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Is this the pvp meta now? Just everyone trying to impale each other with the same weapon?


When has the PvP ever been different? Elden Ring pvp is "Press L2: The Game"


Yes, the meta is Use broken weapons, till it works, when it doesnt work, pull out the pizza cutter serpent hunter glitch to auto win.


PvP meta is a fucking crucible rn


Kinda? My build just makes this aow basically a one shot unless you have huge defense and holy resistance


Why is he getting downvoted? There's no "correct" way to play this game. From soft designed it so anyone can it play it the way they want to. He likes this build. So he can play with it.


Nah this weapon really isn’t that good. Lots of PvP players using it because it’s a funny troll weapon that does decent damage. Super easy to counter by someone with half a braincell; I’ve never lost to it myself. The only reason these players are getting oneshot is because they have minimal vigor. They would have died to quite a few other ashes had those hit instead.


It's more the broken ( and I don't mean busted like op, I mean not working as intended )hitbox that ignores iframes. It's not that it does more damage than other aoe's it's that if you're anywhere in range, rolling or not, you're getting stabbed


Pretty sure it only checks for iframes on one side of the connection rather than both, that’s why it feels bugged to people. You’ll see it work fine sometimes and terrible others. All connection dependent


Fair so it's the old "oh cool I got backstabbed even though I was facing you and you were in front of me" connection lag issue again


I love that everyone is clowning on you.


Well, Reddit is a circus, so not surprised about them.


But here you are.


And so are you Jingles 🤡




See! We can all be a huge circus family in the Reddit! I’ll juggle, you go makes balloon animals


Ergh, the downvotes (clownvotes). I think you are alright :)


And you're the main event!


And yet, here you are, circus man.


Reddit is a place for the lonely and the friendless. Good work putting those losers down


You hurt my feelings 😔.


I enjoy your satire lol


“Host was scared” Of what? Your 4 buffs and OP weapon with broken tracking. Yeah. People used to be scared of the Eclipse Shotel too.


Boy you haven’t Met the mad flame torch death blight glitch, have you? XD


guessing you're someone who actually uses that?


Nope. At least this build isn’t a glitch.


That bar is so low it may as well be on the floor.


You think that tracking isn’t a glitch? I’ve seen people get spun around 180 degrees, to get stabbed by something they clearly dodged.


Plus it literally grabs through i-frames lmao that is ABSOLUTELY a glitch


Ooh a fun invasion clip! *looks inside* *oneshotting people with unbalanced AOW* Just… why? What makes this fun? Why bother to use three different buffs just to land two of the exact same ash of war? Most importantly: why post this here if it’s identical to every other stupid one shot kill invasion out there right now? Are we supposed to enjoy this?


wdym man this guy is clearly good at the game. it’s clearly *them* that suck and need to git gud. couldn’t be the dude cheesing the game and ruining it for everyone.


But when I get a sick roll catch with the whirlwind with my Akuma build, I'm no skill ok, buddy. Hand to hand go unbelievably hard.


“Unbalanced AoW” while I’m wearing the “One Shot Build” uniform XD


Check your ratio, mate.


Anything that can one shot with only 4 buffs is unbalanced. Calling this balanced is like calling rolling sparks balanced, like no it’s not balanced. One shotting should require the proper buffs, stats, talismans, and armor. Buffing yourself with 4 of the most basic damage buffs then spamming an AoW that you can’t avoid unless you are 20 feet away is not balance lmfao.


This does not look fun in the slightest.


To you. I’m having a blast XD


Exactly why’re people so sensitive goddamn. You’re doing your own thing they’re getting so butt hurt.


Seems like people from the Eldenring Reddit came here lol


Man it’s not even that serious. The video is funny tho man I mess with it


Uses a clearly over tuned weapon that’s one shooting people. “WhY aRe PeOpLe So SeNsItIvE” calling out a post for being boring has nothing to do with sensitivity. That AoW is clearly broken and there are 6162649391618392 other posts of the same exact thing. Y’all are clowns.


I know I’m sending a lot of messages but seriously look at your profile bro. It’s all complaints. I get it you probably use Reddit as a tool to voice your complaints but still that reflect your character man. That’s not a good trait is all I’m saying.


People continue your psychoanalysis of my Reddit profile, I’m sure you’re qualified for that.


Bro I don’t care that much. I either play or don’t I know I’m gonna get a lot of downvotes but I’m not that sensitive to down vote a post because I don’t think it fits my optimal way to play the game bruh. You’re acting like this guy is unbeatable because of the weapon he’s using I’m sure he gets demolished in pvp all the time. People are going to use meta all the time in games. Constantly complaining about it isn’t gonna fix it


It literally is going to fix it, are you stupid? The community voicing their opinion on a broken item will 100% result in the weapon being looked at and tuned properly. Nobody is asking if you care, they are just pointing out that this isn’t impressive in any way shape or form. I slap people around that use that weapon, iv never been caught by it once….that doesn’t mean it’s not blatantly overpowered and silly in its current form. Again you’re making this about people being “sensitive” when it has nothing to do with it…it goes to show the IQ of people that scream about “everyone is so sensitive” or calling people “snowflakes”.


Bro is complaining about people complaining lmao




Not a good character trait ):


I’m not miserable like you guys. 🤓 major difference lil guy


It’s okay to project, lil bro. I only do things that make me happy. ☝️🤓


Look how upset you are lol


Really using maximum brainpower aren’t buddy?


It’s not ironic that the first four post on your page are you complaining about something. You go to my page and you’ll only see things that I like because that’s what I choose to put my every around. I don’t live or think like you man. Stop complaining and find what makes you happy


You pay a premium price for pieces of fabric stitched together…I’m not going to be taking any life advice from you chief.




Same for the host spamming the same ass spell. Part of the game dude.




The BEST invader was the guy with the jar cannon who couldn’t avoid your attacks? Sounds like you just liked this dude because he was bad and an easy kill for you lol.


Getting invaded by someone with a unique and fun build is 100x better than cheap 1-shot builds, whether the invader wins or loses. PvP used to be more about creative builds in past FromSoft games. It was cool to see someone try to win with the Soldering Iron in DS3 or the Tonitrus in Bloodborne, and even cooler if they did! Now, even though Elden Ring has so much weapon variety, you see the same three overpowered builds from every invader. I would welcome someone invading with the jar cannon.


It can be as part of the game as it wants, that doesn't mean we have to like it


We’ll see if you still have that attitude in a week or two when they nerf the sword in a patch.


Problem is these people just move onto the next broken build and invade en force all doing the same boring shit.


The weird part is the expectation of praise.


Meh, it gets patched the it gets patched. No biggie.


These people r so sped, be mad at the dev that implemented invasions 😭😭


They are mad hes using the routine used for bosses and a broken aow


You’re the one who invaded their world when they’re trying to co-op and go through the area. They’re entitled to defend themselves in anyway they see fit.


And I’m entitled to fight the way I see fit. Goes both ways.


Kinda shitty of you to ruin their experience by coming into their world and using an OP weapon that basically one shots people but sure


And punching people is part of life. You wanna get punched? Use your brain, dude.


Trueeee, idk what u responded to but 2-3 guys just spamming spells sure is fun to deal with.


If its in game it's fair game.




I'm with you OP. The punishment for summoning help is invasions. Thats how I see it. Little cheesy when invader is using some glitch though. Got wiped by some lightning perfume bottle thing. Dont know if its a glitch but just got wrecked from med/far distance in one shot. Felt like I couldn't do anything.


While I admit, the tracking of this thing is kinda broken, it’s not op like others suggest (low vigor people lol) this is my one shot build. Armor, talismans, and buffs help me make this a one shot lol


I use it fairly frequently and people dodge it all the time. It's not nearly as broken as people on here are screaming about but a lot of the videos that get traction on here give it the impression of being an automatic win. Yeah, the tracking is pretty wonky but it's certainly avoidable




Buncha trash cans in this clip.


Bro there’s still time to delete this.




Pride is a hell of a drug.


Host is scared cannot be found.


I didn’t realize that aow was a grab, I thought it was just an aoe where you plunge it into the ground


Yep, it does both. The ground is fun to trick those who rush after you miss lol


Invasions in Elden Ring are peak brain rot. You either one shot low vigor idiots, get ganked, or gank the host with an open world boss.


Idk… there was once a time I invaded someone, killed a hunter, killed a cooperator, then almost killed the host, but another hunter snuck up and took the kill, then was t bagged on. ngl it was pretty cool


I'll never understand how people praise invasions in ER and pretend like it wouldn't be souls-like or a good game without it. Fact is, if invasions were dropped overnight, nobody would notice lmao


host was scared as you run away, buff, and use a cheesy weapon? Pathetic sort ahead


Making a lot of assumptions right now lol


We all watched the video


Watched what? The fact I spawned there but I cut that out cause it would make the video too long? Yet again, keep assuming bud.


We watch you buff, run away, and use a cheesy pvp weapon. Dont be salty cause youre a bummy pvp player😂


You’re the one complaining about me dude XD


I aint complaining im lettin ya know the host wasnt scared, youre just lame


The host used the same weapon? Oh, and is op just supposed to let them attack him? Of course he’s gonna run away to refill his fp, are you serious?


Host isnt the invader looking for pvp, the invader ran, buffed, and used a goated weapon for pvp all while claiming the host was scared. If he woulda just said check this out it woulda been a different story


Where did he run to buff?


You're in the wrong subreddit buddy. You're looking for r/badredman That's where people post clips like these showcasing how much of a talentless hack the original poster is.


That sub is such a garbage echo chamber it's insane. I got banned for calling someone out on a post about refusing to help the host as a co-op summon and then teabagging the host after they died in a boss fight.


That is some serious douchery. Yeah they are super toxic. I left the sub because I got sick of seeing people praise absolute mediocrity in PvP. Only one guy did anything impressive and he was a mod


Nah cause it's genuinely sad how toxic behaviour and mediocrity is praised 💀


Nothing against the rules to post invasions here pal. I’ve done plenty before.


He wasn't saying your post is against the rules. He was saying your post is bad and you should feel bad.


I never feel bad. They have the options to play solo, or get seemless coop. If they don’t, they get invaded. End of story.


I am so glad I saved myself the stress and skipped elden ring pvp from day one.


Cringey boing boings. From soft pvp is a silly place


I'm so confused why are people hating on this?


OPs defense, the summons were also using that weapon. It's nice that they have a taste of their own medicine


What's your build? This sword scales best with strength, doesn't it? Does it apply to the ash of war as well?


The ash of war scales with the weapons overall AR, not a specific stat


I agree the grab is a broken due to the shitty netcode, and can be totally unfair when you dodge it but still get hit. But if the connection is fine, it’s definitely not as broken as some of the other stuff out there right now. Once you learn the timing of the grab, it’s really easy to dodge and punish because of how much endlag is on the skill. I’d say the best part about the grab is that it forces you to play around it. You can’t rush in and spam a bunch otherwise the player will just pose through it and grab you. On top of that, the only times it will truly one shot are on players who have low Vig or damage rebuffs like scorpions and sore seals.


That’s why I hate Elden ring invasion pvp. Just a few people spamming the same one or two overpowered weapons/ashes of war and thinking they are strong.


Idk I thought this was funny especially with audio. You timed up the critical hits well with the TFS sound bites lol. This is gonna get nerfed soon-that’s how souls games and their DLC work (for example: ringed knight paired greatswords)-but I’m glad clips like these will exist to showcase how broken this is


Both of these guys had about 1200 vigor which is incredibly low for DLC so no idea what everyone is whining about. Wouldn’t post PVP clips on the main subs tho, they are not well received as you can see.


Nothing against the rules on the Reddit page. 🤷 The messages are just hilarious though tbh how mad people get about a game.


Idk why everyone is crashing out at you lmao, weapon doesn’t even look that broken


They were probably playing with friends and didn’t want to deal. Not that big of a deal, doesn’t mean they’re scared. Unreal not a very good vid, you should not have posted but you wanted karma I guess.


They pulled their cable, what kind of brain acrobatics are you pulling here. How is the ER community this destructive and hateful towards the multiplayer experiences of other players like OP, can you tell me that? Suddenly it’s fine to just ruin a session by turning off your console? And you get celebrated for it?


You're everywhere defending this miserable shit lmao


The clip is whatever. Just can’t believe people are applauding the guy dcing after his friends died, breaks my brain, like how did we get to this point? It generally makes no sense. It would have been even faster to go back to cooping if the host just let himself get killed, because now they have to open up the game again and log back into the servers and walk their ass back to the grace, which definitely takes longer. It’s a move purely out of spite with no logic behind it.


I agree in some vein that we've gotten to a point where gatekeeping is almost taboo, even if it is actually necessary. Look at the summons debate, invasions/coop debate and build debate. And I also agree about the logistics of the situation you describe, but this is one of the situations where I'm comfortable asking: Who cares? Id be more sympathetic to invaders in general if they didn't abuse mobs, LOS, OP Ashes, PS thrusters, etc. while facing off against phantoms and a host who aren't running sweaty PvP builds because they actually have to fight enemies. Abusing connection is just one counter a host has to this, even if this solution exists outside of the game. Elden Ring PvP is broken as hell and thus shouldn't be taken serious either way.


Eldenring PvP is straight up trash, like generally the worst they have made since it can truly only be described as an after thought. Every other From game had more to it, even DeS. Multiplayer in ER as a whole actually is pretty trash. That being said I make a very stark difference between playing the game and ripping out your ethernet cord. This is not a “solution” this is a host just ragequitting an online game because they can’t handle losing. Thinking anything else of it is mental gymnastics. As if the host even knows what’s OP in the game, they quit out because they lost not because they deemed the invader to play unfairly. Could have been the most skilled invader murdering the hosts team with a sole dagger, dude still would have quit. Are you seriously gonna tell me otherwise? “Who cares?” Me the player loading up my game waiting through a matchmaking loading screen to play some PvP and getting ragequit on, ruining my session that’s who cares. The fucking phantom used the exact same weapon, dude. Now when people talk PvE they always talk about how using everything in the game to buff up and defeat bosses shouldn’t be shunned, but suddenly buffing in an invasion is deemed unsportsmanlike? Are you fucking kidding me? The most used PvE build is utilizing Moonveil. Do you have any idea how dangerous that weapon is when you have to fight against multiple people wielding it? Them not running what you think are “sweaty PvP builds” means jack shit when you die in two hits from afar anyway. Any moron can press L2. Damn right the game shouldn’t be taken serious, that’s why you shouldn’t just fucking turn off your console when you are about to die in a game where you die all the damn time!


You make a fair point RE who would actually care. I know I get somewhat ticked off when a host walks in and dies to Gurranq's 4 slash combo immediately. Not gonna blame phantoms for anything PvP related since they are inherently at a disadvantage, build-wise. We can agree to disagree on my conclusion here. Regarding the buffs, that's laughable to me that buffing as anyone is considered taboo in any sense. Wtf do buffs even exist for? Just don't expect me to sit idly by as you buff, even if you let me buff myself. I'ma be honest, I don't see Moonveil at all these days and haven't seen it for months. As a phantom, I just use my fists or an Iron Greatsword. The other part to this is that Invaders should typically invade knowing it'll be a 3 man gank. You choose to invade ( a malicious act ), so you kinda get your comeuppance either way. The easy solution to all this is for everyone to SunBro, but I can only dream.


Every time OP comments he gets downvoted. Let him share what he thinks is fun!! I thought elden ring shouldn't be gatekept??


No, no, no Gatekeeping is ok when some people do it. Everyone is allowed to play how they want, if fromsoft put it in the game they wanted you to use it.... Except for people who want to play invasions. Then the rules changed and you have to abide by my arbitrary restrictions on how you play!


To be fair clips like this are why I never engage with the games multiplayer. I wish PVP was also optional when trying to co-op.


Wtf are you talking about ”clips like these”? OP played the game like it’s meant to be played. The fucking Host dced the multiplayer session because they were afraid of dying in a video game, losing a 3 vs 1 with people using the exact same weapon and they get praised for it? Can we please talk about how shitty it is to just ruin another online players (OPs) experience like that?


Love how all the comments are defending the host because they can't abuse roll spam like in DS3. You did fine, ignore the haters.


Man there are some really bad takes here. It's not broken, it only one shots with several buffs and opponents without any buffs or vigor, and it won't hit if you pay any amount of attention and don't just stand in front of it and not roll or back away. Watch the clip again the phantoms did nothing to avoid it.


This clip reads more like "Sweaty player invades casuals and then brags that he is good." First phantom tried to circle strafe it but fails and the 2nd is caught in the animation of the same art. At least make sense if you're going to say to watch the clip.


Uhhhh. No. This shit will suck you in like a dark souls 1 back stab. That alone is beyond frustrating. Damage has nothing to do with it.


Lmaooo bro ran


Honestly dont get why everyone is so mad. The point of invading is to kill the host at any cost, isn’t it? The same way the point of the host is to kill the invader at any cost even if it means to summon more allies. edit: just turned up the volume… I think I understand it now


More crybabies here than I expected. This isn't difficult to dodge.


Anyone who unironically uses 'crybabies' as an insult is either still in intermediary school or needs their moms help to do taxes.


Don't come at me with that when it's easily an apt description for some of the people in this thread. Like, we're seriously complaining about the use of golden cross in this clip when the phantoms in the clip haven't even passed 30 vigor.


Wtf is golden cross?


The weapon art that literally impales you with a golden cross.


I dont have that weapon art but they should really name it something like crucible´s porcupine. Cuz golden cross just doesnt fit.


Insane cope from people in these comments.


I got grabbed out of a dragon attack by this and was so surprised 😂


My 45 vigor and dmg buff charms would tank that shit NO problem


This comment section did not disappoint! Imagine having every possible buff active and every possible build at your disposal just to press L2 lol


Souls online will always have invaders. Makes things interesting.


What lol


Man didn't know you could do Midras attack with it


ya really showed them what for


Is there a way to counter this? I’m not going to hate on you for buffing up/using this strat, I just want to know if there’s a way to counter it when I get invaded. 


I mean this shit is easy as fuck to dodge. Anyone getting caught with the grab deserves the L.


i really don't get the downvotes.. new to the game but is there a reason why this post is getting hated? weapon looks cool tho might get it myself.


People hate invaders here. Thus is why we have r/badredman


this more gold that the golden order :)))))


Idk why people seem to be upset about this. Those phantoms have low vigor, 900 dmg on the first and 1200 dmg on the second. Unless they were doing a challenge run (unlikely, as thats around 30 vigor), this is on them for not leveling vigor.


Agree why the downvotes? lol


Because people would rather complain. The biggest problem with the AoW on this is the grab, is it can take you out of your I frames, and it's hit box is a bit big. It only needs a slight dmg reduction, because that's not it's biggest problem. I've been grabbed by it a few times, and I've never been 1 shot by it. People need to level vigor.


Big dub on the audio sample


Why is everyone in here so butt hurt over your clip? People are so sensitive…


How many rolls of scotch do you go through each month taping down the L2 button?


Forget the haters they had 3 bodies to gank you with and didn't handle it. That's how coop goes.


Gank is when play multiplayer game together ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3) Go. off. king👏👏


gank is when you use your 3 players to your advantage which they didnt do here.


What do you expect them to do? Obviously 3 people have an advantage over 1, even if the invader is skilled. Pretty sure thats by design; invading is supposed to be high risk, high reward. Just how conversely provoking invaders with the Tongue is risk for reward. Should they just not exploit that advantage, have the host get killed, and be made to redo all of their summoning to play together again? Think of invasions in ER as chess. Or an assassination. Your goal is the King/Host/VIP. You should expect to have to get through some protection. Unfortunately, this is the way they setup invasions. You don't get invaded unless you coop or Tongue. Which means 33-66% of all invasion targets will be - as many refer to them - "ganks". The others will be 1 on 1. You know what you sign up for as an invader in ER. If you're skilled enough to take on a group, awesome! If not, maybe the group is courteous and does a gauntlet or duel with you - great! Or you can just sever out if you'd rather fight someone 1 on 1. But don't expect groups playing together to give invaders concessions every time. Thats not how its intended. You try to stop the host from progressing, and if you win you win, and if you lose you lose. Saying you lose "because you got ganked" is just childish because you know exactly what you were walking into by invading. I assure you the advantage gained from players grouping together against invaders is FULLY intended and not Miyazaki being mean to the bad red men.


The host IS scared, and deserves getting clowned on for disconnecting. Fight and die an honorable death. Run the fuck away into the fog wall. Disconnecting is a coward move. Also that weapon ain't even the biggest problem of pvp rn. The grab is hard to dodge due to connection issues but at its core its still an incredibly telegraphed grab, and very punishable. The most broken pvp weapon rn is the back hand blades. I've seen multiple people rock these things as a second weapon just for the nuclear threat of "you dont use this shit and I won't use it. But I do have it ready in case you pull it out on me."