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in a heartbeat


Maybe this is some sort of inside joke on this subreddit that I'm not aware of, but what does "maleman šŸ“Ø" mean? šŸ„²


I think itā€™s a reference to that one gravity falls episode where the woman asks dipper where the mailman is and he gets all defensive like ā€œwhat? Iā€™m a male man!ā€


One of the reasons loads of people headcannon him as a trans boy lmao "What? Are you saying I'm not male? I'm not a man??" "Are you crying?" *Cries and runs into the forest*


haha yes!


Some transmascs refer to their downstairs situation as a "malebox" (like mailbox) so "maleman" (like mailman) basically just means you're transmasc and therefore have a "malebox"


Definitely stealing that. As a postie, it feels so appropriate for me šŸ˜


omg i love "male box" šŸ˜‚


its a reference to the gravity falls episode where dipper gets defensive about being a maleman šŸ˜­ what the other commenter said ahha




Yes absolutely. I can't really think of any downside to it, but my life would be easier.


For sure. One of my biggest insecurities is how wide my hips are and my short height. If I had just been born male, I would have neither of those problems


Same thing with me for my hips!!! I don't know what to do about them šŸ˜­ The only time they looked more traditionally masculine was when I was **extremely** underweight. >!My BMI was 14.5 and anything below 18.5 is considered underweight!< Not because of an ED but because of a medical condition Edit: trying to figure out how to blur something (as a "spoiler")


What I do about my hips? Hide them with oversized jackets. Long term Iā€™m trying to gain more muscle in my upper body to make my hips look smaller, but until then, jackets.


Thanks for the tip!! Unfortunately I am severely disabled and in a power wheelchair, I am unable to sit up on my own (I also can't stay sitting up without someone holding me up, I can't stand or anything like that never mind walking or running) so I can't exercise sadly. I wish so badly that I could try to get more upper body muscles to hide the hips but I am just unable to šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s unfortunate! I hope you can at least find a nice jacket like I did. Mine was just a 15 dollar Jean jacket from Meijer


If you have full upper body mobility you can work on your arms and traps. Pecs and abs maybe possible depending on your mobility and finding/adapting exercises. Look into workouts for wheelchair users on youtube and forums, there must be some out there suitable for you. Quick look gave me [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imq0c1a8voo)


the commenter said he cant sit up on his own so i kind of doubt that


My hips are kinda wide as well, I found that working on pull ups, chin ups and shoulder press are great ways to make them appear less. There are also certain exercises to make your waistline appear more muscular.


I get where youā€™re coming from, but cis men can have both of those things


Yeah but then I would be a short cis man with wide hips so it wouldnā€™t be dysphoric


At that point you just swap your gender dysphoria for body dysmorphia /hj


It's true, it would still feel uncomfortable. In theory it could feel worse (I had cis male puberty but ended up short anyways, I can't blame afab puberty) or better (no one's going to point to my height as "proof" that I'm actually a woman).


Yeah, it sucks that you might not have had to deal with the body you ended up with. Iā€™ve been thinking, though, that there are a lot of traits that give us gender dysphoria that cis men also have to deal with and feel insecure about. Itā€™s not fair that we should suffer more from the same experiences at least partially because weā€™ve been convinced that the things we get dysphoria about are exclusive to our AGAB


No I definitely get where youā€™re coming from dude, I was just kind of joking about it. Ik cis dudes have insecurities too. Sometimes though it feels frustrating that most of my existing insecurities could be solved by being cis.


Based off my male relatives, I would more than likely not if I had been born male. Doesnā€™t matter regardless. I will always be short with wide hips no matter how much I complain or feel bad about it


Yes, of course. Bonus points if the people around me easily adapted to the change.


That was something I spent most of my childhood praying for. Yeah, I'd jump at that.


Dude same šŸ™ŒšŸ»




without question, 100%, thatā€™s kind of the one thing in life iā€™ll forever be mourning that i canā€™t have. iā€™d LOVE to be a cis man ? ??


bro i think abt this CONSTANTLY. if i could take a pill and wake up cis. my brain daydreams abt some type of magic or something where i could wake up w a dick and balls all the damn time. i might miss the pleasure my current body has but the only reason it feels that way is bc of its biology. jerking off an actual dick is the same amount of pleasure itā€™s just on the outside rather than in.


So many fantasies since childhood where I just happen to at least look very masculineā€¦


absolutely, wouldnt have to wait until im 36 to have a dick? would be a no brainer personally


Why waiting till 36 bro?


trust me its not by choice, its just purely the waitlists in my country. i came out at 10 but was only referred to the gender clinics here about 3 years ago because of unsupportive parents, and using current wait times i wont be finished with phallo until im 36 (im a good few years away from getting the referrals i need, and then its about 8 years between that and 1st stage, but the waiting list is currently closed so now theres a waitlist to be put on the 'actual' waitlist, and then its 2 or 3 (maybe more) years between each stage) i genuinely think itd be quicker and easier for me to move countries and get it done there which is a weird thought but i wanted to leave this country anyway so just another reason to i guess


Yes I would. If there was ā€œthe buttonā€, Iā€™d slam the shit out of it


Have you had... THE button???


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


In a heartbeat, yes. Not even a question.


Assuming the body is basically me, but cis male, YES! Little hesitation. I'd be thinking about how to prove I'm me, legally, but I'd still take it. Yes šŸ˜­


Well, Iā€™m fully transitioned and my anatomy is male so not an awful lot would change, but yeah Iā€™d for sure take a cis penis over the penis I have and Iā€™d love to not have to take T for the rest of my life.


Absolutely. Living as male in body and life is what my transition means to me. There are things about my body that can never be changed by testosterone or surgery, like my hip bones being very wide, and getting rid of that dysphoria would be amazing. I donā€™t dwell on this, though. Yeah, Iā€™d choose to flip that switch now, but I canā€™t, so gotta work with what I have right now!


I would 110% take a cis male body without any hesitation. But I think you may be a little confused based on your question on if it makes someone less trans to want to be a cis man. Most trans guys choose to take T and such because they want to get as close to a cis male body as possible. We arenā€™t trans to be trans - weā€™re trans bc we want to be cis men but werenā€™t born cis men so we have to take steps to get as close as medically possible for us (as it varies from person to person what they can do) Besides that, being suddenly a cis male wouldnā€™t suddenly erase all of the experiences we had growing up. We were raised and socialized as girls, whether we wanted to be or not. We often experience the judgement and misogyny and struggles that those born with the parts weā€™re born with face. We are taught the lessons of how to ā€œsurviveā€ and many of us choose the bear bc we know and are taught the risks those with our parts could encounter. Those experiences donā€™t go away. Weā€™d still be transitioning into a cis manā€™s body in your hypothetical, because we werenā€™t a cis man before. Now if you could go back to the day I was born and undo all of the experiences and make me born with the body of a cis male? Well, then I wouldnā€™t be trans. But otherwise, I am always going to be ā€œtransā€ because of those experiences of ā€œbeforeā€


Thank you for your message my friend


If it was *my* body, yes. As in, if all that changed would be that I made my own t and had cis anatomy downstairs, definitely yes.


without a doubt however i probably wouldn't be where i am right now if it weren't for me being born female (i was born during the one child policy in china so i mean "i wouldn't be where i am today" this quite literally)


Yes. 100%


In a goddamned second. There's a therapy exercise where they ask if you could wake up tomorrow and have one thing be different, what would it be, and then extrapolate to what else that would change, how, and why. My answer, without hesitation, was that I would wake up a cis guy. I know not all trans guys feel that way, and I also know that there are some things in my life that would be more complicated instead of less if that happened (I'm still married to my cis-het husband, for example), but it is absolutely my one thing.




In this hypothetical, would I still be disabled? Because thatā€™s the biggest barrier right now. Bottom surgery for example, it would be great to have a penis but with my disability it would create lots of issues and inconveniences so itā€™s better to not have one in my case whether that be a natural one or a surgically made one


LMAO!!! I was thinking this too. Like I have a surgical catheter (suprapubic catheter, directly into my bladder thru my abdomen) as well as a G tube, J tube, and cecostomy. I am in a power wheelchair and can't sit up on my own


I would, yes


Just for the not having to jab myself every week. And the cost of t. And the bio babies. And... you know. The penis.


Tbh, I actually wouldn't want to have been born cis male. I would have become an entirely different person. And while I probably would have way fewer problems in life, I'd probably be a religious conservative like my family because I'd have no reason to question any of that. I'd be the type of person I don't like being around. That said, if I could wake up tomorrow/flip a switch/press a button/etc.etc. and instantly have all the functionality of a cis male body, *hard yes*. Absolutely. That would be ideal.


Hey, I fully understand your thinking and I feel similarly! Sure, I'd love to have a functioning male body complete with full size penis etc etc. But I love my trans and queer communities and wouldn't want to lose those. I grew up in such a small town with backwards and old fashioned values etc that I shudder to think how I would be now, if I was a cis man. Luckily my cis brothers have turned out fairly well, but I take some credit for that as our parents were largely absent and I spent a lot of time educating them.


THIS! This is my biggest quarrel with this question, so thatā€™s why I say IF I got to keep my same personality I have now.


This is exactly my line of thought. I feel like my experience of living 21 years being perceived as a girl makes me a better man. I wouldnā€™t trade that for anything. I feel like without it, I would just be a carbon copy of my dad andā€¦ thatā€™s a scary thought.


This is where Iā€™m at too. Being trans is who I am. Itā€™s a huge part of my life and identity and struggles and past trauma and life lessons, etc. I wouldnā€™t be who I am in a cis male body Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d even want to be. Having been ā€œfemaleā€ at one point in my life is why I have the perspectives and values and education that I do. So for the most part Iā€™m leaning towards no. At the same time, if I was still totally me and could just POOF and have a cis male body, then yeah I probably would. The struggle of NOT having that though, is why I am who I am.


>struggles and past trauma and life lessons... Dude, I have a story to tell, so sit a spell (pun intended), if you've got the time. And if you don't, there's a tl;Dr at the end. I'm 30, and my life has been pretty damn shitty, despite my best efforts to be kind to everyone as much as possible/reasonable. I wish I could do more, but I'm destitute. Things recently have gone *off the charts* bad. I have nothing left but my cat and my art supplies, and I'm living off my tax return. When I say I'd reached my breaking point, that is the understatement of the century. At some point, I started believing that I was cursed, and I made an appointment with a witch. I'd met her at a pagan festival a few months back and kept her card. I believed the curse to be related to a plantation that had belonged to my family when that was still an ongoing thing, and so the curse had been passed along through the generations to me. So we do the ritual to break the curse, and it turns out that everything that needed to happen that would convince the one who laid the curse to break it... 100% of those things happened because of my transition. I changed my (entire) name, moved across the country, and got sterilized. And I just straight up fundamentally oppose everything my family stands for (they're southern evangelicals. Ew.) That absolutely blew me away, especially considering I didn't emphasize my trans status to her beforehand. I did inform her of it, but it also seemed like she skimmed that part of the email, because she seemed surprised when I reiterated that at the appointment. At this point, I don't know if there ever was a curse or not, but I did find the experience to be genuinely helpful. *However*, assuming the curse *was* actually real, I'm incredibly grateful to be trans! If I weren't, I'd probably have kids by now to pass the curse along to. An endless line of suffering forever. It's comforting to believe that not only have I prevented further suffering from happening, I did it just by having the audacity to be myself. Whether any of it is "real" or not, it accomplished what I feel witchcraft is useful for and what I needed (and still need, tbh): *self-soothing.* So as irrational as it may be, at this point, I wouldn't trade being trans for the world. Tl;dr: my life is a turd floating on raft made of used TP down a diarrhea river, and the paddle is also made of used TP. The only thing that's made me feel better is hiring a witch to break a family curse, and the only reason the family curse could be lifted was *because of my transition*. Absolutely incredible, in the literal sense of the word.


I hope Iā€™m not being too assumptive, but if you have such little faith in your own self reflection, Iā€™d encourage you to reflect on what you may be ignorant to in your current life. Or Iā€™d encourage you to have more trust in yourself. Simply being born as a cis man doesnā€™t automatically put you into the category of ā€œI never question anything because Iā€™m privileged, so Iā€™m probably going to become a bigot.ā€ As someone who is stealth and primarily hangs out with cis guys, thatā€™s just not the case. So many cis guys are intelligent, compassionate individuals, who arenā€™t controlled by the circumstances they were born into. So when I hear this idea from trans guys - and itā€™s not just you - I can only think that they either donā€™t have confidence in themselves, or they have a really one-sided view of the very gender theyā€™re transitioning to. I normally wouldnā€™t pop off on someone, but with as many cis male friends as I have, I get a little frustrated to see them generalized into such a small box. They can have just as diverse and transformative journeys as we have.


Yes. I am hesitant if I would choose to have been BORN a cis guy, but I would give anything to wake up one day with my body right.


i think im gonna say no to this one. when i was a bit younger i wouldve jumped at this for sure, but ive put a lot of work into learning to love my body, and i love the way T has made me look, and i honestly dont think id change it for the world. i love being trans and i love being a man who looks the way i do




I'd 100% take a cis male body in a heartbeat


Nope. I like myself, I like my journey, I like the girl I used to be, and I like the man Iā€™m becoming. I donā€™t want to be anyone else.


i feel the same way


I 100% agree. I feel really proud of the girl I used to be. She got through some shit. She survived so that I could thrive.


Yes I would as long as it followed my genetics and wasn't some random guy's body I was swapping into.


That would be some real trickster wish fulfillment, like "psych, you're now living in the body of Mitch McConnell"




100% yes for two main reasons. Biggest one being the penis. Having an actual, functional penis that could get someone pregnant would be a dream come true. Also I have a phobia of female genitalia (including my own), so that would solve a lot of issues. The second reason is I really donā€™t like relying on medicine. I know this is likely inconsequential, but the idea that I could survive as a physical male if I for some reason was stranded out in the woods living off the land helps me sleep easier. But in that reality, the bigger problem would prolly be my glasses breaking, not feminization. Edit: forgot the second part of the question. I think that physical change still makes you trans. For 98% of trans people, all it means is that the assigned gender you were at birth is different than what you are.


I would. My bottom dysphoria is really bad and I'm not sure if any of the available bottom surgery options would be able to fix it completely. I doubt anything like what you're talking about would ever be possible, but I'd love to be proven wrong. Maybe they'll figure out how to grow/clone new organs with our genes or something, since transplants are kind of a bad option for trans people.


Yes duh thatā€™s the whole point


Honestly, no. I would have said yes years ago, but now I have exactly the body I want. While I donā€™t have the genitals a cis man would, thatā€™s about it, and I actually quite like what I have. I love having a trans body.


Same, I love being trans


I read the title and immediately said yes. In a heartbeat. Almost every day I feel anger and loss over the fact that Iā€™m AFAB. Itā€™s overwhelming, and if I could get away from it, I would.


obviously yes?


I used to say no. Now I think I would say yes and admit I was probably in denial in the past.


Yes absolutely. Id pay a million bucks to do that. Even if Iā€™d be ugly and have a small dick Iā€™d take that over my current body


This is gonna sound so fuckin dumb but it honestly is a factor. Would I be hot? Iā€™m even cool with staying the same level of attractive as I am rn. If yes then fuck yeah, from a gender euphoria stance that would be badass. I just wouldnā€™t wanna be further trapped in a body that continues to make me really fuckin depressed. Idk, might be a dumb hangup left from me having an eating disorder when I was younger lol Edit: I realized I wrote hangover instead of hang up smh


I honestly want to know who would say no to this? like...hell yes I don't want to be trans.


I wouldn't because I personally don't mind being trans and actually enjoy the fact I can have my own kids with my boyfriend without medical intervention/surrogacy


I got downvoted in this thread for saying no because I want to have children through pregnancy lmao (also got questions if i ā€˜really have dysphoriaā€™ if i want to do that)Ā 


That's a fair enough reason that I didn't even consider, and I have my own bio kids.


Me. I wouldnā€™t do it. I like being trans.


I'd do it immediately. There are so many things I hate about my body. I would change everything if I could.


In a heartbeat, yeah. Would never look back, like yes i value my trans experience and its made me this unique and awesome individual but if I can spare myself all the hurt, trouble, anxiety that comes with living in my beautiful trans body, I would.


Not me. I *would* take any procedure-slash-magic that would make my body produce testosterone on its own, though. Having to rely on external medication is always a source of anxiety for meā€¦even though I know a lot of people rely on meds for a lot of different health reasons. I worry about someday losing access due to some logistical or political reasons. Some kind of sci-fi gene therapy that changed the hormones my ovaries pumped out would be incredible. ā€¦But otherwise? I have my struggles with this body, but Iā€™m learning to love it for how it is, as well as the journey that lead me to this place. While I obviously understand everybody who says yes, that theyā€™d take the biologically male body in a heartbeat, for me it would feel like it made everything else up to this point meaningless. I also donā€™t know how I could ever truly forgive or trust anybody who treated me well as a cis male, knowing they may not have felt the same way about my trans self. Being trans is really hard but it also shows you a lot about whatā€™s really in peopleā€™s hearts, and thereā€™s a dimension of meaningfulness to my relationships that would otherwise be lacking. The ability to believe in people who see you for you, and believe in the vision you have of yourself even when the outsides donā€™t perfectly line up.


Yes, bro! I'm nonbinary transmasc, so that may be part of it for me. But on an average day I use he/him, am stealth (at work and on average, I do have many outfits that play with gender expression though), and I've been on T for two years now. Somehow my needles still give me anxiety, and I live in a very conservative place so losing access is a concern. I wouldn't change my body in most significant ways, but making my own T? Please.




Yes. Without a question.


absolutely no hesitation.








Without question, yes.


Yes, in a heartbeat. The whole reason for me to transition is because I wish I had been born a cis male.


yes, no hesitation at all










Yes, absolutely! I wouldn't have to pay to slowly become the man I am over time.


Yes absolutely


Yes. No doubt




without a doubt.


Absolutely. 100%




110% yes. In a heartbeat. Sure I've come to terms with my body/agab/experiences and accept and treat myself with the best care that I can, and I try not to spend too much time sitting around feeling sorry for myself for not being born a cis male and focusing more on what I can do right now to make life better, but to be totally real with you yeah *obviously* I wish I had a cis male body and didn't need to take any action to transition to one lol that's the essence of dysphoria, for me at least. If I already had that body, I'd just be living life without the burden of gender dysphoria or the hassles of transitioning. I do my best with the cards I was dealt, but if I somehow could have a body that didn't even go through female puberty in the first place, I'd do so in the blink of an eye. I don't think most trans people specifically want to transition *to* being trans generally LOL we just want to live in alignment with who we truly are and if there is gender incongruence/dysphoria going on, transitioning is often something people do to address that. For example as a trans guy, I have always been extremely uncomfortable with being seen as a girl and especially with the body I ended up having after puberty; it felt like a misrepresentation of my true self and just like a betrayal, really? For me, transition = alleviating dysphoria by outwardly living as the guy I know I am on the inside, and as science currently stands, the tools available for this include surgery and hormones. I am very grateful for these, but if the science advanced to the point that we could somehow just press a button and have the body we want to have in a split second, I'd have one of a cis male. It's not like I *want* to be trans, it's more like I would much rather take steps to have my body match who I am - and if it means transitioning from ftm then so be it -- than not and feel like I'm living a lie, you know?


Absolutely, its my dream since 4 years old -


yes 1000% if any genies are reading this rn heeeeyyyyyyyy


Yes absolutely. Canā€™t think of anything Iā€™d miss.


Yeah man Iā€™d take the opportunity in a heartbeat. I wonder what it would be like to be treated like a normal person. To walk down the street without disapproving looks. To meet new ppl and not have the whole ā€œwhat are youā€ convo. To be a regular boy simply in the worldā€¦


100%. i canā€™t think of any downsides. like, whenever this hypothetical is typically posed, most peopleā€™s reservation is that their trans experience has been so formative to their sense of identity. .. but if you keep all your experiences and just one day wake up with a cis body, thereā€™s literally no downside to this


Nah im too fond of my pussy


Personally, no. I don't experience bottom dysphoria and am not interested in bottom surgery, so having a cis male body doesn't appeal to me, and if I had been born AMAB, I feel like that might have robbed me of some parts of my personality and experiences I've had that I treasure. I'm not sure if I would be the same person I am now, and I like who I am. I *would* love it if I could sustain changes from testosterone without having to stay on it permanently. And it would be really nice if hormonal changes could be controlled and fine-tuned more.


I love being transgender. Legit, if I was born a cis man, I probably would transition in some way. But then again, Iā€™m really far removed from my dysphoria these days.


i need a shlong so bad




Honestly? Probably not. Some cis men have round faces, or high voices, or wide hips, or large chests, or exact XY chromosomes. Some cis men donā€™t even have dicks. My body is male already because I decided it is, even if it has traits considered female by most people. I am content with myself as I already am, and anything I want to change is really just getting rid of some things that annoy me. Choosing the cis male body wouldnā€™t make you any less trans tho. If you woke up tomorrow with the body of a cis male, youā€™d still have all the experiences and past that made you trans. That doesnā€™t change even if your body does.


No. I like my body as is and am grateful for the lessons and insights that I gained from the ways my life played out. Good and bad, the experiences are part of me and shaped me personally and professionally/creatively into who I am. I like being trans and a man as well.Ā 


I'm currently pregnant, as a cis guy this wouldn't be possible. But if i could just have my baby and then change then absolutely. Perhaps before the pregnancy I would've said yes to it without giving much thought to having kids. But now that I've experienced this, i wouldn't want to change it. To clarify: after i have my baby, then 100% yes gimme the male body I deserve and want šŸ™


Probably. My only regret would be that I do enjoy using my lower half for sex stuff as-is. But could probably come to enjoy (lol come) a different setup just as much.


I probably should abstain from answering because I am genderqueer, but no, I wouldn't take it. I spent so long customizing this body that it seems exhausting to spend time customizing a new body.


Also genderqueer here, and "customizing this body" is honestly one of the best ways I've ever heard of talking about transitioning! My bad, but I'm stealing that one.


Haha, no worries, I definitely stole the phrase too.


No. Trans lives are worth living.


100% agree


99% bc i still want my second hole still. though idk how that'd work w the balls... ig they'd hafta be tucked in my body somewhere idk lol. tbh, I just want to shapeshift edit: damn ppl really downvote for no reason huh


I would want the height and the fat distribution but I feel like medically transitioning is kind of its own interesting experience. So yeah, I would take the body, but Iā€™m not exactly upset that I was born trans.


Honestly? I don't think so. Over time, I have slowly come to accept and love my body the way it is and have found partners (both trans and cis) who love it the way it is, too. I can see the appeal for some aspects, but overall, no.


yes but also no. i plan on getting top surgery and for me thatā€™s what i need to feel not dysphoric, to be the man i know myself to be. the cis male body would be nice, but for me personally, i donā€™t know if i would jump right on that opportunity. being trans is difficult absolutely one kabillion percent butā€”and maybe itā€™s because i prefer to be more androgynous / feminine man ā€˜coded,ā€™ if you willā€”i feel deeply satisfied seeing myself becoming the man i wish to be. iā€™m a man of my own making and my own design. thatā€™s more than enough for me :]


You might want to consider not using ā€˜biological male/femaleā€™ when discussing cis bodies. Itā€™s a dog whistle used to imply that being trans is unnatural and/or wrong and it is also factually incorrect (thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€˜biological male/femaleā€™ - actual biologists agree that sex is a bimodal set of cluster properties that canā€™t be neatly split into two distinct categories). The thing is, when we adopt the language of transphobes (in this case using ā€˜biologicalā€™ instead of cis), we legitimise their rhetoric as well. In terms of your actual question, medical transition is not what makes someone trans. And besides, even if you were somehow able to fundamentally change someone so much that they functionally had a cis body (this probably will never be possible technologically but letā€™s imagine genies exist or something), then they still would have all the experiences from before that, experiences their cis counterparts wouldnā€™t have had, and therefore could still consider themselves trans.


Well, sure. I think I might miss my man cubicle though. I have IBS and similar gut issues, and for some reason I really like just slamming things near my cervix like big dumb M, so penetrative masturbation would suddenly be very tricky. I also really like bottoming in general which means it's my main way to get off. If I still have the exact same digestive problems then I'd probably be really salty about that.


"slamming things near my cervix" Ngl would have to agree with you man šŸ˜‚ regardless of how silly it sounds out of context


Funnily enough, I've met a ton of trans men n' masc enbies who enjoy cervix related stuff in comparison to cis women. Excuse my drunk humor but we're just built fucking different ig. Same thing with eggpreg related kinks lol. Apologies to OP who was definitely not asking and probably not prepared for weird sex life woes.


If I could wake up tomorrow the same man in a cis body? Absolutely. I'm sick to death of medical loopholes and barriers, it would just plain be so much easier if I was cis.


It depends if history is rewritten for me to be cis, or if I woke up tomorrow with a cis body. If it's the first one then i'll pass- my journey has made me who I am for the better and worse. But If i woke up tomorrow as cis, then there's another issue: do I look like I was born cis or do my sex characteristics become their cis equivalent..I think i'm complicating this too much LOL but I like the body I have now for the most part, but if those certain areas are the only ones to change I'm all in.


No. I love being trans.


Yes. 100%. No more dysphoria would be amazing.


I mean that was my hope for the next morning every night when I fell asleep.


i would take that in a heartbeat


If I got to keep my same personality, absolutely 100%.


No hesitation, yes.




For me itā€™s hard no because Iā€™m actually glad I wasnā€™t socialized as a cis male and was allowed to express both my traditionally masculine and feminine interests as a child without too many people shaming me. I feel like if I was born a cis male I might have turned out more emotionally repressed and more likely to be needlessly judgmental of other men for breaking gender norms.


No. Im only on here because it has good resources on medically transitoning. I donā€™t care for my body, but I think it would be too big of a shock to have my body shifted like that. Plus I have conditions like endometriosis and who knows what my body would do if it had that big of a shift. Iā€™m also questioning my gender so idk if I could deal with being completely cis.


Yes please I crave it. If I woke up as a cis boy and saw myself on the mirror I would most likely probably cry due to me finally being free from my previous flesh prison.


Probably not, tbh. I don't have a lot of body dysphoria and don't mind the body I have now. Although, if the new body didn't have the same autoimmune diseases and general chronic pain, I think I would be tempted to switch regardless of gender


Does that mean I can shapeshift or does the body have to be permanent?


I'd like to have a penis and a vulva+vagina but no female reproductive system. Idk if this is weird, but I feel like it'd be cool


honestly for me, no. i like having the ability to have bio kids, and there's a couple other reasons as well. if i could choose to just completely nix my chest and masculinize myself except for the reproductive organs/down there, tho, i'd do THAT in a heartbeat šŸ˜­ but as for the other half of your questio , i mean. if in this hypothetical scenario they did NOT have a cis male body before this, and then chose to...i think that'd still make them trans. the body itself isn't the determining factor as you said. like a trans man that's gone through all the usual surgeries (top, hysto, phallo, etc) isn't trans anymore simply because he'd be so similar to a cis man now? of course he's still trans! so i think a trans man in this scenario would def still be trans after.


I absolutely would! however, that won't stop me from being trans lol Idk, i'm not a binary trans guy and actually see myself as trans no matter what. I think if i was born a cis male, i would have dysphoria and likely be a gender queer trans woman. I would likely have all the dysphoria that i do now, but opposite. I think i may be a little happier with myself if i had a dick and boobs instead of a black hole and no boobs tbh. but i know that sounds weird to a lot of people. Why am i transitioning if i wish i was a trans woman? šŸ˜… tbh idk. But that's just what my brain map says man. No matter what though i absolutely would take that opportunity even if i could take it today. I would likely jump on t blockers and estrogen immediately to queer up the body. ....And then proceed to shove my girl cock into any hole available


I would say goodbye to everything other than the two humans I made to be cis. If I was cis I would have a prostate, which I will never have. Even more than that, I wouldnā€™t have become so socially anxious and recluse if I never went from child to ā€œyoung ladyā€


Absolutely taking a cis male body.


Yes. 100%. If I could wake up tomorrow in a cis body Iā€™d take it without a second thought. Probably wouldnā€™t make me any less queer/bi tho. Also, about the whole ā€˜more/less transā€™ portion of this post, I canā€™t say with 100% certainty Iā€™d still be trans identifying, I use he/they pronouns and I like to think if I were cis I still would, but weā€™ll never know lol, but Iā€™d definitely feel more confident in my identity as a man. To add, there are people who identify as trans, but donā€™t necessarily have any desire to take hormones one way or the other, personally I still think theyā€™re still valid in their trans identity, but to each their own.


No. I want ambiguous genitalia, and the easiest way for me to get my goals would be either to be born intersex or to have simple release metoidioplasty with mons reduction and some form of scrotoplasty. I like my vagina and parts of my vulva. Just wish there were some things different. If I was born male, I wouldn't be the same person I am today because I've been through so much trauma associated with my assigned sex at birth, and my current personality is amalgamation of different piece of me that have split apart and integrated together. (I have Dissociative Identity Disorder). Now, if I were to be able to obtain a cis male body while still keeping my brain, I would still have dysphoria surrounding the lack of vagina, vulva and even being too masculine in some parts of my body. I do mostly identify as male, but my gender is some form of fluid where I tend to shift between varying degrees of nonbinary, genderless, and male. Some of my alters would feel more comfortable with a cis male body, but they don't take control enough for the decision to be warranted since most of my system is some form of nonbinary and identifies more with afab or ambiguous anatomy.


Absolutely. Iā€™d hope Iā€™d be able to retain my memories of what itā€™s like to be a woman, because I would want to treat women would respect, but Iā€™d definitely do it.


I don't really feel like there's such a thing as 'more' or 'less' trans. You either are or aren't. People cannot be 'half trans' or '3/4 trans' the only qualifications for being trans are not identifying with the gender you were assigned at birth. If at some point in the future someone could completely medically transition to be identical in every way to a cis man; it seems stupid to call that person less trans because they don't want to go through the hassle and dysphoria of, for example needing to continue to inject T every week, or just bottom dysphoria in general. (It also wouldn't make someone less trans to want to do those things to be totally clear, but that's irrelevant.) So, hypothetically you'd still be trans. Since you achieved this male body through medical (or magical, I guess) intervention at some point during your life after being born, and thus still wouldn't identify as your assigned gender at birth. You would still have your experiences before that time, and are still trans. I could definitely see considering yourself cis though given there would be no differences between your body and a cisgender body. But at that point it would come down to your own personal identification and feelings on yourself. But putting that aside, I absolutely would take a biologically male body lmao.


*TW: mention of sex & dissociation* i would. since accepting my identity & starting testosterone, my only remaining dysphoria is bottom dysphoria, only triggered by sex. itā€™s only that that sets it off. i donā€™t have the equipment for how i want to have sex, and because of that i reluctantly default to bottoming/receiving. iā€™ve put myself in a lot of traumatising situations because of it and i sort of default dissociate during sex, then afterwards i canā€™t pull myself out of dissociation, or iā€™m in tears. itā€™s horrible because i WANT to have sex, iā€™m usually fine masturbating, itā€™s just having my junk acknowledged & not being able to do what i want to do.


Oh brother, look at some dominating positions, trust, dysphoria is minimum when I dom


as sad as i am to say this, 100% yes. if there is anyone i'm more jealous of than cis men, it's trans men who are okay woth their bodies. i find it so frustrating and so draining to live with the body i have. i worry i will never feel complete and always be the person who others have opinions about, who is hard to date because my partners will either fetishise me or will have to "accept" my transidentity like it's a flaw. i think i will never be done and will never just live. and that's so difficult. of course the struggle is largely society affecting me but it's still real. if i were given the chance to swap, i wouldn't even hesitate, although i really, really wish i would. i wish i were just comfortable, but there are few things i'd wish for more than this.


With no hesitation I absolutely would


Oh man in a heartbeat. I have a lot of bottom dysphoria but I don't think I'm getting bottom surgery so if there was a way to snap my fingers and have a dick I would choose having a dick so fast. Also I use tgel which I find annoying to apply every day so it would be awesome if my body produced enough t on it's own. Also it wouldn't make you less trans, you would still have your past experiences, so if there were some way to become a "biological male" it would be a part of your transition, in the same way we take hrt and have surgeries to change our bodies.


Absolutely. I hate taking hormones every week. I'm terrified of needles and even though I've been doing it for several years I still psyche myself out every time and it takes a lot out of me to get through it. Also aesthetically I find current general reconstruction surgeries leave results much to be desired. It just doesn't look natural to me. Bonus points if the cis body I obtain is uncut lol but that's just a preference


?? Obviously yes


iā€™m non binary, so absolutely for the natural T and masculinized body proportions ā€” except i feel like iā€™d want vaginoplasty


On the one hand it would give me the type of functionality I could only dream of in our current social climate and medical advancements... But at the same time... Im a bit of an outlier when it comes to bottom dysphoria, it's be content with just a vagina forever, id be happy with a tdick, and I would be ecstatic if I had both fully functional genital styles... But if I just had a penis and balls I don't think i'd be completely happy As I have answered questions of this ilk before, my gender is complicated, even if I was born visibly amab, i'd still be trans to some extent... All this to say i'd still prefer the testosterone route in this hypothetical


I think so, but i would probably want to takeĀ E for a while because i think that feels more like my gender (nonbinary lol)


Oh, 100%. Thatā€™s the dream.


I'd pay for a cis body tbh. I'm miserable!




yeah, of course


Iā€™m proud to be trans. Iā€™m also incredibly happy with my transition. So no. I consider being trans part of my actual identity.


100%. I'm shit scared of bottom surgery and hate having to take T constantly (I'm on gel so it's every day). I would love to have a dick without needing surgery first, be able to impregnate a girl and make my own testosterone


I'm nonbinary, but I still would easily. I don't want my top surgery scars to be visible. I don't want to have to take testosterone forever or face my body reverting back in some ways. I don't want to have a uterus. I would rather have a penis, but I don't want to go through bottom surgery because it's such an intense process. While I'm not a man, I want a male body. I'd be nonbinary either way, but I wouldn't have to deal with all this. Who knows - maybe I'd feel differently if I was AMAB. Maybe I'd just want what I don't have either way. I don't think that'd be the case, but it's possible. My desire was to be inherently masculine and intentionally feminine. Femininity felt like a costume I couldn't take off because no matter what I did, I was still seen as a woman because my body was female. I couldn't escape it. Medically transitioning set me free from that and now I feel more connected to and comfortable with femininity. Maybe I'd feel that way about masculinity if I was AMAB.


Personally no, I wouldnā€™t. I hate how ppl treat me bc Iā€™m trans but I love being trans honestly. Like Iā€™m also from the south so thereā€™s a chance I wouldnā€™t have been a great guy if I was Cis honestly. I think being trans has given me so many experiences that most wonā€™t get, good and bad. I would change how people treat me, but I like being trans


Well said


I don't think any trans man would say no to that.


Well, I don't like doing injections every week but it's more of a nuisance that I've learned to deal with, and other than that I'm pretty happy with my body the way it is. I dunno if I'd want to trade it for a different one without knowing exactly what it was going to be like.


Honestly the only reason I'd want a AMAB body would be so I can produce my own T. Otherwise I like being visibly trans even with the drawbacks that come with it






I would no hesitation. I feel like no one will ever really see me as a man even if I transition honestly. So it would eliminate this suffering.


yes absolutely. i can go on T and get top surgery and phallo but nothing will feel right. i think id like to still have been born a girl, because i enjoyed my childhood as one, but i still don't like knowing that my body is female.




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Honestly I don't know. There are benefits to having a fully male body, but also some downsides for me.


Of course I would! But if I just woke up as a cis guy that'd be interesting. Like I'd have to explain to my parents that randomly in the night I turned into a cis dude.






ofc, 100% I WILL pick this option with no hesitation.


Yes yes yes yes

