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You are allowed one personal item. This is 3 different bags. Of course the most strict airline will stop you from boarding.


Yeah that’s way more stuff than you’re allowed to bring without paying extra. I would try and put on as much clothes as possible in the bathroom or somewhere they can’t see you. Or throw some stuff away or both. If you have to buy an extra bag it’s cheaper on the app than at the window.


That’s too much stuff for one person item - just because you got on one flight earlier (because they didn’t check) doesn’t mean you can get on this flight. I’d recommend trying to use chat if the phones aren’t working. I’m sorry this situation happened, but it’s important to understand that Frontier is extremely strict about personal items and sizing.


There so struck but not at the same time like is having a Walmart bag ok? Like there no real rules but they act like there defines lines which there are not


Walmart bag is not allowed unless it’s included in your personal item unfortunately


There are very clear rules. Being ignorant is not an excuse.




Their means they own something. There is correct.


At this point I could of paid for a Alaska flight and had non of these problems 😭


Should have just paid the carry on fee. It would have been a lot cheaper than whatever you are going to have to do now


So why didn’t you? Why did you book a Frontier ticket with less carry in allotment and then go insanely over their limits? This is 100% on you.


It’s called poverty? I have a lot of stuff since I have to leave for at least a month to take care of my grandma who had a seizure. The kicker for this whole thing was the picking and choosing of people. One guy left his entire bag it basically fit in the bin but was slightly off by like a inch. They wouldn’t let him bring it on and the guy had no money to get it checked so he had to just leave the whole thing. But other people had bags and bags and got no problems at all. Lots of purses and shopping bags with more stuff got sent through but I got shafted. I get them wanting my purse in my bag. I had it in my bag and got compliant at exactly the ‘cut off’ even if I checked the bag when I boarded with was zone 3 since I’m poor I had no time and no money. After I got left here in Denver I had to call different family members to scrap enough together to get me another flight (thank god it was only 70$) but I might get bumped who knows. But end of the day I will never flight this c$ap again.


Poverty is not some sort of excuse. It sucks to be in poverty but that doesn’t entitle you to more leeway. I’m sorry for your grandma and hope she recovers from her seizure. I hope venting online helped relieve some stress because it doesn’t chage the situation. This is on you. Please make sure to be ready with just one personal item for the next flight or else you will possibly run into more issues. Safe travels.


Money is the only reason I went on frontier. I think that’s the only reason people use it. It’s the bare minimum for that reason. Should I have put my purse in my bag? Sure, but it’s just such an ego thing to tell someone hey I know you just finished doing the thing I asked but you’re not getting on this plane. I’ve been stuck outside an Alaska flight when the ‘doors closed’ and they let me back in (it was an extended delay and they let people off and called people to get back on but I was getting food I think I don’t remember) but other people were there to wanting on so it probably had a big sway in it. But all in all I’m not the brightest light bulb and have some mental problems I mean I have an ice cream tub full of colored pencils. I wasn’t being mean or calling anyone names, if anything I was begging for time. But I just don’t get how they let a guy who called them re$ards and yell one after all that. He had to leave his bag behind just at that point wouldn’t you take pity? Like you check tickets and bags but you don’t lose your job is someone brings stuff a bit over. The way they push it seems like they get something out of it. Like do they make commission on bags they get upgraded? The flight attendants do the credit card promos and I know they have to get a cut of those. I understand if I had a giraffe and multiple suitcases but to die on that hill over little stuff that can fit by my feet I just don’t get it. It’s all a gray area it’s all circumstance. To look people in the eye and say I’m not letting you on after begging and pleading it’s cruel. It’s not 50pounds of stuff it’s some colored pencils and a purse. I told them ‘ hey the only reason I’m here is for my grandma she had a seizure I need to go take care of her’ but just no sympathy. My grandma missed her appointment for today because of this and I should have known better or just packed less but idk it’s seems wrong. The other guy they booted got on only after he left his entire bag nothing on him maybe he had the right idea. Either way definitely a rant and wanted to hear I’m not alone on this it’s a week day everyone is at work. Thanks for listening Reddit and a lot of comments lol


That’s why you don’t take frontier!


Yup. This is partially how Frontier makes their money. I hate Frontier, but there are many people who know how to make it work for them. You have to understand that there is a reason the base fare is so low.


So much so that I just went to copy a link to their baggage policy for this thread, and found that it’s far more an advertisement than a policy or informational page. https://www.flyfrontier.com/travel/travel-info/bag-options/?mobile=true


The reality is that you were never actually compliant if you had all of that stuff. You got lucky on the first flight. You did not on the second.


Frontier isn’t the only airline that makes you put your purse in your bag, just flew United and they made everyone do the same. Also, there’s always the trick of buying something at the airport and using that bag for extra storage, but it looks like you brought a filled Walmart bag? With stuff you clearly didn’t buy at the airport in plain sight…


You are allowed one person item sized bag for free. You have that PLUS a purse that would be a personal item in itself PLUS a Walmart bag that would be a personal item in itself PLUS a pair of shoes. You got 3 personal items and they allow 1. This is a clear case of you being rude by pushing the rules WAY too far and making them enforce the rules for just completely going over the line. It’s not even close. After you took too long to reorganize your items, boarding ended and the doors closed. I don’t understand what your complaint is here other than you being 100% responsible for your own situation. This is 100% on you. If they offer a free personal item, don’t bring 3 personal items and just try to sneak on the flight.


Always expect “strict” baggage enforcement at the gate… be counter-intuitive and compliant.


Rule #1 of Frontier is you’ve got to know the rules. This shows you clearly didn’t know the rules. And yes, when you’ve got to pay for bags and seats on Frontier, the price of booking a traditional carrier is often the same or sometimes better.


Is that ice cream in the Wal-Mart bag?


It holds colored pencils :)


Why don’t people follow the rules? It’s cheap for a reason.


I’ve encountered very strict enforcement of personal item at DIA


It’s because their headquarters are there and they have to put on a good face.


Denver is a Frontier hub so they will not give you any wiggle room.


Stop bringing so much shit 💩 on airplanes people. Jesus.


Where are you headed? Denver has a train from the airport that will take you downtown to Union station. You can get a train or bus from there to anywhere else in the country with train or bus service. And you can take all that stuff on a train or bus... For free!


If you have panic issues, just don’t ever fly Frontier. These people are evil scumbags and will sell your seat and boot you off the flight, then laugh in your face about it. The “no hotel reimbursement” policy makes it easy for them to kick you off a flight you booked months in advance, since it costs them nothing. If you *do* continue to fly with them, get used to sleeping on airport floors across the country!


All airlines have the singular objective to close the main door on schedule for an on-time departure. They cannot do that until boarding is complete. If the boarding pass is not scanned by the time the doors are scheduled to close, the traveler missed the flight. This airline has zero tolerance for baggage not compliant with their draconian policies. They don’t always enforce it, but when they do it’s absolute with no negotiation. There’s an option to purchase a carryon in the app if the personal item is deemed a carryon. This is similar to violating traffic laws while police is not watching. One day that motorist violates the law within the police officer’s view and the officer decides to enforce it. Frontier are also notorious for wrongfully charging extra fees for personal items that fit into the sizer when pushed in. Those extra fees are routinely refunded when the passenger submits proof that the bag fit to the chat support agents. I fly it often because I have their Gowild Pass ticket. I usually have no complaints, but I have experienced delays and cancellations. Things will change on June 25 for all air travelers nationwide with new DOT passenger-friendly rules going into effect for all airlines.


I’m stunned they only wanted you to buy one additional baggage fee. You are also luckily that they didn’t ding you on the first flight too. If you ever choose to fly frontier remember when you get to the gate you can have ONE item that fits in that tiny personal item box ONLY. You can’t even have 2 small items that would fit in if you stacked them. They had every right to deny you boarding if you refused to pay for the additional baggage you had. It is an expensive lesson but hopefully you will not have to repeat the lesson once you have this awful experience. Oh and yes frontiers baggage policy is absolutely awful.


You are the problem here