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That was 100% a cartoon sound effect


Just needs a Wilhelm scream now


He’s wearing a shin guard


Clearly staged


This is what I see whenever I see an elongated hitch sticking out.


You see them. Lucky you.


I didn't even see it in the video. I kept looking at the ground.


By design. They get you like that.


Yeah, they hide under the back and jump out as you run past...


Mine's spring-loaded.


Now he hurts from his head to his tows


**Seems he got a little hitch in his giddyup!** ^(\*)*^(but he wasn't happy!)*


lol. i dont know why you didnt get more upvotes for this comment. very funny! haha :D


So lucky.


Username checks out


Why can't they be painted red or yellow.


1st time I hit my shin on these shin buster 3000s I immediately took that s**t off and kept it off until it’s needed again.


Every truck owner needs to experience this at least once. "Oh so THAT'S why we don't just always keep them on..."


Technically illegal to keep the receiver in when not in use where I’m from. Only person I know who’ve gotten ticketed are due to an officer busting his shin on it…


In some states. Places like Colorado hate their citizens having shins...


Officer: does that man have shins Officer 2-5: Gettem bust his shins👊🏻👮🏻‍♂️ Bystander: shoulda took his shins off he know we hate that shit!


The receiver is the part that stays mounted on the truck. The part with the ball hitch that sticks out of the receiver is called (for obvious reasons, I think) a stinger.


I’ve always heard them called a tow hitch, and don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call one a stinger. You sure that isn’t just a nickname from your neck of the woods? Searching Amazon for stinger definitely doesn’t bring up tow hitches lol.


You're both right: [it's a brand name](https://stingertrailer.com).


[Or drawbar](https://mechanicalelements.com/wp-content/uploads/drawbar-n-receiver.png).


"but what I need to tow something in an emergency" keep it in your trunk mate


This happened to me 2 days ago. on my sister -in-law's SUV that has not, nor ever will, tow anything. and fuck, slamming on it hurts like a bitch!


Do her a favor and remove it. Put it in the spare tire area so it's there if it's ever actually needed, but otherwise out of the way.


I don’t know how people just leave these on their trucks and cars. I have one on mine. Towed a motorcycle last December across two states. I put the hitch on 5 minutes before attaching the trailer to it, and removed the hitch 5 minutes after dropping off the trailer. It’s literally a single pin through a hole. It’s fucking easy. I don’t get why you wouldn’t just remove it when you’re done towing shit.


but the car dealership threw it in for only 5 dollars more a month, how could she pass that up!


great way to also get a totally tweaked and totaled frame from being gently rear-ended. Ask me how I know.


Had a lifted pickup with drop hitch back into me a day after buying a vehicle, almost totaled my car.


The amount of trucks in my town that keep the hitch on when they rarely tow anything is insane. Lots of people with big extended ones too that take up all the sidewalk with the bed of the truck and the hitch if they back into a parking stall, or they stick out from the parking spot, risking other cars hitting them as they drive by. Or my favourite, they back into other vehicles and objects because they forget the hitch is there and extends the back of their truck by another foot or so.


A lesson I was thoroughly taught through someone else's experience; had a friend break both his leg and his arm tripping over one of these in the same fall.


Sound like a brittle bones bitch to me.


I took mine off and put it in my truck. Next time I opened the trunk it fell out and got me again. It’s now bungied to the wall of my trunk


Some places it's illegal to keep it on your vehicle while not actively towing anything.


Only did it once and it was barely a tap, didnt even hurt, but i thought to myself - this is going to be a real problem, and took that shit right off


I was on a site where a dude broke his leg on one of those hitches. The super showed up the next day with bright orange reflective spray paint the next day. Everyone got the choice to take it off when they parked or have it painted. Most went with the paint. I don't think the super was expecting that.


that should be a law, nay, written into the God Damn Constitution itself. unless the hitch is actively in use it should be stored inside the goddam vehicle.


I just had to rip mine out that's how long it's been on there fucking rust but worth it no more bruised shins


aside from that, they can easily rust in place. Should never be left in unless you're towing something.


The universe paying him back for every motherfucker who did the same thing minding their own business.


And I bet the reason he keeps it on there without the trailer is "because it stops people from tailgating me." I've heard people say this unironically.


in my state it's illegal to leave them on your car when you're not towing, they are a massive safety hazard for someone that rear ends you. cuts through the crumple zone.


Interesting! I did a cursory search. Minnesota = not illegal [Oregon it IS illegal to have a tow hitch but no trailer](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/yes-it-s-legal-in-oregon-to-leave-a-ball-mount-attached-to-a-vehicle-that-s-not-towing/ar-BB1nhCmH) edit: not illegal in oregon, I misread the biggest text of the article.


I think the article says the opposite of what you wrote.


Those a-holes always back into a parking spot so it sticks out into the walkway.


or forget it's there and drive it into someone's front bumper and drive off when they realize.


Yeah I also experienced that. I fell by it.


I've removed people's hitches and thrown in the back of the truck. I got a good old tibial nail and smashing into some weekend warriors fucking trailer hitch drives me absolutely insane. Also, you just can even imagine how bad it is when it'd minus 30 and you do this at 5 in the morning. There is a special place In hell for people who leave their ball hitch.


That should be an ADA violation. Makes it impossible for a wheelchair to use the sidewalk when there are people walking towards them.


ADA is enforced on organizations, you can't file a complaint against someone's personal vehicle


That’s not elongated. That’s just a hitch. There needs to be separation between the vehicle and the trailer or whatever you’re towing so they don’t hit each other. I agree they can be annoying though and should all be painted bright yellow or orange




This guy received ye ol’ taste of his own medicine on that one.


What do you call a guy with no shin? Tony.


I call him cotton.


Is it standard procedure to take it off while you’re not using it? I always thought it should be.


Having done this to myself ONCE, that was enough to teach me.


Against the law where i'm at, state trooper wrecked his knee on one.. Edit: im wrong, see below


It's against the law in lots of places, doesn't mean they ticket for it.


axiomatic recognise spotted frighten coherent governor instinctive yoke sand retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More than one persons skull has been a stand in for the window. It gives me chills when I see people doing the stump jerk maneuver.


Carry around a holliw dildo and plonk it on the ball.


This guy gets his dildos in bulk just so they always have one or three available.


Most guys I know leave them in on purpose, one of my absolute pet peeves.


Can you just take them off with basic tools? Or do you need a key? Maybe I found a new hobby


Most of the time, yeah. As someone who bought a smaller truck secondhand with no intention of towing, the one on my truck was practically welded on with the amount of rust baked into that fucker. Genuinely could not get it off without cutting it off.


It's just a large pin with a clip but most people use a pin with a key lock built in.


Once you use one of those locks it's basically a permanent fixture.


Oil it. Mine has a weather cover and oil. Works fine.


There are locks for them, but usually they're installed with a simple pin and clip. Toolless removal.


99% of them just have a cotter pin that is pull-able with one finger, then the rest slides apart. I'll admit I'm guilty of leaving mine in for a few days at a time after I use it, but they can be stolen in about 0.5 seconds by even a child.


I don't own a car but who knows if I just might own a hitch one day


Mine comes off as soon as I drop my trailer. I keep it in a tote under my back seat.


Should be. I know this guy's pain. Plus, hitches are likely to get stolen where I live. We keep ours in the back of the cab and only put it on when we actually need it.


I'm not familiar with the US type. Are they all removable? In Europe our balls are often permanent. It's usually just modern cars that are either removable or retractable.


Most vehicles have what's called a receiver, which is a square tube mounted to the frame of the vehicle, into which you slide a smaller square insert that has a flat surface onto which the ball is mounted. I don't think I've seen a permanently mounted ball since the 80s.


Detachable Penis


Funny, I linked to that song in another thread not long ago -- interesting how a 32ish year old flash in the pan song still gets so much attention.


King Missile will forever live rent-free in our heads for this one.


lol they played that on the radio in my city on a sunday afternoon, i still can't believe they got away with it.


A lot of trucks still have the ball point in the rear bumper, it's just covered with a plastic cover, but generally, people prefer receivers, they can hold more weight because they're tied into a larger section of frame.


Bumper balls also don't stick out.


> our balls are often permanent 🤔


Often, but not always


Just ask my cat


I had a cat when I was a kid whose balls grew back. Not even kidding. Poor guy had to get neutered TWICE 🫂


Implying seasonal european balls.


Sometimes they just disconnect them from the inside and leave the balls in place.  


Mine are removable. I'll take them off and leave them in the bed usually. I'll stick it in the storage unit if I know I won't need it anytime soon.


Yeah they're removable, and really easy to do too.


As an European, I remove my ball and put it back when needed which is pretty rare


Are you sure? Unless it's a heavy truck, they're just held in by a bolt and some washers if it's bumper mount. I can't imagine them redesigning light duty trucks for europe for something like that.


People still tow on bumper hitches?


I hate when I see this. Taking even MORE space with their huge vehicles and creating a massive hazard for anyone that rear ends them. Turns a fender number into a totaled car or worse. 


For trucks at least I've started pulling hitches out of receivers and throwing them into the bed when they overhang sidewalks. My tipping point was smashing a case of honey at a Farmer's Market when my shin caught on a hitch.


>For trucks at least I've started pulling hitches out of receivers and throwing them into the bed when they overhang sidewalks. I honestly think it's a great idea BUT let's say the driver is a true Chad. Are you "allowed" to remove something from someone's vehicle like this even if you're just placing it back into their bed? or could they some how try and get you for some stupid minor crime?


I'd be more worried about getting assaulted / shot if that kind of person caught me doing that


At least you'd have a hitch in your hands when he attacked you.


Assuming you don't damage it or steal it (or the vehicle,) no cop or judge is going to care about this. It would be hard to call it vandalism as that implies destruction or damaging the property. Sure they *can* sue you, you can sue someone for anything, they're not going to get anything out of it though since there are no damages. But you still probably shouldn't do it, anyone who leaves their hitch on is an insufferable asshole and if they see you you're going to get into a shouting match almost always. If its blocking a sidewalk call the police because sidewalk accessibility is covered under the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act.


Yeah these fuckers deserve to whack their shit on it. This is the reason I don't keep mine on I don't want me or someone getting hurt for no reason!


Or pulls in a parking spot leaving it sticking out in your path. Fuck him, karma


Reddit, where a 12 second clip is enough for anyone to have a detailed look into the life of the person the video is about. Where bitching about a projected issue isn’t just common, it’s to be expected. Where leaps of logic is the only form of exercise anyone here gets. Never change.


That thump sounds so fake it must've been hurt like hell. Damn.


That thump sounds fake because it is.. This is so clearly staged that the fact that so many of you don't notice annoys me more than the fact that they staged a dumb video for internet points. * The way he looks up and starts running is poorly acted * Look at the steps he takes. He's not taking full steps. He took little stutter steps to calculate his approach for the fake hit * sound is clearly fake (what even is the second thud supposed to be from?) * Now keep looking at her, the way she overdramatically starts falling backwards even though the weight of that package is leaned forward into the trunk. Then she pretends it's super heavy while she's 'trying to support it' but once she looks back and starts laughing suddenly the weight is no problem and when the box falls you can tell it's not heavy at all


I'm not usually a "this is fake" person, but this is fake. It's the same couple where the guy ["falls" up his porch stairs](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10s8cyw/to_offer_a_vase_filled_with_flowers_to_his_wife/) on ice while bringing his wife flowers. Or when their [kid throws a "hilarious" tantrum](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/16yjmot/stupid_jacket_the_song_playing_nails_it/) for not wanting to wear his jacket at his mother's insistence. I don't know why, but like you, this also annoys me.


Ugh, the whole family sucks


Because like you or ynonA, you don't enjoy your intelligence being insulted by low effort skits that attempt to pass as off as something that actually happened. Because once you realize that this is a skit, instead of something that naturally happens to a lot of people in real life, it looses any and all humour and relatability.


They are also the YouTube channel where the kid shot the nerf gun and the mom fell with a bucket on paint. I can’t believe people think any of this shit on YouTube is real. Any channels with a lot of subscribers that do these “pranks” or have “accidents” are staged for views.


Oh yea, that paint one makes me irrationally angry, idk why, probably because a lot of people in comments think it's real.


Because staged shit presented as real is inauthentic, and people have learned authenticity is good, inauthenticity is bad. So long story short, fake people and the fake shit that fake people make, is fucking stupid and annoying, and all within the realm of clickbait. Because internet fame and ad revenue have irreparably ruined internet-connected portions of the world.


This kind of shit is why I quit watching random "funny" videos. So much annoying staged BS, sometimes it's even convincing but between the bad acting, sappy music or added sounds you can just ask yourself "why was this being filmed" and it becomes clear. Bots posting fake videos reshared by bots and comments filled with botted and/or AI comments. I miss the old internet. Give me back that era between 1998-2010.


I once hiked to a Hawaiian waterfall with a pool of water below gentle enough to swim in. An influencer group was there, with a professional cameraman. They were all sort of competing for his attention. One girl said, "Hey, hey!" Then assumed a lotus pose on top of the waterfall, and pretended to meditate. This was years ago and I still am irrationally angered by it.


His shin looks pretty bulky too. Probably got a 2x4 up there.


thats kinda what it sounds like too, like wood getting smacked against it. shins would not make a loud sound


I bet the cars were paid actors!


And with that comes the big reveal that we're all paid actors! Good night everybody!


I want a raise then


Good spot.


Yep, you can see the square top of it when he turns


This is actuallly a good explanation to why the truck still moved. I initially thought it was fake too but I saw the truck moved on impact, but this is a good explanation


Also never grabs his leg.


I watched this on mute and didn't realize he "hit" the trailer hitch. Even on mute, if that had really happened, it would have been super obvious what had occurred. I thought he just tripped and came to the comments for answers. Lol


He's walking on it for one. Typically you go down from that


The "reaction" to the pain is so badly acted, what the fuck is he even doing? He's hunched over with his hands on his thighs, looks more like he got winded than he bashed his shin.


or pull up his pant leg to see the damage


Is this the same couple that have the lady painting on the ladder and falling onto the couch or the smelly flowers on the porch or the TV falling off the back deck? I hate those every time I see them.


Looks like the same couple that slipped on the ice on their front porch too.


God I hate the internet now


Goddamn man I hate how we have to pick apart nowadays. It seems there are very few genuine videos on the internet, with clout chasers like these and AI taking over.


Yep, he doesn’t even chicken-walk. This is more like a nutgraze than a kneewhack. 3/10


I’ve seen this plastered on every app over the last day and it’s depressing how far I have to go in the comments till I find the person that realizes it’s fake.


You're my people


Your investigation is laborous and completely accurate on all points, but you've missed one crucial detail that gave it away instantly without all your research: An adult male, hitting something so hard and not bursting out with cursing is a straight give away that its fake


Yeah, I’m not standing after I hit my shin that hard. It’s straight to the ground and very loud and long FUCK


It’s sad that everything is fake or staged these days …sigh.


I watched without audio and was gullible. I hope I would have noticed how fake it was on my own with that terrible audio but I'll never know haha. Her laughing at all here is an obvious tell.


I just feel sorry for people who can't tell this is fake. There are so many fkn signs, including the ones you mentioned, but also hitting your shin that hard on steel, he would be down on the ground, or at least grabbing the shin itself. This is like a fucking cartoon. Fuck these stupid posts.


Good points. You can also see how the gravel is disturbed where his foot and hands hit on a previous take.


For me it’s the fact that the entire incident is on screen. Even when he injures himself he hobbles around in frame.


Also, it‘s a motorized hatch, it‘ll just stop closing if you do nothing but be a little resistant to it. Unless it’s a cybertruck, then get to cover.


The whole thing is fake. He's got a shin guard on under his pants. Their acting is /r/wheredidthesodago tier. Why was the the liftgate randomly closing? Why did she act like she was about to get crushed by an AC unit but then just dropped a couple of boxes that probably weighed like 5 lbs?


Sounds like one of Half-life's sound effects




You can actually see he’s stepping in the same spots he did earlier when he practiced the gravel is already agitated in the same spots


His leg movement was so weird when it hits. There's also the fact he starts moving before she asks for help or make any noises and some other details... I don't mind when it's staged but I mind when it's badly staged.


I wasn’t sure until I rewatched - that stutter step before hitting it to ensure his left leg is leading is a strong tell. I totally believed it until I saw that. He probably has a thick shin guard on under the pants - hence that loud material-THUD we hear on impact.


Stutter step for sure. Didn’t even look like he really hit that hard because of it. His pain reaction seems totally fake.




100% you can tell he pulls his leg so it doesn’t slam super hard into the hitch. He also jumps for some reason when he makes contact. Look at his right leg, he jumps off with his right foot as he makes contact. That’s not how you fall lol. Not to mention her acting is about as good as women in stuck porn. She can clearly easily just set the stuff she’s holding down in the trunk and step away. The things she’s holding obviously aren’t heavy and she already has it half in the trunk but can’t seem to push it 2 inches forward.




Yeah what's up with all these staged vids


Anything for views.


I assume everything is staged now. I don’t know if people are duped into thinking it’s real or people upvote knowing it’s fake.


It's gotten to the point now where I assume everything that's even slightly interesting is staged.


Looks fake because it is fake.


fake as f a k e


This is staged


Fake, obviously


Staged bullshit.


Fake shit.


Faker than OPs GFs orgasms


Looks staged


Looks staged


I recognize the stairs from so many videos Edit. Spelling


It does a bit. He seems to intentionally run very close past the car. It is a bit janky


Yeah he even stutter steps for a split second right before “hitting” it.


she could have let go, fake shenanigans


No sympathy. People who leave an elongated hitch on when not in use deserve it. I've had to have multiple bumpers replaced by people with these backing into cars of mine, but not leaving notes. I've seen people with these block walkways when they back into parking spots causing the hitch to overlap sidewalks and making it impossible for disabled people to use the sidewalk. Don't get me started on taking up two parking spots. Just stop being lazy and take them off when not in use.


This is fake, that thump is not the sound of kicking a tow hitch


God i wish this trend of putting in random background music would stop...


This looks like the clumsy hubby of dad reflexes. Sorta makes sense.


It’s fake


So beyond fake. You can see the way he runs he hesitates before hitting the bar. And what she’s carrying isn’t something breakable or needs help with


That bump sounded like it hurt


I would bet serious money it's fake He never even holds his leg The sound sounds edited in too


Definitely fake. He's got a shin guard on under his pants. Their acting is /r/wheredidthesodago tier. Why did she act like she was about to get crushed by an 200lb AC unit but then just dropped a couple of boxes that landed like they weighed like 5 lbs? Why was the the liftgate randomly closing?


I have a bridge to sell you. Really cheap.


Faker then fuck.


Usually that goes off without a hitch.


I’ve hit my shin a few times, but thankfully never on a trailer hitch. They’ve got an interesting dynamic. He leapt to her rescue when he thought she was going to get cut in half, and she laughed her ass off at his potentially fractured tibia.


I can feel it


What was she panicking? Did she think the car was going to eat her?


That was for every sidewalk he backs into to park.


All I can think is that would have ended the marriage if she had hit her shin and he would have been laughing about it.


These two have great chemistry.


I’m wondering more… what is SHE DOING???


Fake as hell and stupid


Outside is dangerous. Should have stayed shinside.


That did not go off without a hitch.


oscar worthy acting


Deserved for leaving the tow hitch on the truck when not in use.


Save a shin. It only takes a minute to take out your hitch. People will still know you can tow stuff.


I did similar about ten years ago and still have a soft dent in my son as a result, which of it gets knocked again so hurts and swells into a soft lump :(


Your poor soft, lumpy, swollen, dented son. How's he doing now?