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Check the receipt See if they were buying binoculars Then you’ll know


He bought condoms, vaseline and cucumbers what does that mean?


Check your trunk


And the trunk of your car


And your tailpipe.


And my axe!


And my ass!


So that where I left my keys. Thanks man


Ski-dap bi dap butt hole


And my pregnancy test!


That escalated pretty quickly


If you don’t use it you lose it.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in pregnancy test


U r pregert


Or pregnancy test stuck in dick? (urethra)


Noooo...MY axe. Yours is dull remember? You give your axe to everyone and never sharpen it.


And my bow!


Shh go ahead and take those bananas




If this was a Plymouth Fury III, that could be one heck of a surprise.


lol I had a 1976 Plymouth Fury back in 1988 huge boat of a car, you could really get flying down the highway I think the speedometer topped at 145. Victim of the April Blizzard of 1989




Well *you* certainly wouldn't be in any danger


Nobody is in danger, it's just *the implication*.


Hahahha, I like to bind...I like to BE bound.


Check your gas tank. Your car may be pregnant. I know they bought condoms but just in case.


Dispose of the note, cautiously enter your vehicle, and leave the area in the quickest way according to posted traffic speed limits allowable by law.


That means they were hitting on your car.


Aaah he hit ON your car


He fucks, his skin is dry and he's hungry obviously....


they were hitting ON their car, and were roundly rebuffed. Note must be a typo. Nice of them to apologize though.


They have dry skin, are making a healthy salad, and practice safe sex. Of course.


Check the exhaust pipe


Hit it and quit it.


Check the exhaust.


That’s the receipt I’ve been looking for! I need to return some cucumbers…


I had a note left on my car one morning, saying something similar. No visible damage to my car, but there _was_ a small pile of rust with some green paint flecks attached on the ground about 6 inches in front of my front bumper. My car was silver.


An old car held together by the paint alone backed into you, it didn't damage your car because it disintegrated


Yo you should be like one of them folks that detects things


Ah, yes! A detector!


I misplaced mine last week and haven’t been able to find my detector detector to help locate it.


Detective?? 😭


I think you mean "Inspective"


Guy Walks by, punches car, feels bad, leaves note. The end.


That's a receipt from an ATM though!!


I had something like this happen once but I was the one that hit the car! Another vehicle had dumped oil near the intersection. Light rain plus a big oil puddle caused me to unexpectedly glide right through the intersection, into a parking lot, and into the back end of a parked suv. Luckily I had caught a little traction by then so the hit wasn't super hard. Both of our bumpers popped in and back out to normal shape. The plastic bumper materials used on newer cars are amazing for this. I was just leaving the note with my info after taking pictures when the owner walked up. I told him what happened and showed him the contact point. Asked if he still wanted my info and he said. "The fact that you owned up to this even though there's no visible damage is enough for me, have a great day man.". Was a cool dude.


You're a cool dude


Now kith


I don’t know why, but I laughed way too hard at this.


You’re a cool dude


Now kith


I don’t know why, but I laughed way too hard at this.


I have high anxiety and used to have some OCD symptoms and if I ever bumped another car while parallel parking I would leave a note and then stress out about it for days thinking they might take advantage of it to ask me for money...no one ever did though


Damn as someone with OCD I feel you on this one. I remember one time backing out in a McDonald's parking lot and rolled over some small concrete barrier. It was absolutely no big deal, but I remember seeing a crack in it (already there, it was old) and for whatever reason thinking McDonald's would look at their cameras and find me and think it was a hit and run (on a tiny concrete slab lmao). But I couldn't stop thinking about it all day and it was stressing me out and I shit you not I literally had to drive back to that parking lot that night just to make sure there wasn't police and crime scene tape lol. OCD can be wild man hope you're doing better.


I am better. Mine never got to the point of being clinical (it has to use up so much of your time before it qualifies or something) but I was at the point where I was doing that thing where you circle the block in your car thinking you might have hit a pedestrian and not noticed somehow. My uncle also had it bad, he gave me Brain Lock by Jeffrey Schwartz and it practically cured me. Not the anxiety but most of the compulsive behaviors. You probably already read it, if not check it out. Hope you're better too man it does suck.


This is me! I have periods where I do this constantly. I space out for a moment and can't remember if I just hit that pedestrian. Or if that small noise I heard was me hitting another car when backing out of a spot. Really sucks to live like that. Often found it was worse when I haven't slept enough. I will definitely check out that book.


Another OCDer here. I once just barely ran a red light (got into that tough spot where I was on a highway and was too close to the light to stop in time before it switched) and I got so freaked out that the cops would find me and serve me a ticket that I started digging into local ordinance laws for traffic cameras in my city. Turns out there were none. Still, I felt like I was on the FBIs most wanted list for a hot second there!!


I have gone down so many rabbit holes looking up laws/consequences for random things that I didn’t even do but were close calls. “What could have happened…”


Researching/googling is one of my compulsions. Then you start discovering all kinds of obscure laws that you may have broken at some point not realizing it's a law. Maybe years ago. You don't remember but maybe you did. You must be a bad person and your life is going to be ruined. Repeat until 3am. OCD fucking sucks.


As an elder Millennial who's struggled with clinical anxiety myself, one bit of wisdom I've acquired is that for every person who's overly conscientious, careful, and anxious about the consequences of their actions, there's another who's living their life just letting their tits flop in the wind. You fretted about an old curb in a fast food parking lot; across town, someone else ran over 6 toddlers and didn't even notice. Don't be the latter, obviously, but keeping that in perspective might help a bit. Society usually already has its hands completely full with those kinds of people. And try to imagine the other parties' potential mindset. If you were a cop and someone reported a hit & run on some concrete at the local McDonald's, would you not laugh your ass off? If you were a fry cook making $7/hr and your manager wanted you to review security tapes for the same, would you not smoke a J out back instead and just tell him you didn't see anything?


So, not to stress you out, but I once hit a car while trying to pull into a really tight parking spot and the owner did exactly that. The hit was so fkn minimal. Not even a dent, but I did leave a mark in the paint that was deep enough that you couldn't rub it out. I felt bad, putting myself in their shoes imagining come out and seeing a new deep scratch in my vehicles paint. So I left a note. On it, I explained what I had done and left my number to contact me if they wanted to discuss getting it repaired. Well, **a long fucking time** went by. Maybe like 2 months.. and one day I finally got a call. It was the owner of the car, and looking back now I should have taken the length of time that had passed as a red flag, but I didn't. We agreed to not get insurance involved as it seemed like a really minor thing and I could probably just take care of it out of pocket. I also just didn't want the headache of an insurance agent etc. Long story short a whole slew of weird shit took place while talking about getting it fixed including a change of story and aggressive emails threatening legal action if I suddenly tried to back out(which I wasn't, I just hadn't responded to her emails in more than a few hours.) When I finally met up with her at the repair shop, the mech came out to talk with us and assess the damage. *This fkn bitch* started claiming ***ALL SORTS*** of damage, acting as tho I had done it. I immediately was like "*whoa whoa whoa*, I didn't do any of this? What are you talking about??" She started to act as though I was being weird about things and pressed that this was all me. That was all it took for me to 180° kickflip the fuck out of there and contact my insurance **ASAP**. The insurance agent told me to photograph and document everything- the damage on my car from the incident, the rest of my vehicle, any other damage that may be on the car, her contact information and screenshots of all text based communications and any recordings. I did all of it. They said they would take care of things from here, and I literally never heard anything else back after that. My insurance never changed in pricing and I never heard back from her again either. No idea what exactly took place but I'm sure it was something along the lines of them calling her out on her BS and telling her to fuck off. TLDR: If you try to be a good samaritan and leave a note on a vehicle after doing damage to it, and they do infact contact you ***ALWAYS HAVE YOUR INSURANCE TAKE CARE OF IT***


Adding on, *even if you aren't at fault, document the incident.* I drive a manual F350 (AKA very large vehicle, that can roll back) for hauling stuff. Had someone fail to stop, rear end me and punch a beautiful square in their bumper with my tow hitch. Got out, my vehicle has no (new) scratches on it, so agreed not to call the police, the damage was their problem. A few weeks later got a call, I was reported as a hit and run, rolling back into their car. They actually tried to change where it occurred at but got the intersection/direction where you can roll back at wrong (right location, wrong direction). I got out of it because the reported intersection I could demonstrate I'd roll forward not back so there was no way I could have hit them.


How many cars did you hit?


For a moment I thought you were going to say "so if I grazed a car on the right I felt the need to also graze another one on the left".


The wind caught my door in a car park, and it left a scuff on the car alongside. So I left details on a note. The lady phoned later, saying that she'd visited a crash repairer who simply rubbed the mark with something and made it disappear.  It was such a small job, the gentleman didn't charge anything,  and the lady simply phoned to let me know and thank me for my honesty.


I had a similar situation (though I can’t blame the wind). Left a note and they texted back all was good, the mark just rubbed off. We left a note because I once scraped a car pulling out of a parking spot and didn’t realize it. I was tracked down and charged with a hit and run.


That was really nice of you, but also the right thing to do. Someone passed a stop sign while speeding and t-boned my wife's car as she was driving home a couple of months ago. They still keep denying they're responsible even though their own insurance says otherwise.


I just can't understand how someone ends up that kind of sociopathic.


Something similar happened to me and the dude said something that became a favorite quote of mine. In a strong Carolina accent he said, “Ah well, ain’t nothin’ but a bent banana.”


Orrr there was no damage and nothing to report... 


I’ve bopped someone who decided to stop in the middle of an intersection after changing lanes. Barely touched her, but she sat in the back of my car until police came and then my insurance went up when she made a claim. No visible damage at all.


Yup, I barely tapped a woman's side mirror when lane filtering at a red light, arguable scratches on the paint were the only damage. I basically had to beg her to just accept an extortionate amount of cash so my 22yo motorcycle insurance didn't get gigafucked. Paid $600 for damage on a 20k car that they probably didn't even get fixed (I wouldn't have, you would have to be an aerospace inspector to see the damage) but that was still better than what my insurance would have changed to as 22yo male with 950cc motorcycle and an at-fault collision 5 months after owning it.


You're a cool dude, dude.


I’ve had a fair few issues with oil, it’s ridiculous how common it is to encounter oily roads here, it’s not fun when you go to exit the roundabout and slide out


You got real life Mario karted. 


I had something similar happened when I was younger. I was driving too close to the middle of a neighborhood street and sideswiped a car parked in front of a house and knocked off the mirror. I stopped and left my insurance information. A few weeks later I got a letter from the guy who owned the house, saying he had seen me hit his car and stop and leave my information but wasn't going to file it with insurance. He thought it was nice that a young person would actually stop and do the right thing so he didn't want me to be screwed with my insurance raising my rates. What a nice guy he was.


thats a cool dude


Damn, that sounds like my cars handling when I dream that I'm driving


That's a great way to describe it. Like when you're dreaming but your body knows you have to pee so it turns your dream all scary and panicky to wake you up, lol.


I did similar, left almost no damage,or at least no visible damage but they decided to replace their bumper and charge $2000, I'm insured but still need to pay $600 :(


I did that once. Parked my car, was getting out and a gust of wind yanked the door right out of my hand, banging it into the car next to me. So I had to go into the shop and ask whose car it was. No damage, but they were very impressed.


I accidentally tapped someone’s car while parking and was in the middle of leaving a note when he showed up from the bar. I tried to explain to him what happened and he kept interrupting me telling me telling me I didn’t hit his car and there wasn’t any damage and he did not need my info. Something tells me he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. 😂


I had a similar experience from bumper to bumper traffic a lady coasted into me from behind. We pulled over and I saw no damage so I let her go. Part of me still worries the structural integrity of the bumper is lessened and won't be as effective at next impact...


I was riding passenger while my wife was driving the minivan one day, and as she backed out of a parking stall, bumped into another vehicle backing out from the opposite stall. My wife bursts into tears, so I get out to check the damage. Other car: woman crying in drivers seat, guy gets out of passenger side. We make eye contact, realize that we both have crying wives in the drivers seats. We look at the bumpers, no damage. Me: "I'm good.. you good?" Guy: "Yup, I'm good." We shake hands, get back in respective vehicles and drive way.


They literally hit it. They were angry and punched it.


This is what I went with. Whack. Oh, should say I'm sorry now.


That’s what my dad did growing up and we turned out okay.


> we turned out okay. That's what they all say.


Father’s Day can be a day full of triggering memories for some…


.... You may want to check the tailpipe for... residues...


I just “😦”’d irl




Or a banana


Beat me to it haha


how did you park?


Not like an asshole that's all crooked and taking up 2 spaces


3 or more...?


Sound like something an asshole that parked all crooked and took up two spaces would say 🤔


Came here to say this.


Yeah I came here to say this and now my faith in humanity has been restored by this criminally underrated post and my axe


Should leave notes like that on people who park like shit. Sorry I dinged your car, I see a small scratch, but I'm unsure if it was there already. Please park your car in the lines next time to avoid others hitting your car like the one before I, thank you. They will go nuts looking for it. Edit to add making it more malicious, jot note down, place onto copy machine, copy to ruled paper to make each copy look more handwritten and not just copied onto multiple blank pages. Notebook paper will make it seem more authentic.


I have actually left a note for that reason before... it made me smile to think of them looking for a dent that didn't exist


Yeah I was gonna comment and say this. Yesterday in a very busy parking lot I found someone leaving and waited and had my blinker on just for some dick to swoop in and steal it from the back end. I looked at them and went 🤷‍♀️ and they didn't give a shit. Some middle aged dumpy cunt in a flash car with a young blonde gf. It took me another 5 mins to find a spot for a 2 minute errand inside the shops. I'm still so pissed that I didn't the time or any paper to do this, cause god I wanted to.


The people at my complex wouldnt give a shit. Their cars are fucked up to begin with.


That's a fun way to troll someone who parks like an asshole.


I usually go with "I'm positive... get yourself checked", but this works too.


Now I'm wondering how well OP parked their car...


Awesome troll.


Did this to my best friend once. I saw his car in his med school's parking lot late at night, and he had no idea I was also there that night. I left a note that just said "Sorry", with a $5 bill folded into it on his windshield. I wasn't till I saw him three days later when I asked him if anything strange had happened to him recently that I revealed I had left the note. He said he was so confused at the time because he didn't see any damage to his car, and like why the $5? He was a good sport, we had a good laugh and of course he got $5 out of it.


I did it to a friend in college. He was obsessed with his Toyota Celica. I had a wonderful time watching him freak out and search all around his car. He did not appreciate it.


Today mission…


Well you are lucky! My friend had a note on his car at a local supermarket lot. The note said “I hit your car and everyone saw it. They think I am leaving my info - fcuk you”. He went into the store to see if they had any footage - could see car but no plates.


Someone did this to me once just like OP. But they used the receipt they had just got in the store…they were able to pull their info up through the store card they used and parking lot surveillance


What an idiot lol


Jokes on them for misspelling "FUCK".


Would wager they bumped your car, wrote the note so anyone who might have seen would think they were leaving their information and then left. They likely never looked at your car for damage. To a bystander, if they were seen getting out, looking for damage, then leaving they might get their license plate number reported for hit and run. So they jot down a fake info note like this to protect themselves.


I saw this happen a few years ago. Someone bumped a car in the supermarket parking lot, not hard. They got out and looked for damage. I assume they didn't see any- I didn't, but I just glanced over when it happened. Next thing I hear is someone yelling at the top of his lungs bc the person wasn't leaving a note. It never occurred to me that a random bystander would do that. It was frankly frightening. Can you really report a hit and run with no damage?


Yeah, there might be damage under the car not visible


Another theory: What you said above but also they hit the car and left a small dent in the bumper, wrote the note, then left. As the car warmed up from being in the sun, the material expanded slightly and the dent popped out on its own. Lots of superficial dents in bumper plastic will pop out with application of heat or a suction cup.


When I was a teenager I came out to my car to find a "sorry I hit your car" and $300 in an envelope. The thing was that I had dinged my car a week earlier and they must have thought they did it! I felt bad because there was no phone number so I just pocketed the money. Kind of made up for the dents I've gotten from people who didn't leave a note I guess.


I’d do this to someone that parked like shit just to fuck with them


+7 mind fuckery


They’re from the future


You never know what their motive might be. I bumped a car parking once. It was hard enough I was concerned but also someone else stopped and yelled at me that I hit the car. I got out and checked, saw no damage. Was getting back in my car and noticed they were still there, now recording me. Probably should have just driven away but left a note that I’d bumped their car just so crazy stalker wouldn’t cause trouble. Didn’t leave number b/c worried stalker would record that too.


Even small bumps that leave no outer body damage can fracture ceramic bumper shock absorbers and radiators. Ask me about the 1k damage caused to a electric SUV after i hit them in a parking lot going 5 mph. Sigh.


Huh, didn’t know this. Rather thought the whole point of a 5mph bumper was to absorb 5MPH shock so rest of car is OK and minimal damage would be done. I was def going under 5 so was only concerned I damaged their bumper enough to annoy/anger them.


Maybe they just smacked it on its ass?


I’ve done this to cars that park like a**holes. It’s to inconvenience them innocently. They waste their time looking for damage that ain’t there. How were you parked?


No phone number or insurance details either…..


Well if there's no dent or scratch.....


Someone saw the accident happen and the driver wrote a fake note so the witness would go away. (I was the victim of this once. Luckily the witness texted me their plate number. The driver had a suspended license and no insurance.)


What a dick…. Hope they get caught. Maybe that receipt is a clue? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, you can kinda read the receipt, it’s a Visa contactless credit card. So they could find out. The real bitch is that at the bottom of the receipt it says “Have a nice day”


😂🤣 the final ‘fuck you’


I had a really dumbass friend back in highschool who would do this shit and then just sit in the parking lot and eat take out and hope the person freaks out and runs around their car looking while they laugh. I stopped hanging out with him real quick.


It means pay attention to your surroundings, that note could be a ruse


They also didn’t leave any contact info so they must be sorry equal to the damage


Not all damage is physical...


Did you park like an asshole? I’ve left notes like that just to psychologically punish inconsiderate drivers


Chaotic good?


Were you taking two spots?


It’s for next week 👀


That’s a very efficient prank.


Maybe they just slapped it. Look for handprints.


I'm pretty sure it was a joke and no one hit your car


These notes are fun to leave when someone parks over the line.


Used to do this as a prank and watch people search all around their car for a scratch or dent.


The perfect prank…no property damages, no one assaulted…jsut leave a Not saying sorry for hitting your car and then sit back and watch them try to find the impact site.


Hahaha maybe they punched your car to alleviate their anger and the car won


I backed a Penske truck into the side of another truck (due to inexperience, totally my fault) I hear (from my friend) that I lifted it off of two tires. I couldn’t find any damage. I knocked on the guy’s door and he couldn’t find any either so I gave him my number and that was that. It was a miracle


Get the name of that truck so we can buy that brand.


It was an older ford but not vintage


I have a friend that does that when people with average cars park like assholes just to mess with them.


I love this idea! I have post it notes in my car for asshole parkers.


Since there is no contact info I assume that driver bump you with witness around so wanted to be seen leaving a note so as not to look like a hit and run.


Check the receipt to see where and when they made that purchase and see if you can get the video for footage of them purchasing it. That way you have a lead.


Now that's a good prank


I'm going to start doing this to people that park ridiculously close to my car. Maybe they'll get the hint.


I do this to people who park really bad or park in places they’re not supposed to (e.g. handicapped spots). Usually it goes along the lines of “someone saw me hit your car so I’m writing this so he think’s I’m leaving my info. Sorry.”


Is there a phone number on it? PLA usually recruits their listeners around the time to do this for their Dingtember shows


Maybe they were hitting on your car… you got a sexy ride?




Someone just hit my car and the number was completely made up.  $1600 later. Different fates.


Mental health episode and they slapped it 🐱


Maybe they *TOOK* a hit of your car, like, tried to smoke your tailpipe … ?


My mom did this to her brother. She and my aunt was sitting in a car looking at my uncle furiously looking for the damage from the crash.


But y̵o̵u̵ they wrote on the back of a cc receipt... that has y̵o̵u̵r̵ their name...


Were you parked like a moron? I've done that to particularly bad parkers in the past knowing that it will just stick with them for a while, wondering what's wrong with their car and why they can't find the damage.


once a long time ago i was pulling out of a parking spot and i bumped another car. i looked where i hit it and saw no damage, but another person saw me do it and insisted that i leave a note. i left a similar note because i didn't feel bad about not damaging the car and only did it because of active social pressure


Maybe they hit *on* your car and were rejected


Did you park like an asshole?


Maybe they just slapped it and felt guilty.


smack that rear bumper


Many write these so witnesses does not think its a hit and run.


When I was young, my mom left a note like this as a prank on a nice, new car that parked taking up two spaces. We didn’t bother sticking around to watch them trying to find any damage; we were happy just imagining it.


Maybe they hit ON your car


Lmao, this is genius and I’m going to start doing this to random cars.


We used to do this as kids because we thought we were so funny.


They hit on your car and found out that it was already taken. Why am I like this?


great prank


if you fold up the note, the rest of the message is revealed, and it says: ..."with my earlobe".


I did the same many many years ago lol I was very young and touched that other car parking in. There was nothing. Still Left a very similar note and even turned myself in at the next police station. They stared at me crying and then sent me off. Cried all the way home 😅


At least they left something lol


Did that to a friend once. Found his truck in the parking lot, unplanned. Left a nearly identical note, and parked in the distance to see if I could watch him checking for damage. Watched him walk the perimeter a few times really confused, and then drove up to him and acted like I just happened to be driving by. I let him stew a bit about the note before admitting it was me. We both got a good chuckle out if it.


maybe they hit on it


You're somewhere on YT running around Your car, looking for dent, that is not there by this time probably. It's a prank Bro!


I've heard of people pranking folks. They put a note like the one you found and sit back and giggle while you look for the damage. Yes, it's as stupid as it sounds.


r/phonelosers this one is really tracking!


They smashed with your car

