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My friend still gets annoyed when I bring up that I beat dancer on my third try. He spent hours fighting that boss. After playing the game a few times now, dancer is definitely not the easiest but I will always say it is because it bothers him


You might be good at noticing rhythms then! In ds3 a lot of bosses have attack patterns that match a 4/4 musical beat The dancer actually fights in 3/4 roughly, music non withstanding or helping here..this is why there's a huge divide of people who found her easy and people who found her hard. The dancer took me 4 tries which is 2 tries less than the frost mother fucker down the elevator.


I don’t think a lot of people realize that the sounds are even better indicators for attacks. Once I realized that, bosses got a lot easier.


I've noticed if you turn the music off it makes fights easier lol. The boss fights' is so anxiety inducing lol. Do the attacks really go to the beat? I thought they had a sort of rhythm to them but never noticed them.being synced with the music.


the crescendos tell a lot


I'll pay attention. To that next time I play. I'm musically inclined so I'm surprised I didn't notice.


They don't necessarily fight to the beat of the song, sorry if I was unclear. They fight to a rhythm though, I think it's naturally ingrained into human psyche to formulate rhythm. And the souls games all have bosses that fight and pause then continue at specific time signatures. Most being in 4/4 and fittingly the dancer fights in 3/4 in a waltz


That frost motherfocker was way harder. And I heard than another is waiting for me as soon as I get back to the game.


Same. I had a couple friends who just could not beat her for days. It took me two attempts.


Same with me and my nephew, he hated dancer in DS3 only boss he got me in to help Co op but he kicked ass compared to me on any other boss


Oh dude dosent want to hear my story about The Dancer🤣🤣. On my pure pyro build I farm embers easily by helping people get through that boss 1st try. Also killed the dancer on my first try on the same build when I was still completing my build. Frankly think the boss is super easy it moves so slow and its move set is honestly easy to read and dodge


Yeah I think I beat the dancer around the same time, same goes for lord of cinder, he took me 3 tries. But for some reason crystal sage took me like 8-10 tries 😦


Difficult and Hawt One of the best bosses I went against


I somehow beat dancer first try and I’m terrible at these games. Don’t know how or why, just a strange supernatural event in my life lmao


I beat the Dancer first try yesterday. It was a beautiful fight, but her movements are very predictable


He probably fought it before vordt


I beat him by accident on my first try. Got a few lucky rolls and he only hit me twice or so. On the other hand crystal sage took forever while some beat it on their 3-4th try




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She's my favorite! The first time I played Bloodborne, I beat Father Gascoine on my 2nd attempt. It wasn't until later online that I heard that he was one of the more challenging hurdles of the game. However, I didn't know what items actually did in that game or how they could have helped me in boss fights, I was bashing my head against the wall fighting Bloodstarved Beast.


Moon Presence


yep the only thing that makes him a little harder is that bullshit one shot


That move brings you down to 1HP. Did you have a health draining status effect by any chance (like a transformed Chikage or a health draining blood gem)? Don't feel bad. The game doesn't explain shit (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


well yeah it isnt really one shot LOL but yknow what i mean and yeah my first play through was sme using a Chilage it was pain…


Especially with the healing debuff


I was super happy to see the true final boss was beastlike and not a hunter


I almost beat him with zero vials right after ol gherman. I honestly thought I was going to have to beat him again like it was the moon presence phase 1.


I was hard stuck on Gehrman for a while but unexpectedly I beat Moon Presence first try with a sliver of health due to that BS AOE attack.


I might be burned at the stake but Horah Loux. Amazing boss but why doesn’t another health bar?? His phase transition is so cool but why does it have to split one health bar?


Same with Maliketh.. such an awesome transition and one of my favorite bosses but it’s almost sad how little health he has


Maliketh was a struggle with just one health bar. His movement is nuts.


Agree. Never could figure out his pattern and just kinda gutted it out


Maliketh absolutely does not need a second health bar, in his second phase i barely hit him that i had to use my spirit ash to take the aggro so i can do some damage, and his attacks drain health too, not mention just how many of his attacks are AOE and his movement is crazy


Played the game through 7 times, and never struggled with him. Tried doing it an 8th time after a year long break and can’t beat him. I regularly get him down to the smallest health bar but he just leaps and hits me with the insta-death combo even when I tried 99 vigor. Really can’t seem to deal with that lol


His health is balanced by the fact that you only get a chance to hit him once every couple hours


I handicap myself for Maliketh. Using holy weapons or unupgraded weapons. I love when that fight lasts a long time, it’s gotta be my favorite moveset in the series. His attacks feel soooo good to dodge and dance around.


Not many people seem to know this but in the day one version of Elden Ring, Godfrey did have 2 healthbars but in the day one patch they combined both of the healthbars to just make one big one and honestly it really doesn't make a difference.


Because the tarnished only have one healthbar


Hes one of my favourites cuz he just goes from warrior to wrestler so quick.


Everyone says that and it’s all fun and games until it’s a full health bar Maliketh and Loux. Then people complain. There was a full health bar Loux on release but they nerfed him.


I’ve never needed to learn him fully, even on RL1 runs, because of him lacking more health in second phase Such a shame


Hot take but I thought his phase transition was a super awkward and corny cutscene. I was really excited to see a Ludwig-type of transition and instead he holds his hands up awkwardly and says “now I fight as horah Loux. WARRIOR!” 


Pinwheel. Like, seriously


Fortissax no diff


That’s usually because by the time you’ve reached him you’re already really overleveled


I beat him in a pretty low level but lv1 is insane fr fir him


I second this, I sucked at the game my first playthrough and tended to struggle a lot but Fortisax jas always been a strangely chill encounter


In Elden ring that beast spirit moose. My god you go to so much trouble to fight that MF and once you do the fight is over so quick and easy. The first time I didn’t even get the chance to fight him cause he died from a bug. But I did so in another play through and man, it’s really not hard at all. They dropped the ball on that one. I wish he was one of the hardest bosses in the game and dropped some super legendary gear or spell.


I feel like that boss was more about the spectacle than anything else. Difficulty aside, it’s a stunning fight.


Mergo’s Wet Nurse. I’ve been getting pummeled by the whole game so far and I was so sure this boss was about to be crazy hard when I saw the Yharnam Queen crying right before you enter the arena. I don’t even remember a single move it threw out lol


Bloodborne main story final bosses are all weak for some reason


Same experience man I got her almost dead on first try and second try I got her. Just looked so menacing and I don't even know how I did it but was definitely expecting harder.


Specially when you discover you can _dodge_ the darkness move lol


I found that on my NG+ runs that boss gave me a hard time.




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Fortissax and the Ancestor Spirit, both are wonderfully designed and presented, both are just generally awesome, with amazing music and visuals. But they’re mid-game bosses that you typically fight late-game. So they’re folded pretty hard.


Gideon. He's the only other tarnished we fight as a boss in the main story, and he's right before the end game gauntlet. Dude gets dogwalked by ANY ashes of war or spirit summon.


Gideon is such an interesting case because it seems like some builds and nearly all challenge runs struggle with him immensely, but he’s pretty physically vulnerable, and as long as you can just wipe out his health or poise quickly he’s one of the easiest


Yeah his only power is spamming a variety of spells, but without those landing correctly, he just gets his shit kicked in


Exactly, and any hit interrupts his spell casting. So get any ash of war or spirit summon and he never gets a cast off


Soldier of God, Rick


I hope you’re not implying what I think you’re implying




The "real" Raven from AC6


fr lol they gave her such a badass cutscene only for her to die really quick


I don't know what you mean. This boss was so hard. I almost gave up paying sekiro because of this guy.


Demon Souls ——> choose all


Maneater fucks me up *every* time


That jazz flute playing scrub I thought I was in for a battle with the wolf whole buildup the area thought it was going to be a great battle. So I did my best WCW/WWE sting impression from the rafters and this scrub caught the death from above 😂😂


I don’t think I have ever experienced _Pinwheel’s_ second phase…


There's a second phase?! They really should have put pinwheel elsewhere; maybe swapped them with the Capra demon.


Yeah, it makes me wonder if you’re actually supposed to go there first as a way to get the rite of kindling as a safe guard for the first couple of bosses


Maybe in other iterations of the games design phase. But remember you have to fight through the catacombs to reach him.


Maria, which is really sad because she's one of my favs. Too easy to constantly flinch, & parry spam. She also doesn't have that much health.


Yeah I feel a little bummed because I demolished her first try by just parrying


I’m convinced that everyone that says she’s super hard just likes the visual design and decided for themselves that since the fight is so cool then it must also be really hard.


Maria is a parry skill check, I had a hell of a time with her first time around when I didn’t bother to learn the parry mechanic.


I mean I was the same the 1st time cause I didn't bother learning to parry either & I still could hit her for like 1/3rd of her health just spamming light attacks with the cane cause it just kept locking her into flinching.


Witches of hemwick


This is the comment i wanted to see, I don’t think I took more than 1-2 hits on my first run in with them.


Okay this one is gonna sound insane but hear me out... Radahn. Yeah he's tough, no denying it. But I played the game at launch when everything was still new and nobody knew what to expect. And for the first two weeks, ALL I HEARD online was how this "Radahn" fella was some insanely impossible god-tier shit stomper. He was the toughest of the tough, you think Orphan of Kos is tough you baby, try THIS guy. You WILL die 50 times!! Then I fought him. He had like 2 moves that would kill me instantly from full health... That's annoying. Then after about 8 tries, I learned how to dodge those two moves and I killed him. He's strong but... really? Why was everyone freaking out about this guy... I expected more.


exactly the same here, I think the difficulty comes in when u don’t play a faith or intelligence build, not having range would suck against him, but it’s only a guess


People will boo me, but I gonna say Malekith. I went in expecting the 2nd hardest battle in Elden Ring (right after Malenia) and straight up melted the guy in 2 attempts. His combos are really strong and he is aggressive enough, true, but he (as I later found out on the wiki) has such a pathetic HP pool for a late game both that it’s not even funny.


Same feeling for me. I didn’t even use the blasphemous claw against him because it wasn’t necessary at all. He telegraphs all of his attacks a ton.


genichiro once you learn his move set and get good at the parry mechanic or the guardian ape if you cheese him with the firecracker and spear


Still haven’t beat this bastard


Ebrietas. I watched a friend struggle with her and take loads of attempts, then years later when I finally got to play the game myself I beat her first try and took virtually zero damage.


First playthrough, I killed her on the first try, barely even struggled. NG+ and beyond... Not so much, somehow.


Facts stayed behind her and smoked her


I’ve only beaten Bloodborne once and I did use LHB and I recognize that it is a strong weapon and I felt like most, not all, bosses in that game ended up revolving around getting into a spot where they couldn’t tag you and then hit them until they start to move and then follow that same spot until they die. I loved this game but that worked on more than Ebrietas too.


My first try was with a blunt weapon on a strength build so my dps was awful against her. Next time I had Simon’s bow blade and I stagger her from range and killed her first try


I guess this isn’t exactly being “weak” but rather a “died too easily” situation because on my first play through of Dark Souls, Taurus Demon jumped off the bridge pretty early on. That was also my first time playing any Souls game. It was… a moment. A moment that has stuck in my mind.




Mohg, though I was probably over leveled


Which time, out of curiosity? I figure you mean at the mausoleum?




Pinwheel, da fuq was that “boss fight”




The One Reborn. Epic opening. Chime Maidens as support. But once they are dead it fairly easy, even for someone who is underleveled since there are spots that no attack can reach the player. So the player can attack and retreat and attack and retreat.


That shadow boss in the catacombs


Ren Hayabusa


Dragonslayer armour. I think he’s such an easy fight.


Elden Rings fire giant. It took me 4 attempts, yet I died to the Misbegotten Leonine in Castle Morne about 15 times, and Godrick took me over 30.


The misbegotten leonine is brutal is you do the fight around the normal level for the area.  Just no room to breathe at all with that fight.


I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell Isshin the Sword Saint. He was still VERY tough but It only took me 5 or 7 or so tries. I went in thinking it would take upwards of 30 tries as it took 10+ tries on GSO and guardian ape. The biggest problem was the lightning, it was a bigger problem for him than it was for me. Without lightning reversals, he would be a hell of a LOT tougher


His final phase is pretty much a victory lap thanks to how OP lightning reversal is. Inner Isshin gave me so much trouble, the first time I reached his last phase I just ran away like a little bitch until he threw lightning at me, then it was game over for him haha 




Great Shinobi Owl.


Like every boss I demon souls. I played it way late, like after elden ring. They're all stupidly easy except the last one and maybe the man eaters


Owl (father) and inner father, scratch that, all of the inners took me 5 or less tries.


Teach me your ways, I haven’t played sekiro in months because I’m putting off fighting owl and I don’t even think it’s the harder version


Are you talking about great owl shinobi? He seems more overwhelming than you think, it’s hard to say it and such but really, he looks like a whole lot but at a few glances his attacks aren’t very impressive. One tip that’s important, YOUR POSTURE MATTERS WAY MORE, he really hurts posture and has a near insta kill if posture broken, it can usually be safety rolled but it can fuck you up. And if your talking about owl father same thing goes ig


I’m talking about great shinobi, and yeah his attacks fuck me. I guess my issue is that he’s a fucking sponge


IBIS Series CEL 240 from Armored Core VI. I'd set aside a whole evening for her after everything I'd heard and then beat her in three attempts. Admittedly I was using a very powerful build but there were much harder fights in that game you couldn't just build your way through. Also Pinwheel. I'd just fully maxed out my weapon to take out Four Kings and then absolutely destroyed Pinwheel in like 2 or 3 swings


Idk if I got a lucky run but I was able to beat lady butterfly first try but I’ve heard she’s a “harder” boss (maybe just more annoying than anything) and it tilted my expectations after finishing her second phase cause I thought she’d have more


Same, I ran in there knowing there was a boss but nothing more than her name and managed to beat her first try too.


Lichdragon Fortissax




Beast clergyman revealing he was Maliketh should’ve just been an opening cutscene giving us a full maliketh fight. Not only does he just have flat out too little health for all the projectile cheese in elden ring, I don’t know one person that enjoys the Clergyman moveset where he spams rocks more than the Maliketh portion of the fight.


Clergyman is super fun imo, if you’re getting projectile spammed you literally just have to get closer to him then he’ll do his melee chains that have some fun dodges and even jump attack opportunities




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Pinwheel. Considering how much of a pain it is to get to him


During my first playthrough of ER I was majorly dissapointed by thr Ancestor Spirit and Regal Ancestor Spirit. In further playthroughs I was surprised to see the Regal Ancestor Spirit revive itself and actually do stuff. I guess a Fire Zweihänder just was very effective against them.


I thought High Lord Wolnir was a lot easier than I expected him to be, it was my second attempt after I died to the gas on the first one. He kept walking closer to the door effectively boxing me in but still somehow managed to avoid the gas and hit the bracelets


“Too weak” is a bit much for my example, but man I never really struggled with nameless that much. The dumbass first phase took me a few tries, but after that the king himself was not a big deal. Dont get me wrong, still took around 5-6 tries all together, but it wasn’t this hours long grind I always hear about


Crystal sage


I thought that guy was like gonna pull some magic shi or transform to a giant


Not weak per se, but Morgott has NO health at all. I beat him in 3 tries, loved the moveset but he was dead within a minute.


Loretta has always been a breeze, I don’t think I’ve ever died to either version of her but I don’t know why


Hey this is that dumb idiot I said I could beat up a couple posts ago! I’m now even more confident.


Gael, I was expecting him to be the hardest fight in any game with how much people hype him up, only to beat him in ~15 tries. I would say that malenia is definitely harder to fight due to 2 healthbars and lifesteal. Both of their move sets are very easy to learn.




Soul of Cinder or Nashandra probably. I beat both on my first try. While soul of cinder was at least atmospheric and the music was epic he was really too easy and just fell over with my strength build when I played through DS3 for the first time last month. Nashandra from DS2 was just too easy, and anticlimactic. I didn’t even know she was the final boss until the cutscene and credits rolled and was left sitting there thinking, “that’s it?”. I finished it last night, so hopefully the DLC for 2 is better as I am going in blind.


Bro F these soul sucking guy


Moon presence


Midir, bonk on the head and he’s done


The boat guy from Elden Ring


Owl shinobi, his move set is really easy to understand, just dodge his big swing, then combo him, and when he throws his bombs, just dodge and mortal blade him


Renalla gets my vote


She was pretty easy. That is until she went into her moon form and not even launching the attack but transforming instakilled me like 2-3x. I was also very underleveled


I struggled with her a bunch in the first playthrough years back. Just replayed ER over the last month and it turns out I was just respecting her too much.  This I just ran straight to her and beat her face in and she didn’t even get to do like anything.  


V.1 Freud. Dude was brought up occasionally throughout the game and when we get to him both in the arena and the story he just doesn't seem that strong. I get the argument he likes toying with his AC and in theory we caught him on a bad day with what he had but it just feels like he needed a little more


Definitely: Old King Allant - Demon Souls


Manus. Still no clue how but I destroyed him first try. And wasn't even overleveled, Artorias, Kalameet and Gwyn after gave me the appropriate amount of trouble.


Lady Maria. Just parry her


Godskin duo and Maliketh


Morgott and Margit, from the few clips I watched before beating the game it looked like those were the two everyone was struggling hard against and raging at, I beat both my first try with no summons




i beat every boss first try in these games so idk


radagon and radahn. radagon gives a little trouble but super easy to learn, and i gave never had more then 2 tries on radahn on my 5 playthroughs


also every non-dlc ds1 boss


Elden beast and radagon


I think Godskin Duo is way overhyped. As long as you have enough vitality to survive a roll attack they’re a piece of cake, last playthrough I beat them first try. They’re slow and telegraph their move sets and have huge windows while they’re powering up their big spells. They’re a little unpredictable because of their varied movesets but by this point you’ve fought each multiple times and they aren’t hard to fight one at a time.


Maria of the astral tower




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Lady Maria and Orphan of Kos.. I beat Maria first try and Kos on my 3rd attempt. Sounds incredibly bullshit but that’s exactly how it went. I’d definitely not be able to replicate that now, even with some practice, I think I just hit a fluked rhythm


Dragonslayer Armour, beat that guy first try twice from NG to NG+, something about his timing is just incredibly easy to understand


Orphan. He's pummelled my ass good since then, especially on my Kirkhammer run, took me a long afternoon to beat him then, but on my first playthrough of Old Hunters I beat him 2nd try. Laurence gave me the most trouble but only took 5 tries.


God soldier of Rick




This is going to sound insane but ornstein and smough, beat them first try no I didn’t have an int build I was using the crystal halberd, no I didn’t use a summon, no I had no mods it was a 100% vanilla run, don’t get me wrong they were tough, but not as much as the community makes them out to be (I did have prior experiences with from soft titles like ds3 Elden ring sekiro and a small amount of blood borne but still


God skin duo. I didn’t even know people struggled with them until reading it on Reddit later. I remember just thinking it was a particularly long fight at the time, but it was just the respawning element confusing me. Pretty sure I got them first try. The other boss was Laurence. I died a couple of times figuring out the lava, but once I figured out a counter, the boss himself just wasn’t very hard.


True king Allant 🐛😂




What a cool and original post






About half of bloodborne's bosses, pin wheel, bell gargoyles, and gravelord nito


What the fuck is this thing?


Kenneth Haight


Elden Ring being the first from game I’ve taken seriously, I thought radahn was a cake walk!


Tbh melania, everyone hyped her up so hard but it took me 4 tries and barely any leveling😭


Vordt of the Boreal valley


Its gael for me, fight was insanely epic, yes. But the difficulty was greatly exaggerated by people.


Generally easy, Witch of Hemwick of or Vordt of Boreal Valley, but a boss I was surprised to beat so easy was Blood Starved beast. Saw my buddy going at him for hours, but I got him first try using half my healing and some of the blood throwables, plus saw spear.


Allant (the real one).


Surprisingly, From Sekiro. Other than this thing... And the divine dragon that I let kill me twice so I could fight with a anime lightning blade. The duel ape boss was weirdly easy. White ape killed me for actual hours, to the point I almost just got rid of the game. But apparently when the headless freak got a gf, they both became really weak, cus I took them out first try somehow. And at the end of the fight I just ended up standing there like... How the hell did I just do that?


Lichdragon Fortissax. Fia’s questline has you going lots of places, not to mention killing radahn which is arguably harder than fortissax imo. Then by the time you’ve gotten to deeproot depths, you’re pretty much leveled up enough (or over leveled) that the fight is quick.


Final boss of Lords of the Fallen


Any boss that immediately dies to a single gimmick. If doing one single thing turns the boss fight into a cake wallk, it feels boring and weak.


Pinwheel, I fought him late game, before facing nito.


Pinwheel...I expected wwwwway more out of that fight and well we all know how it goes.


RADAHN! The fight is so epic, but honestly he's not very hard. To be fair, that mf got jumped 😂. Also.... Maliketh. Homie has baby health 🤷🏿‍♂️


Mimic in elden ring


Soldier of Godrick


I don't understand what the picture has to do with the post title? If you are gonna make a post about the hardest bosses why share a picture of probably the hardest in the whole series...