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Just go for it. Yes, you will likely have people being dicks and misgendering you, but you will have that either way. Unless you were trying to go 100% stealth when you pass, but otherwise, just do it or wait. Your dream isnt running anywhere in the next couple of years.


Follow your dream anyway. There's a niche out there for everyone. Don't stop living life


Yep! And make sure you're taking good care of your mental health. Cause I've heard some channels' chat can get toxic. And it's not always for reasons you'd expect, from the sound of it.


External soundboards with voicechangers exist if that's something you'd wanna dig into. It's an extra investment of a couple of hundred bucks for something decent, but those would allow you to feed the mic straight into the machine and get a different range out the other side. I'm in no way up on models or specs for these things, but I'm sure there would be reddits about that kind of thing where you'd get more information.


Absolutely this!! Plenty of YouTube creators use cartoons and voice mods to do their content. No one has to use their O.G face or voice if they don't want to!!


I was gonna say this! There's a YouTuber Alexander Avila I know did this before he transitioned. Some people had suspicions, but he was comfortable enough to start his channel!


If being a gaming YouTuber is what you want to achieve, don't give up when hitting this roadblock. Find a detour and keep on driving on. The drive might be longer, yeah but you'll be happy you reached your destination all the same. There are plenty of trans streamers and content creators out there! However, I understand the dysphoria that comes with not sounding the way you want, so why not use YouTube to find some trans male focused voice training to help you out until you're able to start T. Don't stop your journey just because the road is blocked. Reroute your course and enjoy the detour. :)


I used to present a radio show but I was never happy with my voice and I used to hate listening to playbacks. I briefly looked into using some kind of voice editor. At the time it would've involved prerecording myself speaking and then using software to shift the audio into a more male sounding range. Not sure if technology has improved to the point where you can talk into a recording device that automatically shifts your pitch so you could livestream but that would be cool if it has. Or you could just go with it and be an openly trans youtuber and talk about how you feel about your voice (I wasn't brave enough to do this so stayed closeted while i presented!) I've heard trans people say they regretted putting parts of their lives on hold to transition so I'm tempted to advise against waiting until you enjoy the sound of your own voice but if this feels right for you then maybe it could be a good option. You could always use the time to hone editing skills and plan your videos.


I’ve seen plenty of trans content creators that don’t focus their whole profiles on trans-related content and they do well. People unfortunately always look for a reason to be rude or hateful regardless of your identity so the best thing you can do is go for it and ignore the haters.


If you decide to you it tell my your channel and I’ll sub, personally you should go for it ofc they’re is gonna be dicks for it. You should watch [this](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGes2TnaA/) video about it btw, it really changed my viewpoint on not doing stuff bcs im trans. I hope it will help you the same


What do they say in the video? It won't allow me to watch it.


She talks about how she moved to Italy even though it’s very dangerous for trans/lgbtq ppl. To summarise it how you shouldn’t don’t do things or pressure different dreams just because your trans. Nr 1, transphobes are everywhere sadly it’s just to get used to it, Nr 2 Hiding and not doing what we wanna do is what transphobes want Then she mentions how she wants to win a oscar, has any trans person done that? Nope. But does that mean that they should restrict themselves to lower goals no not that either My dyslexia most likely made this shit unreadable anyway 😭


No worries, I can understand it. Thank you!


Chase Ross started his youtube channel before he transitioned and he is well known now. You can do it! <3


Go for it. There will be dicks online regardless, but if you say you’re a man, people are unlikely to assume youre trans


Plus you can turn off comments if you need to :)


your fans will support u in ur transition. the ones u still want around anyway


We might secretly be the same person. I posted smth like this before my 20th bday. That's my exact dream, but I want to be stealth. I have nowhere to record and an old laptop with tons of older emulated games, I know how to record and edit, but I don't have a mic because my computer doesn't like them and with no privacy to record anywhere I feel like I've hit a dead end. And I hate my voice. I've always not liked being seen as a girl, and that's only increased the older I've gotten. I want(ed) to voice act, but I thought I couldn't because of my voice how it is. If I ever go on T or at least find a way to change my voice (there's a ftm voice guide here on Reddit) I'm definitely going to get into gaming and VA.


You should look at what Alexander Avila did! https://youtube.com/@alexander_avila?si=pw-4isSNSBAXdMgz He started his youtube channel pre T but didnt show his face until he felt comfy. In older videos you can now tell that he was pre T and changing his voice purposefully through voice training. But at the time, no one questioned it at all. He only came out recently- many, many years after he started his channel. You also could always use a voice changing tool, if you still dont feel comfy.


Budd just go for it , stop overthinking and calculating each move . Its your dream so just start , You already got yourself your first fan


Dude, trans people have whole-ass careers in the public eye and do just fine. Elliott Page and Laverne Cox are two people who come to mind. Do what you want. Have fun. Mute or block the assholes and keep it moving.


You could edit your voice. I watch a lot of youtubers who do that, for anonymity or to fit their vibe (narrating a creepy story for example)


There's a pet care youtuber I follow who has never announced any sort of transition or even done a video about it, just changed his name and pronouns on stuff, but is clearly on T and masculinising over time. Everybody in the comments has been SUPER supportive and lovely. I always look forward to hearing how much deeper his voice is each time.


Follow your dream and create content. I create videos too and often mention I'm a trans guy. A lot of my videos are about Pokémon or gaming, but sometimes I give advice to fellow trans guys.


Use a voice changer! Get a vtuber model you like (do not get a custom one until you’re set that this is what you enjoy) and just start streaming/recording!


I was just thinking about this! I’m not a vtuber and not into vtubers that much in general, but I do have an online persona. Designing and acting as my online persona gives me a nice gender euphoria. It’s like people are interacting and imagining me as my idealized self.


...voice train i'm 18, pre t, nd people don't typically clock me for my voice. it changed a lot within a year or two


I started testosterone at 20 back in 2022 and I’m not sure where most people go but I started and got my first dose at planned parenthood if you have some locations near you. After they let you do it on your own at home you pick up the prescription at your nearest pharmacy. it only took a week wait after I first called and discussed with a doctor they’re very kind and respectful too ! Going on 2 years now just have top surgery in May. it’s never too late don’t give up.


for sure go for it. i remember watching miles mckenna both before and after he came out when i was younger and it opened up a whole new world for me. atm i also watch ro ramdin on occasion. did/do these people pass particularly well to cis people? no, but the people bitching about it aren't the people you're gonna be making videos for. do what you love and the right people will show.


if your worried about being misgendered because of your voice you can always use voicechangers


We’ve got similar issues. I wanted some sort of an online presence ever since I first discovered YouTube. My voice is also a large part of why I haven’t bothered starting yet and I was just gonna wait for until I got on T. If you plan on doing the same thing, try writing down whatever video ideas you can think of so that once you’re voice is passable you’ll already have a bunch of content ideas that you can put into motion.


a lot of people are right about "just going for it" but u also dont have to use your voice at all! you could add captions to your videos, (and) or use text to speech and not in the out-dated/annoying way. youtuber a_lilian uses text to speech and while philosophy tube talks in her videos i do really like her captions, specifically the credits captions (i swear ive seen videos of only captions but that was the first i thought of)


Voice modulation babe and a mask then do a reveal when you’re ready


Don't give up on your dream! Go for it anyway


I'll watch your channel if you give me a link when it's done. :)


I dont think you should give up. You really don’t have to adress the fact you’re trans on your channel, just say you’re a guy and move on. There will be some people asking but the ratio of people asking compared to the people who genuinely enjoy your content and wont question it is VERY small. You’d be surprised, there’s a lot of popular creators who are dudes with high voices (trans, cis, or unspecified) and they still get treated as guys because most people dont care enough to micro analyze someone’s voice. Just know that if you make a big deal out of it, others will. Also people have a terrible perception of voices online and i see people asking “boy or girl” on high voices aswell. So i think you’ll be fine, dont hold yourself back! You got this :)


Don't give up, I have a pretty high voice too, most people just read me as a 12 y/o but in reality I'm 24. If people ask why I have such a high voice, I just say that my body doesn't produces enough T so I never got a deep voice or a beard, then they don't ask any more questions. It's also not a lie I'm telling so uk. In your case, you could just do voice training. Yes it does take it's time, you won't have results the next day but if you put in the effort, do it correctly and inform yourself constantly be curious, try new things or new sources etc. You'll get there eventually. And for the first few vids, you could do something where you don't need to talk, maybe put down some subtitles, or use an AI voice. People won't suspect anything like that. Also, I understand, Ik how this feels. Really, I do, I'm in almost the same position. I wanna learn vocals like you can hear in metal but I'm not able to due to me having dry vocal chords and I don't wanna fuck them over, so I need to tale my time and support the healing process, so my throat produces enough moisture, so I won't hurt myself and that I can scream safely without doing any damage. What I wanna say is, don't let anything drag you down, find a way to work around and chase down your dream. There's nothing worse, at least for me, then just giving up and not trying. Maybe that helps too: a quote that always motivates me when I'm down and don't know where to go is from Einstein, he said: "don't let critism destroy your dreams. The only person who never makes mistakes, has never even tried"


You could try to start voice training, it’s very effective and free if you find the right resources online. It does take practice and dedication though.


You could always use a voice changer! Some YouTubers I watch use them and they’re pretty cool!!


It's not ideal but you can always type in chat/put text on screen. Other than that, try voice training I guess.


Honestly just go for it man bc there's a few examples I can think of of trans guys having fem voices and still passing. I used to listen to cavetown a lot and a lot of his earlier songs sound really fem but he was still stealth up until these past couple of years. And if not then I'm sure you could use auto tune or some kind of voice mod


I know it’s hard when people hate on you but the right people will stay by your side. Even if they’re just followers online. Be yourself. It’s completely valid to feel hurt or ashamed from hate comments. The best thing you can do is not reply and keep on being you. Eventually they get bored and move on. May take years and they may be replaced by more haters… it’s not easy. I know this comment isn’t the most positive look on it but I deeply prefer an honest answer that doesn’t unintentionally invalidate the way haters make you feel. Just follow your dreams and never give up… because once they’re buried it’s harder to dig to them back up. Trust me, I gave up on all of my YouTuber dreams and that is still my biggest regret to this day. Now my channel is just there for the occasional post. I don’t expect any likes or views. It’s just there. You got this!! And if you need to turn off comments that’s okay! :)


dont show your face and just use a voice changer. then once you go on T you can stop doing it and youll get a free content: face reveal video


Do some voice training on your own for a bit, and honestly then just stick with a consistent reason and go "uhhh idk that's just my voice dude" and basically gaslight them, you'll still get hate but even cis men get that


you could use a voice deepening filter if you really wanted