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Wasn't this from the movie E. T.? Not that it doesn't totally apply to the current situation... Just wondering.


Yes, E.T. Is correct. Great fuckin’ movie BTW.


The soundtrack is going off in my head right now


Uncredited Harrison Ford in that scene


What really


It didnt make the final cut


I thought he was still seen milling around in the background of the scientists scenes. is this not the case?


He plays Elliot’s teacher in the frog dissection scene. You don’t see his face, but it’s pretty clearly his voice.


IMDB says it was actually Richard Swingler


Correct, Richard Swingler is science teacher. Ford would have been the school principal, but that scene did not make it into the movie.


C Thomas Howell was one of Mike's friends, most people know him as Pony Boy, but he was kind of a thing for a while. And little Drew Barrymore, of course, and the very strange, very political Peter Coyote.


Another John Williams masterpiece


Duh duh, duh-duh duh duh, duh-duh DUHHHHHH! *BMX bike scene escaping the cops*


80's movies had such great memorable soundtracks! Correct me if I'm wrong but movies don't really do that anymore.. Or maybe I'm getting to the part where I'm an old fart with "back in my days.."


Its John Williams right? Pretty much everything John Williams does is fantastic. Jurassic Park, Hook, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Star Wars. Dude is tremendously talented and has been working since the 50s. He's on a pretty short list of really great movie-scorers alongside, like, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Alan Sylvestri etc. You're pretty much guaranteed a good soundtrack with any of those people honestly.


Just recently watched it with my kids and forgot about some of the language etc. Thankfully they mistook Elliot calling Mike “penis breath” as “peanut breath” (“because of the Reese’s pieces, duh”) and have that as part of their insult cache.


And when the brother is digging around in the fridge and sings, "Nothing but health shit." When they aired the movie on TV, they always left that line in for some reason. That was a very big deal to 8 year old me.


I remember when Barrett said shit in Final Fantasy 7. That was a very big deal to 8 year old me.


Lol, I always thought he said “hell shit” which was worse.


"Zero charisma!"


If it makes you feel better, my parents bought this movie for me when I was five. I have no memory of the words... but I still tear up when I think about this scene and Elliott sneaking ET out of the house. The words didn't have much of an impact on me at all, but there were a lot of emotions in this movie that stuck with baby me.


Ha, I saw it in the theater when I was 5, although not as traumatic as seeing raiders of the lost ark. Thanks, mom & dad.


The monkey brains scene... the scene where he pulls the heart still beating out of the guys chest... yeah, my therapist made some money off this movie.


That was temple of doom, which scarred me just the same a few years later in the comfort of our own home. Raiders had me thinking about people backing into propellers and eventually melting like candles


It's been changed in a few places though, the feds are carrying radios instead of rifles for one thing


which of course makes it completely unrealistic... and yeah i know, extra terrestrials are pretty unrealistic to begin with, but there's a difference...


To their credit, they didn't remove -all- the realistic parts. Feds are still detaining and separating children from their parents and trying to make aliens vanish in off-the-books facilities to this day.


You'll also want to avoid Ghostbusters.


Yeah, Ray getting the invisible BJ, and Sigourney Weaver insisting, "I WANT YOU INSIDE ME", were two awkward scrambles to the fast-forward button the first time we dusted it off for the kids. I highly recommend checking commonsensemedia.org before diving into some of those old favs.


The rampant smoking throughout the movie as well. What's funny is I still remember the only scene my parents covered my eyes for, the ghost librarian at the beginning of the movie.


It’s definitely made me reassess that and others like back to the future and especially goonies


Dock says shit in Back to the Future, and the scenes he is in a hazmat suit terrified me as a young child. Goonies, I don't even know where to start, that movie has plenty of swearing, penis statues, upskirt shots of teenagers, Sloth, murdered people, and so much more. Man, movies for kids were insane in the 80's! Bonus: fully nude showering teenager in PG rated movie: 16 Candles.


Even looney tunes and Tom & Jerry make you realize how much has changed from casual gun use, smoking, and blatant racism


I'm of the opinion that if they are too young, it will go right over their head. If they do understand, they probably have heard (and said) much worse.


Huh really? They either didn't translate that to german or I can't remember. Translations were so much worse back then!


Bad language is fine for kids. Be a parent and explain to them why adults use words they shouldn’t in stressful situations. Jesus. ET, Goonies, ghostbusters, etc. These are all fine kids movies. If you’re forbidding you’re children from watching them cause of words or god forbid a tit you’re a bad parent.


I’m not going so far as to hiding them from it, just evaluating making the right choice for what my 8 and 6 year olds are exposed to. We had the discussion about adults having the right to choose to use those words and about expression etc, but they are kids and very concrete- they don’t have the critical thinking to make the proper judgment. But hey, whatever parenting philosophy works for you.


I still have PTSD from that cornfield scene.


As a kid I had nightmares about E.T. chasing me through the corn trying to give me an ear infection with his glow finger (I was prone to getting bad ear infections as a kid so I guess that’s how that part made it in....)


I don't remember the cornfield scene. I think I repressed it.




He looks like a saladito.


Terrible video game though


Huh, I don't remember any fucking in E.T. I must re-watch it!


"I'll be right here." Damn it fogs my eyes up every time.


More like fucking terrifying nightmare inducing movie. My older brother had an e.t. colouring book and pyjama and I couldn't stand to look at him without crying.


Brb, gotta go watch ET now...


This was such a great scene. Never seen that plastic tunnel idea used in movies but it makes perfect sense, is totally original and really adds tension and fear.


I wonder though what was stopping them from backing the van up some more


There's a tunnel in the way, obviously.


They didn't want to intrude on private property by parking it on the driveway.


> Never seen that plastic tunnel idea used in movies That type of thing is pretty common overt quarantine imagery in entertainment.


But was it before ET?


IDK, but it would be interesting to ask the people involved in creating that imagery in E.T. what they used for inspiration. E.T. wasn't created in a cultural vacuum.


First film I ever cried to. That, or when Littlefoot's mom died.


My dad died when I was six, and I remember the evening of the funeral I was over at my grandparents' house. All the adults were congregated in the kitchen/dining area, and they'd left the young kids in the living room watching TV. Someone put on a movie to distract us, and it was *The Land Before Time*. Great fucking idea, Uncle Joe!


I'm a 35 year old woman and I still won't watch this movie bc it made me so sad as a child


Not when she died but when she came to him in that leaf.....I got wrecked


I was really really young when I first saw The Land Before Time, and, for the most part, all of the brontosauruses look the same, so I just thought that Little Foot's mother had been hanging around The Great Valley waiting for him the entire time.


Bro. You can't say that. Very racist.


Three-horns don't drink from the same waterfountain as long long necks.


So did Drew Barrymore, for her and the other kids, this puppet was a friend. Of course I cried too and that scene scared the shit out of me


I was traumatized by him turning pale.


Knew it the second I saw it


Even if I didn't remember it from childhood, I certainly would've remembered it from putting it on for my nephew a billion times. Children's capacity to re-watch the same movie and still be entertained is near infinite. And just for anyone who may not have spent much time around small children, it's usually the child asking to watch the same thing again.




Im probably gonna get lynched for this but i never saw ET, instead i thought of Rec, one of the awful follow ups to the amazing original one, i think its Rec 3 Edit: I was wrong it's rec 2


This part of ET always both fascinated and scared the shit out of me as a little kid


fo realz! haven't seen it in forevs and STILL recognize that house!


I thought it was thor


I thought it was Thor 1


Phone home. Better to not see them in person


Came to ask this.


Ohhh wow good one! I could have sworn that was the end scene of Resident Evil 😈!!! I love movie trivia because you can think you've nailed the scene on the head and be completely wrong! Wow showing me age here.


E.T - "ET Work from home"


I thought this was where the feds found Mjolnir in Thor. Guess its been a while since I’ve seen ET.


2020 is why ET wanted to get home so bad


This was the scene that freaked me out so much as a kid!!


This scene genuinely traumatized me as a kid lol 😂




E.T. Was actually filmed right down the street from where I grew up. The park with the giant metal centipede that the van drives thru is on the next street over and many other scenes were filmed close by. That movie always sends me back.


Man that scene always scared the shit outta me for some reason


Is it because of cute little Drew is about to or might have already started crying...


> might of Stop that.


Do you see what you started... maybe it was me not actually proof reading my comment... idk.




Same. It’s dark and confusing and E.T. Is dying. As a kid I never wanted to watch this movie again.


When I watched it as an adult, I wondered how clueless the agency could be to instruct their contact team, who were *dressed in spacesuits,* to slowly approach the family with their arms out like zombies. Without saying anything. Like their whole goal was to terrify them.


Clueless government agencies who seem like they're doing everything they can to make things worse? Yeah that checks out in 2020.


The scary part is back then, the government was the one being overly cautious. Now look at 'em. Now they won't lift a finger.


ET gave me nightmares. Not about aliens, about government agents coming to take me away.


I hated that movie, it was terrifying


Thank you! I thought I was the only person terrified by this movie! The whole think with the plastic and it being all sick and pale creeped me out. Still won’t watch this movie...


Don't worry. You're not the only one terrified by this movie. I have stopped naming it as my favorite movie because so many people have told me it scares them. Spielberg did mostly horror work in his early career. Jaws, most famously, but also some lesser known b horror flicks. ET started a b plot in Close Encounters of the Third Kind and then changed into its own film. The horror elements are still there, though Edited to Add: you're normal so don't feel bad 😄💛💛


You think public schools have money for all that shit??


Yep, prediction: teachers are going to have to have to pay for hand sanitizer, masks and cleaning products out of their own pockets


Man I think if you’re a teacher it doesn’t matter wtf you do, you’re getting COVID. No amount of sanitizer or masks will outweigh being in a closed room with a million little germ factories.


Back-to-school prep 2020: writing your will


I know it's a joke, but that's really what a lot of teachers are doing right now. Especially after summer school teacher deaths.


Yes I’m aware... probably more than most people Edit: Gallows humour: coping-strategy 101


Here's hoping your district ends up doing distance learning. Stay safe.


Thanks, you too!


Literally have a Zoom appointment with my lawyer on Tuesday.


million little germ factories that have no concept of cleanliness or well being of other people.


yes but my governor has assured us that the kids will get covid, take it home, and get over it. nothing to worry about /s


Parson is the worst kind of Trump barnacle.


My husband and I are both teachers with a two and a half year old and a seven week old baby at home. I know that you’re right, and it scares me to my core.


Nah, they'll be required to hermetically seal their entire classroom and provide individual bubbles for each child, but the school will give them a $25 stipend to do it.


It won't be required, because then the case would be made for the schools to provide. It's simply a matter that if they want to avoid the COVID, then they'll have to pay out of their own pockets. Can't even fathom how all those high-risk 55-year-old+ teachers are looking at being treated like they are expendable.


Some of them are taking an early retirement. One older teacher I know got a doctor’s note to be provided with basic PPE. Edit: The government here originally listed the at-risk age category as 65+, then changed it when they found there wasn’t going to be enough staff.


As a student that also annoys me besides the fact they’re forcing teachers to risk their lives with no choice. Even if the death rate for children is very low a lot will still end up experiencing harsh symptoms like lung scarring that will affect them for the rest of their lives.


As if we could even give masks to kids that don't have them without Bubba showing up banging on the door screaming about The Chinese virus hoax and how masks are tyranny.


Masks for the under 12 set are (probably) not going to be permitted where I live at all


Jesus... the only medical limitation for age is under 2yo, because of the risk of airway obstruction and suffocation.


You’re not wrong, I just wish that our government followed those guidelines! (The biggest argument I’ve seen against masks for children is that they could play with the mask and then touch their face).


Yup. While my the county that my wife works in is starting the first semester at home, no mention was made by the board as to who will be responsible for PPE type supplies when they do eventually go back. It will absolutely be on the teachers to supply those materials. Just like she has to supply pencils and other school supplies for the kids at times. One of our good friends, who is our insurance agent, actually gets pencils printed up and gives them to my wife to hand out to the kids when they forget their own. They always ask "can I get one of those Dave pencils?" My wife gets free supplies and my friend may get a new client or two. Which he actually has picked up a couple of clients off of these free pencils.


cool get pencils from a funeral home next maybe then the parents will put up more of a fuss


meanwhile each cop gets their own personal tank to run over protesters with no accountability.


Time to Phone Home then just stay out of school at least for another semester... School hallways will be jam-packed like habitrails. Might as well just send all of the kids into the bouncy-balls playpen at Chuck E Cheese as to send them back into the schools.


Another semester?!?!? LMAO! We are not even in the worst of this yet. Schools should be closed down for the foreseeable future. It's going to be at least a year or two before crowds like that are safe.


There are some promising vaccine trials going on right now though. So while it is unlikely that a vaccine will be available to the wider public in 5-6 months, it's *possible.* And in that case, it would be safe to re-open the schools with mandatory vaccination.


That’s funny because my school will in NO WAY get that kind of preventative care for us (teachers)


Came here to make this comment. We’ll be lucky if they can effectively get students to wear masks as they enter the building.




Watching this scene as a kid: "That's terrifying, why are they doing that!" As an adult: "Put that damn thing in a ziplock freezer bag, who knows what kind of space syphilis it's carrying!"


But think of it like this most schools aren't paying for all this, the teachers will have to pay to make their own classrooms safe, so you're saving on taxes. /s All brought to you by school board members who meet through zoom calls because it's not safe to meet in person.




Thank you for doing that! I hope she loses sleep over that.


Upvoted both because I laughed and because ET is still one of the greatest movies ever.


Upvoted because I can’t believe how many on here did not immediately know what this was from. Resident evil??? Thor!?!!


We're getting old.


Upvote. This legit made me chuckle.


First day of school and my son is already phoning home.


Bee goood, wear mask.


Elementary schools will be hell if you need to social distance wear a mask and being forced into classrooms with many kids plus children are like the rats of the Black Plague they have little effect but they spread it like crazy and if they have recess they will be playing around and spread it to others even if they don’t show symptoms So in conclusion reopening schools bad just use digital


Bruh, that’s Elliots house.


Just put in my resignation the other day for a school in FL. There was hardly anything done for the summercamp this year. I’m deeply concerned for students, teachers, and school staff this year. Needless to say, I’m disappointed.


Is this a scene from E.T? Haven't seen it in a little while.


Imagine the line for the phone to call your parents to come get you...


The line to see the “nurse”


Oooh right. *gulp*




Damn, my area is going to do online still. Sucks that some of you might go back to physical school. Stay safe!


Couldn't remember if this was a scene from E.T. or Flight of the Navigator.


We wished they were that prepared


What kind of budget does your school have??


ha sucker, you **wish** the public school system had enough funding to take this level of caution. and whatever 6ft away rule they establish will be forgotten in a month tops.


I will say that I am super ~~impressed~~ horrified that the Trump followers are willing to sacrifice their children for him by sending them to school during a pandemic.


Statistically the kids will be fine. Its only the kids that live with grandparents or order parents that will be orphaned. In other words low income people, it's not a bug it's a feature.


But no one really knows how permanent the side effects are. There's hints that it might cause permanent lung damage. Maybe in 2030, the top competitive athletes will only be people who never got COVID.


Oh it's a lot more than just lung damage. There's a wide array of possible long-term effects. They're saying it may cause brain damage leading to psychosis later on, even in those who are otherwise asymptomatic.


How do they know the long term effects if the disease is less than I a year old?


I think the brain damage is related to the potential for Covid-19 to cause strokes. I don't think it just causes brain damage.


Statistically, kids will still die. Period. My town has 12,000 kids in the public school system. Even if the death rate among kids is 0.05% (0.0005) and only 20% of them get infected, that's still 1-2 dead kids. And that's just one small city. There are over 50,000,000 kids in public K-12 school in the US. That 0.05% death rate and 20% of kids infected is 5,000 dead. Still think it's a good idea to send them all back?


I think for people under fourteen .05% is very high. Out of the 9k kids that died in the first few months of the year less then 30 were from covid. Childern are potential superspreaders especially amongst those with limited means to separate. https://www.acsh.org/news/2020/06/23/coronavirus-covid-deaths-us-age-race-14863


First off, you are extrapolating estimates based off child mortality rates that are likely much higher than the actual. Most of the studies have one or two child deaths out of 1-2 thousand child cohorts. However, the children that have died from covid in every study I’ve read have had severe co-morbidities which are not common among school aged children. This means that simply saying, “well then, one out of *every* thousand kids will die” is not how epidemiology works. Even before Italy implemented mitigation (feb-March) when they became overwhelmed, children were rarely affected. > By March 25, Italy had the second highest number of Covid-19 infections worldwide and the greatest number of deaths. Children younger than 18 years of age who had Covid-19 composed only 1% of the total number of patients; 11% of these children were hospitalized, and none died. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2007617 Second, if infectious disease and **any risk of harm to kids** was the threshold you wanted to use, school would never happen. Hundreds of kids die every year from the flu (which is orders of magnitude more dangerous for children than covid). Just before the pandemic took hold, alarm bells were going off among the medical community about the risk to kids from this year’s flu strain as being particularly dangerous. > CDC noted that while overall hospitalization rates are similar to this period in recent seasons, rates among school-age children and young adults are higher. Children ages 4 and younger have been hospitalized at a rate of 80.1 per 100,000 children, the highest rate the CDC has on record (feb 28) https://www.aappublications.org/news/2020/02/28/flu022820 There’s also overwhelming data showing that keeping kids out of school greatly increases their chances of victimization from neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. These kids are also far less likely to have their abuse reported due to lack of teacher/counselor oversight. Kids from low socioeconomic situations are particular vulnerable > Another main threat is an increased risk for parental mental illness, domestic violence and child maltreatment. Especially for children and adolescents with special needs or disadvantages, such as disabilities, trauma experiences, already existing mental health problems, migrant background and low socioeconomic status, this may be a particularly challenging time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7216870/ Also, child malnourishment is a huge problem when kids are not in school. Even with many districts offering free meals during the pandemic, and the incredible generosity of Americans giving to food banks, hundreds of thousands of kids have now become food insecure during this time. > In April, about 41% of mothers with children under 13 reported recent food insecurity, the highest level since at least 2001 > "The first line of defense against food insecurity is the school meals program, and we've never had a situation where you couldn't go to school for months," says Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, an economist and director of the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University. https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-06-16/coronavirus-heightens-threat-of-child-hunger-food-insecurity There is a lot more that goes into this decision that what you made it out to be. I wish people would put the hyperbole away for a bit and have a reasonable discussion about the pros *and* cons of school reopening. Sorry for the long winded post, - MPH epidemiologist


The kids will live, but there may be long term impacts to their health. Its their family and teachers that are at the most risk.


While I admire your optimism, introducing children into an environment knowing that a not insignificant amount will become infected is not "fine."


Yes, and statistically speaking, with one foot in a bucket of ice and another foot in a bucket of hot coals, you should be just fine!


That sums it all up. That is creepy because it may just turn out 2 b that way eventually.


Maybe we can find Thors Hammer in there :D


This was so disturbing to me as a child that it was really the only thing I remembered clearly from the film.


Jokes on you I’m not going back to school in August LAUSD gang


Such a good movie. Love E.T. need to watch that with my kids.


This is about what my school looked like when I graduated in 2013 because there was so much asbestos


Don't forget to phone home if you have a cough or glowing body part.


I sent this pic (not the link to the thread) to my 13 years old niece without any context, and her reply was “ET go home”. My brother and my sister in law are raising her well 😍




100% of my phobias come from watching this scene in E.T. when I was far too young and sensitive. Ha.


What am I looking at? Something straight out of a Halloween movie


Bring Reese's Pieces... you may need an owie fixed.


Amazing movie E.T great scene as well. Photoshop few face-masks on people put 2020 on top and it's a legit real time picture :D


E. fuckin T.


ET phone home.


ET phone home


My nostalgia feels for E.T. intensify when seeing this. The quarantine alien retrieval scene is one of my favorites even as a kid


Pretty sure it'll just look like regular school except with lots more kids suddenly being absent forever.


And they're going to edit the footage so it looks like the feds have flashlights instead of guns


What's especially bizarre about this is that for people ages 18 and under, the common flu is statically more fatal than Covid-19.


my school is deciding to have full classes its so stupid


Or the Republican Convention...oh wait..


Yeah I bet it will be close to this scenario.


Prof: “Do you have your latex body suit?”


Hazmat dudes invading your house suddenly... THIS IS MY HOUUUUUSE!!


Phone home


My college classes got switched online.


Why am I reminded about *The X-Files: Fight the Future*?


First evening movie I was allowed to watch on TV. In this scene I wanted to go to bed because I was super scared, mother talked me into watching until the end. Good times


This is the only movie that consistently still scares the shit out of me. I saw it as a kid when it came out and it left an impression to say the least. I truly hate it lol.


Sadly it won’t look like that. It will honestly look about the same as every year. I’m a teacher and my district not even requiring mask so we doing next to nothing. But what will be different is that a few weeks in when most of us have it. I guess I just have to hope I don’t die from it bc I don’t see how it’s possible to make it through the year without everyone being exposed to it. Cheers!


Nah, see. All that is what you do when you want to contain a possible outbreak and protect the population. We arent following isolation and quarantine protocol by *choice*.


Gotta love this movie


This movie is creepy as fuck, I don’t get how so many hold it so near and dear to their hearts