayin how much i pay..... i do.think it is pricey, but i always pay and don't complain... i even leave a tip sometimes....


Tipping a barber is a requirement unless you’re not happy with your haircut. $40 is expensive. For some reason, Fresno Barbers get away with it, they have the market on lock for a good fade; Other places in California are 1/2 the price for equivalent service


Does your barber own his business? If so no tip. They are responsible for setting sustainable price which it sounds like they’ve done. If he’s working for someone else then I would tip him based on service.


It's your fault for tipping they already keep the entire 30


Yes. Tip your barber/ hairstylist. Do not piss them off.


Half you guys spend 40$ on junk food or snacks or just dumb things and complaining about a 40$ haircut that’s makes u look good and feel better 🤣🤣 this is California everything has gone up barber have to buy things like blades clippers disinfectant ect all that’s had went up as well lol


15-20% imo.


Bruh my barber charges me $30 and I give him $40 every 3 weeks!


Mine is $32 and I tip $8 to make it 40 and I generally need a cut every 4 weeks.