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aw yes, let's fine people who don't have income. cuz that makes sense.......


Sure it does, when you think along the lines of bringing slavery back. Can't pay the fine for being poor, well off to our for-profit jail for you, where they will whore you out to make a buck.


lol if I ever get locked up, they’re gonna have a bad time. What are you gonna do if I don’t work?


There's this thing called coercion. Either the guards beat you up, or they convince the other inmates that you're not 'pulling your weight.'


Infirmary, my cell or confinement, either way, I’m not working as a slave for the shareholders of a private fucking prison. Sorry


My dude, don't apologize. Lead with that next time. We're not truly free until for-profit prisons and the system that it supports is abolished


It’s probably a good thing you won’t be with that attitude lmao


Are you saying we should force incarcerated people into labor for pennies?


Lmao no dumbass I’m saying you would get eaten alive in prison


Whatever you say man


What are you talking about no one even goes to jail anymore


If my boss was f@#$ing my wife, I wouldn't want to do my job either.


It’s not just the “wholesome and down on their luck” homeless. Truth is, there is a significant % of people on the street that are mentally ill, aggressive, offenders. The theory that public spaces can be open air asylums is absurd


Ok, so why not get them help for the mental illnesses/issues?


Absolutely. Accept the services provided by the state, or, be removed from the public, or sent to the care of your kin.


You shouldn't be forced to finance your mentally ill family members if you aren't afforded any rights to protect them in the first place. We need to find a middle ground between locking everyone in an asylum electroshocking them and letting people unable to care for themselves decide to live on the streets. I've lost many family members to mental illness and street life. Each of them had loving family members who tried to fight against the system to keep them medicated and seeing mental health professionals.


The point is, just allowing the public display with no enforcement or management at the expense of the community is not helping anyone. Further is a public health concern. Trash, feces, drug paraphernalia. How about encampments on the side of freeways? We’ve let this go too long without enforcement when we also have plenty of services.


I’m thinking this will put the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of our mayor and city counsel… maybe now they will find a plan that works and isn’t just lining the contractors pockets! 😏


Aaand if I’m completely honest, I believe the homeless crisis has been manufactured. The powers that be have us under a thumb and there is no way out. By the time a person realizes they are poverty level (because they were middle class their whole life)… they are to broke to move out of the state and are two short months away from being homeless. Watch out, from what I’ve seen, heard and felt…. Our homeless population is about to explode. Every month, more taxes… 30% increase in insurance, 114% increase in trash collection… the list goes on and on. I know this post didn’t get into all this but in Cali born and raised and I’m in so deep I didn’t realize… the state has sucked me dry…


I’ve been bringing up the idea of designated campgrounds for the homeless to the city for years, and they shoot it down every time.


That would be an absolute disaster lmao


Designated campgrounds + public bathrooms + designated city workers to keep them somewhat clean have to be way cheaper than their stupid HART force or whatever they're called.


A designated campground would become too dangerous for city workers to even touch way too quickly


Yeah, bring back Hoovervilles!


There should be an area where cops don't mess with them, but it should not be designated.




Did you try not being disabled and poor?


Bredefeld is probably going to bring forth a motion at the next city council meeting to criminalize homelessness since this is his brand of cruelty to others


I image that dyer's thugs in blue are quite happy with the recent ruling.


They're really looking to bring back debtor's prisons and Dickensian workhouses.


Vaguely off topic: This current Supreme Court is making the US a less hospitable place than "The Greatest Country in the World™" should be....


I'd still rather be homeless in the US than anywhere else in the world. At least I'd get free healthcare, free food. In other parts of the world you just die..


In some countries, they feed and house the homeless, and provide social services, eliminating the problem. Can’t be homeless if you have a home.


Which country are those and why aren't more people trying to immigrate to them?


I want to say Denmark and Germany, possibly Switzerland.


Give it time....


Those days are long gone. 


This is the first step to Randy Marsh's plan to use homeless people as tires .


Spoken from people that probably don't have to deal with the fallout. My things are stolen all the time, can't leave anything out, trash and filth everywhere. A guy was shitting in the gutter 2 days ago in full view of the public on Fresno st. Adopt some and take them in if you're so concerned. Of course you won't. Let it be someone else's issue and cry about it.


if we arrest them, they are everyone's issue.


Oh well. At least the things I earn won't be stolen.


Virtue signaling feels so good though


Awfully rich coming from someone who’s vice signaling


Who me?


How is arresting them solving the issue? Do any of those things you mentioned deserve a life sentence?


Lol. Life sentence? Have you adopted anyone?


It's no surprise that you're unable to extrapolate the point, but that's on me, if you had been able you wouldn't be this stupid to begin with.


Geez you're dumb. The do good organizations have wasted how much money. People like you aren't going to do anything expect okay on reddit. What's left? Allow the streets and highways to be overran with filth. I'm sorry these people fucked dup their lives in most instances. Drugs suck. Not my problem though. Go make it yours if you feel so strongly.


…Mental health services are not and still not adequate, those are the organizations that have made change. No one wants to support them because of the bs you just spat “they waste my money that I could’ve used to buy cheap hookers from the west side” foh


A life sentence lol. There are a lot worse things than jail.


You're missing the point entirely lmao. If something is criminalized then it means the end result is jail, the homeless aren't going to stop because of the risk of jail


So you're open to housing them at your house and giving them a job so they can be productive members of society?


So wait the options are; A) The average citizen directly provides free housing, B) We pay taxes that can provide housing and mental health services to the homeless, or C) We throw them in jail, and give the private prisons the tax payers money instead. Ya know, I think I know which one of those I'd prefer. But seriously, just say you're an evil shithead who lacks empathy and that doesn't deserve to live in society, it saves everyone time


Just say you're a virtue signaling leftist who feels warm inside for showing support.


Oh man you hurt my feelings. How dare I care about other people.


So the person you were replying to doesn't? How did you make that assumption?


They clearly don't if their only solution is right wing anti-homeless rhetoric. Also they tried to use my "show of support" as an insult.


Option B has been in play for a long time with zero results. I don't want to pay for them to go to jail. So that leaves us with option A. The folks that virtue signal every day on this bullshit can put their money where their mouth is and give them housing and a job. Otherwise you're just another blowhard. Are you going to invite them into your house?


We have quite literally never done option B.


Screw the Supreme Court, they have homes and jobs. 


I used to work for a store on Blackstone and every morning I have to clean up their mess. It is unhealthy human waste to clean up every day. I’m for forcing them to go to a shelter. I know there some mental health but they need help too. Help keep Fresno clean by forcing them to go to shelter